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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the model is the development of russian and belarusian society. i say again, i agree with you, colleague, we do not force you to live like us, but you watch how we live and live the same way, everyone will be happy. i am grateful to all participants for the most interesting discussion, in conclusion i will say: on may 1 , 1950, in the town of masani in the state of wisconsin, a crowd of thugs with armbands with the image of the hammer and sickle burst into the town. they captured the local library and the police. the city hall was hung with posters everywhere, nationalized by the council of local commissioners. on the menu in restaurants hamburgers were replaced with potato soup, and the central square was renamed red square, where a show trial of priests was held. the cinema showed a film in russian. but the next day it turned out that it was all a performance staged by the far- right organization american legion. in order to show ordinary people what would happen if the communists, with the support of moscow, seized power in the united states. now in the west. the public is frightened by the fact that russia wants
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to conquer them, on the contrary, through the hands of the extreme right. the last time the hysteria, the russians are coming, ended with the caribbean nuclear crisis, i really wouldn’t want this time to sober up again only a moment before pressing that very button. thank you, this was the program sas is authorized to declare. political hysteria in the west is caused by the approaching collapse of the globalists' course.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland,
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sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. tv channel signal. broadcast in the clear and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. the cake is like a wow effect, it's like univesta wedding dress. imagine, let's say, public catering, mass catering, yes, let's call it a 50 liter boiler. and here is this fragile girl who weighs. itself
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, probably 40 kg and 50 liters, this pot of potatoes, soup, it needs to be pulled in, it needs to be stirred, pavel, but there is no hazing, for example, an intern came to peel potatoes. the prestige of the profession is not falling, the demand for professionals is growing, we won’t make a cutlet like this today, please eat, even peel potatoes, you have to be able to, but how do you manage to maintain this shape if i have to taste 300 cakes, what shape, if i perform, show, prepare my dish, surprise the international judges , and if i manage to raise the flag, say that i am from belarus. there is word of mouth , if you are a bad cook, all the restaurants in the city of minsk will know about you, then why do people choose this particular profession?
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent.” a dream that came true, i never had any questions about career guidance, initially i wanted it that way, and i went towards it, and i i did what depended on me in order to achieve this success, but i had to put in
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a lot of effort, a lot of effort, and skills to make it happen, the question was never raised, there was never a question, who would i want to be, the only thing is that it can be ... somewhere in adolescence, maybe after all, or maybe be a doctor, but no, then i rolled back, but also, as if comparing, white clothes are beautiful, here you are, here you are, you’re just a doctor, i was always fascinated when the doctor is walking through the hospital, this is some kind of god in a white robe, he he’s coming, here he is, he’s cool, he saves lives, he’s a beautiful cook in the kitchen, he’s also the one who saves, probably our gastronomic ones. our impression is that everything is done by cooks, these ones in white robes, in high caps, and do you remember the recipe for your first shortbread cookies from that same mother’s notebook? yes, i remember it, i remember these cookies and i don’t even remember the recipe, i remember the taste, smell, smell
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of these cookies, and when my mother was cooking, oh, this is this smell, this is some kind of emotion from childhood, this ... well, it was probably third grade, that is, you are 8 years old, something like that, a little more, probably, and yes, i stayed at home, at first it was just a duck roast, in which i threw in a bay leaf, some spices and just supposedly cooked something, but then i went further, took out that green notebook, i stole some food, something saved
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from breakfast, from lunch at school, some food was bought, this recipe was embodied, you even went for the food yourself. after those cookies, you continued the tradition of helping your mother in the kitchen, there were helpers, yes this happened, my first experience, and after that i was just done, there were some distance education courses for chefs, i was constantly preparing some kind of cupcakes, rolls, i took away from my mother her honorable mission of preparing birthday cakes on holidays, i took myself away, and would you agree? that cooking is still a creative process? i wouldn’t say that creativity is a discipline, too , precision, it’s impossible, for example, if we want to attract our guest to quality,
