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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 1:05am-1:36am MSK

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into the grand duchy of lithuania, whoever called these lands their own, but the numbers were on the side of the legendary magnate family of rodevils, their reign here is hard to believe, lasted as much as 360 years. we are in the southwest of the minsk region, something tells me that the radewilovskaya capital will greet us very cordially, in which case we will not waste time getting to know one of the most ancient cities in belarus. this is klest, welcome! castle hill, ancient state.
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our leaders are famous and the vezha katalitskaya the goddesses of the church of the holy trinity and the temple of the orthodox church of st. nicholas, which, unfortunately, was sometimes destroyed by a midnight war. as in any other city, there are several versions of the origin of the name. in chronicles the original place is mentioned as klechesk or klechsk, in the modern version kletsk.
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many dark spots. some historians believe that the temperamental italian is not a poisoner-in-law. she did not treat the first beauty of the grand duchy of lithuania, barbara radivil, to a poisoned apple. talk, daughter-in-law bon izforza experimented a lot with medications. infertility is considered one of the possible diseases. after the death of the wife of sigismund i, the city passed to the radivils with... nicholas the black immediately turned kletsk into one of the centers of reformation in the grand duchy. as a preacher, he invited the belarusian walter, philosopher and humanist, simon budtny. it was in kletsk that he wrote his famous catechism, the first book in the belarusian language published on the territory of the modern country of non-svezhsky printing. the descendants of nikolai radivilo chorny ruled these lands 360 years until 1939, 2 years later.
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kletsk was occupied by the nazis. like most belarusian cities, one of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind hit the cellar with a shock wave. with the arrival of the germans , a strict occupation regime, a regime of terror and mass executions was established in the area. about 9.00 residents of the area were victims of the terrible war, almost 5,200 were destroyed by the nazis during the occupation. 1,273 people were tortured in prison camps. dry numbers, but behind them there are torn human lives crippled destinies. the nazis destroyed 12 industrial enterprises, plundered 18 collective farms, and destroyed many religious institutions and architectural monuments. for more than
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a thousand days and nights, kletchin was under nazi occupation. memory of soldiers and partisans, civilians who died during the liberation of the area. immortalized in 1975, in the modern historical center of the city , a memorial monument, on it there is an image of a warrior, a partisan and a woman, a symbol of the unity of the people in the fight against nazism, in front of the pylons there is a rectangular hill grave, in its slope there is a memorial wall with the names of those whose death is an irreparable loss for loved ones. the initiator of the creation of this square and memorial complex was vyacheslav oleshko. a person who worked in the region for a long time and made a significant contribution to its development. by the way, when deciding to build a memorial complex , vyacheslav iosifovich took a great risk with his career, and the grateful residents of kletsk erected this sign in memory of him.
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the kletsky land gave birth to many talented and famous people; konstantin is from here. naturalist and geographer, after whom the cape on the northeastern coast of the island of the severnaya zemlya archipelago is named. kletsky also has roots in radiobiologist and professor of medicine evgeniy konoplya, as well as in doctor of chemical sciences, professor, author of four monographs out of 145 original technical developments khasen aleksandrovich. in klesk, many streets have names. famous writers, even the main city square here is named after vladimir, no, not lenin, mayakovsky, and, by the way, the monument to the leader of the world proletariat there was never a change in kletsk, but old-timers remember that there was another monument to stalin in this place.
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the central square used to be called the market square; special signs, which they generously provided, remind us of this. city, thanks to them you can find out the historical and modern name of the street. for your information, the first city in belarus where such signs appeared was kletsk, then the neighboring city of baranoviche. tourists should take note: one of the largest railway junctions in the country is located 50 km from kletsk. meko tourism. and the capital can be reached by car in 2 hours, from moscow to kletsk a 10-hour drive (850 km). in the meantime, let's go back to this city several centuries ago. let me remind you that he is almost 900 years old, and
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he grew up on the site of an ancient feudal castle. these places are a continuous map of battles, because the kletsky lands have seen a lot. the most famous battle of kletsk is dated august 6, 1506, when a ten-thousand-strong army under the command of prince mikhail glinsky completely defeated a horde of tatars. in memory of the legendary battle a monument stone was installed and... we continue our promenade and are now on one of the oldest streets in kletsk. initially it
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was called a church, later the street was populated by tatars, and it became tatar accordingly. today it bears the name of the famous russian poet alexander sergeevich pushkin. it is symbolic that there was a church on this street and there were no conflicts with the ardyns, several faiths lived peacefully here, they tell such an interesting story that there was a market in the dumpling on saturdays, on this day in the market, we often met, that is, the priest, the orthodox priest, the rabbi and mula, that is , they met together, spent some time there, i don’t know, talked. here, on the farmstead of a local resident, the remains of the catholic church of the holy trinity church have been preserved. documents have not yet been found regarding the exact date of construction of the shrine. probably the temple appeared during the reign of the grand duke of lithuania casimir in the second half of the 15th century.
