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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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otropov, hashish, methadone, marijuana, paramethyl ephidrone. also, according to information from belarusian operatives, 3 kg of psychotropic substances intended for delivery to the territory of the republic were discovered and seized on the territory of the russian federation. investigators opened a number of criminal cases, including drug trafficking as part of an organized group. here we are talking about a maximum penalty of up to 20 years in prison. the new look of the central avenue. according to the plan , two lanes in both directions will remain, the roadway itself will be widened, in addition, the exit zones will be equipped with intelligent traffic light regulation. in addition, special emphasis is placed on creating interchanges and tunnels for the safe movement of pedestrians. last year we developed project documentation; it consists of five stages. from construction, the first stage
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is the installation of a storm sewer, a storm sewer with a wastewater treatment plant, the second stage we will have, design is now underway and we will begin expanding the r-53 itself, it will be a plus from the fact that in addition to two lanes there will be ramps to at each junction, again, pedestrian connections and tunnel crossings will relieve citizens, where in the places where the crossings adjoin the road itself. the renewal of zhodina avenues is associated with the imminent completion of the reconstruction of the section of the p-53 and smolevichi zhodina highway. it is planned to be put into operation in the summer, after which construction of a new section of the modern highway to borisov will begin. a new era of weaving in belarus. graduates of the academy of arts created collections of fabrics with references to drozdovich’s space, radevilov’s emblems and the secrets of golshansky castle.
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some legends of construction, there are also legends there, and the lower branch is modernity, that is, the same places, but in a modern way, how life happens there now, what excursions take place, such stories would be nice to carry on yourself, to use as accessory to use as an interior addition, my work is called an element, it is dedicated to the development of radiobiology in belarus, in the process of preparing... for
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the development of the concept, i studied how deeply we work with radiobiology, in general in general, everything related to radiation. after i conducted my mini-research, i wrote out several theses for myself, on the basis of which i already developed the image. ghostly dresses of women of the radivil family, national myths in haberdashery and a peaceful atom on carpets. academy students showed the way from the concept. the interactive part will be introduced by the night of museums, it is scheduled for may 18. next we have sports, my colleagues will talk about this, the tv news agency’s projects are also available on social networks, in the mobile application qr code on screen. new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you later. belarusian cyclists are at the top of the first stage of the russian cup in road cycling, which. continues in maykop, after
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three races denis marchuk is in the lead, evgeniy korolek is only 4 seconds behind him, sergei shevchenko is in third position, five seconds behind marchuk, and evgeniy sobol closes the top 4. today the riders will have to overcome the final kilometers of the fourth stage. our juniors are competing in the multi-day cycling event, so ilya slisarenko after three days is in the intermediate third position. aryna sabalenka made it to the fourth round of the clay tennis tournament in madrid. in the 1/16 finals match to belor.
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in the studio of the radio house on revolutionary 3, announcers lyubov batvinnik and vladimir yurevich were preparing to go on air. it was difficult to hide my excitement. having taken their usual places at the table,
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broadcast from germany, from nuremberg, from the next meeting of the international tribunal for nazi criminals. from the beginning of the process, such meetings were broadcast on belarusian radio, but this was especially important for the republic. february 8, 1946 in belarus is waiting with special excitement. it was on this day that at the morning meeting of the international military tribunal , his accusatory speech was made about the destruction of cities and
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villages, the plunder of public and private property in the ussr. for the first time in human history, justice is confronted with crime.
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the invaders destroyed 31,850 industrial enterprises, and the equipment was taken to germany. a large number of livestock were stolen from germany, more than 17 million heads of cattle alone, 7 million horses, plundered and destroyed 98 thousand collective farms, the damage caused to residents and populated areas of the country was determined in the amount of 679 billion rubles.
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huge, the belarusian land has never known such destruction and human casualties, but these figures are not final: the nuremberg trials drew a line under the stage of collecting and publishing the facts of the plunder of the occupied territories by the nazis during the period. a full assessment of the damage from equipment exported to germany, other material and cultural assets, human and labor resources has not yet been given, but this time is long.
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in gomel, the first regional city of the republic liberated from the nazis, a session of the supreme council of the bssr began its work. it was the first in the history of the soviet union to take place on liberated territory, but still in the context of an ongoing war. the very fact of holding the session became a message to the whole world. the end of the war is near and inevitable. the report of the first secretary of the central committee of the cpb
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panteleimon panomarenko on the immediate tasks of restoring the national economy of the bssr was also reminiscent of this. speech by deputies. general loss figures the republics have not yet been heard at the session, but even the first report of casualties, destruction, and damage caused is terrible. from the speech of the deputy from the workers for the lessky region vetrovo, the lelchetsky district was particularly devastated, the whole of it was turned into a wasteland, more than 10 thousand civilians were killed. from the speech of delegates from the brest region. the nazis shot and tortured over 9 people, burned over 1000 peasant farms, and destroyed them.
