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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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so that these products comply technically, regulatory legal acts, correspond to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel .
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evening prime time opens with news on belarus 1, tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing at this hour. what changes await individual entrepreneurs in belarus, are there bonuses for creating a commercial organizations? let's discuss business reform. democracy with the help of clubs and special means.
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be used to minimize tax obligations due to the fact that, as a rule, the tax burden of an individual entrepreneur is lower, and we came to the moment when we needed to streamline the main goal of the law - to define this structure, clearly understandable to everyone, which would allow citizens realizing your entrepreneurial potential is quite simple and quite easy, but as you grow its own there, which means commercial, professional scaling into more organized forms of business. the law also provides for a mechanism for a seamless transition from an individual entrepreneur to a legal entity with the preservation of rights and obligations; there will also be no need to pay state fees for another bonus for creating a commercial organization, and its location may be a residential premises. when in the pursuit of personal gain the main thing suffers, our common safety - minibuses are convenient and fast, but is it always according to the law? the new season of the project is under control...
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they gave me, it turns out just like that, any stop could be the last, let’s put on handcuffs, the president’s order, there must be order in the industry, there is no need to talk to them, i didn’t pay the tax there, and there is a result, our entrepreneurs who said illegal business activity, they we started to come out of the shadows, let's ride with the breeze, but according to the law. let's conduct
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our own little experiment. a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency. under the control of the president. watch on thursday. after the panorama. everything, that people are concerned about the responsibility of parliamentarians, members of the council of the republic today held a single day of receiving citizens in all regions of the gomel region. the coverage is as wide as possible, 17 districts and the regional center, not a single issue was left unattended. chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova worked in the zhilobinsky district executive committee. in addition to local residents, people from svetlogorsk came to the reception. 17 years old, the family bought a house, but instead of joy they were faced with constant troubles due to flooding of the site; according to her , there was almost constant water,
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it is impossible to use the site, other street residents also face this problem, water in the house, water in the garden, water on the streets, in winter this is generally impossible, that is...
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in may, to help farmers, the weather ends sowing early spring, grain and legume crops, more than half of the area has been sown, active work with annual grasses, flax, spring rapeseed, corn, it is important to create a food supply, as well as provide the population with their own vegetables, sugar beets and potatoes have been almost completely sown, almost a quarter of the plan. in the capital of the festival fair of workers of the village of dozhinki 2024. in the minsk region there will be volozhin. the grain growers' festival is not just an image project, it will qualitatively improve the living conditions of the city and region itself. the governor of the minsk region announced this today during a headquarters meeting with the heads of structural divisions of the regional executive committee. alexander turchin
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assessed the progress of the reconstruction of the central square of volozhino. the work must be completed by august 15. these include the replacement of utility networks, modernization of roads, and street lighting systems. 12 houses will be overhauled, in addition, they plan to install a ct machine at the voluzhensk central district hospital. this is a significant event, many problems of citizens that have accumulated are being solved, this includes water supply, sewerage, heating today, the street and road network is being updated, so this is a considerable means that is invested with the help of the regional budget in the development of the region. other settlements, such as ivenets, rakov. of course, they will not go unnoticed, yes, maybe not everything will be done as we would like, but let’s say, again, the main we will certainly try to solve any problems. today, the central square is affected by a number of historical buildings and structures that
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should be put into operation by the regional festival of dazhinki, taking this into account, we are slightly transforming the territory of the central part, the demolition of one... i note that a new art object will appear in volozhin, this tree, which symbolizes all districts of the minsk region. the composition is already being installed next to the bus station. belarusians honor the traditions of the past, one of these is student brigade movement. this is an opportunity for young people to work on iconic objects of the country, we will tell you about how the student initiative was born in belarus and what young people are proud of today on our evening broadcast. student teams bring back the most
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pleasant memories for many people born in the soviet union. komsomol times have passed, but student teams are still confidently gaining momentum in popularity. youth, work and romance - the largest youth movement in our country in special. american freedom of speech and democracy teach students and young people in general how to hear correctly. in just two days , almost 170 people were detained in us educational institutions, fox news reports, and the total number of people detained at such rallies over the past 2 weeks is almost 2,000. student rallies in support of palestine have not stopped there all this time, and this is canada, where
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students are also protesting in support of palestine. in montreal, activists smashed glass windows and knocked over everything in their path. earlier, for the event, students mogila university set up a tent camp. this is just an example of how the west is beating people at home and at the same time wants to take advantage of the crisis in georgia to organize. the us embassy in georgia, as expected, supported the protesters against the law on foreign agents.