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initially, the church was wooden, over time, by order of albert radivila, a stone one was laid in its place. the architect of the temple was the famous giavanni bernardoni himself. who also built the church outside. in the church of the holy trinity , simon budny enlightened ordinary people. the church towered over the city for almost half a millennium. pa ўspamіnam of some meaty zhiharoў menavіta on vezhy getag kastsela znahodzіў savetskiy karektsіroushchyk yakі davў well artiller dapamaga karektaravat artillery fire on the right ў tym that just now i am 44 years old.
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it is reliably known that in front of the church there was bell tower where four bells hung. during the war, parishioners secretly took them out and hid them in different parts of the kletsky district. one was found in a sand quarry in the 1980s. descendants can still hear its ringing, only in the new temple, which replaced its namesake. in 2000 , a new trinity church began to be built in kletsk;
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it does not resemble its predecessor in any way, except that at the entrance to the temple, parishioners can see a piece of that very farnaya church. the reconstruction of the shrine was initiated by vaclav vershbicki, a native the nearby village of janovic. he also helped ksenz at the altar. the whole family went to this old church; he was a minister, that is, he helped. the priest at the altar and came out with such an initiative that let’s do something, that is, let’s rebuild this church, then in 96, priest erwin just came here, so they together, together with him, started this whole initiative, as it were, that is, this adventure, one can even say that no one seemed to believe that it would be possible to rebuild the church, because this is a huge means, opposite the memorial boards to vaclav verzbitsky icon of st. roch. catholic preacher who gained fame as a defender against the plague.
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another church in honor of the annunciation of the virgin mary at the end of the 14th century in kletsk appeared, again thanks to the rodivils. one of the representatives of the princely family allocated land for construction right in the city center on the market square. first, a monastery was built on the site of residential buildings, and later a church. dominicans, monks of one of the catholic orders, began to penetrate belarusian lands in the 18th century. they did not have permanent housing, were beggars. the founder of the order was a spanish monk, saint dominic, whose sculpture stood at the walls of the kletsky dominican monastery. its history begins in 1600. the radivils again turned out to be quite generous and granted the monks allowances of thousands
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of gold annually and the family treasury. after 2 centuries, the russian authorities decided to get rid of the few dominicans, in their opinion, by relocating them to nesvesh. the church and monastery began to belong to the department of military settlements for barracks. soon after these events, in 1850, the wife of the kletsky prince sofya radivil suggested rebuilding. catholic church to orthodox. small domes were installed on the towers of the building. since then, the former church has belonged to the orthodox community. in 1937 the temple burned. many utensils were saved, but the church itself was badly damaged. after 1960 , the authorities located a factory workshop here, and 20 years later the residents of kletsk set about reviving the church.
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the holy resurrection church is the only surviving architectural monument of the 16th century in kletsk. the building of the monastery complex is still located nearby, only today there is a nursery here. boarding school, in the ancient city there is another orthodox church, notable for the fact that prayers were heard in it even during political persecution. we follow the sporting life of our country.
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belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. a strong qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the gold medal series. we review the most interesting event. british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on the record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time champion of the planet...
