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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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for excellent work. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results-analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the television news agency and the main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we go to an amusing trip. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city hall was located. magistrate, so
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the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here, not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for floating ones. they haven’t come up with train stations yet, landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we all come, we come with a piece of ourselves, so we pass on this piece, everyone opens up differently, everyone talks about themselves. the series is my life, these are the people who surround me, whom i met at the university , they will always be ready to help you, in any situation, at any time of the day or night, you can contact them, turn to them, they will never refuse you, the people we have on the project, they create their own special atmosphere, for the sake of which you want to come back again, again, and this
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drags on for life, it is generally accepted that this is the birth of the belarusian historical detachment movement, in general on the territory. belarus dates back to 1963, when 2,500 students from 16 universities of the republic went to the ural region of kazakhstan and this first semester lasted 73 days, a lot was built, at the end of the working semester even entire streets were built, then they gradually began to grow in our country on the territory of belarus there were a lot of our district, regional and even all-union youth construction projects. for some, novosibirs
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is the starting point of routes, for others it is the final point. the tenth international student construction team brought together guys from hungary. czechoslovakia, german democratic republic and other countries. in the eighties there was a very rapid development of the student brigade movement, about the same level in number as we have now, and there were construction teams of conductors, teams of machine operators, excavators, specialized various detachments, that is, these are detachments of designers and a detachment of electricians. it occupies a separate page in the history of the student movement.
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where everyone understands that there are no unsolvable problems, no, unsolvable questions, where he feels the shoulder of a comrade, knows that he is not alone, he is together with his squad, and this , of course, is worth a lot. we arose within the framework of the all-union movement on the territory of a former large country, the movement as a whole began a little earlier, in 1959, and this year it will be celebrated sixty-fifth anniversary of the all-union student ryad movement. who are they,
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student fighters? these are students from our educational institutions, students or students, older youth. from 14 to 31 years old, who have expressed time, free from study and other activities, to work and relax together, there is legislation, there is a presidential decree, according to which our units have the right to work in seven areas, well, that’s why we highlight seven profiles, this is construction , agricultural, pedagogical, environmental, service, production and medical, the last couple...
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we gain very good experience in production, i am a process engineer by profession, it will help me a lot in the future, because after completing my training i will already know something , i won’t be afraid of the factory, i won’t be afraid of the enterprise, this is a very great experience for me, they offered to go to the mas factory, well, i thought that these are some new opportunities, maybe i’ll learn something new, i’ll try something new for myself, well, i agreed, it was a little... exciting only because it’s something new, i was scared that it wouldn’t work out, somehow little by little some experience appears, it becomes easier and easier every day, in the summer there was a project at the automobile plant 2023, we also worked at the maz company, there were the same workshops, the same familiar things, so it was like returning home
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, very pleasant, very comfortable, at the moment there are 105 people on the project from six different regions of the country, after completing the summer project i was offered the role of commander , to which i... these are the leaders of the detachment, the commander is the person who is responsible for the entire detachment and in general for everything. and we have two slogans for the team. the guys note that the student detachment is a unique opportunity to make a personal
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contribution to the socio-economic development of the republic, not in words, in deeds, and today we say what a student detachment is, it is , of course, labor, civic and patriotic education, when the guys accept participation thanks to the president of our country in such large, important, iconic objects as nuclear power plant, dynamo stadium, minsk arena, metropolitan, a huge number. well, for centuries, for the most part, the first time they go to a detachment, they go for money, but
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they stay, they are there for two, three, and some more years, not at all for this purpose, there they are just testing the reliable shoulder of a friend and how ready a person is to help you, how devoted you are to all of this, that’s when they write in reviews that the soul warms here, is somehow unraveled, finds its true friends, this is very... therefore, the detachments are it’s also about a story about great, strong friendship and love, because every year we always have weddings in our units.
