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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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act of acceptance into operation of a cement plant, the first tons of krichev cement were sent for the construction of the moscow metro, show one day in your life. each of our cars is assembled by hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it. how, if you don’t feel your work, can you produce or weld such a machine? watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus?
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business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sporty and team-oriented, we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic... inspiring people who
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live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello dear tv viewers on the belarus24 tv channel, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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aesthetics, harmony, perfection , diversity, relevance, prestige, comfort, durability, environmental friendliness, production that inspires confidence, products that create a mood, this is a famous belarusian enterprise for the production of high-quality building materials...
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the belarusian enterprise for the production of building materials is one of the largest in eastern europe europe, it impresses with its scale, production capacity, and teamwork of all structural units and clear interaction of departments, it works like a clock, that’s about it. at the moment, this is one of the most modern and modernized enterprises.
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our children are growing up, this is a leader, this is a giant that is constantly developing, and there are really a large number of people here who want to work and do everything for their production. and the story began: the company more than seven decades ago in 1950 , building bricks were produced at the minsk brick factory, this year is considered the year the birth of an enterprise that will be destined to become one of the flagships of the belarusian construction industry. in 1963 , the production of tiles for interior wall cladding was organized, in 1985, the production of sanitary-ceramic products was organized at... a basting site. over the 73 years of our enterprise’s existence, it has grown from a brick factory into a huge enterprise in the post-soviet space. i have been working at the company for more than 30 years, so of course i have a lot of experience. the scale
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of this production was simply amazing, the first day you were simply afraid of getting lost, just afraid of getting lost, but taking into account all... these years lived, worked, of course, it is very interesting to watch how the ceramic industry is developing. in 1994, the company became a joint-stock company, and since that year there has been a major modernization of tile production. our assortment is quite wide, including tiles for interior wall decoration, as well as porcelain tiles, clinker tiles, and each tile.
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for interior cladding of various walls formats, textures, colors and styles. the assortment line gives the buyer the opportunity to choose a size from 245x65 mm to 1,200 by 600 mm. we are planning to launch a new site for the production of large-format ceramic panels, these are sizes up to 1,200 by 2800 and 3200 with thicknesses ranging from 6.6 to 8 mm. that is, what we see now on the floor, a bunch of small tiles, this will be replaced by one, the same goes for the cladding, it looks like ceramic wallpaper, all the major manufacturers of ceramic equipment suggest that the trend will be precisely the large format, that is , not only on the floor, but on the wall, there is freedom
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for imagination, and for ideas there is a barrier-free environment, this is a location for creativity, experiments, creative searches, interesting finds, this is the territory where materializes... constructive ideas to the delight of consumer creators, i won’t be mistaken - if i say that, uh, our consumers love ceramin because our collections contain a huge number of new products, our collections, for example, desert, this year’s collection at the exhibition in moscow, bloggers came - russian celebrities looked at it, they just say, and you are some kind of italian manufacturer, we say, no, belarus. over the course of a year, the company creates an average of 20-30 collections of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. at the moment, the company sells about 33% of its ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles produced in belarus and about 67% of the volume is sold to more than 11 countries
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around the world. we never stand still, we constantly strive to develop and increase the volume of the required product at the moment. in 2023 technological.
