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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 3:15pm-3:46pm MSK

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skin care for your health, well-being stanislav ivanavich, behind the floods of forest fires, due to their strict conditions. jumping bird, capercaillie. ale pasprabuytse ўbachyts yae ў our forests, amal beznadzeynaya on the right. chamu is hopeless, testing tatstsyan yaugenain kutavay.
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hello children love sports and a healthy lifestyle, as well as consolidate the knowledge acquired in the elective in physical education. this saturday began actively for students of the first and second fifth grades of secondary school number 56 named after vasily ignatenko. guys took part in the olympics festival. the holiday was organized by analogy with the summer games. athletes' oath, torch relay, parade of athletes. and after the competition in the track and field all-around about the cross-country biathlon otlo. ord show olympic world. let us remind you that this school is unique for our country. almost 2 years ago , so-called health classes were formed there. students attend additional physical education classes and the benefits from such electives are enormous. on average, each first grader misses about 48 classes. days in the academic year, that is, one and a half months. the first o-class they had 23 days, that is, it was halved. that is, for all
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the parallels with the entry into the tenth grade of a sports pedagogical orientation, that is, roughly speaking, future specialists in the physical culture of sports, there were a lot of all sorts of tasks, it was necessary to collect the word, it was necessary to run the track, we will add that the olympics festival was held in collaboration with the belarusian olympic academy. next is a sports review, my colleagues will sum up the results of the day in a panorama, i’m with you i say goodbye. good weekend! the draw for the qualifying tournaments of the european junior football championships took place yesterday at the uif headquarters in swiss neon. the belarusian national team is made up of players no older than 19 years old; at the first stage, it was placed in the thirteenth qualifying group, where its rivals will be peers from armenia, croatia and serbia. the competition will take place next fall.
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the two best squads from the quartets, as well as the best teams that finish third, will advance to the elite round. final stage the continental championship will take place next summer in romania. the youth team of belarus will perform in the seventh group together with football players from the czech republic, germany and andorra. the final part of the euro for u17 will take place in albania. ruslan golovachev stopped at the 1/8 final stage at the grand slam podudo tournament, which takes place in tajikistan. in the first round to muhammad dzhumaev from uzbekistan.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four sacks of loaves of bread were baked.
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saturday broadcast on belarus in the russian federation, near the front line of the karespandenta agency, a kaleidoscope of the central valleys of the belarusian regions, economic and social, creative and everyday. darya tarasawa is with you, good day and sunshine on the air. their incitement among our sirs was the 80th year of breaking the military blockade.
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energy production is in short supply as the season for peat production and the extraction of black gold in belarus begins. culture with high morning water. the farmers of grodzenshchyna began to dig up their green pockets. responsibilities in yury karnyalovich's repartage. belarus commemorates the 80th year of breaking the varozhay blockade polish-lepel zones and bastards of the vyalikay aichyns are assigned to the beginning of the country. on the night of may 4 to may 5 , the partisans brought out the enemy's fire and brought out 15 thousand civilians. for centuries there, memories would have been created from our country's hell. menavit for months of great weakness reconstructed and the battle became legendary. great
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heroes, maryna ramanovskaya. it was not for nothing that these meats ruined the glory of the partyzansk region. the bastard vyalikaya had open schools here, factories that produced products, outlets newspapers, and everything was not taken into account , and the plans of the burying were hidden, unknown. a carnage operation broke out between the partisans and the civilians. the great teritory fell into the fiery rings of the enemy, surrounded by all the fascists, facing the hell of the external world. yana is husbandly.
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the paper is written back about the history of vyalikaya aichynna. in the spring of 1944, there were bloody battles, the entire line of abarons. the forces of the enemy. significant importance, and, zdaetstsa, it was not soft. 16 partisan brigades broke out of the encirclement, lifted the stakes of the blockade and led them out peaceful lives. geta peramoga has become...
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in the chava region there are memorial signs, illuminated by the padzeys on the race of pronya, the bastards of the vyalikay ichynnay war. months for a new crop of bayava glory abrali nevypadkova. in 1943, the nazis established a line of barons here. at the blocks of water there was an amal of 20 kilometres. the savetsky troops managed to seize the spring, but the cost would be great. the astanka warriors of the red army are here to know each other for a long time. chausy, this is a long-suffering land.
