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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 11:05pm-12:00am MSK

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quiet, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? it is extremely categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, this is a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the head of one of the pharmacies in bobruisk, public figure irina rusakovich. irina aleksandrovna, should a pharmacist or pharmacist improve his qualifications throughout his life, and then, probably, somehow share with her. necessarily.
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this is not a pharmacist, this is not a pharmacist, firstly, our specialists are engaged in self-education, that is, they read a lot, because you know, when you buy a medicine at a pharmacy and open the box, take out the instructions, yes, these instructions say a lot - a lot, and the pharmacy specialists know these instructions, well, i can’t say right off the bat, but almost 80% of what is written.
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in general, these people are so specific, when they go to practice, to an internship, to a pharmacy, they turn out as if descend from heaven, they feel like they have never been here, and for them it’s all very interesting and new, but they are very sociable, they are very young people now, they are young people, of course, who are a little indifferent, i don’t i can say that it is completely indifferent, no, there are no such people, but the main
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group is, you know, when i studied at the university, and now, when our students study, study and receive pharmaceutical education, we studied up to 17 chemistry, when you study chemistry, you yourself were at school, you understand, this chemical structure is precisely the memorization of drugs due to the fact that you know the structure of this drug, it’s so easy, you read moshkovsky’s book, you have it in your home, you know? the primary source to which you
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can turn in order to find this or that information, this will be enough, we agree with you, especially since you have a lot of professional awards for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, great personal contribution to the provision of medical assistance to the population, including the badge of excellent student of healthcare of the republic of belarus, which we see on our screen and on your chest, well , if you are an excellent student, then you are a demanding teacher. “well, probably, there is also a demandingness hidden in me, after all, kindness, why, because if you are simply demanding, then probably those who are next to you will not be drawn to you, but i
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am surrounded by young people, and people of the older generation, and i am proud that they value me, they love me, they always turn to me with questions when a person turns to you for a solution."
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well, don’t confuse, let’s say, eye treatment and skin treatment, i always tell them, let ’s memorize this, why, what, because there are drugs that are those in the eye, they should be used for the eye, and those for the treatment of the eye, and those that are applied to the skin, they should be used for the skin, and in no way can they be confused, yeah,
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and we start calling him back and asking a question: someone like that came to you. - a patient,
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he asked you for something, that is, a person must feel and know, remember what you let go, when you let go, to whom you let go and how much you let go, he must remember all this, this is a responsibility, if this is not the case, many people cannot stand it, they cannot stand it psychologically, they start talking, but why do i need this, i worked and left, but this is not so, you must remember and be responsible for the lives of other people.
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that even here you are standing, an ordinary visitor, standing in a pharmacy, for example, in a queue, time is running out there, you and you are already starting
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to get irritated, it would be faster there, but here it’s just so the wall, that is, not a single muscle trembles, everything is so decorous, noble and measured, now i understand that it is really a person who must record everything for himself, what he lets go, what he says to a person, that is, he must remember all this, therefore , there should be such a well-measured rhythm, yes, that is, without any, let’s say , sudden movements, but this is what you told yourself.
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for the person providing assistance, i always tell them to my employees, you should not take this as specifically addressed to you, a person just breaks down, a person just needs to throw out the negative somewhere, this negative emotion, and he found it in you, you are a weak creature, and you must be strong, our guest was recently the honored artist of belarus eduard hanok, and we we
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also touched on the topic of medicines, treatments, let’s listen to what a song is, it’s the energy embedded in the notes, that is, you consume energy when we sing, ebullient, powerful, we are energetic, yeah, and since my energy is worn out, like a person already, you know, but for young people it’s fresh, i realized, what if we do something like this with young people, and i did a populi, we call it twelve minutes, but now i’ve reduced it a little there. just a minute, i started singing it first at home after lunch , it turned out as if the doctor prescribed a pill for you and you drink it every day , you drink it, you drink collagen botox, yes, this is instead of an injection, yes, when i go to the youth, i go every day almost every day except saturday, sometimes on saturday yes it’s like i’m going to the clinic
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, you know, there are hormones of youth that you inject, and these are hormones of youth without... how i need to act, they always see me as a person who accepts their actions, generally explains if something is wrong, but i recharge from them, i want to do something more the next day, to strive for something, that is, yes , there is such a moment of charge, but i’m not saying that it’s like i’m stealing this energy from them, but
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the charge is obtained, this is also not bad, together with the youth of the city’s pharmacy service. at the 100 ideas for belarus forum you presented an innovative pharmacy idea for our country future, which has found its application in the pharmacy chain of the region, please tell us more about this initiative? well, this initiative, in general, was born among us from my employees, the employees of my pharmacy, we presented it at the city stage, at the city stage with 100 ideas for belarus, and why did we go to the region, what is it, these are these equanding devices that in general, it was originally. due to the fact that we could buy chocolates there, but through this machine, we could buy water, well, our idea was that after all there are such care items, medical products, which, in general , so that without going to the pharmacy, you can pass by, see this device, and purchase them, they are in great demand and my point of view, it is
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at the train stations, when people are passing through, that these transfers are made. now we’ll take a short break, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel
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. everything you wanted to know a. connections between history, religion and culture in the modern world. with the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus, i will honor it. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragned and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them. a copy of the very cross that was created
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with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. we certainly do. we know how start the morning right. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook it in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare a quiche with mussels with you, i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion and get it. a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready for you enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i
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didn’t even expect it to be so easy. arm us with this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. the program is on air again, say no more silently, today our guest is the head of the pharmacy in the city of bobroysk, a public figure, activist and simply a beautiful woman, irina rusakovich. irina aleksandrovna, well, have you noticed such an interesting fact that guests from the regions usually have a lot of social initiatives and loads, here are the interns’ pharmacies not enough, you are the district chairman.
