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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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organizing and using three girls for prostitution. a year ago , a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from the smalevichesky district met an eighteen-year-old guy who told about unusual earnings, he selects clients, the money is divided in half. initially , the minor did not like the friend’s idea, but a few months after a serious conflict with her mother, the girl decided to take a desperate step. last may , the teenager went to her first order. after providing sexual services the girl earned two. dollars, half of which she gave to her employer. having received such an impressive amount, the minor willingly agreed to the following proposal: the schoolgirl did not see anything reprehensible in her occupation, she continued to go to school, and on weekends she went to work in minsk. the parents did not attach much importance to the child’s strong independence; on the contrary , the mother praised her daughter and thanked her for the financial support of the family. the boss’s business grew and soon the menchansky expanded its staff of employees. two of his people got jobs acquaintances like... who knew
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the intricacies of the profession, gradually the young pimp began to serve foreigners, but at the end of the year he was detained, and then the scale of the secret business was revealed. i ordered a wholesale batch of wallets for 300 euros on instagram and was left with nothing. a resident of the capital became a victim of scammers on the internet. the buyer was attracted by the price of italian leather accessories, but the pleasant note turned out to be for a reason. to continue the correspondence , the buyer was redirected to a telegram chat, where i... sent payment details goods, a personal card of an individual with a foreign name, and a contact phone number, i said that i would dial and ask if i could transfer money, they said that you don’t have to dial, no one will withdraw it for a friend, this is supposedly data only for transferring the amount itself , immediately after payment the seller deleted the correspondence and stopped communicating. more than 5 tons of mash were stored by a resident of the molodezhinsky district in an outbuilding. the police found a mini-factory for making moonshine.
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the owner did not hide the fact that here in... alcohol on an industrial scale this is not the first time that a production company has received a fine due to the confiscation of products, semi-finished products and the apparatus itself. this was the project zone x. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day, stay on the bright side and join us on belarus-1.
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good morning belarus. good morning belarus, good morning country. we continue to wake up together.
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from fasting, and this is the most important thing, not to eat food, because this is fraught with acute pancreatitis, and this is really a big problem, we have easter and may ahead, for for many, these holidays, my dears, are the second most important after the new year, but the consequences can be sad, overeating, excess fatty and starchy foods, on the scales +3-5 kg, the risk of missing out on the holidays and not returning to a healthy diet for... even more, very great, how to survive a rich feast and not offend anyone with a refusal? don’t sit with an empty plate, always keep your hands and mouth busy with something, drink tea, lemonade or water, eat salad or sliced ​​vegetables, so it won’t
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seem to others that you’re not eating anything, don’t sit down hungry at the table, be sure to drink a glass of water before the feast, this way you will reduce the risk of overeating, even if you eat easter cake, kebabs, and other high-calorie treats, yes, you say, so that others do not judge you, you need to eat constantly, and if you are alone as if you are sitting at the table, which is not at all necessary to eat, it is necessary to eat, that’s how you pose the question, the rib, the most important thing is that there is, do not eat store-bought smoked sauces, they have a lot of preservatives and empty calories, and a lot of sugar, yes, as far as i am concerned i know, of course so it’s better to eat a piece of meat, dipping it in homemade sauce, well, maybe you have your own adzhika, use these phrases like... yes, you will need to politely refuse, i ’ll pause for now, let it digest, thank you, yes, thank you, i haven’t yet i’ve finished, i have enough food, everything is very satisfying, can i take a piece of easter cake, a little shish kebab with me, otherwise i’ve already eaten too much, the main thing is then to forget this with me when visiting