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it must be discipline, these are clearly worked out recipes, which yes, chef, the chef, in a moment of creativity, he comes up with it all, but the chefs have to do it all. there is a sense of proportion, and if we eat, let’s say,
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butter pudding for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it will probably be too much, but if we make a balanced meal for lunch we can from this book, but it’s fatty - we can afford a plus combine loads, then this is quite appropriate, today we have several photographs of how you prepare: confectionery for uh, maybe goludiners or for some receptions, and i don’t see shortbread cookies among them, why this fashion has gone, well, perhaps the tartlet, on this screen there is a shortbread tartlet, tartlet, yes, but here there is no shortbread anymore, now other desserts are in fashion, pavel, what do you think, dessert, it should be an addition to food, the main food that a guest eats in a restaurant. we must make dessert so that the guest eats an appetizer, soup,
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main course, he still has room left, refresh the receptors - with dessert, by the way, about desserts, we have a surprise question, attention to the screen, wow, hello, pavel, question on the eve of the wedding: is it worth making a huge cake for all the guests, or can you do it, for example, like this: for the newlyweds , one smaller cake, and for... the guests, for example, cakes or make a separate cake for them, in general, is there the point is to make a huge cake for everyone. this is our colleague, tv presenter blogger anastasia rutskaya, she is preparing for a wedding, and i think she has a question that interests many newlyweds: is it worth spending money on a huge cake, what will we answer? i would probably take into account the format of the event first of all, because that the cake is like a wow effect, it’s like a univesta’s wedding dress. and what we want, if we are a country complex, let’s say,
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a small wedding, yes, maybe it ’s something small, shots, but if it’s a big ceremony to complete our festive banquet, it’s of course, a wow effect, a beautiful wedding, a multi-tiered cake, that is, it’s probably not even about food, more like an entourage, but that’s it for you, but should a beautiful girl jump out of it from this cake? it won’t work like that, these are fake cakes where girls jump out, this is not about food, this is a bit of an element of the show, yeah, in this huge cake that you were talking about, it ’s a completely confectionery product, there are such miracles, yes, yes, there are miracles and multi-tiered, anti-gravity cakes, which indeed, even at championships we make, no, they weigh a lot of kilograms, they are 2 meters high and that’s it. everything is completely edible, that is, it is pierced with pizza, it is all cut, it is checked that
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there is no props inside. but it’s interesting when a pastry chef, who spent many hours creating this masterpiece, and in the form cake, sees someone throwing this cake in each other’s faces, what the pastry chef is experiencing at this time, a heartbeat and yes, of course, it’s a pity, yes, but... “that’s what we do in order to , that is, our dishes, they are not eternal, they do not live like architecture, like something, that is, we do this so that the guest receives ours, the one who consumes it, instantly gets this feeling of joy and leaves there, at least in the evening he received aesthetic pleasure, and as if you were already, so it’s much, much harder for us, we can make an architectural monument, which will pass through there..." years that will be praised, but we have no mistakes,
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here now, well, you graduated from the minsk trade college with a degree in technical technology, in your time there was a competition for eight people per place, and there was a competition , and today the prestige of the profession is falling or remains, probably the prestige of the profession is not falling, the demand for professionals is growing, indeed for competent chefs, for competent chefs, who are no longer just a cook, culinary specialist, cook, but this has already moved away, now a cook. this a multifaceted profession, you need to know a... many specialties and develop in your field, so the demand for professionals is growing, and the prestige of the profession, well, i even know that a couple of years ago i saw statistics that in minsk, at least, there is a shortage, shortage and the profession of a cook is, in my opinion, one of the top three shortages, that is, it is in great demand,
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the most in demand, and why don’t people go to study, after all, there are eight people per place, today there is no such competition in college, yeah. work, yeah, and in general, studying is hard, but the work itself is not easy, right? labor, imagine, let's say, public catering, mass catering, yes, let's call it, a 50 liter cauldron, this fragile girl who weighs
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probably 40 kg and 50 liters, this cauldron of potatoes, soup, these...