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to help them, we carry out a large number of actions, we conclude many memorandums, here is the last memorandum that we concluded with the public organization
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talyatinskaya organization neman, and thanks to the conclusion of this memorandum, we literally on april 1, from april 1 to april 3, were visiting tolyatin residents , in order to establish contact, in order to create, let’s say, friendly relations not only between public associations, but in general between. the groans of babruisk took part in this quiz, quiz space is nearby. the second event, which took place just last weekend, was tree planting. we
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planted more than 500 christmas trees in babruisk, in babruisk, kirovsky district, our friends talyatinsky, at the same time, contacting us online, they removed the forests. and it turned out to be such a joint action: we plant the forest, and not remove the tagliati forest.
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energy, the patriotism that today's younger generation needs, when we come to the maternity hospital and honor mothers, congratulate them on the birth of children, future patriots of our country, someone says: yes, i know what belaya rus is, and i always tell them, belaya rus is each of you, why, because in the name belaya rus there is a letter i, when we close it - this is our country, belarus, and we press our fist to our hearts - i am belarus, and mothers... you know, they are very happy, very happy that white russia is taking part in the emergence of young patriots of the world, i always tell them about this, you gave birth to a patriot, thank you very much for that, mothers are happy, well patriotism is from young nails until old age, this is your philosophy, right? irina aleksandrovna, another event that is not just for show in your piggy bank, you were an organizer and participant in the restoration work in khatyn, this step.
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tribute to who, who did your family lose in that terrible war? my family did not lose, my grandfather was a participant in the war, he reached berlin, before his eyes, on the reistag, the banner of victory was dispelled, and he spoke about it in few words, but for him on victory day, when the school students came, he opened up here, it was pride, he cried, but he was proud of it. my dad and mom are children of the war, that is, these are the people who were 4 and 6 years old during the war. you know, dad still remembers with trepidation how this could have happened, if not for the patriot, not for the person who saved him, khatyn could have happened again in dad’s life. then, when they were rounded up in
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a village in the minsk region, a man arrived at one of the houses at that moment, bringing them to the camp milk, he arrived on a cart and sees a four-year-old boy crawling near the fence near the barn, mm, got out of this barn, he just took this boy, my dad, put the scruff of the neck in the cart, loaded it with hay and sat on top, so he saved my dad, and the village and, let’s say, that barn were burned, just as khatyn was burned. all the years that passed after the war, he annually went to this man who saved his life when he passed away, now he always visits exactly the burial place of this man, let's say, thanking him for saving his life, for procreation, for the fact that we appeared in life, yes, for the fact that... we
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also have children, well, an interesting story, of course, how old is your dad? now he’s 86 years old, let’s give him a big hello, dad, a big hello to you, be healthy, well, you were also the initiator of laying an alley of trees in the labor glory park of bobruisk, and well, we see that all your activities, all your projects are aimed at creating your native belarus and your hometown, your relatives, your family, do they support yours? yes, completely, my mother is a teacher with forty years of experience, and my father is a former communist, but they say there are no past communists, so he is now in my heart and soul, he is a communist and he also supports me, well, in my family, my son is my continuation, he is also my pride, this is the man who follows the right path, this is a young man who is 30 years old, 30 years old - this is the man who knows what he wants, but at the same time