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more than 140 large nazi punitive operations were carried out during the period of occupation of belarus operations against the mostly peaceful population of belarus, if we talk about some specific figures, 1.4000 civilians were killed. this is, say, the loss of the civilian population, the majority of whom were women, old people, and children, so all these facts began to be recorded.
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1944 in maskva in russian and in the belarusian language the embroidery station of savetskaya belarus began, people heard the voice of just these feathers, the joy of interference. respect, listen to us, belarusian people, listen to us, belarusian native land. tsikava, which was for many known galas. resembled a special operation, the front line was literally 60 km from gomel. in the now organized broadcast of the liberated city, at the beginning of 1944 , three carriages with a mobile radio station arrived. its installation is a separate page
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of the heroic work of radio engineers and adjusters.
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on the instructions of rakosovsky, commander of the first belarusian front, the radio center was allocated an engine with an electric generator, electric lamps, and electrical parts. how important the start of broadcasting was was confirmed by events. residents of the liberated territories needed true information. german propaganda worked professionally, refuting the offensive of the red army. military operations were still going on, the republic had not yet been liberated from the nazi occupiers, but already in march 1943 a special
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emergency state was created. on the morning of september 22, 1944, in the center of the belarusian city of baranoviche, an unusual picture could be observed. andrei famich bury, chairman of the city executive committee, who was usually in a hurry to find somewhere
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and it was difficult to catch him on the spot, was now transferring from the windows of his office onto the street. wire from the loudspeaker. having picked it up, the supply manager was already trying to connect the wiring to the loudspeaker, which he managed to secure under the roof of the log building of the executive committee. with a serious look, understanding all the responsibility, he diligently carried out the assignment given to him. andrey fomich was in a hurry. residents have already approached the executive committee, and we still need to check whether the signal is coming. the broadcast from minsk was supposed to start at noon; they were waiting for an important message. in a small room of a dilapidated building,
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where we managed to organize a red corner minsk radio plant named after molotov, the parking lot of the pioneer was conjuring near the receiver, he was tuning in to cleanliness, the workers would soon begin to gather, they were waiting for an important message. the directors of the belarusian radio, lyubov batvinnik and vladimir yureevich, could not hide their excitement; for the first time they were about to start stationary broadcasting, and even from their home radio on revolyutsionnaya 3. the mobile carriage from which the broadcasts were broadcast was becoming a thing of the past; restoration work was still in full swing in the dilapidated building. during the retreat, the germans blew up the transmitting radio stations and took out equipment, installation of new ones was introduced, as they say, from wheels. it was possible
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to adapt only a few rooms for work, but other things could not overcome the excitement. the text that was to be read on air. this was a message from the extraordinary commission of belarus about the atrocities of the nazi invaders in minsk. at noon on september 22 , 1944 , the name of the people's commissar of the bssr, so familiar to the residents of the republic since pre-war times, went on the air. and terrible figures about the damage caused to the republic. destruction only in the capital in
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large cities, in vitebsk, mogilev, gomel from 70 to 90%. human losses in belarus as a whole amounted to more than 3 million inhabitants, another 3 million were left homeless, 2 million were forced to live.
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yes, contact with them was just being restored. in 1944, the signal was not received in all areas. belarusian radio was revived along with the rebirth of the republic. information about the initial conclusions of the commission to establish and investigate the damage to the republic caused by the nazis in the occupied territories was broadcast. to the government in the same republic, the central committee of the party received almost daily telegrams from local disasters, about the lack of personnel, simply human resources,
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the situation in belarus as a whole is listed in lavrentiy beria’s note under the heading. from a special message from the people's commissar of internal affairs of the ussr beria addressed to stalin, molotov, malenkov. on secret. about the situation in the cities of belarus liberated from enemy troops. july 5 , 1944. in the city of mogilev, a destroyed railway junction, a power plant, bridges and all industrial enterprises. vitebsk, everything is destroyed. only the outskirts of the city have survived, one road bridge across the western dvina river. the city of orsha is almost completely destroyed. borisov, all industrial enterprises, a power plant, a water supply system, and almost all buildings were destroyed and burned. so, in the context
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of almost every city. the government did not only count. it was necessary to take measures to restore the republic as quickly as possible, and in all spheres of the national economy, to feed people, provide them with housing, work, to reach the military level in the shortest possible time, and it was quite high. the republic actually turned from an agrarian one in the last pre-war years into an industrial-agrarian one. by the end
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of the thirties, belarus significantly increased the share of belarusian industry in the all-union. by 1937, 1,700 enterprises had been built, more than 30% of the all-union production in the republic produced plywood, matches, artificial alifas, 25% of yeast, more than 10% of metalworking machines. more than 10% of peat, the basis for electricity generation, was mined here. light industry enterprises produced up to 70% of production from the all-union. the difficulty of restoring the national economy lay in the fact that some of the enterprises that had managed to be evacuated remained in the soviet rear.
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these are enterprises that were taken out.
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it was necessary to return them back, as well as production, large industrial enterprises, plants, factories, institutions, to restore the production of products so necessary for the republic in the shortest possible time. its territory is scorched earth. the republic was so depleted in terms of human resources that before the leadership
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