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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 11:15pm-11:50pm MSK

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the glass is smooth, there are no distortions at all, the method itself, but before they removed the glass, cut it, packed everything by hand, now almost the entire process is mechanized. gomel steklo today is a fairly modern and high-tech enterprise, it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus producing sheet glass, in general there are not many such enterprises... in the cis, they all belong to global companies and gomelsteklo occupies a worthy place among its colleagues. more than 80% of the products we produce are sold for export. we completely cover all the needs of the republic of belarus with our products and provide our glass to enterprises in the russian federation and abroad. today, all gomel glass products are in demand, i can say this with confidence. meets all
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international standards, the success of any enterprise is its team, we employ professional, clear, competent, responsive people who, with their labor , create glass that brings prosperity not only to them, their members of their families, but to the whole country as a whole. as for the prospects, we are moving forward with confidence, today we are laying the foundation for the future... the prosperity of our plant for a decade, we are carrying out a major overhaul of one of our furnace lines, this is guaranteed to ensure the work of the entire plant for the next 20 years, respectively the entire workforce , we surprise a lot with quality issues, today it is very important in the year of quality, we are investing in improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply have to keep up with the times, keep up with our competitors and not be left behind... and production in sales and well
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, as they say in the history of our country. glass production begins with the preparation of the batch. we purchase the raw materials that are used to prepare the charge from russia and, in addition to sand, our gomel sand. from the ore we are in a sand warehouse, this is the main component of the charge, 60% of the composition of the charge is sand of a certain humidity, a certain temperature, a certain size, then the main ones are the components of the charge, soda ash, dolamite, field sludge, coal, sodium sulfate
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in a certain proportion, all this is mixed and the final result is shift for the production of sheet glass. all other server materials are located in separate bunkers, containers ranging from four to 400 tons. then they enter the displacement compartment through conveyors into the displacers. mixed until a homogeneous mass we get a gray slab, which then ultimately goes to the polished glass workshop, all pleronic glass, two lines, each line consists of three thermal units, this is a glass melting furnace, a molten bath, a distillation furnace, in order to obtain glass, everything must...
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go through these three stages and through three thermal units. at the moment we are in the loading pocket of a glass melting furnace. and in the compound workshop , mixed raw materials are supplied, the so-called sect, and behind my back they are mixed with cullet, and with the help of charge loaders, everything is fed into the glass melting furnace. first stage. this is the stage of silicate formation, that's behind me now the temperature is 100-100°, the next stage of glass melting then there will be a peak temperature with which the furnace is located 1.515°, there are 2.300 tons of glass maturation in the furnace, and the project is a pig manufacturer of 800 tons '.
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but when heated , the melting of the glass mass occurs, the welded furnace works on the combustion of natural gas, during combustion the gas is burned with the release of combustion products, at the moment behind me there is a house pipe of the first line of shop-polished glass. gas purifier is designed to purify exhaust gases, then at the outlet of the house pipe we simply have warm air, it is absolutely harmless to the environment and safe for human health. each gas treatment plant has
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its own turbines that generate electricity, and naturally there are waste heat boilers that heat the water. we heat. in winter. the next stage of glass production is glass matation molding in a melt bath. glass melt is fed onto the melt - molten tin, where it spreads, and is drawn longitudinally and transversely and obtains made from glass melt, narrower than glass, of a certain thickness and width. now the thickness is 4 mm and the width of the glass strip is 321 cm, this melt bath allows the production of the first width of 3 m 21 cm, the next width of 3 m 60 cm,
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from 3 to 8 mm in thickness. roslaven is with you. the glass enters the following thermal unit: the annealer to the furnace, here the internal stresses are removed , the glass strip is cooled, that is, the glass is wrung out, the glass moves along the rotating shafts, with the help of air it is cooled, naturally uneven in each zone cooling, relieving the load of everything, that is, heat intake. happens, this is approximately where i find myself now, 580°, at the exit the glass will be at approximately 70° temperature.
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they were born in different parts of the world. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, and my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here. i was born in tselinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was tselinograd, then akmala, everyone found something for themselves here. our favorite scene, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, that i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in
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the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for... analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion, they know exactly what it is. success on sports grounds, but after all, to become a champion, emotions subside, some realization already comes that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will the result be in a real battle of intellect, as
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the gymnastic apparatus is called, where two parallel the crossbars are installed at the same height, smooth bars, bars, absolutely correct, how is the abbreviation bf coded? bs you need to press, so you don’t know further, then that’s all then alexey, belarusian federation, maybe you are the armed forces, there is an armed forces.