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but representatives of the country’s leadership refused to accept a recent invitation to visit the states to discuss issues of partnership to help the country. the american ambassador to georgia announced this. the new york times writes: more than 170 have disappeared from european libraries rare editions of books by russian writers. it is specified that from 2022. in most cases, the originals were replaced with high-quality copies. now the police are looking into who is taking the books and why. how to make a name in the art of cooking in a few years? and why there is now a shortage of this profession, he told. from the program say don’t be silent, pavel makovka, chairman of the federation of chefs and confectioners
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of belarus, pavel made his first culinary experiment during his school years: then he studied, worked in the university canteen, railway as director of a dining car, today pavel, a judge of international categories according to world skills standards, the chief also spoke about work at the oktyabrsky enterprise, which relates to the management of the president’s affairs. what do chefs have to do when hosting receptions with the participation of top officials? we have very talented chefs, if you are a bad cook, all restaurants will know about you, especially now thanks to telegram channels, thanks to social networks, all this becomes publicly available, that is, if you were not so bad before and walked around like i i call them walkers, i worked here for a month, i worked there for a month, there, it worked before, now it’s impossible, it will quickly become known to you, right? watch the program tell me not
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to be silent on the belarus-1 youtube channel in the telegram channel. today is holy thursday for orthodox believers. according to the gospel, on this day jesus gathered his disciples for the last supper, washed the feet of those gathered and shared bread and wine with them. modern priests traditionally repeat the ritual. today , services are held in all orthodox churches. liturgy at the holy spirit metropolitan veniam headed the minsk cathedral. this thursday is also called clean thursday because on this day people put special order in their homes, began baking easter cakes and coloring eggs. next, see the sports news and the results of the day in the panorama at 9:00 pm. all the best and take care of yourself. the belarusian national football team returns
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home on june 7 at the dynamo stadium, the national team will play with russia, the start time of the match will be determined later. the last meeting between belarusian fans and the team in their home arena was dated 2021, then in november hosted jordan. another sparring partner for the carlos allas guys will be israel. the match will take place in the capital of hungary, budapest, on the eleventh day of the first summer month. the game day of the seventh round is closed by neman and shakhtar. both teams lost their matches a week ago, which means that today the teams have a chance to please their fans. right now grodno are in fifth place in the tournament. on the table, and the soligorsk team is at the bottom of the major league pedleton. watch the match live broadcast on belarus 5 tv channel, start at 20:20.
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karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet military
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engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor. at the beginning of june 1941, karbyshev was sent to the western special military district. the great patriotic war found him at the headquarters of the third army in grodno. on june 27 , the army headquarters was surrounded. in august 1941, while trying to get out of encirclement , the lieutenant general was seriously shell-shocked in a battle in the dnieper region. unconscious. was captured. the nazis repeatedly they tried to persuade karbyshev to betray, he refused to serve the nazis. on the night of february 18, 1945, in the concentration camp mounthausen, along with other prisoners, was doused with water in the cold and died. for
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exceptional perseverance and courage, hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city. why do you need this? where does the money come from? my two favorite questions. i would really like to see what the school, which is no longer a school, looks like inside. there they see more opportunities and make the most of them. you have 26 piglets any chickens? 130 chickens who else do you have? ducks? cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's
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what you don't have, it's free time that you can spend on sad laziness, i understand. this is definitely not the case, neither for depression, nor for discouragement and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we do it here in the future, we are a room reception of guests, we do here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, here what we have leftovers here, valuable things, we will hang here, probably as an exhibition, now what is the fashionable saying here? yes, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, thank you, watch the project “i’m from the village” on the tv channel. belarus 24?
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. the most unexpected couple is in the president's cup final. metallurg and... the history of the championship has been rewritten again, never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series, we are reviewing the most interesting event. the british runner raskuk, known
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on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on a record a year ago; he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. the thirty-four-year-old french woman raised it with her hands. sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our heroes? why do you think the children chose
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you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance. i don't turn from. some grymza in a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, like you your attitude towards being pitied is extremely categorically negative, pity is not equal to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the village of mazychi actually consists of one street, which was built on the banks of the
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mukhovits river . on the north side, this is the main channel, which has flowed here for thousands of years; in the eighties, the river bed was straightened.


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