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were students and college, and then university, you held seafood in your hands, that is, when you were taught to cook squid there, they brought them, this is also probably expensive training, if so, expensive training is really included, these are practically laboratory work - right in our laboratories, in which we cooked, products were produced, yes, there was beef, fish, all this was selected, purchased, we made it, directly prepared it according to recipes, well, maybe not exotic, but...
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what is more developed in it , where it can be applied, put, that is, someone and really monotonous work, he will do an excellent job, he will peel potatoes, he will have the coolest potatoes, which...
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limits himself in nutrition, that is, if all why -they think that he is the chef there is an abundance of food in the refrigerator, he constantly eats, they try, no, in order to understand whether this dish is tasty or not, a teaspoon is enough just to taste everything, it’s on the tongue’s receptors, that is, you don’t have to eat when you’re on... constantly at work, you forget to even eat, you don’t want to eat, that is, you don’t even have time to eat and well, that’s normal, any housewife
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will confirm yes, that when you cook a huge number of guests, that is, then you definitely don’t want to, exactly this will probably save you profession, and from overeating, that is , probably, or or after all, there are genes, genes and a constitution, returning again to students, do you have some kind of personal test of yours, by which you understand that this particular student will become a good one? the cook made the right choice. and we opened our own courses in production, yeah, by profession a waiter by profession a cook, and we already see a person, let’s say, if we hire a waiter, yes, we can teach technical service everything, but the person may not be exactly, the hall is communication with people, with guests, it’s him, he it will be comfortable. in the kitchen, that’s why we do this rotation, we look, we conduct tests, training and find out what he is predisposed to, at what age you need
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to decide, that’s when you realized, that’s when you were 9 years old, when you made shortbread, that you want this profession, and then there were breakdowns, i don’t want to be a cook anymore, it ’s terrible, it’s hot, i didn’t have that, i didn’t have that, it was hard, yes, but many of my colleagues, many of mine. .. all this begins to boil, all this dynamics and the life of the kitchen, this whole organism begins to work, then in the evening the lights turn off, you
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get into the car, you go home and you realize that it’s so cool, that is , so much happiness begins to work for people and you drive with a sense of accomplishment, that is, i remember gosha from moscow i don’t believe in tears, i work there because i didn’t work. without me he starts working with me, so for you, yes, this is a moment of ambition and some kind of masculine, probably, there is ambition, if someone has ambitions they can be shown in the kitchen, yes, and we while we take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected! the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the federation of chefs and confectioners of belarus, pavel
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makovka. pavel listed, your other credentials, you are a certified judge vaks, an international category judge according to world skills standards, all these movements, what role do they play in the development of gastronomy in our country? they help increase the prestige of the profession young specialist, that is, we hold these competitions in order to show the importance of the chef profession and by participating. in these qualifying competitions, in competitions, a young man understands that this is hard work, and that it is possible to show , demonstrate, to enter the international arena, to perform, not only in the kitchen, somewhere in his own corner , show, prepare your dish, surprise the international judges, and if you manage to raise the flag, say that i am from belarus. you
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raised, repeatedly, we have already shown, i i remember one of your first championships in macedonia, there you were generally good at everything , golden, golden, why, to be honest, it was very unexpected for me, i didn’t think that belarusian chefs could take such first places at an international tournament maybe we have very talented chefs, very cool guys, girls, they just didn’t have this movement, there wasn’t that leader who said... line up, let’s go, we’re going to storm, well, you became that leader, that’s right, and you like did you come to this? thanks to university, thanks to the university, we didn’t have a professional competition among chefs, and thanks to world skills, it started, then i founded the international culinary cup in the republic of belarus, which is now held annually, and it’s great, and the guys watch, they see, they
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come show that i can, i... know how to express myself, and employers also come who look and see, potential personnel can make an offer for themselves right on the competition site. and there is some kind of, so to speak, global on a scale of some kind of culinary olympiad, a world culinary olympiad. do belarusians take part there? confectioners accept and are winners and golden champions, we have enough of them. well, you yourself started your career with work.