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now we are in the control room, the central control panel, here all the processes that occur in the glass melting furnace in the melt bath are controlled, the glassmakers watch. temperature, pressure, hydraulic mode, welding of glass melt, and glass strip molding operators control the technological process of glass strip molding on molten tin, now we are in the cave-jag area, and open zones where further cooling and cooling occurs. made of glass and here all the time we have already seen with our own eyes the tape itself, the glass itself, in
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then the cyclone is used for program cutting. the glass, which has passed the rejection stage, is cut to size, then sent to the stacking area, with the help of stackers they stood on the pyramid, then the glass is checked for compliance with size, defects and with the help of hoptek, loaders, then it is sent to the area. packaging, where the products are packaged and delivered to the warehouse,
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now we are in the warehouse of finished products, this is size 6.321, ready for shipment, we are at the shipping area size, this size, that is, the glass is installed on the pyramid, it is checked, the driver drives onto the pyramid, picks up the glass and takes it to a specific consumer, the size is smaller, that is, 3.210 by 2025, this is already packaged in a special wooden container. from the carab and there is loading both by car and into wagons, gondola cars, again
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the consumer is handled, the industrial processing workshop is engaged in glass processing, the building glass section, that is, there are new lines there, also a type of industrial glass processing. in 2023 we have completed a large-scale modernization of this production; in the process of modernization, we have updated the glass processing park; in addition, we have installed and put into operation a glass tempering line. today in this workshop we produce products for the national economy, this is a glass shelf for household refrigerators for...
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the energy-saving properties of the resulting product depend on the emissivity, the lower the emissivity value, the more protected our building will be from heat loss and, accordingly, penetration solar energy into the room. today our products are certified for compliance with european, national and cis standards. we produce you...
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at all stages of product production we carry out laboratory control, starting from incoming control of raw materials that arrive at our enterprise, ending with quality control of finished products, output control in the laboratory is carried out around the clock, the chemical composition of the charge is monitored for compliance established batch recipe. the content of calcium oxides is controlled, magnesium oxide, the content of insoluble residue in the charge is controlled, the humidity of the charge is monitored very often, almost once every few hours, here in the production laboratory the quality control of the finished product is carried out, first of all these are the optical characteristics,
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the most important indicator of sheet glass is controlled here - this is the coefficient directed. transmission of light, which is subject to very stringent requirements, here the transmittance coefficients of solar radiation are controlled, here they are controlled already products of industrial glass processing, such an indicator as the value of residual internal stresses is very important, this indicator further characterizes the strength of the glass so that... in the future , its spontaneous destruction does not occur, today we can guarantee that our products fully comply with the established quality requirements. at each stage there is control from the laboratory, from the technologists, there are services that should control and manage these
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processes. at the moment , glass production inspectors are checking the glass for optical properties. indicators in reflected and transmitted light, measure geometric dimensions and check it for surface quality. our enterprise does not stand still; every year new methods, new developments, new production lines and glass processing are introduced. the company employs about 1,700 people, the work is organized in... one shift in four shifts, the glass production process is continuous, it never stops, i i myself was born in kostyakovka, i studied here, at school during labor lessons they brought us kids to the factory, they showed us, look, this is how
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glass is made, this is how these cars come with glass, that is, this is from school, and the first time i worked here . grandfather, and i know their children, because they also work here, our enterprise has a rich history, a
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lot of family, generations work at this enterprise, we have many olive trees planted in their honor, here is one of them here, and hereditary glassmakers, adjusters, stackers, packers, that is... they may be coming, but nothing is displayed on our panel. in 2018, i’m already in a position, my father brought me the profession,
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i like the profession, it’s promising, interesting, i don’t intend to change anything in the future, working under my father’s command is a responsibility, it’s more than what others ask. a lot also depends on everyone, that is , it’s not just one person who does everything, it’s the team that does it, the team does it, but if there’s a good team, a good team, they know what to do, they understand, they help each other. then this will be the result, i like my job, because i haven’t really worked anywhere else, all the time, i say that i am near the glass, no matter who i am,
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no matter what i do, i am always near the glass was. from the first cosmonaut to participation in the creation of the station, with such projects we will shake up the industry. i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians more than once. we did everything according to our program, we did it well, we already have results. space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours. predict weather, track air pollution for a huge camera on a satellite , the belarusian matrix, the retina for the cosmic eye, the integral
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produces its crystals in such conditions that not even a speck gets in, we can see different elements crested in each millions of components, they are like dust, 500 times thinner hair, the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country, huge markets and prospects, an assembly plant that cooperates with mtz has already received. getting to know belarusian enterprises and outstanding results of their work, the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, this...
