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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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the school is a secret military facility. communication with family and friends is prohibited, we want to give you a chance, you will benefit your homeland, you will receive forgiveness from the state, any disobedience to the authorities will be regarded as treason, she will study with you, how can this be, dear comrade, now she too i need it, the girls said spy calls, they are spying on the scouts, and you are a small creature, don’t push yourself and... i forgave you so, so
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in his calculations, mom, mom, mom, i’ll still run away with you or without you, you’ll help, i’ll thank you, but if you don’t help me, i’ll find your girl, what got you so hooked, take it, the farrier escaped from prison, someone from the swamps killed her, yes, i heard something crazy, war, my comrade... yes , they are not ready yet, less than 3 months of preparation, the planned nine, they didn’t even have a training mission yet, consider this trip their training mission, what happened, how will we get away from the germans, you understand, we can’t not morigu, we have an apartment there removable, supposedly, what if he asks you to come, how can you knock in front of him? yes
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there is no way out, if we let them go, will we be finished? this means that senitsina and egorova died immediately, just like they ran into the germans upon landing. you have calculated everything in advance, the best tactician, the best strategist, hate each other, all thoughts are only about the task and an irresistible desire to return.
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girls, dear, let's talk, it's not all serious, aline, i saw your husband, tall, handsome, girl, honey, i'm not betrayed, i just remembered, remember to sit down, she's in my arms, i understood everything then , what do you understand, we are doing nonsense, that's what, this is all theater, theatre, crosses, stars, this is not real, a soviet citizen, it is also impossible to have a consequence, there is no soviet power here.
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i can’t sleep, i’m learning cards in belarus, because soon, at ease, you already know the cards well, by repeating these teachings. well, yes, if there is vastness, there is information, you scream at night, sometimes you have nightmares that in them, i don’t remember, you will remember, you will feel better, don’t remember, i’m probably just fighting a lot, well , everyone is fighting, only you are screaming, maybe not it's a matter of teeth, maybe it's bothering you something serious. what’s special about me, everything is like everyone else, i worry about my husband, about my dad, i don’t even know if he’s alive or not, i haven’t seen him since then, i wrote so many requests to the investigator, but he doesn’t answer why, i’m for i’m trying to find my homeland, is it really difficult to say what and how in at least a few words,
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go to the doctor, let them prescribe a sedative, okay, and belarus is canceled for you, a new assignment has arrived, of course. learn maps of the kiev region, you will understand how to work, i myself, a priest, yeah, you believe in god, komsomol member, you don’t know the services, well isn’t it okay, the little little lilyka sang on the kleros, will she teach, but will ilychka just teach, or are we together on a mission? together, that i wanted to ask, is it possible to somehow replay the game so that i’m still too much of someone else in belarus, it’s impossible, wait for the order, they will call you, we’re warming up, don’t
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squeeze, tighter, tighter grip, well done, next, big one, you have a separate invitation, practice your defense, here, here, here, okay, push it to the end, on a painful hold, yes, they repeated, they will leave us on a mission together, as soon as we celebrate, let’s be honest, it disgusts me to see you, not like on a mission, tougher, tougher, that you ’re breaking your arm, i don’t like it, ask for a chars, let them put another group, i asked to refuse, they changed, i’m little girl, where are you, petrov, ask for a kidney with me, i won’t, why? and how stupid, people don’t like beggars, do you really want to go on a mission with me, i didn’t have enough with anyone, allow me to contact pazarovsk and the velika to the head of the facility urgently, okay, velika prozorovskaya,
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let’s change clothes, comrade the head of the facility is waiting for you, go ahead, that we fell asleep, we continue, we continue to work, yes, yes, comrade, the head of the facility, you come in. meet archimandrite veniam konstantinov, hello, arina prozarovskaya, veniam, zoya, bless, bless, father veniamin offered his assistance to the state in the fight against the enemy, in
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the center they decided to take advantage of this, sit down, girls, we are leaving kiev altogether, in a day. maximum, your new task, bm-13, rocket mortar, i’ve never seen it, this is a secret development, the first samples have already entered service. it is unknown whether anyone managed to escape, but the documents were preserved; according to the instructions, the designer was required to transport them in