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and not to take it away, this is how i usually talk to the seller in the store, i i'll take a piece of kulech, but then with you later about by the way about this is our tradition. eggs the best option is from one to three pieces and not at a time, my dears, throughout the day, by the way, eggs and mayonnaise together are a very high-calorie mixture, it is best to replace mayonnaise with your own low-calorie mayonnaise, this is yogurt, yes, add soy to it it’s better to make sauce and mustard, easter cakes and easter cakes yourself from cottage cheese, such a classic easter cake is that same rich product that cannot be classified as a healthy diet, but... you can afford it once a year, i advise you to take larger white eggs for coloring and use folk methods, we have a question here from orsha, yes, excuse me for interrupting, svetlana, the girl from orsha really wanted to clarify about eggs, though three eggs a day, but for now you’ll go around to all the godchildren,
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while you go to everyone’s washrooms, in the same place you need to overcome this egg marathon with everyone, that ’s right, it’s necessary, play around with who wins, it’s called a kick of eggs, but at the same time you don’t need to eat more than three a day, this again is fraught with weight gain and the arrival of a bad portion of cholesterol, so here's the excess yolk in body, an excess of yolk certainly doesn’t hurt anyone, but let’s figure out how to color it: beets give a red color, turmeric is golden, spinach is green, blueberries are bluish, onion skins, yellow or burgundy, you can use a life hack, i once colored hibiscus eggs with tea. but if you don’t want to scare your relatives, then it’s better not to do that, my dears, it’s also customary for us to come to visit hungry for some reason, when we sit down to the table we are so hungry
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that we eat everything in a row, quickly filling up in large quantities snacks, no more in the mood to move, some unbutton the button on their trousers so that the hot one can fit in, i won’t... keep quiet about dessert, but we’re not going to give it up either, i haven’t eaten anything all day, food during the day should just be lighter, buckwheat, tomato juice, vegetable salads with olive oil, fruits all in small portions, we have a question again from a tv presenter, very active, yes, you just started with a question, for some reason we come to visit hungry, this is such a tradition, this is a remedy savings in general family just of course. that’s right, that is , everyone is really afraid of offending the hostess, i just said what phrases can be used, yes - that is, when you go to visit, remember that protein and fiber give a feeling of fullness, yes, but remember that three eggs in day, yes, the last snack, please, 2-3 hours before the feast, 20 minutes, and before
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you sit down at the table, i still recommend drinking a glass of water, preferably with lemon, because such water alkalizes us , na na... i would like to alkalize, this is me when i arrive on a visit, i ask for water with lemon in this way, without feeling hungry, you, my dears, will be able to, let’s say, approach food consciously, well , you want to try something, well , try it after that, when you have already eaten the main course, as for alcohol, it is better to drink dry red wine, but my dears, in limited quantities, strong drinks are much higher in calories, when drunk we lose control not only over ourselves. but over what we eat, you know, as in the joke, if you are afraid of gaining weight at the festive table, then drink
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vodka and you’ll stop being afraid of what kind of advice they gave on the morning broadcast, yes, that is, we will no longer just sit and peck a little at a cucumber, but it will already end up at the handle, but no, bring it here, yes, of course, that’s why i don’t recommend strong drinks, but i offer you red, good dry wine, you seem to be the supplier of something special, in general you should drink alcohol in limited quantities, or better yet, in general. give it up, that’s right, but the best way to spend time is, for us, a walk in the fresh air, when food is all time is in front of us, it’s impossible to resist and not eat it, and during a walk we don’t have such a temptation, the main thing is not to walk around the store among these meat aisles, but listen, the most important thing is not to buy 10 kuluchs, because you know, for some reason everything for some reason they come and bring you easter cake, then people start saying that you have to finish it, that’s who told you? yes, you can give it as a gift, just don’t bake a lot of easter cakes, my friends, if you
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want to bake buns so that your house smells like these wonderful, wonderful healthy, make it in limited quantities and with semolina, yes, you know who i ’m referring to, our dear grandmothers who stand in the kitchen, kneading this dough for hours, and then the rolls can become stale and not end up where, so to speak. it is necessary for its intended purpose, it seems to me that svetlana still has something to say, svetlana has something to say, i can talk non-stop, we have the same situation, i repeat again, remove it altogether - this tradition, first we now eat snacks, appetizers, and then move on to the main course, no, start with the main course, my dears, and then you can enjoy the appetizers, this way you will avoid many problems, this is how i live, this is how i always live, but can you tell me where they eat it this way, then?