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he... understands that his country is the best country in the world, and he talks about it and is not shy, he is already a member of a public association or the bela party, he is a public association, he is in the party, he heads the youth wing of our association, that is, this is the one, let’s say, the wing that makes it possible for the unification to stay in the air at the top, and you always have someone to rely on, and when you joined the party, you came to hell and said: dad, i joined the party, yes, what did he answer you? i ’m proud of that, well, we didn’t expect any other answer, let’s open a few more in the finale insights to our viewers, at school you were the head of the class, well, here we are not surprised, at the institute, when you went to harvest potatoes, as part of a komsomol competition, you are a native city dweller, note that in the individual competition you became the leader in harvesting potatoes, they wrote about it in one from vitebsk newspapers, and irina aleksandrovna, then still a young
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girl, is not a warrior in the field, well, the fact that you have been heading the pharmacy for such a long time, in general, proves that you really have excellent leadership qualities, remarkable organizational skills, because if all this had not been there, then
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you would not have lasted so long in one place in a leadership position . irina aleksandrovna, when i was preparing for the interview, your interview in 23, i read that you were planning to enter the academy management, did you tell us today? that you are already a listener, yes, i am studying, studying, yes, what specialty, public administration and ideology, yeah, that is, this is what, let’s say , is in demand today by our president, the president says that everyone, every organization must have an ideologist, and the organization will be strong and strong if there is a strong ideologist, so i took this message, in general, to myself and decided that ideological work is present in mine. working everywhere, both as the head of a pharmacy and as the head of a public association, it’s difficult for me, let’s say, not at 20 years old, but a little older to sit down again as a student, you know, there are small difficulties, but i have support, this is my son, who always gives me says: mom, you can, mom, you are strong,
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his words encourage me to do such things and actions, that is, this is what i was talking about, youth, it energizes, it gives an incentive to strive for something more and more tall, irina alexandrovna. thank you very much that you also charged us with creativity, and told us a lot of interesting things from the work of the pharmacy, from the work of pharmacists, we will now behave even more quietly in the pharmacy, we will be attentive to such responsible work, well, of course, we wish you more many summers at the post of your pharmacy, and may all your creative endeavors in belaya russia be carried out, and of course , high marks to you at the sessions, thank you, success, happiness, health, development, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, irina rusakovich is speaking now, i want to say, dear friends, only together,
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we are strong, irina aleksandrovna, well, we don’t have such a signature yet, but since you do, we will ask you to leave our wishes program in latin. paradig through the brimstone to the stars.
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school, secret military facility, communication with family and friends is prohibited. we want to give you a chance, you will benefit your homeland, you will receive forgiveness from the state. any disobedience to the composition will be regarded as treason. she will study with you. how is it so, dear comrade, now the country also needs her.
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the boy escaped from prison, one of the thieves sewed her up, yes, i heard something out of the corner of my ear, war, comrade, but they are not ready yet, less than three... months of preparation for the planned nine, they didn’t even have a training mission yet, consider this trip as their training mission, what happened, how will he leave the german, you understand, you can’t avoid it, we have a rented apartment there, supposedly, suddenly he asks to come to you, as in it's time for him to knock.
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dear girls, let's talk, it's not all serious, arin, i saw your husband, tall, handsome, what a sweet girl, shut up, i'm not betraying, i was just white, remember in your arms, i then understood everything that you understand, we are doing nonsense, that's what, this is all theater, theatre, crosses, stars, this is not real, soviet citizen, you can’t do this without a trial, there is no soviet power here, according to the law it’s burdensome, we owe it.
