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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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in the soviet space of special machine building, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel . an ancient asian proverb says: strong is the one who is wise; this phrase is directly related to sports, because they do not win by force, but with the mind. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training.
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receives the larry o-brien cup. nba. nba. this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women. what sport are we talking about? it will be volleyball. watch an intellectual sports show. head game. on our tv channel.
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the first of their performances ruled here in minsk, dammit, in minsk there is a restaurant, previously it was called a factory kitchen, then paparat kvetka, now i don’t know, there is a new name, this restaurant, rosner raps, played in the evenings, here with i'm working on the program played, a lot of the public. arkestar eldzi rosner became the kazyrnaya kartay of the panamaranks of the fatherland and the first decade of the belarusian culture in muskva. geta is the most violent forum belarusskaga-savetskaga mastatstva. napaina, the story never happened like this again, it’s so unique in our own way. creative forces of the collective
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of belarus, main concerts took place in opera theatres, in the great theaters, in the public hall, in the lodge, all the great affitsyina, chynna, press, and in the present hour, undesignated ў program of official concerts of the decade, at the summer theaters of the hermitage garden , let's give your jazz concerts edzi rosner, and all maskva lamilas on...
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in the manner of a tramazza scene, for example, when the caron numbers played on two trumpets at the same time, the work is simple for the ears, and i just had such an assembly, and for myself , for the meetings of the gavars, and for my musicians, which is required for laughter in, halera clear smiley, yon kazau, i am a musician , you are musicians, public.
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i had a truly adventurous nature, i had such an abysmal smile that many people gave it to me, and this was reflected in the further work, and the archestra, which was used by the musicians to remember e program, so as not to get stuck ў notes, how to sit down at once. and the smile, the smile, and the orchestra tell such chants: belarus gave edzi roznar everything, success, fame, money, magic, the pleasure of his favorite right,
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playing jazz with highly professional orchestras, which is his unworthy status , if you consider yourself a real punishment. estrada is the king, as the neighboring stake called yago. by all means, belarusian periods would be the happiest and happiest for the woman edzi roznar. only when these hours are celebrated by the lord and the lord’s hut . everything is planned and the archestra. perekreslіla war, which the musicians sustrelі on tour in kiev. the yans were hastily evacuated to muskva, they were given such a special carriage, in which the yans, one might say, ruled the whole
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war on these stakes, and then the yans finally moved to frunze. well, many musicians have gone rogue, including afghanistan, polish musicians, many have left. anders’s army, the polish troops, and roznar left little musicians, they already played in the alatau cinemas, and they didn’t know what was going on next, the collapsing archestra, and then the telegram passed from belarus , paddrymat arkestra, added musicians from the muscovite conservatory, and then the former yury tseytlin trumpeter, who worked at the archestra and in the pulpman from the highest levels.
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rosner, the hall would be filled with these maracas, this jazz would be understandable to them, close, there the concerts would go with a bang. americans hatseli. and we know from our musicians, the villagers in the restaurants, well, they drank wine glasses for good things, our musicians just nodded, but we know that they were barbared, and their entertainment would be good, kazau: geta polish... people, hi yany bayazza, and i'm russian well, what do i want, let’s get to know these americans. yesterday , two chalaveks were built up in kupe and blagava, they killed the peratrus there and laid the getag of blagava, where only one can go. geta had an hour of needing
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rosner’s bachyts, he was sick, his hands were stretched, he was thinking, how about with the savetsky chalaveks so ab’. so why do they look after us, and yes, their apothecary zens rosner and the musicians looked after themselves . in sakavik in 1944, edzi rosner's orchestra performed only in the summoned gomel, and in the late 1944 year in free minsk the musicians played on stage. the development of the opera theater, and unluckily, after the getag, edzi roznir was awarded the title of merited artist of the bssr. yon would be an adziny pop artist like all the savetsk pop artists, like the sarakaba
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bastards of the city. just then , the archestra’s repertoire appeared a song that was so sad that all of savetsky was in vain. it was written by the artists of the orchestra, the spyak and camp player albert garis and the trumpeter yuriy tseytlin, and it was called mandalina. guitar and bass. the most distinguished musicians of edzi rosner's orchestra performed as salists. iago is a faithful brother. pavel goffman, louis markavich and yuriy tseytlin. every evening, returning from work, three nice, cheerful guys laid out sheet music in their garden and entertained their happy friends. day care routines.