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so guys, we are starting the construction of the republican patriotic center, today we will take out the construction waste , all the boards that are there, prepare for future construction, in general, you are already dressed, so please get started, one of the most significant dates for our republic is this ... this year it is planned to open a labor semester, also on the basis of the brest fortress. on november 11, 2023, the first one was awarded for the first time voucher at this site for the creation of a patriotic center on the basis of the kobren fortification of the brez fortress. in general, all the youth of the republic in order to build this facility, and i, as a representative, built
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spadshin’s detachment, as a commander, last year we received the best student detachment, i, as a commander, was invited to the palace of the republic in order to ask questions about the president’s message question to alexander grigorievich, to assign the status of an all-belarusian youth construction project to the republican patriotic center, in which we are now located. kind day, comrade president, recently it has become fashionable to scold young people, they say that young people are no longer the same, that the continuity of generations has been lost, but i want to assure you that this is not so, i am afraid of the detachment here, and tens of thousands like me are working and will work for the good of our country, and to prove this, we ask you to entrust barsem with participation in the creation of a republican patriotic center. at the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress, according to good tradition, to declare this
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object an all-belarusian youth construction site. taking this opportunity, allow me to also invite you in november on the all-belarus trail, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the belarusian student movement. we will consider this issue regarding the brest patriotic center, if the youth and the belarusian republican youth union, and you join in this. i will be very happy to declare this construction site a youth construction project, especially since you did not let us down in khatyn, but here we will try our best to help. and i didn’t expect that it would all be done so quickly, that alexander grigorievich would support the idea, i couldn’t even think that he wouldn’t support, but he still supported 9 august, by order 257, i supported and declared
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the republican patriotic center a republican youth construction site, in fact, i didn’t even expect that i would still have time to work on it... to work, since i am in my fourth year, my last year, and i thought that that the work will begin in about, well , in about a year, no, six months, even a little less, that’s it, the work has begun, and we, as the first detachment, i as the initiator, are starting to carry out the work, i am more than sure that involvement in this important cause as the creation of a republican patriotic center, should be felt not only by every young person, but also by any person in our country, i am sure that... it is probably difficult to come up with a better education than labor, by example, so i wish everyone the same time, the opportunity to make their contribution, labor contribution to the construction of this patriotic center. we are helping to clean up part of the territory adjacent to the barracks
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of the brest fortress, so that builders can continue. start planar work, including a parade ground will be located here, a place for construction will be located, a summer amphitheater, an obstacle course, a field kitchen, an orchestra of the armed forces raises morale, lifts spirits, despite such, well, quite hard work, everyone is in a great mood, we will build a republican patriotic center, where children will study in the future... from 12 to 16 years old schoolchildren, they will study the history of our country, the first world war, the second world war, the great patriotic war, they will develop comprehensively, both physical and military training will be studied, both ideological, i hope that after passing through this object, people will meet in the future; they will be patriots of our country, who will live here and will
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create cool projects, offer cool ideas and... our country will be even more beautiful, for me, this is pride, a very important object, this is very honorable, because in the future, i hope that my children will come to this site and see that my dad built this, or i show that i built it, i put my work here, i it will be very pleasant for you, many of us - before... the construction team did not work at a construction site, so they come, try themselves, whether they like it or not, and after that they already make a choice where to go, either to a design organization, or to a site as a foreman, or foreman, today i would like to say that virtually every third student at our universities is involved in the ryadov movement; in principle, we set ourselves
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the goal that every young person can feel it during their studies at the university in college. at that age to learn at least some this is worth a lot to the basics of management, this is a high degree of responsibility, that the head of state once again supported the youth initiative, literally in the twenty- second year we took part in the framework of the all-belarusian youth construction on the territory of the khatyn state memorial complex, now another such important one in the civil-patriotic for all,
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i am sure, belarusians and not only citizens of our country, but the post-soviet space. belarusian student teams have their own anthem, it was written by the guys themselves and everyone else the songs that the fighters of the student squads have, they were written by the guys themselves, there are very good words, by joining our ranks, you will understand a lot, there will not be a single peak in the world that we cannot conquer with you, that’s probably the best word. when you are together with a squad, you can handle everything, despite the fact that we say that everything flows, everything changes, updates take place, artificial intelligence, the internet is actively developing.
