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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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10 weaving traditions are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. the village of mazychi actually consists of one street, which was built on the banks of the mukhovits river. on the northern side, this is the main
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channel that has flowed here for thousands of years, in the eighties they straightened the bed of the mukhovich river, so that barges would not get stuck, they dug a shipping canal on that side, it turned out to be an island, many city people come here, they rejoice, relax and eat things to do, things to admire, nature, silence. well, now we are sailing into the main channel of the mukhovits river, which has been here for thousands of years, now it has become no longer navigable. they dug a canal on
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the other side, it turns out that this is our island, it’s interesting to swim when you have time, here it is, when you swim, row, quietly over the shore, you’ll notice a beaver, sit for about five minutes, there they are, when they start you take it for a stump, go there already...
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and the ice drift passes, then they stay here until winter, it was such that a fox lived here for six months, looked out from the bushes, as if how can she get out of here, i wasn’t born near the river, but not far, so as soon as my parents, myself... decided to let me out on my own in the company of the same boys, i always remember this summer on the river, the river - this was my favorite vacation spot, this is where the estate began, when everything that was built here was planned, then we transported everything, selected it from... neighboring and distant villages,
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to create the image of a small village, to make all the household amenities, wife i have loves flowers, all the flower beds are her merit, when we started doing agrotourism, we were interested in the history of the village, so... it was interesting to find out where the mazychi came from here, what they were called, historians came to us on vacation, we met them, one one of the historians found old maps where mazychi is indicated, on the map of the year thirty-one, here is kobrin, here is mazychi, the second map, here is kobrin and the surrounding area, on
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the three-verstka of 1886, this is a map where the village is indicated. appeared uh earlier than official written first mention of the village, the village of mazychen is located on the northern bank of the mukhovets river, uh, the old riverbed, such a small village, 36 houses around, around this, the first mention of mazychy... in writing was in 1890, but we studied the history of these regions, and found out where the name of the village of mazychi came from, and
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how it was formed, so we collaborated with historians from minsk, and came to the conclusion that the village of mazychi was actually a village. has existed for more than a thousand years, it was formed in the 2nd century ad, here, from such a small settlement, which served the trade route, documented, 9th century ad, was very full of water, into wetlands, now they turned into navigable ones. rivers here , a trade route was formed from the west and on pripyat to the black sea, because the tributary of the mukhovets river, which is on this side, and the tributary of the river, pripyat, they united there at
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that time, and from here the legends come about... the vikings, they really sailed here on their dorkars, but already in the 10th century the precipitation stopped, the precipitation stopped, but trade relations had already been established in terms of shipping, here are the merchants, merchants are merchants, they need to preserve what they have gained, therefore... from brest there was already a land route here, this is where the trade route passed, and after a certain number of miles they were needed such settlements are small, which served everything that moves on wheels, that is, 30-40 km is one crossing
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for horse-drawn transport, so... one settlement was at the exit from brest, the second should have been here, otherwise people should have stop, then we were busy here production of tar, lubricated the wheels, repaired them, and this is where the name mazychi village came from, we’ll get to mazych, then we’ll take a break. you need to go to the city, why are you sitting here in the village, there are no men left here, ir, and who will i leave my parents with?
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oh, oleg levovich, this is not far from a hypertensive crisis, so that means bed rest and no hassle. including chess, but this anishchenko gave in to you, i don’t only like him today, i don’t like him at all, so i wanted to tell you that you are not only like me colleague, i like you, but also as a woman, girls, please, meet our new doctor igor romanovich, eremeev, eremeev, please love and favor, well, why do it so officially, you can just igor, love and favor is a must, well in any case, you’ve done well, colleague, you can safely go on reconnaissance missions. there was love, love has passed , that’s enough, it’s over, but don’t, don’t look at me with such sad eyes, i didn’t promise you anything, by the way, igor, i’m pregnant, but you’ll soon get tired of him anyway, she loves him, and the child i need a father, watch the series “rare
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blood type on the belarus 24 tv channel.” they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite. what do you think caused this? various factors, my dad threw me into a river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions, does anyone know why september is called september? not because it’s the seventh month, no, nikita, that’s great, it’s the seventh month, september is simply named as a serial number, so to speak, because of the erudition of these guys, even the adults are delighted, and why the population size, it seems to me, cannot be included in...
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i was born in a neighboring village, further along the river, the village of cherevatitsa, then i was 5 years old, my parents moved closer to the city, then everyone’s fashion was like this, away from the village, closer to the city there .
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the lumberjacks came out into the clearing, cut down whatever came to hand, cut it down, covered it with reeds,
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we didn’t uproot the old apple trees, but to create the kind of backdrop that is exactly like an old village, where you can see, look, touch, sit in silence, but in reality this is not a village street, and this is... an agricultural estate, which, to me, i wanted it, i planned it, everything was built from scratch, each house had its own furniture in this style, in this style, it was made for urban people, vacationers, the majority of people now live in cities, where from the window you can’t see anything except asphalt and cars, it’s just to go to a village where agriculture is carried out , people are also not quite... ready for a tourist, you need a village, a rustic look, a rustic style, but all the amenities so that
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it would be rustic to relax in the village, well , somehow you don’t really want to, as one visiting tourist said, i have this rake and i'm tired of houses, and other people coming from st. petersburg, here they are - vacationers, how would it be possible to create
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this rustic comfort, rustic style, wooden flavor, i really wanted to create the image of an ideal village, where there is everything rustic and also modern living conditions, creating such an image, a rustic, rustic style, here ’s the problem... arose, here’s what to cover the roof with, i came to the conclusion that a reed roof would best suit the ideas that i had, but there are no such specialists.