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separate washes, all this is observed, there is a sanitary service of the railway, which controls all this, so passengers can rest assured, and the product, you immediately collect some kind of huge stock there or at some
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certain stations there is a replenishment. was, was the longest flight on the belarusian railway - this is minsk-irkutsk. 5 days there, 5 days back, a total of 10 days on the road, yes, in minsk, as part of the formation of the train, an application for 10 days of movement is being formed, and these were also the trains in which the stars traveled, for sure, yes, they are also travel number one, the republic of belarus, branded belarus, this is which one of them you will especially meet. the plane does not allow you to relax, prepare for the concert, rehearse there, work on some material, the train is exactly this thing, which is all helps to do, so we
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really saw all the stars and that was it. which, let's say, uh, let's call it that, the zones lean back, go to their place of residence, it happened, it happened, and there were direct seizures of restaurant employees and a lot of unforeseen situations happened, it happened that hostages took you, well, they didn’t take me, thank god , but it was necessary to kind of solve these situations, it happened.
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there is word of mouth, if you are a bad cook, all the restaurants in the city of minsk will know about you, if you mess up somewhere, then all this will quickly pass, especially now thanks to telegram channels, thanks to social networks, all this is becoming publicly available, that is, if you were previously not so bad and walked, as i call walkers, worked here for a month , worked there for a month there, it used to work , now this is impossible, it will quickly become. but it becomes a step and they want him, you know they want him, also a good cook, they can get him, especially since you showed such activity, you see, they somehow promoted a movement in general, one might say international, yes among our chefs, but what is
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the basis of the national belarusian cuisine, since you have treated high-ranking officials, presidents of other countries, what must be on the table, when our national local products. that everything we do is produced locally, yeah, we bring up old recipes, we find authentic recipes in order to show the history, culture of our country, yeah, so this is the basis, well, that is, this is meat, bison, beef, yes, all we have is bison, yes now we have used it, we are using it you can already buy it, onogu. meat processing has really become a thing, it can be purchased, the grodno meat processing plant produces it, that is, it is definitely included, but i noticed from your instagram that you like to receive gastronomic impressions during your travels, including for a tourist who came to
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belarus for the first time , what’s most important, no matter how banal our answer is, listen pavel, well, i didn’t expect it from you, because at least you’re sorcerers. you see, we even developed a map of potato pancakes, we have a map in our restaurant potato pancakes by region, each region is divided, and we found some... local pancakes that are characteristic of their region, we went on gastronomic tours, we developed, you can really try this in a restaurant in ours, yeah, and this is cool, that no matter what we offer, a bus of tourists arrives, the first ones, they run, we want to try potato pancakes, we want, we want, we want, you know, potato pancakes are many types of pancakes, that is, the recipe differs in composition, or you know, like in a restaurant, potato pancakes with salmon , potato pancakes with sour cream, potato pancakes with mushrooms, they they say: but you still had to feed
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thousands of people at the same time, guests, participants in the second games of the cis countries, are there any life hacks for our spectators, how to plan a festive table when you are expecting many guests, where to start? planning, the most important thing is planning in such events, a clear plan, if. we are waiting for guests, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, there, we draw up a plan for purchasing products, a menu, it all starts with the menu, the format of the event and the menu, that is, first the menu, then the list of products, the list of products, having a clear list products, we can make an intelligent purchase, yeah, without buying, as a result, 50% of our grocery basket turns out not to be used, well, this is usually purchased at the level needed. competent calculation of the preparation, you have made the preparations, you have
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prepared everything, then you have calm nerves, you receive guests in a good mood, everything is wonderful, you devote yourself to this holiday, listen, we found out that you visit a shawarma shop from time to time, it’s delicious, shawarma , repent publicly then, i’m the one repenting, because there’s a lack of time, because at work... you are so busy, involved in the process that the lights are turned off, the curtain is off, you go home, you understand, so you want to eat, fortunately, there is a shawarma near the house until 3:00 at night, and you can taxi there like that , save, help, and guys, yes, but it’s delicious, tell me, pavel, admit it, you know, it’s delicious, it has its place and is right.
