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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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and our rib plate has already been processed, as you said, processed, processed, just like that, the rib plate has been processed, which means that it was prepared for 12 hours using the suvi technology, that is, it was languished at a temperature of 75°, 75°, thereby making the meat incredibly tender, but this we know and love, suvit in this dish is extremely important, if you cook even the best beef over... high heat, which only takes a couple of hours, the meat will come away from the bones and disintegrate into fibers, which we absolutely not necessary, here is an absolutely solid piece, and at the same time it is very soft, i don’t even know how it doesn’t fall off, it really sits very tightly on the bone, pour the barley into salted water and let it simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, at which time we prepare the remaining components - mushrooms and onions. how long does it take you
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to chop one onion? let's compete. so, a spontaneous battle of chefs. we have two men, two knives and two onion halves. time has passed. so you can be left without fingers, well, you are fast, but... we cut the chanterelles and send them with onions into the frying pan. when they are fried, put the pearl barley in the frying pan and stir. pour in the cream and simmer for 2-3 minutes. the side dish is ready. before serving , all that remains is to decorate it with chopped herbs. and the final touch is roasting the meat. for this, ruslan uses a special device. unique grill oven. invented in
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spain in the middle of the last century, hence the name, which is strange to our ears: first, the meat, as chefs say, needs to be sealed, that is, fried to give it a crust, and then coated with lingonberry sauce. how long should it be fried in a josper? 5-7 minutes, literally warm up. in order for a crust to form, the glaze to bake and the meat to not have time to burn, it’s no coincidence that ruslan used lingonberry sauce, it has a specific sweet and sour taste that favorably sets off the beef, and the final chord, put the plate, no, no, here , wait, we put it without a plate, that is, the meat on the board, yes, the meat on the board, but i like it, it’s like a man, the meat is like... and
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man, the gorgeous dish is ready, all that’s left is responsible and pleasant, to taste it, so i’m sitting and thinking where to start, if i start with meat, barley won’t fit, if i start with porridge, then the meat won’t fit, oh, where did ours go, let’s try, first the smell, the smell is wonderful, and i don’t know what smells brighter, fried meat or caramelized lingonberries? surprisingly, the most important thing is the compatibility of the ingredients in the dish, the perfect combination, i hope it tastes the same.
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i’m in shock, meat can be rubbery, however, even chicken meat can be hard, here we have beef on the ribs, there’s such a word, yes melts in the mouth, it really melts in the mouth, now i understand why pearl barley porridge was chosen as a side dish for the rib, pearl barley as such has a kind of neutral taste, and it will never overpower the taste of the bull. beef will only complement it and fill your stomach, and i saved the most pleasant information about bull on the bone in lingonberry sauce with pearl barley, chanterelles and baked cream for last. for the price, this dish is a major selling point, like two or three burgers, tops. so think about what to order, what to eat? recipe beef rib plate in berry glaze.
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boil the rib plate for 12 hours using the suv technology, then cut it into portions, which we fry or, as they say: povoraz, seal it on the grill or barbecue over coals. during frying, add salt, pepper and coat the meat with lingonberry sauce. place pearl barley in a pan with salted water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. chop the chanterelles and onions and fry them in sunflower oil. at the end of frying , pour in the melted cream and stir. simmer the side dish for 2-3 minutes. before serving, decorate with chopped. have you ever wondered from whom or what the name of the graves comes from? if not, listen to the scientists. some of them connect
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the name of the city with the name of prince lev danilovich mogiy, who built a medieval castle in the city. others with the name of the polotsk prince lev vladimirovich or lion. why, ayanka bathed with the noble robber masheka, whose extraordinary strength made him like a lion. one way or another, leo is present in most legends, which means this city is strong, proud and royal, like its totem. despite the fact that the lion is present in many legends that relate to the city of mogilev, it began to be used as a symbol only recently. meet leva from mogilev. according to the old tradition, the lion needs to rub something. let me remind you that the lion became a symbol of the city
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of mogilevo quite recently, and this lion, by the way, is also very young, the mane has not yet grown back, and the color has not changed. a two-year-old lion cub came to mogilev with... so, this is our elite housing, a cottage, this khrushchev, this is stalin, the walls are thick, well, everything is like people’s, you can spend the whole day here,
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look, he plays. in addition to the usual enclosures, like in a zoo, there are also huge enclosures where bison, roe deer and deer live in natural conditions. to see this, just take a walk along the pedestrian route, which is equipped around the perimeter of zaosad. climbing up special observation towers, you will appreciate the beauty of wild nature. but for those whose middle name is laziness, there is a railway here. there is an awesome thing in the magilev zoo, it's almost a safari. through the wild jungle on such a magical train, look, this is a real safari, we were not deceived, really wild animals in the wild habitat, well , we are on the train, hey, hello, bison are
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the pride of this siege, they multiply exponentially and live like in nature in herds. there are canyons in belarus, a real canyon, we can’t believe our eyes, although we actually believe that the canyons were formed here during the ice age, so belarus has a piece of its north america, a train often stops because animals run in front of him, actually blocking his path, but they are the masters here, that’s right. in mogilev there is a lane with the telling name fireman. it is from here that firefighters have been leaving for more than a hundred years in response to alarm signals from townspeople. the historical name of the former karl lipknecht street was returned several years ago.