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in 1946, the music expert alena groshavay published an article on estradze. in this article of groshava, the hell of all the souls, the hell of all the souls came to an edzіrozmer, i called it there to the foreigners-casmapalites, greetings, maestra from bärlin, geta ў first blessed year. like a jump thief, of course, this would be an order, the ussr
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began to fight against kasmapalitism, edzi rosner was given the understanding that his career in the ussr was over. don't let go of poland. and then i knew that my adventurous nature was asking for it, and it was all about these false documents that i was trying to kill lvov for thousands of years. of course, they washed the berries, took them out of the squash and dumped them. iago abvіnavatsilі ў change radzіmі, і ін ўрімў 10 gadі magadan kratў. for the greetings of radzimi. what kind of radzime? i love poland, i live in germany, i study in germany,
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i travel around the world, i become acquainted with stratsiў savetsky union. tsikava, of course. from 1946 to 1953, right up to the death of stalin, edze rozmer first went to khabarausk, and then to magadan. tsyarpev zdzeki camp authorities. adzin from such bosses call me interchangeable fascist yaurs, but he never lets go of the gangs, remembering their eternal smiley, smiley, trying as hard as they could, there the pit was allowed to go smoothly, of course, well, the camp authorities were angry that the artyst was such a kshtaltu, the eye of the earthly greatness seemed all of them have a bathroom, geta...
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and not labukh, and for this i will get punished in the punishment cell. among other things, then in magadan, concerts, eight concerts, i would say so, a jumping archestra, like kirava roznir, all the young entertainers from minsk, ivan sudnik. he came back to minsk and will do his work here. to the artists of the genre of the belarusian philharmonic, the wife of edzi roznar
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rudka, the minsk taxama was arrested and removed five nasty links that she had visited in the city of kakchatau in kazakhstan, and their three-year-old dacha eryka took to yakhavanne syabrouka sam'i, deborah tsantatur, ale tsyazhkiya extracted, which fell on them before... this did not end, arysht and the link back added them. the love, roznarai kaminskaya, fell apart and was called out. i will never be like this again. stalin died and was released at the age of eight. released, we arrived at minsk, because he has already been called to this day, deserved
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to be an artist of belarus. we are arriving near minsk with the inspiration of the adnavits archestra. some guy , what? you know, you’ll build your jewish archestra, you’ll soon talk about the union, and we’ll humiliate you if you spoke to us here, well such an aplyavuha, you know, he got from maskva, panamarenka in belarus never happened before, he lived from muskva and the abavyazka minister of culture of the ussr, and of course, i already know that once pantselyaimon panamarenka is working i bend my hand with edzi. rosner. rosner knows his own jazz orchestra. in this kalektyva, the musicians were simply amazing. the yans called iago king. the pipes were dripping with flax, and the trumpet players were shaking the pipes with their limp fingers over the top of the bell. yak geta slave edzi rozner. in 56
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years the orchestra appears in the film eldar razanava - carnival night. one of my very first acquaintances with... the hall was simply amazing at that time, it was a theater, an aperetto in the city of kharkov, a huge hall, it was so semicircular, well, i think that many people remember how rozmer appeared on stage, the orchestra played certain musical introductions, suddenly
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such an unexpected sound was heard, very contrasting with the rest. it happened that some part of the audience followed his every move, every movement of the stage, and only then, in the second place, listened instrumental in the 56th year, well, minsk would have been
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destroyed, but the warden’s house was lost, the house of urad, the opera house, the academy of science, all the chats. giants in minsk, all survived for good. there’s a concert at the house of the afitzer, there’s a hall for people, the balconies are all packed, the archway pit is filled, all the passages are filled, so many people are on the stage of charadzei, god, this impressed me so much, i was so mad at 15-16, rosner, oh yeah shaumenen, he is bowed, and he is like this...