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at the end of this street they trained, then the gazebos were covered, they trained, already when the little things and nuances had all been studied, then they began to work on the houses, the reeds are hidden in different styles, this is the old russian style, that is , in layers, in russia this is how roofs were made, according to european style of roofing, that is, padding, the roof is flat, smooth, without steps, but... the reliability is the same, why does it have reeds, because reeds in general are a durable roof, it’s not that the roofing is thatched, that after 15 years it has to be covered, for example, when i studied the roofing technology itself, then in i found on the internet that in czechoslovakia
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there is a barn on a mountain with a roof that is 200 years old and does not leak yet. but this again requires good ventilation conditions nearby, so that there are no trees, the roofs themselves are made of reeds, they do not warm up in the summer, and a thick layer of reeds keeps the heat in the winter, reeds can be used not only to make roofs, in general it is a universal material, studying here on the internet, all these machines, this whole kitchen somehow. produces here the finns found a similar vertical pressing, which can be pressed in so that the fence will not warp or bend, the reed has a certain thickness, which is not visible, no one can get through it, the question is not in the reed itself in terms of durability,
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in the wire, if you use stainless steel, it can last up to 100 years in a vertical position exist that i saw. on the internet we studied experimentally, this is what was not clear, i looked closely, i looked closely, my son also looked closely, they themselves already guessed how what, where, if i was on my own, i probably would hardly have done all this, we took up this is because there is someone to help, there is someone to support, here i am purely.
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masha is with the tourists, she accepts, she understands, it turns out that now it is not the children kostya and masha who are helping us, but we are helping them. childish curiosity and genuine. absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. talk show in which famous people answer questions tricky questions of the younger generation.
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how are you different at work from yourself at home? i think. solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza, everywhere or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel about being pitied, extremely categorically negative, pity is not equal to sympathize, pity is arrogant feeling, this feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults. on the belarus 24 tv channel . they are dedicated to their work. i'm proud to be i'm working on this one.
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once upon a time there was a field in this place that was swampy in the summer, i
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grazed my horses here, which i kept for tourists, now the area is built up for recreation, in a more modern style, they made a mill, a working mill, not just a wheel. the imitation is spinning, but you can grind flour, we built mills a long time ago, so we thought a lot about how to cover them, i found real shingles, which were made in ancient times in the old days, they covered them with shingles, they put in japanese red carp. there is a lot of it here now divorced, this is not just an entourage,
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now we have gone inside the mill, the mechanism is made, as it was thousands of years ago, this entire mechanism was made with his own hands, his son made it, the clutch, as it should be in the old way... the wheels begin to spin , grain, here we come, pour grain, and here a hundred bags are placed, you can grind flour, then go bake pies, eat, we used it like that for uh, well, for decoration, we won’t grind flour here - for ourselves, that the stores have enough, that’s how the mill worked, that’s the grain here, and the boo they poured out from here, excursions
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came to us, buses with children, we started them up, they showed us, told us how they once ground flour, for the tourists who come here... we have such beauty here, we strived for this, because i really love
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animals, i love birds, when i was little i always collected stray cats and dogs , so i decided to get more serious, then someone brought an injured owlet, went out, bought black swans for the winter, here are my granddaughters, they help me in everything, yes ksyusha, that’s what you, ksyushenka, are talking about if you tell the roe deer, let's go and visit the roe deer.
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here we go, where is the name of the roe deer? maya, let's kick her out, let them see how our little roe is, well, mike, come out, this is our little roe, mike, come, tell us about her, she's in autumn color! changes in the spring what color she is red now we will have winter already gray gray gray that's what she eats the roe deer in us - leaves leaves i only when with a leaf from and i'm exhausted she will come to me herself oops.
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stroked, when people come to us, they are surprised that we have ice there, black, swans, the most favorite animals are fox, roe deer, owl, we had slaws, we had turkey. and we also have peacocks that spread a very beautiful tail, but it falls off in the fall, new and longer ones grow in the spring, we give the feathers to the bones as a souvenir, if you have a wild
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animal, you need to register it. for its maintenance and keep it naturally in normal conditions, not in a nook, somewhere there is a 2x4 cage, but as you know, our storks run freely, only there is a fence, cranes on which permission was also issued, one was healthy, the other without a wing came to us, they almost got to us...
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but she was caught in the field, she flew from the polish zoo, we found out from the ring that she couldn’t get food, that’s why they barely brought her alive, but we immediately started feeding her, she started eating, so we had to force feed two wild herons, they opened the bite by force, they threw the fish, you close the bite and wait until it swallows, or if it’s just a fish. no, i just wanted to eat, this is our owl, the common owl, she is a girl, we are 100% sure, because she was laying eggs, in general owls don’t lay eggs in captivity, but ours feels comfortable here, she feels good, that’s why she
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laid eggs, although they were empty. because there were no boys, i want to bow to her, and you want too, well, come here, we have girls here who take turns loving them, tell me, this is the little one, yes, she loves it when someone touches her under her wing, she loves her, we would like her we released her with pleasure, but we understand that she will no longer survive in the wild, she is used to being fed everything every day. the children brought it to us, it grew up with us in the house, then we already released her into this prison, there is a second girl, she also lives there with her, but she is wilder, and so the biggest mistake people make is that they take little chicks, thinking that they are saving them , but in reality no, their parents won’t abandon them, even though they are on the ground, so their parents will look after them, and if
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you take them away, you... simply won’t be able to feed them, for... because they need food with bones, with feathers, specially processed so that the call, desire works inside them has adapted, which attracts trees and makes noise.


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