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a special fireproof suitcase in a safe. your task is to find these documents. so what is next? the germans do not yet have such weapons, so the documents should not get to them under any circumstances. transporting them across the front line is also dangerous, so they need to be destroyed right on the spot. it turns out that he is an engineer. died in vain, he probably noted something important in the drawings, the right question, you will have a technical specialist with you in the group, valery shapkin, he will be the senior in the group, today he will arrive a little later, meet him, as soon as you find the documents, give them to him immediately, he will take a look, isolate the essence of the issue and transmit it to moscow by radio, after which he will destroy the documents, but this is ideal if for some reason he cannot do this , any member of the group who has the opportunity must destroy it. it's clear? the germans are opening churches in
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the occupied territories, so wait until they occupy kiev, then go to the commandant’s office, two priests, two novices, you will get ausweiss. hold for moving around the regions, i think there will be no problems with this, you are working in the interests of the reich. here is the tail number of the plane, please find the drawings as soon as possible, so split up, you with father veniamin, you with shapkin. each group has its own search area. there are underground workers in these villages, you will stay with them, they will help you find the plane. every three villages have their own cache with a walkie-talkie, with weapons, transmit a radiogram from there. any questions? i didn’t know that comrade vorotynikov was so friendly with church representatives. what does this mean friendly? we heard them singing. on time, chief. we rent out kies. there is something to be happy about.
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old friends, and as for kiev, your daughter will be evacuated along with the intelligence school to moscow, they will give up the house there, thank you, teach arina to read, teach her to serve, 3 days for preparation, there are 3 days for preparation, yeah, this is izhitsa, i see, yes , read, blessed is the man who does not walk, on the advice of the wicked, on the path of sinners, not on the seat of the destroyers, without sitting, without mistakes, only in church they read differently, yours.
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nuns don’t shake hands, they only kiss, please tell me that you are great, well, i am great, yes, after all, maybe there is a god, such a beauty will serve me, i’ll go and teach you about god, you should be more careful, you will be a priest, yes, yes, i forgot, sorry, conspiracy, it’s my first time, you say you’re experienced, wait, wait, well, after all, we’re in a team now, well, well, we need to communicate,
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talk about who lives what, what they breathe, what’s the point, how why, when you know a person, you can follow him through fire or water, let’s sit and chat tonight, whose we’re chasing, yeah, it's better to learn better, do you make mistakes? have mercy on me, o god, according to your great mercy, according to your multitude of mercies. of yours, cleanse my iniquities and honor me from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for i know my iniquities, and my sin before me is you, it turns out well, i learned the service, and the all-night liturgy, well done, there is information about your
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father, he has been around for a long time was on the verge, and now he’s on the mend, thank you, he probably should... nothing is allowed on dates, even what i ’m telling you about this now is also forbidden, so keep quiet, thank you for finding out about dad, others don’t care, take care of your nerves. well, here we are, where is
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the mother, look carefully. katya, mother, how, katya, katya! okay, mom, why are you dressed like that? i’ll be a novice, a saddle, hold it, what’s that? sugar, i didn’t gather myself, what’s the difference,
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katerina, let’s give it equally. so what about the course for a young fighter? in terms of? have you been at school for a long time? from the first day? so you know which door, which key is better to choose? help me with some friendly advice, so to speak, i don’t understand what you mean? yes, nothing, forgot about it, friendly advice, think about the task, comrade engineer, you'll be catching the train tonight,
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do you know? yes, a fellow instructor will take you to moscow, where he will place you in an orphanage again. “firstly, keep an eye on the bear, don’t forget, there’s food, well done, secondly, there’s a war going on, different things can happen, if anything happens, go to the church you find, and what can happen, who knows what, suddenly the german will take you to moscow, or you will get lost on the way, you will come to church, you will say that your mother is a novice, this is a novice, but you don’t say that it is a novice, they won’t understand her?” " sahara, you have a note, i wrote to me address: kiev pechora lavra, you will come, ask for the news to be given to me, i will arrange for it to be given to me, i will check when you find out where you will arrive, of course, i give you my word, i give you my word wrong, but what is correct, i give my word of honor, it’s for you
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a fellow instructor taught me, yeah, but i don’t have time to run around for papers, write a paper, set aside an objection, set aside an objection, call prozorovskaya. congratulations on the award, thank you, how is it at the front? in different ways, there are a lot of losses, in people, in technology, we have two calculations in an hour, how not it happened that they sent for replenishment, where is it?