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to perpetuate the memory of the heroes who suffered from fascism, the spread of meat feasts, all there are 103 plowed farms in the area, which earn more than 18 thousand savior soldiers. the new republican board of honor and the scriptures are holy pratsy. last season, during the work period, there were 64 employees from the region and organizations behind the current high achievements in social-economic development. pramyslovastsya budaunitsa. the level of winners
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this year is very high, especially we see in the real sector of the economy, our driver last year was industry, one of the nominees, and the nominees are from various categories and industries, including private business, municipal enterprises , republican ones, our brand integral too. so many people are working together on the grodzen region of the region, the people of the laureate, who have the most important indicators in the sphere of economics, energy and material resources. on the 20th anniversary of the year, the grodzenszczyn region became laureates of the grodzenszczyn world prize. pasvedchannі ab svávennі new status atrymalі na... syrod of triumphant people of different professions from the sphere
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of rural gaspadarki, pramyslovists, akhovy health and sports, assigned to the city of grodna and four districts in the region: astravetskiy, slonimskiy, ashmyanyskiy and grodzenskiy. the most beautiful and worthy subjects of the gasparadara in the different spheres of zeynism. their work is more demonstrative, to the extent that paspakhov’s showpiece works can be carried out and bring wealth to the galina, the region and its land. leader in the field of zeinastry and the culture of the industrial enterprise mazyrsol and the secrets of the successful ones in his galina in the story of natalya ignatsenka. zdaetstsa mazyrans know all the right things, create, apply and issue casser and karis salt, which is called white gold here, is popular in asartymenets 60 years ago and not only for the food market, kirunak - tableted and granular salt for water systems is profitable water purifiers and water purifiers react to market attempts , changing the nomenclature of our products
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to the promising russian market, eight years ago, 50 years ago, 50 years ago , the creator of the product is growing on the wagon for 65 tons of skin, all the regions of the neighboring country, regular pastavak doubles per quarter. the emphasis is on lower output and saving energy resources, and so on. for apushnia, three reptiles scarats are burned with gas on a tone of salt.
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and the tax is matyvatsyya for giving birth to more high creative varshyns. natalia ignatsenka, alexander murashkin, gomel region. daily installation and special centers for acquisition of the gene fund. sennya geta adzin s nadravkaў develіtstsya medytsyna belarus.
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over the course of several decades, numerous investments and specialists have succeeded in great deal... i feel cared for by everyone, it’s all absolutely here, such a big team works, i’m free, this is what we in belarus should appreciate by us, citizens, we have been re-equipped with completely new, modern high-tech equipment at all stages, starting with reception and examination block
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ending with operating rooms and pediatric intensive care units. modern breathing apparatus in order to support life, help, save children with extremely low body weight, which are born among us, to the child was discharged from us alive, healthy , and subsequently became a full-fledged happy citizen of our society, and more computer and magnetic resonance imaging machines, ultra-sounding devices, surgery, carried out by angiographs, a hospital appointment for the father’s daycare buildings, sensitive assistance atrymae ў zroven treatment of cerebrocardiovascular pathology, that is, this is over 60% of the overall mortality structure, it will combine the entire surgical service and will also be equipped with the most modern and advanced equipment with excellent conditions not only...
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children, they helped us with the eldest child, now we are here with the youngest, it is very important for us that the treatment is at the highest level, it is important that medicine
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develops in our regions, just like in the capital, we have everything necessary base in order to provide assistance to our young patients, we recently received children from the republican scientific and practical center of neurology and neurosurgery, where they underwent brain surgery, placement of ventriculoperithenial shunts, and were transferred for rehabilitation treatment. minsk region excellent implementation of a large-scale program of the administrative district, administrative project. according to the plans of the central regions, for this year there are 47 investment projects, an increase of 15
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billion rubles. 2 thousand new holy days will be created in all regions. so, at the drop of new kalektyў they farmed amal 40 chalaveks. geta vytvorchast suhoga hutkarastvaralnaga malaka. yana can take two bastards. there are so many attempts at such great efforts. you have ukraine.
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just a month the feed is ready and well-lived, as the hell of the technical taxation of the wet grass is deposited malaka, yury karnyalovich knows. azima wildflower is the first cultivated grass in the sheragu of the soiled green pockets, sprouting at the end of the beauty on the head of may, and the main task of the agrarian is strict and the defined terms are taken from the pale. spravіtstsa is necessary for a maximum of a thousand days.
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adnak at adrozenny hell of other herbs. yield, here we carry out direct harvesting with subsequent delivery of green fodder to the mtc, but here we simply lay it down without compaction, we use fitgrass as a preservative, this is what will allow in, well, 3 weeks 21 days to make a excavation for feeding animals, the most...
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the wealth of our country is adzin from the vector of alternative energy. the peat production season has started in belarus , and the belarusian gas company plans to produce at least 2 million tons. some of it will go to exparta. yašče peat prynosits karyst agrarem. praz party intares ancient primordial thought of the land alyaksey. byzmezhny prastors of pukhavitskaya district. the production of peat takes into account technical and climatic factors. a bit of fretting. viasnoy na palі vyhodzіts special equipment. next, you need to turn the peat and heat the machine on the fire. the drying lasts forever and the sun, and the peat is already dried and farmed at the windrow. at peat.
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which are used for agricultural needs , today it is supplied to 21 countries of the world. over the past year , we supplied 150,000 tons of various peat products worth $12 million. at the same time, the asian vector is actively developing, in particular, several full-fledged trains have been sent to
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china. import products. myashchenni the original tarf industry of acanili and amatara of mushrooms is the creation of coated materials for growing champignon following the brest region of the region and other regions of the country.


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