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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 6:25am-6:46am MSK

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women's health, about planning a possible further pregnancy, about the possible risks of delayed maternity, about the medical and preventive measures currently available, and also about the social measures that are taken by the state to protect the health of the mother and child. but there is another question, it seems to me that many girls today think that it is quite difficult for us to combine motherhood and a career, but in your opinion, is this really so?
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menavita on getai mov, and we can understand that. kryzhavzhzhansk and bogaivlensk churches zhyrovitsky monastery. the architectural ensemble that marks the path of christ to galgotha ​​is unique, and the end is somehow better. unpainted baroque masterpiece that has grown up in the byzantine tradition of the monastery. mysterious uniyatsky architecture. architecture of belarus.
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the pershapachatka right of the zhyrovian monastery already in the 1600s was litharal for several decades, the berascean union became not just a union to the sapraud centers of greek catalyticism on earth x vyalikaga of the principality of lithuania. that time was determined by the pharmaceutical complex. draulyanyya monastery budynki gypsy of two centuries of bazylians. perabudovvayutsya at the stone. during this month, we learned the right of the temple, after tending it several times, these were donated temples. i will celebrate the future of the stone temple and awaken the entire monastery complex, as the monastery’s monastery will begin in the hours of the unia. since the beginning of the 1600s, there are historical documents stored in the archives. it was significant. foundation of the tycoon for
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the future of the temple. developing and pastoral. in 1624 the zhyrovichs became to the meatheads. and in 1652 the magdeburg law was adopted. a slight weight is already at that hour, a violent pilgrim center with a developed handl. the faithful come here, both right-wing and catalan. the meat shrine is the abraz of god matsi, one of the most shanavan on the lands of recha paspalitay. i realized that the monastery’s plans and implementation are based on the most extreme catalan traditions and crimes. the hell of the byzantine administration of the right-wing orthodoxy. the entire zharovian monastery and the temple itself, it is built up and built upon historic era of the different periods, the geta and the baroque period, the geta and the period of classicism, the geta and the period of the unification of belarus and the period
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of the passover. there, everything has found its adlustravanne, both from the outside appearance, from the exterior, and from the interior, from the temple. roskvit of the zhyrovitsky monastery is located on 18 stagodze. in 1730, the pope of rome paid hundreds of tsudas to make a promise to make a caravan of berries. and so you designate this shrine as the most important for all christians. geta only sprinkles the monastery's richness. praz three dzesyatsіgodzi here uzvodzyatsya yashche two temples, the most advanced and non-standard in the whole complex. bagayaulenskaya and kryzha. the zvizhany church is an outstanding baroque pabudov, which creates an adzin architectural ensemble. this kingdom of kryzhova zvizhanskaya occupied its place all the way up, when we came, we saw everything, and a collection of gazelles, and there were gazelles, vines and flowers, and
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flowering plants, and lawns, the last of the kingdoms and stavitsa has passed, and we have already been far away, they knew what she had done. at the top and took away a very noble narrow façade, a narrow façade, which could have been there for pammers and meaning big, but i wonder if iago, well, that was the whole idea, if there was such a passion at the gate of the temple. the dates of the yaulen church were founded in 1672 . in another century, the 18th century called the year 1769, which signifies the hour of the pope's roof from the vizhany temple. this version is the most audible because of the fact that the church is the bright ancestral town
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of vilensk baroka. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating introduction to unusual people, my name is oksana, i am a zoo administrator, it’s very nice, well, lead me, rabbit hares, rabbit hares, secrets of a good mood, the favorites of all adult children, these are our raccoons, margosha, dougie and rocky, what is she like star, when i’m old in pinsk, maybe i’ll get myself chinese chickens, girls, that’s it, you know what everything is, and many more interesting educational stories,
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this is where we produce our miracle fertilizer, the main function here is performed by ideal workers who they work 24x7, that’s you and me, so are there people like that? apple trees, which in principle will grow for everyone, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, they opened the windows in the estate where she was, a swallow flew in, she began to see a nest, and a boy was miraculously born, they considered this a good omen, they allowed her to take out her chicks, they they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer, we are the first sites of primitive people, they are discovered in polesie and all the historical milestones of europe, they are all connected like this or otherwise with woodland. a happy childhood and youth, a calm and measured life, they have what many strive for. this is
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my favorite place, not only for relaxation, but also for fishing, just to come, look, listen to the sound of the water. already in middle school, just like that. we developed such an aristocratic interest, we just watched the flight of large birds of prey, eagles, and looked at where their nest was. a project about how they live with...
