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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 3, 2024 11:50pm-12:21am MSK

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packs of 15 kg are more in demand, due to the fact that it is much easier to use in home heating. borisov suppliers of wood pills for the domestic industry have prospects for export sales. we sent our granules to a cement plant, mowed the materials, zhodenskaya ets precisely to conduct such a small experiment, introducing them into wood chips, fillets to obtain a greater effect on heat transfer. also working on it.
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the productivity of boiler equipment increases, here we can say that we are already producing boiler equipment that can automatically produce thermal energy without the participation of personnel. in fact, this equipment is quite expensive, if you compare it with the cost of gas equipment, it is many times more expensive, so the state, seeing this problem, will offer a subsidy to the population. in the minsk region there are 154 types of sources that operate on pillets; this year it is planned to build another 61 objects. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more economic news and not only on the website of our tv channel you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about
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key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24.7: watch on our tv channel every friday evening. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance. the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe. indeed, preparations are underway, the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite. in order for a gun to line up, it must first be loaded and hung on...
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we can work well, that’s the economy, we cooperate, we don’t cheat, we don’t cheat, the only correct approach is that we 30 for years in belarus we have been voicing a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically and politically, states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. our main values ​​are people
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and fair treatment of them; this is decisive in the development of social partnership between the authorities and public organizations. trade unions play a leading role among them. how the interests of working people are protected today, why the trade union movement is belarus one of the best in the world? let's ask valery kursevich, chairman of the belarusian trade union of industrial workers bilprof-mash. valery viktorovich, hello. hello, the other day labor day was celebrated in belarus. what meaning do you personally attach to this date ? what do you associate with may 1? you know, may 1 is a universal holiday, a holiday of man-work, man-creative work, no matter what a person does, what profession he is, so this is really a very important holiday for the entire trade union. we always treat and honor the working man every day, but on this day. especially, we pay attention
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to veterans, pensioners, we pay attention to dynasties, we have a lot of labor dynasties that work at our enterprises, so this is such a rather significant day, it really is a connecting link, we have 4 million trade union members, so we are everywhere, we are nearby,
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this is the foundation civil society, this is with the worker, we are close to his needs and aspirations, and the first person to whom a trade union member turns in production, in the workplace, is of course to the trade union leader. we resolve issues of labor protection, monitor the provision of personal protective equipment, working conditions, living conditions, the level of wages, and a number of other points that are important, this is the organization of cultural and mass sporting events, so in general the role of the trade union is formed as such a connecting link, we really are close, we... together and we unite with this slogan, this is what we live by. an important step in protecting workers' rights is the creation of primary trade unions. tell the organization, which you head, do you have any features that other industries don’t have? the trade union unites more than 280 thousand
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trade union members. these are workers at our mechanical engineering enterprises, enterprises subordinate to the ministry of industry, military industry, light industry and state standards. it is clear that this is very big. part of the real sector of the economy, there are different working conditions, for pilots, for welders, for turners, that’s why we place special emphasis on labor protection, we have a lot of public labor inspectors who helped in organizing safe work, also legal inspection, but what i would like to share, of course, we have many collective agreements, collective agreements are aimed at increasing material...
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then on may day, may 1 , a rally was organized near the walls of the american embassy, ​​where thousands of trade union members came to express their dissatisfaction with the introduction of restrictions. you can also recall more than millions of signatures
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of trade union members against the introduction of sanctions, since sanctions limit the development opportunities of the enterprise and its stable operation. therefore, more than a million signatures were collected in opposition to the sanctions, we also recorded videos, i myself went to the enterprise, for me personally, for example, the sound of a working conveyor is the best sound that can be, the melody of a working conveyor, mechanisms, that’s why we we all work so that it doesn’t stop, so that we work calmly, with dignity and earn decent wages, so trade unions for international...
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replacements we have something to be proud of, our enterprise, no matter how difficult it is, but a lot we have resolved the issues with import substitution and we are glad that we can also produce hypoid bridges, that is, we can produce highly competitive equipment, this has given impetus to the development of competence in our industries, so import substitution is an impetus for development.