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we have a very bad tradition of alcohol, i will return to it, because i am concerned about the health of the population, when she is hungry, you know, oh, it’s somehow awkward to take something from the table, first someone will say some word, then you have to take a sip on an empty stomach, you know, and after that we start eating, it’s very bad. will be born first, be sure to eat vegetables, add protein, and then you can drink a glass of wine, or better yet, compote, like this, like this, compote is sugar, don’t drink compote without sugar, they told you water with lemon, friends, so on the topic of drinking alcoholic beverages has never been heard on our air, but we repeat once again, we approach everything wisely, a holy cause, a holy cause, not on the eve of easter , these words... sound special, friends, this was our favorite nutritionist, let’s repeat, svetlana koshitskaya with her column from
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i hear a nutritionist, well, look at vasil, we move on to other food, yes, we continue to talk all about food, yes, how do you feel about baked oatmeal, i, for example, have never seen this, anatoly moiseev even knows how to cook, writing down a new recipe. good morning, today we are preparing a healthy breakfast, but healthy does not mean tasteless, and i will prove it to you. if you're bored with traditional oatmeal, then chocolate banana baked oatmeal is just what you need, a filling and most importantly delicious way to start your day. we will need oatmeal, banana, milk, yogurt, chocolate, cocoa and stir. pour a glass of oatmeal into a blender bowl and
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grind it into flour, peel a ripe banana , break it into small pieces and add it to oatmeal, pour a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of cocoa, half a spoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt, carefully mix everything, pour the mixture into a bowl and add a little whole oatmeal for... mix the texture, fill the prepared baking dish oatmeal, but leave a couple of tablespoons for later, make a layer of thick yogurt on top. cover with the remaining oat mixture, decorate with chocolate pieces and bake for 20 minutes at 180°. we decorate the finished dish with coconut flakes and enjoy the incredible taste. the oatmeal casserole turns out very beautiful, crispy on the outside, soft and
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tender on the inside. it's nutritious enough for breakfast, but tastes great for lighting. desserts, completely vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free and prepared only from the healthiest ingredients, sweets can be healthy too, bon appetit, have a good day. love quickly the winged eyelid disappeared as if. the fallen
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snow has fallen like an autumn garden, it won’t be brought back, it won’t be brought back, but maybe the night shouldn’t rush everything all over again... we should repeat it all over again, oh what should i do, or maybe start it all over again, i don’t want to lose you , i can't lose you, oh, how can i be.
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bogas, lonely beam, vein, indifferent beam, thorns, there was a short path, love. a difficult essence, a difficult essence, and maybe the night will not speak repeat everything from the beginning, we must repeat everything from the beginning, oh what should i do, or we can
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start everything again, i... want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh what should i do. or maybe the night shouldn’t rush to repeat everything all over again, we should repeat everything all over again, oh, how can i be, or maybe it’s all over again, i don’t want
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to lose you, i can’t... i can’t lose you, oh, how can i be, or maybe it’s all over again start, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t have you... getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between
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our equipment is that they have very great possibilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is actually very reliable ; there is a colossal safety margin built into it. see the project quality mark. on tv channel belarus 24.
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good ransi belarus, good morning country, and we continue to wake up, yes, we are already in the third hour of live broadcast, we continue to wake up, we hope that annequilori maryana murenkova has forgotten hers.
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isn't this a reason to smile? this is a reason to smile, and another reason to smile will be our next information: 250 california condor chicks have appeared at the san diego zoo, who? it could really bring a smile. please watch our video, the egg developed in an incubator under the careful supervision of veterinarians. a realistic copy was placed in the nest instead for this time. this is a standard procedure that applies to all parked condor eggs to ensure that the embryo is in the correct position. after it was determined that the chick was developing normally, the egg was returned to the nest. parents. the sex of the hatched chick has not yet been determined, but it has already... received the name mi, which means sky in the language of the california indians. the young condor is expected to join the wild population of its species as early as 2025. california
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condors, like some other rare species, have been able to survive solely through captive breeding. by the end of the 20th century, their numbers had been reduced to only 22 birds. to prevent extinction, experts moved the surviving individuals to zoos and nurseries and launched a program for their breeding. thanks to. with this effort, the population of the species has grown noticeably and now amounts to about 600 individuals, they even do mris there, have you seen? i’m thinking, you know, please excuse me, they took the egg, but in the incubators there for mri, yes, no one asked the mother, well, the bird, yes, what did she feel at that moment, do you think, the mother’s heart did not feel that this is some kind of setup, this is not real, this is all in the name of the development of science. preservation of the population, i want to say something else, i read here that it turns out that a kondur can go without eating for a very long time, and then immediately eat 3 kg of meat, and then cannot take off, it seems to me that it