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bogayulenskaya, in other variants, the yaulensky tsarskva is the first and reveals the getas ensemble. was pabudavana earlier, yana yashche adnosіtstsa yes syaredzіny 17-ga stagodzia, ale yae pershapachatkovy look not zahavaўsa, yana daksama eight times with the tsarka high holy roof, yana was perabudavana velmi znana, geta... tsarkva simple such pabudovs, ale façade ya azdobleny the stones of the 18th century were reworked as baroque, adorned with baroque elements, and there is a significant chestnut handicraft there. i call hell the words yaўlenne abgruntovaetstsa tym, that the temple stands on tym months, dze zhyrovitsky the image appears other times. the legend is well-known due to untypical months, taken away by budaunikami. velmí neazruchny skhílu zgorka. the shadows fall on the stage, buried pink, they
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protrude, and for the everyday life there is no good, if kali maroz for the soul of these shadows, which will be with the scenes sweaty, and the exit. and there are two holes here. first of all, the budavniki solved the problem, as soon as the faithful left this hall, it was not so flaccid, the tsarva. not flaccid in its own dimensions, but the uvaystsya was patient, and the top of the padlog was visible, not like higher, and at the same time we open the doors, and from the forest there are some steps, which we have fallen on, the steps and the exit, and then we go to the temple, to the plan and yalenskaya and the kryzhauzvizhansk church is simple... rectangular abytes, without altar absits, covered with high two-piece dakhami. the structure of the yaulenskaya
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tsarkva has a nasal layout, and the façade itself is such that the roof extends beyond the roof of the building. akramya tago, façade tsyagnuts top tank paўkalony. na geta pratsuye krapavana franton s bakami currencies. the internal layout was not taken care of and was not produced in any special way. it is most likely that the yaulensky temple serves as an architectural backdrop, which rumbled faithfully and sustreches from the daminantai getag of the kryzhausvizhanskaya tsarkova ensemble, the unique belarusian churches of kalvary. calvary hetas were the same as catalan european architecture and faiths were so dissolved. element, navat yon adnositstsa da spheres of architecture, bo geta
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asyarodze, navat landscape tsyarodze, calvars may be created from small architectural forms, with certain teritors returning from the past, all the waters are not and the temple, and then... all the geta was teritory, at the same time , these graves, calvary, we know, at home, and all over europe there are such a lot of budynka, but here we have a special one of our own, calvary, yana at the budynka. calvary - imitates the path of jesus christ to galgotha. the cryptic religious tradition is on the front of the façades of the yaulenskaya church. some temples are covered with roofs from the fall adnos na adzin adnago. that is why the ensemble flares up and floats to the pasture of the spring. the rythm of the renovation
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completed the superstructure, and the high façade of the kryzhazvizhanskaya church was taken away. dasyagaetstsa geta za kosht tsentralna-vosevay sploshchanay vezhy over the three-cornered fronts. the same monumental ceiling is placed above the altar area, which gives greater emphasis to the dynasty of the church in the ensemble.
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the idea of ​​kalvara and zhyrovichi was based not so much on the architecture as on the unique interior design of the roof of the zvizhanskaya church. the temple would published yashche ў hours of greekakatalіtstva, uniyatstva, this would be the end of the 18th century, then at that time such a type would be popular, which was called calvary. all these calvars were connected by this idea. from the ideas of the pilgrimage to the holy land, there such a sluggish ladder was softened, i found out there, the sins of the saints were buried in the steps of these ladders, and it is factual that they container, then the price was required for these forests, and the vernika ancestors geta on your knees. geta non-standard
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interior layout, dze ab'yom temple amal tsalka is occupied by a wide forest, that same path. to galgotha. the idea of ​​the rock of santa, saint lesvitsa, was advanced to the roman lutheran basilica of st. john. the belarusian copy of amal tsalkam pavtarala pershakrynitsa. she had 28 jumps, which were framed by the powerful baruch praises of the parents. behind them there were high school marches, and on their heels the shepherds of the departed descended. lesvitsa, we dachshund the forest. yana shirey, yana idze, well, the whole crowd is busy with her, and on these steps, verniki, well, as it seems, on their knees, yana was heaving, there was, darechy, there was a life in this past history, such a great pagoda of christ disintegrating, these things, all this was, and
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the worst thing was further, when we fall in these crimes, further and further... and there is a new forest further away, and there is a great need for this, there is such a norm, at the same time the projected budynka norm, the water ladder is not a plowed land, the potassium of the hell marches was grown in more than 16 steps, more often than not this is , of course, an experience for my arganism well, there were a lot of steps here, and the kali chalavek i think, and then i think, that this is the forest, which he already knew, that is simply painted on the scene, these are the illusory effects that baroque’s great people admired, or
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the quality of the excavation and belarusian architecture, on varshyne. pastors, who made the temple large, which is on the very right. anelami and scenes from the gospel painted dachshunds and scenes. all the christmastide and the end of the mastatskaya campaign have fallen on the windows.
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