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and this is a new impetus for the development of our industry in terms of import substitution, we have grown in this regard, and this is encouraging. what are the emphasis in the year of quality in the work of industry, what tasks do enterprises face? teams clearly understand that only high-quality products can be is in demand, it will be a guarantee, the release of high-quality products is a guarantee of the productive work of the enterprise for the long term, but the long-term perspective is a guarantee of the fulfillment
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of the collective agreement, a guarantee of an increase in wages, the fulfillment of all accepted obligations, therefore the teams are aimed at quality work, it has always been carried out, there is no need to say that somewhere previously something was done poorly, always under the brand made in belarus - this is a brand of quality, so well, a special emphasis in... the year of quality given this impulse, a lot of modernization is taking place at our enterprises, this is encouraging, we are sprouting new types of equipment, and modernization means better working conditions, better productivity, quality, and, accordingly, an increase in the well-being of the satisfaction of our workers, examples of such a well-structured, effective, there are really few effective work of trade unions like in belarus in the world, who else can boast of such experience and who is interested in the experience of belarus?
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person of labor legitimate labor interests workers than the federation of belarus does not have in any country in the world. thank you. valery kursevich, chairman of the belarusian trade union of industrial workers bilprof-mash, answered the program’s questions. this is the events program on belarus24 and we continue. the international medical exhibition healthcare of belarus 2024 was held in minsk. what developments. were presented at the forum, our columnist elena puntus knows. it was a presentation of the medicine of the future.
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more than 160 exhibitors from eight countries: belarus, hungary, india, iran, china, russia, egypt and south korea. smart operating chair scooter for people with disabilities, medical simulators. belarus was represented by leading manufacturers of medical equipment, diagnostic equipment and pharmaceutical products. many developments are already being put into practice. very convenient for various injuries to stop bleeding, quite accessible for civilian medicine and quite accessible for military medicine, all projects at the intersection of biology, physics and it trend direction - artificial intelligence, the united institute of informatics problems and the academy of sciences of belarus presented a
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decision support system, they are planning to soon implement it in the central health information system, when... the doctor, instead of deciding to look at the image for a long time, the computer will tell him: look at these pictures, most likely there will be a disease here, the rest, the rest are simply not sick, we save your time, we are currently working to combine all those existing developments into a single platform, today this should happen within 2 years of 24 and 25,
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to honor the feat of the people in the great patriotic war, take care of living witnesses of those terrible events. today, war veterans are provided with comprehensive support, including financial support. what payments are provided in belarus? first of all, this is material assistance; more than 94% of veterans, former concentration camp prisoners and family members of military personnel who died during the war have already received it. by may 4th, help will reach everyone, and this more than 800 people. 10 and a half are allocated for them.
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the russian film dugout was released, where a pre-screening took place who presented the film. the film was first seen in brest; the film was presented by a creative group led by director mark gorobets and leading actor alexander metelkin. the military drama dugout has a unique storyline . this is the story of two friends, a russian emergency doctor and a black digger from germany. from our days, the hero of the film
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is transported to the forty-first and comes face to face with the war. we're in charge. put relationships, friendship, main relationships placed them in the circumstances of the great patriotic war, that is, what was most interesting for me was when i read, would anyone have thought 85 years ago that today we would make a movie about two friends of a russian and german, where one actor is russian, the second is a real german from berlin, filming took place last year at the site of real battles,
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local authorities entered into a cooperation agreement with musfilm, now russian directors are bringing military-patriotic film works to brest even before release into wide release. another new thing: this time the musical song “we can do anything” premiered in belarus. what is the composition dedicated to and who is its author? the song is dedicated to a significant event that recently took place in our country. this is the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. the authors of the composition are famous belarusian artists evgenia olennik and yulia bykova. novin. sounds in the voices of young performers, star participants of the factorby show and masters of the belarusian stage. we can do anything if we are together. we can't be broken if we're together continuity of generations, love for the small
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homeland and professional dedication, the text and melody have already hooked many, the clip is gaining views and becoming an internet trend, on social networks it is called a fundamental hit and the team is thanked for the excellent work, thank you, review prepared by elena puntus, results-analysis the main events of this week in the information... on the analytical program of the tv news agency and the main broadcast, all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks, i say goodbye to you, all the best. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. wow,