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thanks to our city leadership
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, gastronomic outlets are developing very much, look, there are enough rib and some very many things you can now find, after all is developing, these are not hot dogs, these are things that are really about haute cuisine, but in a street format, in your opinion, can all products be bought in minsk today, i think yes, we are today... and products, and seafood and with proper
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defrosting of them from the thai after freezing, they acquire their original appearance, therefore , thanks to modern technologies, we have everything, but they say that the dream of every cook is to open his own restaurant, this is true, if the cook already has little headache, little nerves, then he can open his own a restaurant, because your own restaurant is everything... and many details, which are why many restaurants open and close, because a man came to him with an inheritance, 20 thousand dollars, relatively speaking, and he says, i’ll open a restaurant now, but nothing i don’t understand this, coffee shops, coffee shops, this is really painful, which open and close without calculating, without understanding how it works and without
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drawing up a good business plan, all this closes after 2-3 months, if it lasts up to 3 months also, therefore... this needs study, i opened more than one restaurant, i opened many restaurants right from the foundation, this is design, this is mine, why do i do this, because education allows me, mogilev university of food gave me that knowledge, this is design and calculations, this is all for in order for a restaurant to be able to operate technically competently and economically, so without this knowledge, well, it seems to me that it’s hard for a restaurant, there must be a clear concept, what is it opening for?
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for now subscribe to our telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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there is something between you, comrade vorotynikov, between me and sergeant velichko there are no personal relations, well, at least you find her a little attractive, yes, probably you do have to. marry her, i know that you don’t like each other very much, but now we have been given a very important task: a german reserve division is stationed in the strip, one of the most trained and combat-ready units, information has been received that this division has the latest weapons at its disposal, your task is to obtain as much information as possible about these developments; contacts with german officers should be as productive as possible. ah... mrs. steiner, what happened, we don’t know each other well, but i’m an officer and i’m used to making decisions quickly, marry me, watch the intelligence series on the belarus 24 tv channel, people who can be choked up, just a tool, most likely
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you can do it, but that instrument that is special. i had something to do with this, i thank someone or something that i have insisted on this path. glyadzice project of belarus on our tv channel. you
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speak so lovingly about minsk; you didn’t want to leave it for a long time. do you have any favorite places in the city that you love? yes, my favorite place in minsk is chlyuskintsev park. makayonka, the children's railway, that is, it is such a warm, green place in the city, where you can just relax, where you can have a great time, and therefore i recommend everyone to guests of the capital, residents, to definitely visit the park, it seems to me very now updated, great to spend time on the weekend come and ride on the children's railway, for those who haven't, it's very interesting. and the season is already open, so everyone is heading to cheleskintsev park. on the air again say don't be silent, we're visiting.
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it was customary to laugh, but now it’s not, this is an old, quite old photograph, now it’s not relevant, now the simpler the better, now we are working on the taste, correct, understandable food, understandable, now understandable food is in fashion, yes, yes , now it’s all gone , these wow effects, this whole pretense is already, as it were, but it’s clear how much borscht, buckwheat, great borscht, deliciously cooked borscht, uh-huh, really cool, and
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this is the base of the borscht, then this is the sauteing prepared for this borscht and sour cream, which is all high-quality, fatty, good sour cream, all this of course will ennoble, and garlic , garlic, you see, you and i are the same, we read that you want to go to graduate school and write a scientific paper about the organization of public catering in our country, at which university do you plan to defend your defense, belarusian state university of food?