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i can’t sleep, they teach cards in belarus, because
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soon, it hurts, you know cards so well, repetition is the mother of teaching, well, yes, if there is vastness, there is information, you scream at night, sometimes you have nightmares, i don’t remember what’s in them, you remember, you’ll feel better, you don’t remember, probably just. a lot, but they all chime, only you scream, maybe not it’s a matter of cramming, maybe it’s bothering you, something serious, what’s special about me, everything is like everyone else, i’m worried about my husband, about my dad, i don’t even know if he’s alive or not, i haven’t seen him since those days since then, as i know, i have written so many requests to the investigator, but he does not answer, why, i ’m trying for my homeland, is it really difficult to say what and how in at least a few words? go to the doctor, let them prescribe a sedative, okay, and
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belarus is canceled for you, a new task has arrived, of course, learn the kiev maps region, i myself, a priest, believe in god, komsomol member, don’t know the service. well, it’s okay, the little fork on the clerus sang, she will teach, and the little one will only teach, or we are together on a mission, together. that i wanted to ask, is it possible to somehow replay the game so that i’m still in belarus, someone else is in charge, it’s impossible, wait for an order, they’ll call you, we’ll exchange, we won’t get caught, tighter, tighter grip, well done,
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next, you have a separate invitation , practice your defense, that’s it. how stupid, people don’t like beggars, do you really want to go on a mission with me, i don’t care i don’t want to contact anyone, the object is urgent, okay, velichka prozarovskaya, we change clothes, comrade the head of the object is waiting for the car, go ahead,
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we fell asleep, continue, continue, work, rest. yes, comrade head of the facility, come and meet me. hello, arina prozarovskaya, veniamin, zoya, bless, bless. father veniamin offered his assistance to the state in the fight against the enemy, and the center decided to take advantage of this. sit down,
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girls. are we leaving kyiv altogether? yes, in two days, maximum. your new task, bm-13, rocket mortar, i’ve never seen it, yes, it’s a secret development, the first samples have already entered service, but the design of the mine is being finalized, this is where problems arose, an engineer from the design bureau specially arrived at the front to see the work of the mine in action, looked, found shortcomings, made notes in the journal and reported returning to moscow, the plane was shot down, west of kiev. the area here is mostly wooded, so there is a high probability that the plane crashed far from the germans. we do not know if anyone managed to escape, but the documents preserved, according to the instructions, the designer was required to transport it in a special fireproof suitcase in a safe. your task is to find
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these documents. so what is next? the germans do not yet have such weapons, so documents are under no circumstances. it turns out that the engineer died in vain, he probably noted something important in the drawings, the right question, you will have a technical specialist in the group, valery shapkin, he will be the senior in the group, he will arrive a little later today, you will meet as soon as you find the documents, pass it on to him immediately, he will take a look and get the gist of it question and will pass it on. to moscow by radio, after which he will destroy the documents, but this is ideal, if for some reason he cannot do this, any member of the group who has the opportunity is obliged to destroy the document, this is understandable, since the germans open churches in occupied territories, so wait until they occupy kiev, then go to the commandant’s office, two
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priests, two novices, get ausweiss, keep them for moving around the areas, i think. church, what does it mean, be friends, we heard them sing, on time, most importantly, we rent to kiev, there is something to be happy about. comrade vorotynnikov , father veniam, are old friends. as for kiev, your daughter will be evacuated along with intelligence
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to moscow, where they will give up the orphanage. thank you. teach sharina to read the psalter, teach the service. 3 days to prepare. there are 3 days to prepare. yeah, this is izhits. it's clear? yes. read. blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, who does not walk in the path of sinners, and does not sit in the seat of the destroyers. no mistakes, only they read it differently in church. how? it's bad for you. your tv.
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kisses, please tell me you're big, well i’m big, yes, after all, maybe there is a god, i’ll go and teach such a beauty to serve me, you’re about god, you’ll be more careful, you’ll be a priest, yes, yes, i forgot, sorry, conspiracy, it’s still my first time , you say, experienced. wait, wait, well, after all, we are now in a team, well, well, we need to communicate, talk, who lives what, what breathes,
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why, how why, when you know a person, you can follow him into fire or water, come on tonight we’ll sit, chat, and race, yeah, the bison is better, you make mistakes. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar to me since childhood, if you have never tried cracklings, then you have essentially never been to belarus, if you had not said that it was oatmeal, i would never have thought. oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's learn
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more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that the residents of magilev once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we'll show you what they eat in different corners of our country. i love this bitch, all because he is very...
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different, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . on the policy of double standards in the project this
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god have mercy on me, according to your great mercy, according to the multitude of your bounties, cleanse my iniquity, why should i my iniquity, and from my sin, cleanse me, for i recognize my iniquities. it’s working out well, i learned the service and the liturgy all night, well done, there is information about your father, he was on the verge for a long time, and now he’s on the mend, thank you, he should probably be in the first city hospital, there there is rehabilitation for cranial brain injuries, i know, my mother was a doctor, tell me,
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is it possible for me, i can’t, but i didn’t even ask, it’s impossible, nothing, no visits. nothing is allowed, even what i ’m telling you about this now is also impossible, so keep quiet, thank you for finding out about dad, others don’t care, take care of your nerves, well, here they come. where's mom? and look carefully. katya,
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mom! katya, katya, katya, katya, katya, good. mom, why are you dressed like that? i will be a novice. spinorozhku. here you go. what's this? sugar? i didn’t pull myself together. who cares? katerina. let's split it equally. so. how about a course for a young fighter? in terms of? you’ve been at school
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for a long time since the first day, so you know which door, which key is better to choose, help, friendly advice, so to speak, i don’t understand what you, well, forgot about anything.


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