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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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for external partners it will be weak, it will fall apart, we need to prepare some kind of ground for normal friendly relations in advance, show that we can work well, this is the economy, we cooperate, we do not deceive, we do not cheat, the only correct approach is that we 30 for years in belarus we have been voicing a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically and politically, states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel belarus24.
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telenova's agency begins an information day. elizaveta lokotko is with you. good morning to this episode. 17 thousand against a sixty-thousand-strong enemy army, the eightieth anniversary of breaking the blockade in the ushachi region. the war can be ended, but will the west want to? the un general assembly called for a start. peace negotiations on ukraine. today is holy saturday for orthodox christians. believers come to the church to pray, venerate the shroud and illuminate easter symbols. the issue of ensuring security is at the center of the president's attention. alexander lukashenko visited the central command post of the air force of the air defense forces the day before. the commander-in-chief was informed about the current situation and progress.
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inspections of duty forces of the air force and air defense forces. the president watched the training along with the military. the check of the forces on duty lasted more than an hour. the troops and equipment worked perfectly in the air. all targets were detected and hit. alexander lukashenko closely monitored the work of the military, being interested in details at every stage of ensuring combat readiness. all those present gave a detailed answer, as the belarusian sky is protected. the commander-in-chief praised our capabilities. we are ready to reflect any potential.
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shoulder straps be constantly on the alert, the services are carried out by the situation on the outer circuit forcing people on the ground and in the air 24x7. special attention to air defense; the militarization of the baltic states and poland carries risks for our security. the concentration of nato troops near the belarusian borders remains high. the military monitors all types of threats, because the methods of warfare are constantly changing. today's preference
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are given to drones, which is why there is such attention to defense by air defense forces. how is the air border of belarus protected? a detailed summary will be given a little later. the final results of the surprise inspection of the armed forces will be reported to the commander-in-chief. victory in the great patriotic war was forged from such feats. 80 years ago, on the night of may 4-5 , the legendary breakthrough of the enemy blockade by partisans of the polotsk-lepel zone took place in the ushachi region. there were... 50 years ago the partisans’ feats were immortalized in granite and bronze, and this is how the memorial appeared breakthrough complex the eightieth anniversary of the legendary battle was celebrated with special warmth near the slabs with the names of the defenders. it is important that today we
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combine our efforts to preserve the unity that the belarusian people have today. these events that took place here shape the character of our people, lay a solid foundation in our history, as long as we remember such events, as long as we teach our youth, of course, our country will live, the belarusian people will live, we experience the feeling joy, including because we won, we are celebrating, we are giving birth to children, we are waiting for our grandchildren, we hope that it will always be this way, russia and belarus will always be together, then we will not be afraid of anything, shoulder to shoulder. the youth have prepared a video message for future generations, with one request: take care of the world. the capsule will be kept in the usha museum of people's glory named after hero of the soviet union vladimir lobank. the video will be shown in 2034 on the day of celebration of the 9th anniversary of the breakthrough of the enemy
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blockade. belarus crashed in the swiss alps, mid our country confirmed this fact , the man reportedly fell from a height of 100 m, according to local police, the belarusian chose a route of increased difficulty, but did not have the proper equipment, his body was discovered by a rescue team in a helicopter. the belarusian embassy in switzerland is in constant contact with rescue workers. voices in favor of the speedy establishment of peace in ukraine are becoming louder; yesterday the un general assembly called for the start of negotiations,
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using the 2022 istanbul agreement as a basis . this is unlikely to be feasible, if you believe newspaper bilt, which recently published chernovecki's agreement. in march-april of the year before last there were parties.