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migirau, he is a copy of rozmerad, dachshund vusenki, and he is a taxa out of white a tuxedo, with a patched pipe, and everyone thought that they were grown up, that’s how they pulled us by the nose, in 1957, rosenarr experienced another tragedy, he was driving and the ladder had an accident, but i was at fault. i am dead, the son of good brothers. he himself broke the skive, so he could never play as well as before. i am a student of the orchestra of the svorossky school in the city of orenburg, i play the clonet, i was 14-15 years old there, suddenly in orenburg - this is
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the periphery, an orchestra comes, somehow i managed to attend a concert, heard all this, and with at that moment, at least for me, this genre of jazz band, it became somehow unattainable by some goal, all the musicians also said that rosner plays the trumpet, but no longer plays the top one.
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huge, i don’t know how this got out of the getag, but the end of the 60s retired, the kali roskantsert prymusiya roznar
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retired, edzi ignatsyevich got a new job, i know arganizavat ulasny jazz band, and it was here. at gomel, the head of the gomel regional philharmonic, he is my master of the month of musical culture, and i admovia, i’ll make a name for myself, i know, i’m sorry, well, tell me , i’ve never been in love with you, and i think, well , if i go, then i’ll collapse, i’m so happy xia, and he’s a little... . "smurnyak, we'll get to know your woman, we're not going anywhere, i'm not going to work, instead of me we're going to
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alyaksey mazhukov, such a well-known campaigner of the savetskys, but this archestra has been in existence for not more than a year, i guess ў fluffed at the will of the tagachasnaga handicrafts of the belarusian kiraunik the dzyarzhanaya stage of lev yakaulevich molyar. eternal, as shalom aleichem writes a wandering eye, edzi rosner closes the stake of his life in the city, from whom we know him as
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a musician, and all the most brilliant and imminent creative life of edzi rosner, everything that was connected with the current, the time of creativity, sustrachay with publish, created music, with vykananny, with all the asabist, it was all... edzi rosner is a literary uzarva in history given to the belarusian, and not only belarusian, all of the savetskaya stage, on. brought a superiority from the ussr, so it would be a great success for jazz, as it is ўvasablya iago arkestre, right edzi rosner. belarus
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has a working life and a thinker yury bialzatski, who are from the 50s of the past, become the galloin holes of the pop-symphonic orchestra of the belarusian radio, praz bialzatsky the relay-arquestravaga of the jazz band of music moved on to barysa raiskaga, and maestra mikhail finberg went away. to myself... to the direct followers of edzi roznar. on the right is edzi ignatsevich roznar and the sonnya with the haste of the pratsyagvaetstsa ў dzejnastsi snavanaga finbergam natsionalnaga kansertnaga archestra of belarus. and dachsama ў the works of many outstanding belarusian jazzmen, who can rightly be credited with the spiritual treasures of vyalikag edzi.
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why do we need an astronaut in space, in principle, we have nothing else to do, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride in the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will occur, and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let 's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built station, although there was also hand-wringing and
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howling, now the most... the main thing is that if we suddenly take on the aircraft construction project, this will be more than enough for development. documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during the pandemic were doing more harm than good. and alexander lukashenko will remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. not suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen. watch igor turai’s author’s project propaganda on the belarus24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. good difference amigos. wow, lusty already speaks belarusian, of course. marvelous. foreign students travel around belarus and study its history. explore
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the sights, the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, exactly this is exactly the same one, this is the glubokoe treasure. by chance, during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions. when we were walking, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue, white, it seems to be in the air, very beautiful, that’s how i found out right away, of course, this is what i did today, watch it on tv belarus 24.
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city of svisloch teacher of mathematics and computer science natalya valerievna soldatenkova. fyodor vinnik, gymnasium number 71 in the city of gomel, class teacher and english teacher tatyana vladimirovna vasyutina. yakov osmolovsky, secondary school number 179 in minsk, class teacher, biology teacher elizaveta aleksandrovna sakovich. mikhail lukashkov, gymnasium number 56 of the city of gomel named after vishnevsky. class teacher, mathematics teacher, alexander alexandrovich gavrilyuk. bogdan bortsevich, secondary school number 39 named after lebedev, grodno, class teacher- english teacher kristina dmitrievna davydenkova. stepan varanovich, secondary school
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number 3 of the city of ivatsevichi, primary school teacher olga leontyevna yalovskaya. mikhail pogonin, gymnasium number one of the city of novopolotsk, class teacher, english teacher.