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thanks to the guitarist and so on, that is, well, you just need to get acquainted with this, this you have to see, everyone knows this, well, everyone who is on the move knows this, these rehearsals often last an hour, an hour and a half, two, sometimes we go to the second round, so... there are not soulful ones, there are those who are enthusiastic, cheerful, everyone is really looking forward to it there are always meetings of student teams, simply because guys from different regions can see each other,
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they know about each other, they see each other somewhere in the media, somewhere on our telegram channel, somewhere we just talk, tell stories, here, but when they see each other, when they understand that there are many of them, that not only me likes it personally, and a huge number of people like this... so they understand that this is large-scale and interesting, this is probably an eternal journey, that is, we are away from home and discover new borders and new places, get acquainted with new amazing people, very cheerful, very active, they are all united by one goal, this is participation in our probably the best movement in the country, it’s a lot of fun, it’s very cool, you just discover new opportunities and new talents, the one who was part of...
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in the improvement of military graves, memorial complexes, mass graves, they go to an educational institution, tell by their own example what a youth union is, what
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student groups are, how important it is to remember, know and honor the history, the heroic feat of our people, at this level they are equal they teach an equal, of course, it costs a lot, so, probably, these are real young belarusians who emphasize and show by example that they are not only hardworking, but... i believe that there are no shortcomings in student teams, it contributes to the fact that the guys mature, they try themselves in various fields, they acquire such an important feature as responsibility, i always tell them in my wishes, be responsible in any matter, in the smallest, in the biggest thing, my advice, is better to visit once, to see once what it really is , how cool the atmosphere is there. as far as the guys are one for one, it takes pride when the guys even come to the exams in a combat uniform, it also has its differences, signs, the amount of time worked,
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the semester of work, and so on and so forth, how carefully they treat the fighter, the mascots, well, in my hands, our mascot is the squirrel suzy, she brings us good luck at all our rallies, we ourselves are rhythm, and we are so lively... guys, and this is our heart, which gives us a hint when we should increase our rhythm, or when to decrease it, so that it would be both comfortable and pleasant, this is a heart squirrel, this is our heart, we are very pleased that in recent years we have seen everything there are more guys who are immersed in this movement, this is also evidenced by the numbers, the number of employed guys, but also the corporate culture is actively developing, this is worth a lot, our squad... has quite reached great heights in a fairly short period of time and we have advanced in the media space and became quite a popular unit among the total number of medical units in the republic of belarus, probably
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thanks to...
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first of all, the atmosphere and my life, we are always together, and under any conditions, no matter what we have not had any difficulties, we will always get together, we will always be together and are ready to go in this movement to the end. these are, first of all , people with whom you want to share everything, have fun, work, a separate romance of the storo movement probably lies in its large number traditions that are observed by all fighters of the units, for me. the sudotriet movement is an inspiration that you can pass on from person to person, and once lit in your eyes in the eyes of all other fighters, a spark that turns into a large and bright flame, just like different people, and fighters of student groups, they are very different, but i would say this, they, you know, like, the grass has not become greener, the sun is still shining.
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guys, they are also young, they are also open, i would even say that our belarusian guys, they are very kind, they are very open, you just have to work with them, because there are a lot of them, they are cool, when you see the eyes, and that makes you happy that are simply not together, it seems to me that what makes us... happy need to get through, and static squads make hundreds of pre-babies happy.
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from the first cosmonaut to participation. in creating a station with such projects, we will shake up the industry. i think that we will see joint flights between russians and belarusians more than once. we did everything according to our program, we did it well, we already have results. space is yours, we understand. space is ours. more precisely, predict the weather, track air pollution for a huge camera on a satellite, the belarusian matrix, a retina for the cosmic eye. your crystals. integral produces in such conditions that even a speck does not get in. we can see different crestal elements in each millions of components, they are like dust, 5.00 times finer than a hair. the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country, with huge markets and prospects. the assembly plant, which cooperates with mtz, has already received more than 8,000 applications from local farmers. of course, we could guarantee our food security. main topics on the main broadcast.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war, permansky.


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