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tv   247  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 3:55am-4:15am MSK

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24. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent, the belarusian leader arrived in minsk with a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership. an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. promotion of equipment and under the brand made in belarus, new products also help, among them an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation systems. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start the smart car from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, and it can work 24x7. filming is planned in belarus.
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thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, and he really liked it here. i was born in tselinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was tselinograd, then okmala, everyone found something for themselves here. here. our favorite stage, our home,
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i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, that i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique history and your own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for... its history, its nature, its culture, faith, its
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people and its generosity, you will feel it once and never forget it again, everything is real here. in the latest issue of the ether 24:7 project, we will talk about rating news and important dates, find out why it was not customary for our ancestors to say hello on easter, continue our acquaintance with the sights of the city of pinsk and, of course, present to your attention the exciting and educational projects of our tv channel. stay up to date with everything.
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current in the country and the world, see our traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with news from the world of economics, public life, sports culture, a business forum in cairo, a meeting of the hero of belarus, cosmonaut marin basilevskaya, with belarusian students and a republican robotics tournament. more than forty companies from belarus took part. at the business forum in cairo in egypt , a government delegation led by the prime minister was on an official visit, bilateral negotiations between roman golovchenko and mustafa madbouly. the parties discussed new niches for mutually beneficial cooperation, with special attention to stock trading. the egyptian company has already become a broker on our exchange. on tuesday, at the business forum, in addition to negotiations, there was a presentation of the belarusian investment climate and free economic zones, as well as exchange mechanisms for companies from the two countries. in 2023
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, ss minsk increased by eight residents. the total investment is more than $18 million. today in the territory of the ss there are 105 enterprises, the main activities of residents are mechanical engineering, microelectronics, metalworking, pharmaceuticals. this year , four companies have already been registered; this is an enterprise that is implementing investment projects for the production of sanitary products , charging stations for electric vehicles, as well as a plant for the production of metal pipes and processing of metal products. marina vasilevskaya met with students and teachers of the academy of management under the president, hero of belarus. shared what the preparation for the flight was like, how life works on the iss and what the astronauts feel during the flight and after. marina vasilevskaya became not only a hero of belarus, but also a role model and even a youth idol. such dialogues attract dozens of listeners. so last week
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, about 400 children visited the national academy of sciences. a republican robotics tournament was held in zhilobino, more than 200 schoolchildren from all regions and the city of minsk. presented their inventions on the basis of the palace of gaming species sports, age of participants from 9 to 17 years, a total of 13 competitive nominations in nine competencies. the robots competed in air races and overcoming obstacles on ground tracks in relay races. there were also unusual competitions, intellectual sumo, football and a great journey. the winners received prizes and certificates. the tournament program included not only competitions; excursions, an innovation exhibition and career guidance platforms for young people were prepared for zhlobin’s guests. the musical premiere was presented specifically for the vns. we can do anything. musical the premiere under this title was presented specifically for the forum. its authors are evgenia aleynik and yulia bykova. the patriotic hit is heard in the voices of young performers,
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star participants of the factor byy show and belarusian pop stars. continuity across generations, love for the small homeland and professional dedication. the lyrics and melody have already caught the attention of many. views and becomes an internet trend. already this sunday, may 5, the entire orthodox world will celebrate the bright holiday of easter. where did the tradition of painting and lighting eggs come from, who are the eggs and how? play cue ball correctly. let's go back in time in our next ethnic section and find out how our ancestors celebrated great day. easter is the most important and solemn christian holiday. preparation for the bright sunday of christ began for the orthodox exactly 40 days in advance. this is the time of lent. it is considered the most strict. for almost 2 months , vegetables, cereals, mushrooms,
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honey, nuts, fruits and other plant products become the basis of the believer’s diet. the lists of foods that are allowed or prohibited to eat during fasting depend on day. weeks. the strictest restrictions apply to wednesdays. on tuesdays and thursdays, as a rule, hot food is allowed. on saturday and sunday, hot food with vegetable oil. most often, believers refuse poultry and eggs, meat and dairy foods, fish and seafood. fish is allowed only twice during lent. on the feast of the annunciation and palm sunday. it is necessary to celebrate the holiday in peace. heart, forget all past grievances, it is best to take communion in front of it. the main stage of preparation fell a week after palm day. sunday, where the special day was maundy thursday. our ancestors got up before dawn to thoroughly clean the house,
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decorate it with greenery, prepare an elegant bedspread with embroidery, and then, in the late afternoon, take a steam bath in the bathhouse. on friday saturday, work was in full swing in the kitchen. the housewives tried to prepare as many tasty and varied dishes as possible for the festive table, where the most important were colored eggs and easter cakes. according to legend, mary magdalene presented the roman emperor tiberius with a chicken egg and said: christ risen. the emperor doubted her words, saying that a person cannot be resurrected, like a white egg, cannot become red. at that moment, a real miracle happened, the egg... was painted red. this incident formed the basis of christian custom. in belarus, eggs were colored using onion peels, oak bark and even medicinal plants. in addition, our grandparents had a tradition of painting them with patterns. such eggs
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were called pysanky, where each element had its own meaning. so the rhombus is a sign of fertility. circle with a dot in the center - the sun and life. and the four-pointed one... is a symbol of the fire of light. after all the preparations, people went to churches with elegant baskets to illuminate eggs, easter cakes, meat and salt. the ceremony took place either on saturday evening. or already at the all-night service. the first meal, at which it was customary for the whole family to gather on easter day, should begin with a lighted egg. it was divided into pieces and distributed to everyone. only after this was a true victory organized. the main entertainment for easter was the game of cue ball. the gist of it was this: before you start beat, examined the eggs and, tapping their teeth, chose those with a stronger shell. everyone played, children, young people and even old people. it was believed that luck would
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accompany the winners all year. a special feature of easter in belarus was the march of volochniks, boys and young men, who glorified liborob, his family, and his hard work in their songs. each family that the volochebniks visited gave them bread, lard, eggs, and cheese. they walked all night, and in the morning they gathered in someone’s hut and set up. general treat. it is noteworthy that it was not customary to say hello on easter. according to tradition, the greeting sounded like christ is risen, and they responded to this by truly rising, glorifying vyalikden. a festive atmosphere reigned everywhere these days. the main signs of the holiday are traditionally associated with the weather and the future harvest, on which everyone’s well-being depended. there were sayings about this: the sun is coming down from the easter hill ... this is the holy week of thunder rolling towards good things, christ is risen.