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has something in common with humans, this bad eating behavior also needs to be eliminated so that the population is preserved, you see, i don’t know how to comment, i know that in the capital’s zoo we also have good news, also related to animals, by the way the lemurs appeared there. little cubs have appeared, just like that, you can now look at our screen, where, please, provide us with a video, well you see, even if we don’t have a video, be sure to go to the capital’s zoo and look at these wonderful animals whose tail is longer than their body, who can sleep for 16 hours, who just look at how beautiful their eyes are, what their beautiful eyes, what cute cubs, friends, this is the cutest video you can see this morning. and by the way, i’ve never seen lemurs in person, so i’ll definitely go to the capital’s zoo this evening, and tomorrow i will definitely go to the cinema, to
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the domestic cinema, because there are very... high-profile domestic film premieres , i’ll tell you about this right now in our regular column. yesterday a high-profile domestic premiere started in all cinemas across the country. time to go back. historical drama based on real events. the belarusian film was directed by belarusian director ivan pavlov. the film became a cinematic dedication to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the plot of the tape. will tell about the unique actions of the belarusian partisans, which gave important tactical advantages to the soviet troops during the offensive operation bagration, the prototype of the main characters of the film are real people, for example, ivan rylkov, our compatriot, hero of the soviet union, as well as uzbek, mamadali topvaldyev at the request of kazbek, whom hitler considered him a personal enemy, because he had hundreds of amazing heroic deeds in his arsenal, for example, he single-handedly rescued 140 people from captivity, and their
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images were paid in the premiere film. andrey senkin and alexey takharov, however, there are selections of heroes, films and fictional characters that literally appeared on the page of the script from wartime photographs . by the way, the working title of the film initially sounded like if we don’t die, this is a phrase from one of the characters in the film by a three-year-old child. filming of the film took place on the territory of our country, specifically in smolevichi and the berezensky nature reserve. for filming , artificial rain was created and the swamp for the scenes was chosen from eight, literally measuring the depth by hand. for the safety of the actors. work on the film time to return began on june 23 last year. the date has meaning, because it was on june 23 in 1944 that the fateful bagration operation for our country began. 35 days, that’s how long the entire filming process lasted. the budget of the film was about 4 million rubles. well, we move on to the film agenda of the film by mexican director michel franco, memory. a little about the author's personality. franco
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is known in the world of cinema as someone who does not strive to become hollywood, calmly films quiet family dramas, although sometimes there are more expressive films, in general, a creator searching for himself, his films are consistently presented at festivals, this time in venice the memory remained in the memory, the leading actor peter sarsgard received the volpe cup for best actor. by the way, his partner in the frame was the inimitable jessica chistain in the center of the new film sylvia single mother. and a social worker, she, like many people on this planet, is struggling with her past, and he is saul, a young man suffering from dementia. it turns out that their fates have no time crossed paths in high school, and again a romance begins between the young people. by the way, franco’s new film will take us a little back to his work twelve years ago, namely to his triumphant film in the special look competition in cannes after lucia. how the author connects the dramatic lines of different films, which will be emphasized by the new film by the mexican
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director. with bold type, find out for yourself whether modern man is healthy, what social and mental issues michel franco raises in his premiere, though in the cinema seat. you should be especially careful when exercising in the gym. let's agree that before the age of 16, training in the gym, in the sense as we imagine it, that is, strength training equipment and iron, is contraindicated until the child's skeleton has formed.
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ae girls, girls and women, this strength training by building up muscle relief, excess, from my point of view is wrong, not physiological, androgens predominate in men, and estrogens in women, respectively, the body should be different, it looks different, requires different loads, so until a teenager is 16 years old in general, then... men have more strength, women have more , women have less less strength, aerobic loads and light weights are used, men can then use larger
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weights, but we don’t recommend it at all before 16.
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i told you everything, not everything yet, let's go through the cities and regions of our homeland, so, the capital of our homeland today is 18:20 with a plus sign in brest + 23 + 25, in fact.