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education - it should be a full-time education, that is, get it with high quality, that’s why i didn’t go to mogilev, i chose the first level, this is a trade college, then i entered the university for a shortened course of study, mogilev has not disappeared from you, after all, everything equal to my life left, but it’s impossible for a cook to study by correspondence, well, you can become a cook remotely; it’s impossible to become a cook, a cook is a working specialty, we have this professional technical education in minsk and...
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we can’t escape it, it helps we need to resolve issues with the organization of nutrition for our students, workers there, and just the general population, and it seems to me that today it is organized well, it meets all the requirements of both sanitation and physiology. and i also want to note, well , i’ll take this opportunity and advertise the canteen of the bel tv and radio company, our chefs never get tired of coming up with new dishes, that is , every day there is some kind of variety, this is also probably a sign of our time, before in canteens, well, in general - then the guest was very strict, that yes indeed in order to even today people have a lot of public catering facilities where they can relieve their hunger, the same culinary places in...
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when guests come to my house, yeah, i always have everything planned out, you fry a shish kebab, you make a salad, that is, i organize the process my guests in the right direction, giving them the opportunity.
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is being updated, that is, it’s not like it used to be, the restaurant swallow has opened, the restaurant swallow is 30 years old, it’s still the same cutlet, the menu is seasonal, it’s all there, our chefs are watching trends, you’re an omnivore, everything is possible eat according to your mood, and you don’t pretend to be some kind of chef in a strict cap who will refuse to try...
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household, yes, that’s what you say, it’s great, it’s cool, if there is a need extend the life of the product or cook using the suvit technology, yes, it’s a useful thing, in general, of course i’m with, although i don’t really like cooking at home, i can’t imagine my kitchen without a dough mixer, because a dough mixer that allows you to mix ingredients, knead the dough, it's cool thing, you see, after all, the confectioner is in the first place for you, it’s remained so since childhood since then from those very mother’s shortbread cookies, but if you didn’t surprise us pavel, you still recommended potato pancakes as a signature dish of belarusian, then maybe they can already be grated somehow using technology or with the taste itself, of course, of course everything can be simplified
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, food processors today are the same. multifunctional devices and where you can knead the dough and grate pancakes and cut some products into slices, yes they are, but you don’t you will insist that the most delicious raniki are the ones that you drip into the blood of your fingers, tserka, tserka, yes, as a child i had a punishment, my dad loves raniki very much and i always got to do this work , well, finally, a question, probably - now it’s time for the country house to begin, people do our seaming, what do you say about this, our traditions are to roll up vegetables, i don’t do seaming, i, i live in a country house, i have one cherry, it’s winter , and i make the liqueur, the recipe for the liqueur is very great, i sprinkle it with sugar, let it brew,
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then mix it with alcohol, and in winter i treat all my people... pavel, it’s great with you, it’s easy, fun, we hope that public catering in the city of minsk and in general in all cities of belarus will be exactly the same as you, because you stand at the origins of our international movement of chefs, let everything work out for you, as many professionals as possible join you and... let the shortage of the profession disappear, because, well, judging by even because we are from you today saw and heard, this is an extremely interesting work, thank you, thank you, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, pavel makovka is speaking now, dear viewers, we are waiting for you in our catering facilities at throughout the country, we are ready to give you our love, our care
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, our service, and our dear ones. colleagues, students of our universities, colleges, we are waiting for you, and we hope that together with you we will advance our gastronomy to a new level and raise quite a few cups and medals with you international championships, see you, pavel, fortunately you are that rare guest of height, which is enough to sign higher on our famous painting, please do this, leave us some wish, i want to wish everyone well, because, probably, in our world, in our time , everyone misses him so much, be kind, loved by everyone, happiness.
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there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe. really preparations are underway, the poles for the most part don’t really want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite. in order for the gun to line up, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall. and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some.
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we voice a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically and politically , states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
12:00 pm
live you watch the main news at noon, pavel is with you, hello, in this episode. coverage, members of the republican council are holding a single reception day today in all regions of the gomel region.


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