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are you ready to plunge into our intellectual battle again? yes, we will support the guys just as loudly. good luck to our super fifth graders. vasya, start the game. we are starting the first round and remind you of its rules. in the first round, players are asked 12
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questions with possible answers - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. eight players with the highest total. fedor, i did it, i made a mistake, i pressed the button yes, it’s right to roar, ah, unfortunately, i made a mistake, but he’s worried, i hope that everything will work out for him, he’ll pull himself together, but what were they guided by, why were they in such a hurry, i don’t i had time, i just didn’t have time, i pressed the first button that came to me, that’s it, now this will be a small lesson for you, in the future, don’t do that again. angelina, the words are correct
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grimets, there is something in this word chargavanne ro-ry. some people, in belarusian words, say that it is not national about charguetsa. thunder, rumble, eyebrows, blast. the correct answer to our question is no. second question. is it true that the city of vitebsk got its name from the name. stepan, what do you say? well, i answered yes, but daganzan is not sure, but i know that there is such a river in vitebsk as the vidba, so i answered yes. nichka stepan, well done, only one river is vidba? yes, so you answered yes, ok, misha, i answered yes, because when.
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the city was built on the banks of the western dvina, where the vidba river flows into the western dvina. the correct answer to our question is: yes. pay attention to the screen, this is exactly the place where the vidba flows into the western dvina. the third question: is it true that the authors of the fairy tale the golden key or the adventure of buratin are lev nikolaevich tolstoy. time!
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olesya, what do you think? i answered this question, no, but i already realized that i was most likely mistaken? why? she doubts to herself, she believes that she was mistaken, in fact she answered correctly. what gave you this idea, the idea that you were mistaken? i don't know, it just seems like i was wrong now. yakov, what do you say? well, it seems to me that this is true, this is lev nikolaevich tolstoy, and what else is lev nikolaevich tolstoy, what works did he give to us, to you, i don’t even know, but pinocchio was not among them, or was, was, was, as it seems to me, that there was, well, angelina, but do you think there are two authors with the surname tolstoy, lev tolstoy and anatoly tolstoy, as after all, anatoly tolstoy wrote brotin.
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begins, but then it’s not natoly, well, yes, but if i tell you that it definitely starts with the letter a, but it’s either anatoly or alexey, here alexey, alexey, alexey tolstoy wrote buratin, and levstoy wrote, for example, caucasian prisoner, angelina. i know that he didn’t write it himself, he wrote it following the example of pinocchio, he just took it, replaced the names and that’s it, well, no, he changed the plot a little, but like pinocchio, but pinocchio, who gave it to us, maybe you remember, i don’t remember , i'll tell you, and you remember, it was written by another writer, i mean.
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a preliminary sketch for a painting or the fourth question: is it true that a drawing is called a sketch? time! dmitry, i’m not very sure that this is the correct answer, but i think that the correct answer is yes, oh, oh!
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it seems correct, it’s called a sketch, but what is a sketch then? i don't remember now. well, unfortunately, i didn’t repeat that yesterday. maybe the day before yesterday? no, okay. a preliminary sketch is a sketch, and a sketch is a short-term drawing with nature, from memory, from imagination. we can pay attention to the screen to make sure. in this here we have a sketch, the correct answer to our question, no, the fifth question: is it true that on the invisible planet, the beast castus tsvirki, dazorak there were three suns, time, well, three
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suns or not three, fedor, how do you think? intuitively, yes, you just decided to trust us, yes, you don’t regret it after you pressed the appropriate button, no, okay, matvey, i answered yes, although i didn’t repeat this at all before the super final, i remember this from fourth grade, answered correctly, although he admitted that he didn’t repeat anything, didn’t repeat anything, but nevertheless he still had knowledge, and what do you remember, well, that there in the verse there is a boy, he had a dream about how he in a rocket and flies to different planets, yeah, in the end, well, towards the end he flew to some unfamiliar planet not in the solar system, and there, as far as i remember,
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there were three suns, as they say, you can’t take away, you can’t add, a comprehensive answer, the correct answer to our question, yes, the sixth question: dad my son and i brought 36 fish from fishing, the third of them was roach, and the rest were crucian carp. is it true that they caught 24 crucian carp? time? maria, let's reason with you. i answered yes, since 36 / 3 = 12, that is, 12 fish.
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seventh question: is it true that socrates, plato and aristotle are famous ancient roman philosophers? time! angelina, let’s philosophize with you, how did you answer this question?


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