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in terms of weather, yes, just a little, but next week the weather will be good for us again please and this is a great time to go on some good travel around our wonderful beautiful country, especially since there will be a very long weekend there, but i would like to say a word about the augustop canal, this is an amazing landmark of our country, we remind you that this canal was once dug in order to connect the nemon and the vistula, two rivers, and this was in the nineteenth. century, it was built in order to become such a transport and logistics route, and to connect, in fact, the baltic the sea, in the north, in the south, the black sea, all this was possible, although it was not for long, it was actually a transport artery, very quickly it became
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a tourist attraction, and today, at least the belarusian part is a truly stunning object that attracts many tourists , and the grodno residents themselves really love going there, it’s really like... what are we telling everything ? boyarsky has prepared wonderful material, our wonderful correspondent olesya , yes, let’s see, the plot when they say about the august canal, they definitely add the word unique, because this is an ambitious project of the 19th century, one of the largest in europe. the famous grodno canal is located in a specially protected unesco zone. this outstanding hydraulic structure was built in 1824-1839. at that time, the canal provided
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access to the baltic sea on one side and the black sea on the other. now it is a tourist place. for the bicentenary of the augustow canal, we carried out certain work. changed the fences at the rest areas, pedestrian bridges were repaired, houses were painted, piers were changed or restored, here at the beginning... the holiday begins with a solemn procession, there will be a brass band, there will be folk groups, the workers also tidied up the recreation areas, repaired the waterworks, erected a new observation deck, which is accessible and for people with disabilities. the idea to build this gazebo arose. in order to improve recreation mainly for people with
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disabilities, so that they can hide from the rain, so that there is an opportunity or a place to have a snack somewhere, to enjoy nature. the water level on the august canal is monitored around the clock. at each lock we have water gauges in the upper reaches and downstream, there are shipkeepers who carry out this work and report daily, well... to our post, if you do not monitor the water level, it means that navigation will not be ensured at the proper level on the august channel. the idea of ​​​​creating a canal dates back to the time of king stanisław august poniatowski. its construction began after prussia imposed high duties on the transportation of goods to the baltic ports. and in 1824, augustovsky’s project. approved by emperor alexander i himself. it is with this sign
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that every tourist who comes here to relax is photographed, i am no exception. walk through beautiful places, ride cycling routes, kayak, enjoy a catamaran, and also take a boat trip. all this can be done on the augustow canal. the duration of our boat trips is in basically it’s an hour-long walk, everyone wants to ride with a lock, so the ship goes with one lock through the dombrovka shipping lock and i return back to the pier. well, i'm ready for my unforgettable journey. by the way, the most luxurious view always opens at the stern.
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based on this water line, we can assume that we have already descended 3 m. holidays in these places will bring pleasure to lovers of beautiful nature, architecture and history. what is the caretaker's house worth? gateway, not to mention the sights of the nearest settlements points. and here is the most interesting moment: the water has reached the required level and the gate opens. by the way, they open manually. having walked here, i want to say one thing: if you want to get a charge of positive emotions, then welcome to august. be sure to go there on
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a big weekend, and not on a big weekend, you will have the opportunity to definitely go to the august channel, because this is one of the three channels in the whole world, like these, yes, that’s absolutely right, friends, well, we urge you not to travel around the country only us, not only our correspondents, but our practically legend of domestic television, svetlana borovskaya, and at 9:15 every saturday she. wakes up along with the whole country on the belarus one tv channel , right now we will watch the announcement of its broadcast tomorrow. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to sennitsa. my homeland makes fancy cheeses. don't turn your beautiful mustache away from the camera. this work is starting to make my head spin. look for the center here. but if so. show this piece, the rating will skyrocket. what surprises senitskaya
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high school number two? what farm products can be found at the local market? who turns siberian trees into a work of art? find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, tune in to good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15. of course, we are the good morning program of belarus, an uncontrolled purchase, but it’s interesting. some are brave, some are smart.
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all we have to do is wish you good things, a good friday, a good weekend, a wonderful, bright, christ-filled sunday. yes, we congratulate you on happy easter and we wish you all the best. friends, see you next week, bye. we follow the sporting life of our country. russian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair - zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most
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interesting event. british runner raskuk known on the internet as the strongest eccentric, a year ago he set his sights on the record. i wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming the increase is not so much records, and how much density. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish and now we can use it to treat
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everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the cutlet is not osvizh, it is not a cutlet at all. it is equated to fried. with everything, because it is made from minced pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. a kulich, of course, is baked, only here, in this area, it is not called kulich. if all over the world there are easter cakes, these are easter cakes; in the whole world, these are easter cakes. we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country. people go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church and everything connected with the radivils. by the way, pay attention to the caps with the letter p, which means birth, look in the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. morning news on belarus 1, studio vladislav bunder, hello, that’s what it’s about we'll tell you. in the release. the feat of military doctors, the genocide of the belarusian people and a new memory lane. medical students were united by a belarusian-russian patriotic project. the lithuanian president's ratings are falling on the eve of the elections. experts predict.


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