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i wish you good luck, volodka! what happened to you? scratch. are you serious? have you been to the doctor? yes it was, it was. mom would make you get checked, what if you have a concussion? no, no concussion. are you for long? i ’ll go to the head of the facility and have him sign the dismissal letter. if you don’t have time, you won’t have time, i can’t stay for refills. i wrote a letter to you, i still can’t send it, i have a lot to learn, it’s just, just, well,
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it’s time for me, like, we’re fighting, we have to go back, i love you, i love you, very much, that’s it, what, that you will be alive? well, no, you promise, please, please, promise, i can’t live without you, you have to, you hear, okay, no matter what happens, to be alive, okay, i promise. then i brought naku to us, it seems like there’s more light in the village, i immediately
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decided about you, everything is mine, i cast an eye and said to myself, my, it’s like it’s too early to drive you out of the house, but people were falling apart at night, 80 to work , here they are asleep, in the city and completely asleep, you listen to me, you’ll give ninka the ham that’s in the rag, and no more, but that will be our good. from the collection of pearls of soviet cinema on may 1 on the belarus24 tv channel. the heroes of our program are outstanding characters,
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buried in their right. when you move on and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs, and a lot of lows, there is likes, it’s very difficult for a small person to achieve such a balance of sound. i know.
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in my opinion, the transformation was successful. so, here are our auslays. arina, zoya. oh, the first point is completed. hagur is there. i suggest noting this. why are you so boring? ok, ok, that's the plan. let's separate. we are zoeys,
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we will go first, you follow us, we meet in 3 days in bekhteevka, bless us.
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“angels are servants of god, angels are demons, everyone in the parish school knows this, the priest doesn’t know, the math teacher doesn’t know the multiplication tables, stalin spread rot on the priests, probably now only scum go there, so they make mistakes,
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our troops were defeated near kiev, hitler is preparing an attack on moscow, a new recruitment is needed. people must be prepared as soon as possible. organize work deep behind enemy lines. information is needed on the supply of military cargo and the transfer of troops. this requires trained people who at least have an idea of ​​how to conduct sabotage warfare. here are lists of graduates, or rather, graduates of moscow universities. all with technical
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education. excellent knowledge of the german language; all they need to do is obtain and transmit information. we decided to sunbathe, well, i don’t mind, but in my opinion the weather is not very suitable, i wish, well, comrade instructor, accept the object, organize check-in, there is organize check-in, everything is behind me, there is good news. the cat detachment completed the task, but it is problematic to deliver them here, most likely they will be distributed to the north-west to the signalmen, they have an acute shortage of translators there, but there is great prozorovskaya news, there is nothing, okay,
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let's go, we need to prepare everything, but we will be replenished for the day will arrive.
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our agent is following up. yes sir. something else. go and observe the search in person. the soldiers might have missed something. you think so? yes. eat.
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did you sing beautifully there in kyiv? yes, once upon a time they sang moscow, so that the earth trembled, but now everything has not been the same for a long time. i would never have thought that comrade vorotennikov went to church. can i ask? i’m not a believer, but i’m interested, so ask theoretically, if one person dreams all the time, how does the church explain this? what is this
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man doing? is it okay, standing there, looking, is this dream bothering you? the girl, she died, you, no, could have saved her, no, i don’t know, everything was very difficult there, with your mind, you understand that you did the right thing. and the heart tells me that this is not so, you mean conscience, yes, okay, let’s say my conscience condemns me, but i did everything right, what is the way out? sometimes it happens
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that there is no way out for a believer, for any person. what's the news, guys, we went into the forest, checked everything as it should be, there is no plane, okay, maybe others will find it. all the property of the reconnaissance school was successfully delivered to the new facility, the development of classrooms has begun , the contingent is housed in the dormitory, okay, resolve a personal issue, yeah, i ask you to relieve me from the position of deputy the head of the intelligence school and send it to the foundation, i wrote a statement, so here, in my opinion , this cat will blow yes... here, come on, come on, you have a reservation, comrade instructor,
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well, you can take it off, i can, but i won’t do it what to do, comrade collar workers, it’s difficult at the front now, and you think, when you arrive, it will become easier, but i have the skills of sabotage work, then i can be useful in real business, you teach intelligence officers to master. "this is the real deal, but put aside the objection, take care of the audience, leave the objection i’ll take care of the classrooms, what’s wrong with my big daughter, she caught a cold on the road, i consulted with the doctor, well, in general, i’ll arrange bed rest for 2 days, give her some herbs, then go to the orphanage, take condensed milk for tea, thank you.
