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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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a fatal accident in peru, a bus with passengers fell off a cliff into a river, killing more than twenty people. and we will show footage of amazing luck. the biker miraculously survived a collision with a car. the head of state will visit the southeast of the mogilev region today. it is planned that the president will check the progress of the planting company. and the day before, alexander lukashenko heard a report via intercom.
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the belarusian leader set a number of tasks, outlining the main issues that need to be worked on within the framework of the new constitutional body. firstly, instructed organize work with delegates of the supreme council vertically, chairman, deputy secretariat. these are people of various social groups, including deputies of local councils, representatives of civil society, work with them should be established not from meeting to meeting, but on an ongoing basis, including informing delegates, feedback, a meeting schedule, and so on. as for the main body of the national secretariat, it is tasked with organizing interaction with government agencies, governors, local authorities, as well as civil subjects.
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to implement the instructions of the head of state locally and the provisions of the adopted documents is the main task of parliamentarians, including delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly. the speaker of the lower house of parliament, igor sergeenko, emphasized this at a working meeting in the wake of the supreme national assembly. people's representatives will begin intensive work in constituencies literally in the coming days; in addition to outreach work, it is extremely important to receive feedback from the population. during meetings with labor collectives and voters, deputies will pay more attention to studying the assessments of belarusians about the socio-economic situation, socio-political, as well as those problematic issues that concern citizens today. the all-belarus people's assembly does not end there. we talked about the meeting being a consolidating body that develops strategic issues for the development of our state. of course, there is a discussion ahead of the country’s economic development and the approval of the fundamentals.
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from everyone, so another important emphasis in the work of parliamentarians is to convey to citizens information about existing risks and threats that need to be actively resisted, and to be united in defending the interests of our country. the hegemony of the states is under threat, according to bloomberg, quote: sidin pin intends to drive a wedge between europe and the united states. the agency notes that the president of the people's republic of china
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is going to the eu with a clear message for the first time in 5 years. beijing offers europe much more economic opportunity than washington. moreover, the trip will take place against the backdrop of the european union. gradually draws closer to america in matters of countering cheap imports from the middle kingdom. i note, according to information from the foreign ministry, the chinese leader will begin his five-day trip to france, serbia and hungary on may 5. ukraine confirms its status as a terrorist state. nezalezhnaya intends to produce thousands of long -range drones this year. according to the wall street journal, the country will produce about five thousand drones every month by the middle of the year, all thanks to.
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the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and the memory of the events of the past. lessons fair history for capital's teachers. the minsk palace of culture has become a dialogue platform for teachers, scientists, deputies, the house of representatives and the city council. during the discussion, participants talked about the exploits
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and heroes of the great patriotic war, national culture and values, and also discussed new formats for history lessons. by the way, this kind of seminars will become permanent, there will be speakers at every meeting. change, these are experts in the field of history, belarusian political scientists and journalists. it is very important to create such a platform that would unite historians, teachers of history , educational institutions, who directly form the historical view of our young generation today with those who determine the historical policy of our state, just this permanent seminar, its task today is to create this continuity to create a platform that will effectively explain, including those problematic issues that are facing our historical history today.
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fatal accident in peru: a bus fell into a river with height of 200 m, 25 people were killed, 17 were injured, most of them are in serious condition. it is noted that after the bus fell, more than half a hundred passengers ended up on the river bank and some were carried away by the current. the accident was the deadliest in the country over the past 2 years. moreover, last year alone , over 3.00 deaths as a result of road accidents were registered there. and this footage of amazing luck gaia published a video of an accident with
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a motorcyclist in minsk. the night before , the kia driver did not notice while changing lanes biker and collided with him. fortunately , no one was injured in the accident. to prevent accidents involving motor vehicles and suppress violations of traffic rules, the traffic police conducts preventive raids throughout the country. motorcyclists will be checked to see if they have the appropriate driving category. remedies and explain the requirements of current legislation. during special events, traffic police officers will explain to the motorcycle owner the requirements of current legislation and conduct preventive conversations. most excessive speed and disregard for maneuvering rules remain common violations of traffic rules. driving without registration plates, driving a motorcycle without the right to drive and permission to participate in road traffic. movement control also continues at night. vehicles for the period from 22:00 to 6:00 along independence avenue and
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lenin street, taking into account previously introduced restrictions.


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