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new technologies, new production, yes, this is quite interesting, it delays production here. we'll do some really cool things now. 1985 was a landmark year for the company. then, on the basis of the pilot production of sanitary products, the stroy porcelain plant was organized, which by the end of the year produced 73.00 sanitary ceramic products. for almost 40 years of active activity, this division has become an advanced, modern, large-scale production. factory products in consumer homes are not only a necessity, but also a decorative element that pleases. today, the market for sanitary ceramics is changing, changing along with the overall increase
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in the well-being of the population with a change in the approach to the bathroom, that is, today a bathroom is not just, let’s say , a place where a person came to wash his face in the morning, it is the bathroom becomes a place where people, let’s say, want to relax, get some kind of pleasure, that is, some kind of relaxation, the plant’s product program includes about 150 types of... is implemented with the support of state, that is, the equipment that we are now purchasing for this innovation and investment project comes at the expense of the innovation fund of the minsk city executive committee, that is, the investment project is designed for 3 years. in 2024 we should reach planned production capacity. the plant is currently implementing
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four investment projects: automation and computerization of certain production processes will increase capacity, improve quality and make the work of specialists working at the plant easier. viewed from the point from the point of view of the ceramic industry, i would say that this is one of the most complex productions, because the products have different configurations. we essentially produce a product from natural materials, these are clay, carolin, sand, that is, these natural materials, drying processes do not shrink, they can give additional cracks, some defects, these defects - well, no machine can will reveal that approximately 80% of all labor, all production and finished products depend on the human factor; the plant has more than 400 people on staff, of which 10-12% engineering and technical workers, how much? perhaps our main production stages, they are modernized, allow, well
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, to facilitate some operations, but nevertheless , one product is transferred from hand to hand through the technological process more than 40 times. in 2017 , another structural unit of the minsk ceramic plant mastered the production of facing bricks using a new technology, thanks to which the reliable material, which is widely used in construction, received a uniform color throughout the entire volume of the mass. power. we are several we mix pigments in order to get some color, sometimes there is one, sometimes there is a whole combination together with raw materials, because different clays, they also fire differently, some clays are red-burning, some are white-burning, that is combination and bases of clay pigment, it gives some kind of final look to the product, at the moment i am developing new types of shades, and now we are introducing into production decorated... facing bricks, facing ceramic bricks have increased frost resistance, low
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water absorption, technological strength reserve, in 2021 the company pleased consumers with the release of another innovative product, clinker brick, it is not inferior in durability to natural stone, is made exclusively from natural clay, has high resistance to ultraviolet radiation, so it does not fade from the sun even after decades. we can say that when the dosage of facing clinker bricks is made, then i
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have to be in the workshop itself, because there it is necessary to monitor more carefully also the dosage, and constant monitoring is needed there. the team of the entire enterprise works for the result, the desire of the management team to do everything possible so that the company prospers, so that the local working conditions are comfortable, and the social package is attractive, has a predictable response, a desire to work, a comfortable and friendly team, which is already accustomed to, acquired here many friends and colleagues. quite a good, so to speak, creative, technically competent, directed team has gathered, everyone has their own place, has been working at the company for several years, understands perfectly well what direction to move in. the production staff of the enterprise is about 2,500 people. our team is quite diverse, there are young people,
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there are quite experienced, adult employees who try and pass on their experience to the younger ones. newly hired employee, well , quite a very good friendly, kind of family-like attitude, some kind of feeling, i don’t know, dear, my own, very close, i go to work with pleasure so that set the pace for your immediate colleagues so that they feel the charge of their leader and move only forward, burn themselves, ignite others, be ahead , period, once popular... a perky pioneer motto that fits well with the philosophy of the enterprise, the collective desire to give people the mood to shine in their professional environment is the secret of the successful work of the company, my work is interesting, my work is my life, i enjoy my work, for a reason, i have been working here for 20 years, dynamics, daily work, an opportunity, again, to realize
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myself, this is a significant part of my life, this is a path for self-improvement, this is an incentive to develop every day, my work for me is my life. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that it is opposite the house. today we
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will walk through a real swamp, like the swamp that is near the house. so the uninitiated, seeing this building, will say that it is not i know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly has flown here, look , i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any blades of this mill , what does it grind, usually, usually external mills, but the uninitiated may have a question , but how does this mill actually work? the mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, i am a project from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, good day, watch it in this issue . signing new contracts, visiting service centers of our enterprises. the government delegation of belarus went on an official visit to egypt. they called us to escape to europe, but now they are driving us back to the okupy. lithuania is going to deprive ukrainian men of residence permits.


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