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you wouldn’t fuss, i can do it myself, that you, that maybe you’ll have dinner with us, yes, no, you need to lay out the maximum for sleeping, there’s one square left near the pine tree, yeah, or maybe it’s not necessary on the counter, with pleasure, me on the berries is strong, great, here you go, well, we went as you wish,
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arina, today you asked questions, and i i decided that i have to tell you that on my long journey in life i have met those people who claim that... they have found peace with themselves, i don’t know how honest they were in saying this, but i know how they came to this , maybe this will help you, for me this is not a solution, i’m a komsomol member, and i’m at school? i studied well, i got a's, b's,
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there were almost no people, why didn't you go further, six grades, and then my school ended, they would have taken the rapfak, what a workers' school, my father was dispossessed, she sent everyone to siberia for deportation, how are you from siberia and to kyiv? like this, go to the side, get up tomorrow, thank you, for what? we sat together mentally, now i know what kind of person you are, in the fire for me, in the fire, in the water, don’t you believe? wait, good
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night, she said, good night, wait, good night, good night. wait, wait, i’ve collected a path for you, it’s fresh! let's eat, maxim, let's go, let's go, guardian angel to you, father, thank you, god bless you.
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forgive me for yesterday, okay, you are all the same men, first from the heart, about the soul, and then the zatiski, and nikolai is the same as nikolai, well, this petrov from the intelligence school, you don’t bother the instructor’s comrade, understand? i wasn’t going to, in general i was strangling to the heavens, oh well, the school is a secret military facility, it is forbidden to leave the territory, any disobedience to the commanding staff will be regarded as treason, the germans are
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approaching moscow, kiev is occupied, leningrad is under siege. the motherland needs your help more than ever, and they are like my mother, they will train you here for several months, when my mother arrives, she will arrive soon, what is this, i i always look with him, it is this knowledge that may save your life in the future, it will not be easy for you here, it will be even more difficult on missions. the enemy is very close, but it is within our power to stop him, senior comrades will familiarize you with the routine and will help you at the first stage, there are questions, disperse, there are.
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well, they don't work, so
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we fix them. well, shall we talk? little one, you ’re taking us there, not little one, who cares, the legs are already falling off, there’s no plane, maybe you ’re wrong, you’re not wrong, we have a deck of fields, here
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it is. our number still matches, you're better off here, wait, i'll do it myself.
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we’ll get to the base, i’ll cool off there, we can celebrate, i won’t bother you, honestly
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atheistic, let’s go, look what i found, and here too, let’s go, let’s go, but what about, what, people there, you’re a priest, grandfather, well, this is a cover, i’m a communist, well, there may be communists there, you need to drink them, say at least a few words, kingdom of heaven, comrade red army soldiers.
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well, we’ve almost arrived, here behind the hillock, our warehouse will be there, wait, everything is in order. this is to bite your leg, i apparently noticed this impudent gun back in kiev in the church he was herding us, good afternoon, come, come to me, faster, boys, faster, faster,
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come, come to me, it’s okay, we’ll get out.
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in germany, the source of life organization was established, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples; children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now
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ukrainian neo-nazis are taking their own ukrainian children to other countries.
3:00 pm
you are watching the news. in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. agriculture, trade, culture, sowing, preservation of equipment and school graduations. working trip of the president to the mogilev region. trade and investment, new projects using belarusian technologies. our prime minister discussed the development of interaction with his colleague in egypt.


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