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luisti already speaks belarusian, of course, it’s amazing that foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which he was. jesus christ was crucified, so this is exactly the same one, this is a glubokoe treasure, by chance during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and also share their vivid impressions, when we were walking, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, the blue, white, it’s like... it’s very beautiful in the air, that’s how i knew it right away , of course, this is what i did today, watch on the
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belarus 24 tv channel, as if you were holding a book in your hands, the old man said. for the old, choking skin words, the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books have thoughtful thoughts, reports, and expressive galas people. that's it, what a chalavek... i was obsessed with old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read
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the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the heat. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus 24. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when your soul pushes you to move forward and keep up with your soul, your stomach sings, and you have a thirst for travel and adventure, you always like to eat somewhere along the way. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine
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is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and napolesie, we are going on a journey to compile. space map of belarus. this time i came to mogilev, a city where lions and good meat are revered. melts in your mouth, not in the pan. suvit technology is the key to tender, juicy beef. return to culinary roots. lamb in its own juice with vegetables. piggy ears for every taste, steamed until baked. for more than a year it was the most important city in russia, played a leading role in the fate of the imperial family, and
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after a couple of decades... it was going to become the capital of the bssr, it didn’t happen, but today, perhaps thanks to this, there are historical buildings that are interesting to look at, with cozy pedestrian streets where it’s pleasant to walk, and an atmospheric establishment where you can eat deliciously, we begin to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere and culinary traditions of mogilev. the house of soviets on lenin square causes deja vu for all mensk residents. its construction dates back to the period of mogilev's claims to republican dominance. leningrad architect joseph langbart did not bother too much and adapted his own design for the minsk government house, built four years earlier, for mogilev. so mogilev received a real capital building. in magilevo everything is very unusual and unusual. we're used to it. that
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if there is a temple, then it stands somewhere on a hill or in an open field. in mogilev , the carmelite church is located right in the courtyards, it feels like it is hidden from human eyes by buildings. the temple was built long before metropolitan dreams, but its appearance fully corresponds to the status of the first throne. the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary was built in mogilev on the site of the carmelite monastery. in 1780. she liked it so much that she ordered the church to be converted into a cathedral, it was reconstructed and given a new name in honor of st. stanislaus. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater.
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i didn’t find it in modern mogilev, but i found, in my opinion, a worthy replacement: boiled pigeons with noodles. a delicacy that will definitely make your mouth water. beef rib plate in berry glaze on rustic pearl barley porridge with chanterelles and clotted cream. a man loves meat, a man must eat meat and must know how to cook it. and ruslan, the restaurant’s chef,
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knows how to do this 150%. today we will prepare a real man's dish. for this we need beef, not just plain beef, but marbled beef. let's evaluate our rib plate in terms of marbling. marble summer beef. you see, the fat layers are coming. yes, and they are distributed so evenly throughout the piece. thus, not a single mm of this meat will be dry. absolutely. feels everywhere. the marbling of meat depends on only one factor: the animal’s food. it can be herbal or grain. we need the second one, because when a bull eats grains, especially corn, intramuscular fat is formed, which is called marbling. this meat is juicier and more tender in taste. ruslan honestly admitted that he prepared for my arrival, and
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we already have the rib plate. otsuvicina, as you said, otsuvicina, otsuvicina, just like that, the rib plate is otsuvicina, which means that it was cooked for 12 hours using the tsuvit technology, that is, it was simmered at a temperature of 75°, 75°, thereby making the meat incredibly tender, but this we know and love, suwit in this dish is extremely important if you cook even the best beef over high heat, which only takes a couple.' the meat will move away from the bones and disintegrate into fibers, which we absolutely do not need, here is an absolutely solid piece, and it is very soft, i don’t even know how it doesn’t fall off, it really sits very tightly on the bone, pour the pearl barley into salted water and let it simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, during which time we prepare the remaining components , mushrooms and onions, how long does... it take you
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to chop one onion? let's compete. so, spontaneous battlers, we have two men, two knives and two halves. time has passed, so you can end up without fingers, well, you’re fast, but there’s nowhere to go.


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