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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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news live on belarus one and belarus 24 in the studio pavel lazovik, good morning in this issue: along partisan paths to a great victory: a motor rally, the fire of memory will cover more than forty places of military glory. paris renounces sovereignty. macron's idea of ​​nuclear weapons to defend the european union hit the spot.
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under a barrage of criticism. pepper gas and batons from special forces at protests against the law on foreign agents. in georgia, there were again clashes with police and arrests. the folklore palette of pakistan performed by belarusian talents. colorful concert music without borders at the republican gymnasium-college in minsk. numerous meetings, exchange of opinions, busy schedule for the delegates. belarusian people's assembly, returning to their workplaces, after participating in a large-scale event, they share details of their impressions with their teams. so, the head physician of gomel polyclinic no. 2 was expected at the morning meeting with details about the trip to the capital. the task was to convey to everyone the main messages of the people's meeting. the concept of biological safety appeared in the concept of national security. as an experienced doctor, considers the introduced changes to be timely and necessary. we have, the previous concept
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is already 14 years old, yes, time is running out, something needs to be changed, and the president said that the concept should follow an evolutionary path, and so it happened, yes, there is about 70%, one of the new ones is that the concept of biological safety was included in the concept, because we should not have those laboratories that will develop something that will destroy humanity, so we must not allow this under any circumstances, so this is included in into the concept of national security. such an important concept as security is applicable to different spheres: for healthcare, demographic, for industrialists, economic, as for farmers, it is food. the composition of the key event of the spring was formed so as to hear representatives from all spheres of society. in the coming days, such meetings will be held in all teams. delegates are.
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and there is the voice of the people, their collective mind, the future of our children, my children, we must fight for this, today we will talk about what threats to our national security are being escalated by force and means. we do not consider any state or people as our enemy. in warsaw, kiev , maionettes are being formed...
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warsaw’s military appetites are growing, our restless neighbor continues to escalate the situation around the borders, so the ex-commander of the polish ground forces proposed strengthening the polish and lithuanian borders with russia with minefields. he justifies such measures by the fact that they will help, quote, to completely isolate himself from supposedly. potential aggression. at the same time , he believes that there is now no threat of a full-scale war in europe. sanctions, strengthening nato’s military potential near the borders of the union state, supplies of western weapons to ukraine, provocations from the baltic states and poland, geopolitical realities in which belarus and russia find themselves today. therefore , the presence of russian tactical nuclear weapons on our territory is a warning to countries that engage in aggressive rhetoric towards us.
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first of all, for the usa, because they themselves are deploying their nuclear tactical weapons throughout europe, the deputy director of the russian institute shared this opinion with our tv channels. research and forecasts evgeniy semibratov. alexander grigorievich, regarding this matter, regarding the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons, has already given a brilliant assessment that we have not come up with anything new. american tactical nuclear weapons are located in germany, italy, turkey, and thus we simply conceptually took a look at the military-political schemes that use our opponents. in this regard, russian tactical nuclear weapons are in the republic. belarus should be perceived as some kind of precautionary measure in relation to some other countries of eastern europe, here poland over the past months, at least, and maybe a couple of years, has been actively shouting that it simply vitally needs american tactical nuclear weapons,
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when two on the side of the beautiful buk river , tactical nuclear weapons of two clearly competing powers will be placed, this will not contribute a little globally... security system, in this regard, this is a warning for the americans and for the poles so that they do not consider poland, in particular, but also other countries of eastern europe, as a potential testing ground for the deployment of american weapons. macron did not find support; french politicians criticized the president's ideas about nuclear weapons to protect the european union. the head of the parliamentary faction of the disobedient france party said on local radio: this is madness and a completely irresponsible step that increases the threat of a nuclear conflict in europe. mep thieri marianni did not support macron either. with such a policy
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, the french president becomes a national danger. let me remind you that during a speech on the future of the eu, macron said that the european union needs a common defense strategy, the key element is...
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the exact number of detainees has not yet been announced, but it is known that among them is the former minister for integration. thieves from washington and corruption in war, what happens when evil crosses the border, how the white house robbed and destroyed the state, why today we belarusians need to be strong, the bitter taste of american freedom, the tragedy of millions and chaos after the invasion of understandable politics about those from whom the west... stole the world for a long time, look today after the panorama: we want to live on our land, our belarusian people have suffered this right, and
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we we will not allow it to be given to anyone.
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the motor rally as a fire of memory solemnly started at the victory museum in moscow.


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