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i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the project, the quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel, that’s all how modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene,
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current interviews with famous people. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia. syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish izerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. in the format
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of the union state, the regions of belarus and russia are developing cooperation. alternative energy. belarus can produce 350 tons of pellets per year. social 800 people will receive support by may 9. and a big film premiere on the eve of victory day. the military drama "dugout" was released. the program "events" is on air. in the studio of alena lopo. hello. iconic. the third belarusian-latin american forum, which took place in moscow, was called an event for the development of relations with latin american countries. we will ask our columnist oles vysotskaya what the parties agreed on. belarus is ready not only to supply products, but also to share technologies, developed competencies in different industries. we rely on such an exchange in trade with latin american countries. they presented their trade and economic potential at the forum. first of all, these are
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developments in agricultural construction. belarus’ main partners already include cuba, nicaragua, and venezuela; the new task is to develop the markets of brazil, argentina, colombia, and other countries of central and latin america. minsk and arkhangelsk intend to reach $100 million in mutual trade . a large delegation of this region headed by
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governor, which will become the mainstay. in cooperation. this year , the belarusian-russian trade turnover is preparing for new record numbers; the cooperation of the regions is betting on the development of the union vector; the visit to minsk of a delegation from arkhangelsk is proof of this. by the way, the head of the russian region arrived in minsk on the first direct flight from arkhangelsk. let me remind you that flights between cities have been regular since april 25. planes fly once a week on thursdays, almost 2.0 km in 2.5 hours. a good signal for business and tourists, working more actively, relaxing will now become easier, well, since the twentieth year there has been a systematic increase in the volume of mutual trade. over the past year, i would like to note that a record trade turnover between our regions and our country was achieved - 145%. our trade turnover is 84 million us dollars, this is a significant figure that shows the necessity and necessity of this work that we did today. emphasis on further
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work in industrial agriculture. subsoil use, 100 km from arkhangelsk , the only diamond deposit in europe, here at the enterprises that provide production, belarusian equipment, mining dump trucks are used, and of course, we see further cooperation in this management as promising, since the project for the development of the lomanosov deposit, a diamond deposit, will still be provided for in the next 40 years, so at least 40 years cooperation will continue, there is a prospect... to go into mining already and, accordingly, continue to cooperate in terms of using mine equipment for diamond mining. belarusian technology can also be widely used in peat extraction. peat briquettes are intended to become an alternative source of heat in the russian region. local boiler houses will rely on it. the region is also interested in supplies of belarusian logging, municipal, and passenger equipment. the supply of elevators is of great interest. there
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is a big renovation going on there right now. public utilities, which also affects residential buildings and social facilities. belarusians can provide assistance in the construction of new builders. our builders work both... in the vostochny territory and work in the primorsky territory, we build social facilities in voronezh and other cities of the russian federation, then we absolutely emphasize once again that we are competitive, our builders are already accustomed to this type of life, so they are ready to come and build necessary social facilities, i mean, first of all, these are preschool institutions, this... it’s kind of like this, in this direction. another important area of ​​joint work is the modernization of industrial enterprises in region. belarusian machines and equipment can be a good help. in addition, arkhangelsk is an important cargo transshipment hub in
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the north-west of russia; for belarus in the current conditions this is a strategic task, and this is only part of the common interests. the parties agreed to increase cooperation in the fields of science, education, sports and tourism. belarus. the smolensk region of russia is in search of new points of growth in trade turnover. the prospects for cooperation were discussed in the vitebsk region, where the guests visited. on the route of the russian delegation orshansky a flax mill, a logistics complex, as well as a center for integrated engineering in the field of water supply and sanitation. in the twenty- third year, the foreign trade turnover of belarus and the smolin region amounted to $4.4 billion. since the beginning of 2024 , our cargo exports to this region have noticeably intensified. including examples of good structure of holdings, in particular agricultural holdings, interaction between agriculture and industrial
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processing, of course, we will take an active part in the regional forum, and as much as possible we will bring a large delegation of our business, our enterprises, our enterprises are growing , showing good growth rates, precisely from the synergy of close... the formation of a promising mechanism between manufacturers of goods and logistics companies, among the areas that need to be developed are also tourism and children's health. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy.
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according to experts, 21 plants can produce 350 thousand tons of such fuel pellets, we are waiting details from you. tickets from belarus are ready to be purchased in the countries of central asia, china, and turkey. but most importantly , the energy sector of our domestic market paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. in recent years, the production of pills has been opened in old roads, domes, columns, and one of the first in this energy niche was borisov liskhod. here the equipment produces 4 tons per hour. there are two types of tickets - industrial for boiler plants or housing and communal services, as well as household ones, they are lighter and practically do not leave halls. boris household pellet. in an experienced forestry farm it is produced from debarked waste from sawmilling, that is, it is sawdust chips, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the ash content of the ash yield and an increase in heat transfer. packaging is carried out in big beds weighing a ton;
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packaging of 15 kg is in greater demand among the population, due to the fact that it is much easier to use in home heating. borisov suppliers of wood pellets for the domestic industry have prospects for export sales, we have sent our grana. uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the russian federation, well, we are trying some volumes, we are starting to work, we are looking at pellets as the optimal type of fuel. naturally, this firewood can be used not in the form of firewood, but in the form of pellets; here a fairly high level of labor is released.


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