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in the date of the week section, we will find out what significant dates in the context of belarusian culture will be remembered for the outgoing a week. three talented belarusians. on the last day of april in kaliningrad
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, the future singer, teacher, honored artist of the republic of belarus natalya tamela was born into a military family. at the age of 4, the girl began studying ballet at 6, and music. after the family moved to their homeland, to belarus, she graduated from the glinka music college. state university of culture and arts. since 1992, natalya has been a soloist of the national academic concert orchestra of belarus, which was led by mikhail finberg for a long time. the first success came to the artist in 1994, when she won the vocal competition of the national festival of belarusian song and poetry molodechna. today the singer annually takes part in the international festival of slavic arts. market in vitebsk. muses of nyasvizh and other major music forums. among
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natalia tamela's students are participants in the national qualifying rounds of the international children's song contest eurovision, the international children's vocal competition vitebsk, and the russian television project voice of children. natalya was invited as a vocal coach at show project of bel tv and radio company factorby. 1st of may. the musical dynasty of the poplavskys was replenished, the daughter edviga was born, the future people's artist of belarus, composer, producer, arranger, father of the singer konstantin poplavsky. conductor, folklorist, honored artist of the bssr, dreamed that his children cheslav, kristina and yadya would one day form a musical trio. yadviga konstantinovna received her musical education at the belarusian conservatory in 1971, while being a student, she became a member of the vio-virasa. in seventy-nine in the repertoire
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the ensemble appeared the song malinovka by composer eduard hanka, which was brought by the performer. all-union fame, soon the viros began to travel to foreign vocal competitions and festivals. in 1975, yadviga married a music colleague , alexander tikhonovich. in 1986, poplawska and tikhonovich left the ensemble. at the competition song 88. they won with the song happy occasion, after which a duet of the same name arose. hits malinovka, carnival. i live with my grandmother zavirukha, she is always popular with listeners of different ages. on may 3, 1939 , the belarusian film director, people's artist of the russian federation, leonid nichaev, was born in moscow. i first felt a taste for stage performances in childhood, when i went to a theater studio at the house
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of pioneers. in 1967, leonid nichaev graduated as a director. faculty in ghika. the young director shot his first film fairy tale, an adventure in a city that does not exist, in 1974 at the belarus film studio. the debut turned out to be successful and a year later the legendary musical film the adventures of pinocchio was released. nichaev filmed very actively. in the seventies and eighties, his films were released once every year or two. fairy tales became real hits. don't leave, red-haired, honest lover, peter pan, the fairy tale about the star boy, little red riding hood, they have not lost their relevance decades later and form the golden fund of soviet children's cinema. time to explore a new place on the map of our country, let's go to the heart
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of belarusian woodland, the city of pinsk. here is the palace of one glorious polesian family. details about... location on the map. we continue the promenade along the pearl of polesie and one of the oldest cities in our country. in 1784, with the participation of the king of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth stanislav august-ponitovsky, a palace was founded on the eastern outskirts of pinsk. which absorbed the features of baroque classicism. it went down in the history of the city as pinsky mur. three glorious poles families, the butrimovichs, the hordes and the skirmunts , alternately owned this palace. in the past, the palace was the main repository of the creative heritage of napoleon orda. this is a beautiful building with antique porticoes on the side wings
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and a rizolit protruding in the center first stone civil building of pinsk. the palace belonged. mateus butrimovich, older than pinsky, a deputy of the lithuanian tribunal, through whose efforts pinsk became a port of international importance with two exits to the baltic sea, along the aginsky and royal canals. the first stone of the palace was laid on september 9, 1784 by the hand of king stanisław august-ponitowski. construction took about 10 years, and the appearance of the building was combined. early classicism and outgoing boroko. in the central part there is an oval hall, which forms a the main facade of the palace has a semicircular bay window with a balcony. the palace façade is richly decorated with columns and semi-columns. five porches run down to the river from a high base, and no one realizes that the moor, thanks to
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an ingenious drainage system, was built directly above the springs gushing out of the ground. many famous people lived and visited this palace. the grandson of mateusz butrymovich, artist and musician napoleon orda, worked here after returning from emigration. jozef kraszewski, an incredibly prolific novelist, ethnographer, author of 600 volumes of works, including number 200.


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