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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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live news on belarus-1 in the studio elizaveta lokotko good afternoon in this episode picnics with loved ones walks in the parks awards for labor belarus celebrates may day protect the worker help create decent working conditions the trade union movement in belarus is 120 years old. they don’t want to take part in hostilities in ukraine, in warsaw, a large-scale march. young drivers, conductors and dispatchers. the children's railway in minsk has opened the season. a good tradition that unites many generations. belarus celebrates the holiday today labor. the president congratulated belarusians on may 1. the belarusian people have always been famous for their hard work and masterful approach to business, which allowed them to build their
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state and maintain peace in their native land, noted alexander lukashenko. the head of state thanked everyone who is dedicated to the cause and contributes to the prosperity of our homeland every day through their work. we are also a nation of winners, so this day started with memorable events. at the foot of the obelisk, minsk is a hero city, wines and flowers were laid down from the belarusians, to the warriors who gave us peaceful sky overhead. this is belarus, my love. and then festive events unfolded in the capital’s victory park , representatives of labor collectives, government bodies, labor veterans, a huge number of children and youth gathered there, various sectors of the economy presented their achievements, strong handshakes and words of sincere gratitude were addressed to representatives of labor dynasties, teachers , agrarian doctors, they came from all regions of belarus.
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industrialists, builders, agricultural workers farms, entrepreneurs, doctors and athletes, they made an important contribution to the development of the economy and social sphere. since may 1, their names have been included on the regional honor board. a number of enterprises have also received this award, for example, magateks joint-stock company, number 12, tekhnolit and gorki len.
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accordingly, and better quality, as for volume indicators, we are 104.5% of those just individual entrepreneurs. at the end of the first quarter, the mood is definitely fighting, people want to work, i want to. express gratitude to the vao magatex team. based on the results of work for the year also diplomas were awarded to the laureates of the best products of the republic of belarus competition, the contribution to the economy of such enterprises as mogilevt, mash elevator, lenta and the zarya agricultural complex was noted. an anti-war march took place in the capital of poland today. the protesters oppose the involvement of warsaw in ukraine.
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representatives of the parliamentary majority of the opposition entered the fray. it is still unknown whether a vote on the bill will take place today; let me remind you that the day before another large-scale protest broke out in tbilis against the law on foreign agents.
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for infantry fighting vehicles, various increase allowances are automatically revised, as well as certain social benefits, for example, age-related pension increases for those who are from 75 to 79 years old will receive an additional 78.5 rubles per month, and for the group 80 plus the amount of the allowance will be 157 rubles. benefits for families raising children will also increase. a one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child, for example, will increase at the birth of the first child by 123 rubles compared to the current one. belarus. and at the end of the month, the conditions for assigning family capital and its
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early use. now, in order for a large family to open a deposit account in a bank, it is necessary to confirm the employment of the head of the family. an additional condition for the assignment or early use of family capital will be. creating proper conditions and a favorable climate in the home for children. decent salaries, safety in the workplace, training opportunities for comprehensive development, accessibility to social services, guaranteed income in old age in case of illness. the trade union movement is 120 years old today. protecting the employee, preventing unfair treatment, helping to create decent working conditions - all this is within the area of ​​responsibility. receptions of citizens are held in work collectives, they go to places to see the real picture and accept. measures if necessary. the number of collective agreements at enterprises and organizations is constantly growing; now there are about 18 thousand of them in the country. all the nuances that relate to work, rest and support for workers are signed there. a hotline about shortcomings in
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road maintenance. a single number on your screen, you can contact it from may 2. you can call on weekdays from 10 to 12 from 15 to 17. after processing the information. for each fact , measures will be taken to eliminate shortcomings; there is also a chatbot on telegram, where you can also report problem areas. roads are one of... which shapes the image of the country and speaks about the quality of life. in general, in the post-soviet space in belarus there are some of the best highways, however, given the high traffic intensity and features of our climate, they are all wear out equally. about the new life of old roads and who is involved in their treatment, in a special project of the television news agency daesh in the country. the year of quality for our organization is
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an excellent opportunity to pave the way to the future for our country. we live in an age where everything needs to be improved and modernized. the same applies to roads and landscaping. i chose this profession because it is very interesting for me to do this type of work, i came as a master, now i’m talking about rap. that is, growth is felt, i personally i deal specifically with asphalt concrete work, that is, patching, laying, also sometimes preparing foundations, installing sideboards, laying tiles, landscaping, in a word, quality is important for our specialty in our field of activity, because the higher the quality, the higher the reliability, the same the higher rating is from the same citizens who live, who see that the asphalt has been rebuilt. and it didn’t crumble for the next year, it’s standing, it will stand for another 10 years, nothing will happen to it.
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of course, this is very important for mothers with strollers, and for our citizens, because all sorts of dangerous situations can arise even from one hole that will be on the road, that is, someone is driving, goes around the hole, everything jumps out onto the sidewalk. when i drive and see beautiful streets and a rebuilt road, i feel proud, because i drive around the sovetsky district mainly... i rebuilt all of them, so i like to see the work of my activities, well, the same applies to courtyards, people come out with entrance, and they see that there is beautiful asphalt, it’s beautiful, the tiles are laid, landscaping, everything is beautiful, i think it’s necessary meet this standard. the main purpose of my work, and why i am here, is to benefit people.
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the children's railway in minsk opened the season today. the start was given during the ceremonial line. young railway workers, drivers, conductors, dispatchers and controllers, and auditors took part in it. those who completed the theoretical and practical skills course received badges. the first express set off with a bright and musical note. we are already young. there is a lot of responsibility, especially in practice, when you, for example, work as a conductor, you need to be responsible for safety, you have to observe how passengers behave, well, you feel a very responsible task here, children at a young age can drive.
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schools in the city of minsk, minsk district, minsk region, from fifth to seventh grade, the children's railway is a unique opportunity for our... let's plunge into social networks and see how belarusians celebrate labor day, the first of may symbolizes the onset of summer, so for
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many it's an excuse to meet your family loved ones, someone goes on a picnic, someone goes for a walk in the city, but everyone never ceases to admire the beauty of their native country and confess their love for belarus. this is my mother, this is your mother, our land, belarusian, this is your mother. this is my mother, our land, belarusian. next is a sports review, my colleagues will sum up the results of the day in a panorama, and i say goodbye to you. have a nice day and happy holiday. lidiya morozova made it to the quarterfinals of the doubles tournament in spain wta-125. the belarusian, in a duet with kamilla rakhimova from russia, beat the tennis players from uk: alicia barnett and freya christie
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6:3 7:5. the match lasted 1:39 minutes for belarus. russian tandem, one ace, nine double faults and seven converted break points. vancouver hockey players lost to nashville 1:2 in the fifth game of the first round of the nhl playoffs. all the goals of the match were scored in the third period, nikita zadorov scored for the killer whales, and roman yosi scored in the visiting camp.


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