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they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer, the very first sites of primitive people, they were discovered in polesie, all the historical milestones of europe, they are all connected in one way or another with polesie. a happy childhood and youth, a calm and measured life, they have something what many strive for. this is my favorite place. not only recreation, but or fishing, just to come, look, listen to the sound of water, already in middle school, just like that, we developed such an aristocratic interest, we just watched the flight - large birds of prey, eagles looked where their nests, a project about how modern poleshuks live, love for the homeland, the homeland is everything
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that is around us, we must live in it and must love and relate to it. the history of the temple begins from the founding of the city; the uniad church was located here a wooden church in honor of the ascension of jesus christ, but after the abolition of the union it was completed, and it was inappropriate to restore it,
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therefore in 1867 a new stone church appeared on this site, it was illuminated. in honor of the protection of the most holy theotokos, from that moment its chronology begins. the second name of the church is arin, because it stood among arable land, on arin, in the belarusian version on mount garyn. later the temple was named irynsky, since its patron was the martyr irina. her memory is honored on may 18. it is symbolic that on this same day, century back at the temple. before her, tourists from all over the world come here. and one more interesting fact: the pokrovsk church was built in 2-3 years, the preparation for construction itself lasted about 30 years . at first they planned to build a temple for 300
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people, then for 100, for 150, but in the end people gathered and organized themselves. with their labors they built this temple in the shape of a cross, thanks to the fact that the temple was always located on the territory of the cemetery, it was always active, that is, prayer in this temple never stopped, the temple lives by prayer. as i have already said, all faiths in the city coexisted peacefully, and around the time when the miraculous shrine appeared in the cemetery church, the jewish community was preaching the most important commandments of judaism. a year after the conclusion of the riga peace treaty , the jewish rabbinical school eitzhaim moved from lutsk to kletsk. at that time, kletsk was located on the territory of poland,
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a lot of jews lived in it, and the city was one of the centers of torah study. this abandoned building on gagarin street was often visited by students from poland, galicia and other nearby countries. not only here. they read the torah, but also taught jewish teaching, taught boys from low-income families, and operated a women's religious school. for almost 20 years, yershiva existed peacefully, but then the premises were used as a regional cultural center. 4 years ago, a delegation of ultra-dox jews from the usa, israel, ukraine, belarus and mexico arrived in kletsk. and the yeshiva again held a shortened hour-long torah lesson. locals do not lose hope; representatives of the jewish community will buy the building they will create their own museum there. and further on our
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tourist route there is an object to which excursion groups are taken, a monument in the art nouveau style with neo-gothic elements. the rodivils did a lot to develop the social infrastructure of the city. thanks to the richest princely family , this hospital appeared in kletsk during the russian-japanese war. at that time, it could accommodate several dozen patients at the same time. three one-story buildings of the ancient hospital were built of red stone under the sponsorship of wojciach radewiel. hospital was in working order until 1900 , the seventeenth year, then due to lack of funding it was closed for several years; during the occupation, the building housed a cell technical school. in the post-war
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period, the walls of the city primary school became crowded for students, then the authorities turned the hospital building into a school, and later these properties were transferred to the housing and communal services sector. interestingly, the appearance of the building has remained virtually unchanged since that time, and it is a beautifully preserved monument. we are heading to another architectural monument that was active during the war years. the border guard corps appeared on these lands in 1924. there were a lot of military men in the city at that time, after all. the soviet-polish border ran far from kletka, so the barracks were used strictly for their intended purpose for a long time. the creation of such
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a military-police formation was due to the fact that there was unrest on the border. banditry flourished, groups of soviet saboteurs were working, and the local police simply could not cope. about 25,000 officer soldiers, six brigades, 24 infantry battalions and 20 cavalry squadrons patrolled the lines. and the well-fortified building was designed by tadeusz nowakowski. the garrison, in addition to the headquarters and barracks buildings, included a weapons room, a stable for 200 horses for cavalry and feed warehouses. this building was the only one in the city at that time that had electricity. there was even a water supply system, the headquarters was located here until 1939, a year later there were departments of the red army, now it is an architectural monument, which is surrounded on all
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sides by residential buildings, there is a tourist path leading to the village of morochk, kletsky district. here we are in half an hour on the spot, or to be more precise, in that very unique place where folk traditions are preserved and revived. i am sure you will be very interested to meet the masters of the rinacel center. at first glance, it is an ordinary house in the countryside, but when you go inside, you find yourself in another special world. everywhere there are unique things made with your own hands, everything for the residents.
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ababurka, who has been interested in one thing for 20 years. some of them take on elena’s experience from the most ancient crafts, straw weaving. well, i will try, i will comprehend the ose. let's take it five straws and try one, tuck it away from us, and throw the second one up. we repeat the same movements further, try, even if not with the easiest, i would even say, with a skillful movement of the hands, the wheat takes on new forms, the work is painstaking, jewelry, but elena assures that in all these years there was no thought of giving up my favorite pastime, planting self-birth, i grow it on my makaro and i don’t need a lot of it, then i cut it with a sickle like...
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i used to do this before and dry it, the weather of course should be appropriate, not wet, because it’s very bad later keep it dry, then clean it. creating a straw masterpiece takes a lot of time, depending on the complexity, from 5 days to several months. i am glad that the shelf life of such products is not limited, the main thing is to treat them with care. true, over time, the material may acquire a slightly different shade, but is this really important if you know that a person put his soul into it, as you already understood, this ancient city, which once formed on the left bank of the lan river,
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is relatively... population only about 12 thousands of people, and it attracts tourists primarily with its color, which the radivilovskaya capital, despite everything, still managed to preserve, come to the cage and discover this city for yourself. belarus charmed them at first sight, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now
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having lived here for 7 years, i... broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus?
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business and developing. hospitable, bright and festival, generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic ones.


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