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more and more eu countries are hinting at their readiness to help ukraine with the return of citizens after the announcement of the next stage of mobilization. lithuanians are going to deprive male refugees of their residence permits. the internal political conflict in georgia continues to rage. last evening, the central street of tbilisia was filled with supporters of numerous grant organizations for the nineteenth time in a row. it is these structures that law are affected first. the lowly honorable title of inagents is given to ngos that occupy. the day before, protesters announced that they were starting
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a campaign of civil disobedience throughout the country, however, the law on foreign agents has already been approved by parliament, in the second reading, the government does not intend to retreat, the head of the cabinet. the ministers even canceled their visit to washington because the americans demanded that work on the law be suspended during the trip. the prime minister also directly accused the united states of twice in recent years, they have been trying to stage a coup in the country. the coordinated actions of the united states and europe, which also requires the immediate suspension of discussion of the bill, can be explained simply: the majority of public organizations in georgia live on grants from brussels and washington, but at the same time, ngos are actually used to directly govern georgia. in the event that the authorities are forced to obey external dictates, thousands of demonstrators are immediately brought out on the street, just like now. how the law on foreign agents in georgia breaks the western strategy in everything region and what new details are being revealed after 10 years of the tragedy in odessa. the names of
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the organizers of the brutal massacre are already in the information space. why were ukrainian nationalists the main instrument and driving force that day? experts and guests sort it out. will solve their aspirations
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by force, and also how the palestinian protests in the usa revealed the shortcomings of the american political system, why are they being dispersed with particular cruelty? watch the full episode of the editors' club on the tv news agency's youtube channel. u for orthodox christians today is great saturday, the day before easter, the mournful and restrained in churches remember the burial of jesus and his stay in the tomb. believers come to the church to pray and venerate the shrine. a traditional and obligatory ritual preceding the resurrection of christ is the lighting of easter baskets with the main and symbolic items: colored eggs and easter cakes. people also prepare curd paskas, light salt and meat products. there will be lighting for the holiday meal.
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by the way, it’s up to you to decide the budget cake recipe from belstat can be found in the telegram channel of the department. beltia radio company continues the marathon of easter broadcasts. today belarus one and belarus 24 at 23:30 will show the triumph of the bright sunday of christ and the holy spiritual cathedral. broadcast by surda translation. and tomorrow in belarus alone at 8:50 am metropolitan veniam will address the believers with a word on easter sunday. the challenge has been passed, it has become known.
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for almost a year , 140 schoolchildren from different parts of our country took part in the agility and courage competitions. the guys realized the basics of army life, went through an obstacle course and test tanks, controlled drones, and took part in paramilitary relay races in sports competitions. the goals of the project were to popularize military service.
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radio day. the concert is hosted by the pershi trading house. the multi-hour program will feature performances by belarusian pop stars, winners of the factorby project, and top radio presenters. musical groups from belti radio company will perform for the audience - a symphony orchestra with an academic choir and the beseda folk music ensemble. a creative association of musical groups is preparing a separate program for our visitors.
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picturesque landscapes, still lifes, heroes of russian folk tales and even family photographs, an exhibition of artistic embroidery rabsodia of spring and love is open in the pushkin regional library. the creators of these masterpieces are members of the suzorie club at the belarusian women's union. this is the first large-scale exhibition of the club, which has existed for 18 years. the exhibition is very
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popular among readers; when people come, they do not immediately understand what it is embroidery, they think it is.
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the program of the seventh round of the belarusian football championship will end today with three matches, the final day will open with a meeting in nabopolotsk, where naftan will host gomel. the starting whistle of the meeting is at 14:30. two hours later, the leader of the standings mozyr slavia will try to extend their unbeaten streak to seven matches by beating slutsk away. the live broadcast of this fight will be shown on belarus 5 tv channel at 16:30. and at the end of football saturday , derzhinsky arsenal will play at home. with brisky dynamo, don't miss the start of the game at 18:30. that's all for now, we'll tell you the developments at noon, see you later.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavli, is associated with the name of prince. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragned and yaseslav. she spent time
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with the princes and reasoned with them. similar to euphrasine, another important shrine of the monastery is its relic. we will tell and show you in spiritual and petitionary...


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