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and now the rescuers themselves are returning. the firefighting museum is located on an area of ​​250 m2. its exhibition includes more than 200 exhibits. impressive collection. retro fire trucks, firefighter uniforms, old photographs and documents, there are exhibits unique to belarus, for example, a fire pump from the mid- 19th century. you can extinguish not only the fire, but your own hunger. and in mogilev there is a suitable place for this. unusual and atmospheric, saturated with the aroma of danger and courage, to which i did not add my recklessness. it seems to me that food served in such an interior should also be unusual, bright, hot with a sparkle. there is food that you immediately want. eat, but there is food for which i just want to watch and admire, and
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then be sure to eat, i present to you the most beautiful dish, lamb cooked in its own juice. i won’t tell you anything more, because everything else is a surprise to me, but what i have already done, in principle, i want to immediately note. just a fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is, and if a little more detailed, then on my plate there is lamb with vegetables and mushrooms on a bed of nectarine, it’s at least beautiful , and also something like a sauce or butter is carefully poured on the side, it is green in color, and if you allow me, with a knife, i will do it, this is not a sauce,
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this is, to put it simply, green spicy oil, if i am not mistaken, the main ingredient here is parsley, i often hear, that people don’t like lamb because of its specific taste and smell, but this dish doesn’t have them, the meat looks appetizing and smells great, i’ll assume that... it’s lamb, the meat is very soft, not only because it’s in its own juice, it’s also very important what part of the lamb is it from? this dish is made, this is the shoulder blade, well , essentially the back, there are not so many muscles in the back that would turn this piece of meat into something hard, so in principle it is soft in its essence, by nature, the meat is poured with sweet chili sauce on based on plums, eggplant, bell peppers, coffee and mushrooms fried in hot and spicy teriaki sauce.
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it remains to find out why there is a nectorine pillow here. i think i've figured out why. melt pillow, we use it as a base, put eggplants, carrots, and a small piece of lamb. let's spice it up a little with butter, parsley and voila. i figured out the secret of this dish, it’s just what i need, all the ingredients fit together perfectly, four facets of taste are revealed here, this dish is sweet, slightly sour, moderately salty and piquant. in belarusian cookbooks published during the soviet union, you will not find recipes from the wound, and before that for many centuries it was the second most popular meat, ahead of beef, second
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only to pork, because it was taken from us somewhere and casings, and magerkas, and felt boots, i think it’s great that belarusians are returning forgotten recipes to the menu of ancient products, and this is happening right before our eyes. why do we need an astronaut in space in principle, do we have nothing else to do, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will occur , and alexander grigorievich is the main ideologist of this approach in the country. he says: let's we will produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built
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a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on the aircraft construction project, this is already more than enough for development: it was leaked to the internet documents from the robert koch institute, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko... will also remain in history as a leader, which solved the coronavirus problem more effectively than anyone else in the world. don’t suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project.
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in mogilev, in some places these rounded corners of buildings have been preserved, they have such a practical application, according to one version they were made exactly like this so that a carriage could turn in a narrow alley without hitting the building itself, but according to another version this was done for the convenience of a fairly spree person returning home. there are still many ancient unusual buildings in mogilev today. one can only imagine how many there were before, if at the beginning of the 20th century the belarusian ethnographer ivan lutskevich called the city little prague. it’s hard to say why, maybe because of the abundance of religious buildings. at that time in mogilev there were 26 orthodox churches, six catholic churches, several dozen
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synagogues and a lutheran church. but i like to think that this comparison was culinary. residents of prague. they love baked pork knee, and mogilev residents love baked pig’s ear, they boil, fry, smoke, salt, they are stuffed and baked, they are eaten, probably, all over the world, but they are very popular in belarus, here is the confirmation of this in front of me: delicious pig ears, but before i try them, i want to learn as much as possible about this dish, tatyana will help me with this . and today she treats me to pig ears. so, today on the menu: pickled ears, baked ears and oatmeal. i'll start with the appetizer. tell me , tatyana, about the pickled wall ears. we boil them first, then cut them with a salt shaker and marinate them. the marinade includes
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soy sauce, adjika, mustard, vinegar and a little bit. i’m not the only one who loves the chain; about 15% of orders in this restaurant are for pig ears. do i understand why? because it’s very tasty, very tasty. the marinated ears are a test to see if the baked ones will let you down at first glance, no. due to cooking, these ears became very soft and they are
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much more tender than the ears that you marinated. but at the same time, i want you. to say, they are much more filling or fattier, why? because when baked in the oven, it becomes, well, it releases juice, it releases, it turns out fat, juice, the marinade is wonderful, it not as spicy as in pickled ears, but it seems to me ideal for baked ears, spiciness from adjika, spiciness from mustard, sweetness from soy sauce, balanced taste again, pleasant crispy texture. to prove to you that the dish is very satisfying, i did it on purpose. cut off a piece at the root of this ear, right? and pay attention, there is fat here, but it is not irritating at all, that is, it is tasty, it is pleasant
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to eat it just like any part of this ear. it’s easier to eat such a dish, but if something terrible happens, after finishing a plate of pig ears you feel ravenously hungry, order oatmeal. if you hadn't said it was oatmeal. i would never have thought that oatmeal in its structure, it is also in this pot very similar to our pig ears, so you eat them, they crunch, as if they are bursting, and the same thing happens with these small whole grains, whole oatmeal in the pot cereals, pork, champignons and vegetables, cereals, oatmeal, we pre-boil, at this time, while the cereal is boiling, we... we prepare the filling, top it up, as you called it, cut the pork into cubes, fry it in butter, together with onions,
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carrots and mushrooms, then mix it with boiled cereal and put it in the oven, the beauty of this dish is that the cereal absorbs you're fat, you can't really call this dish fat. yes, it's not greasy, it's just juicy. yes, delicious, right? beef, lamb, pork. local restaurants fully confirm that mogilev is the city of the lion, and so is the meat, accordingly. it's here love to eat and know how to cook. but this is just one culinary side. let's see what the other one surprises me with. the gastronomic tour of mogilev continues.
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