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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:30pm MSK

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among people of art, let’s be honest, this is a chamber drama, this is already dramatic material, where there is conflict, where there is development, where there are heroes and anti-heroes, they didn’t think about making a story about it, i didn’t think about it, i didn’t think about it, here, but what you are talking about, yes, this is a movie, this is ready-made dramatic material, but in my opinion, this is what we discussed earlier, it seems to me... it is necessary for the difficult time to pass, difficult, hot time, and what will you be filming in the near future? i'll be filming a comedy in the near future, so will we. filmed a comedy, you know, i liked the answer of our director, which he voiced when we presented it, to my question, to my question to him, why are we now going to film a comedy at this time, and we have, well, let’s say, information tense time after the twentieth, because during...
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it will be a full-length film, it will be released in cinemas, i hope, in the very near foreseeable future, it will be a straight-up adventure, very cool comedy, where you can relax, exhale, sing, so, while we're on the subject, soon in june my next full-length movie will be released, which is called the tour with ivanushki, a very
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musical story, in which everything also seems to be very simple, but very sincere, but it will also be a full-length film, it will be a full- length film, yes, you told me behind the scenes, that the dugout was your first experience of a full-length film, but i didn’t deceive you, it’s mine, you just liked making full-length films, you know, at some point , 'i was very worried, worried that i didn’t have a full-length feature film in my filmography, and i applied some colossal efforts, i was looking for material, material that i found i didn’t really like, and then i said to myself: mark, do what you do and what you love and do it well, and i... here
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i’ve been doing this for a lot of years, i’ve let go of this story, i’ve seen 30, 40 episodes, really, and this is only in one season, i ’ve let go of this story, i told myself, the time will come, everything has its time, that is, it has come, it has come, and now is just such a period when we actually get several paintings in a row that... will full-length films for cinemas, and i’m very glad, i really like it and it brings me great pleasure and inner happiness, but they haven’t given up on tv series, no, of course, there will be, well, there will be, it’s just that now, from the proposals that exist, this is what i voiced to you, yes, these are full meters for now, and we won’t guess there, well, we won’t, okay, unfortunately, mark, the last, extreme, as i like to say, near-philosophical question, here is our movie about the war,
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here how can we win this battle today? due to the reliability that we we are showing, we are filming in the movie that we are talking about, specifically, for example, the dugout, in this movie, i will tell you honestly, i am a very modest person, and i still, well, that’s how i was brought up, but the movie that we have now made, for example, in terms of a certain level of special effects, in terms of the content that exists inside, this movie is made at the highest level. and if
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you compare it with the big world military films, yes, we had a much smaller budget there, relatively speaking, but it doesn’t look any worse at all. there's a story inside, oh which you say, human, understandable, and which cannot be rewritten, imposed, remade, i believe that our task is simply to do what we do and tell it, this is how we consider it necessary, important and correct, you know, because someone is always trying to change something, trying to turn something around, we have a different path, we know it, we move along it, we go and make the movie that we make, and let the viewer watch and make all the necessary decisions for themselves, mark, thank you for this conversation, you thank you very much, good luck, thank you, thank you.
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why should i work on my day off? risk, where is yours? well, firstly, she ’s not my rita, take your hands off, take a pill under your tongue, and secondly, she’s sick, and
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what’s the diagnosis, defibrillation, be quiet, sit quietly, shock! it’s working, sit down, volodya, volodya, turn the regional one, we won’t get you anywhere, be quiet, sit quietly, i’ll let you out of the car. help, dear doctors, is there, is there anyone here, is there anyone here or not,
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but listen, their gas cylinder exploded, there was a burn, there was blood loss, pick it up, get everyone up, so why did they bring us to the burn hospital? we don’t have blood, but i know that you have nothing, get everyone up, dear, take my blood, no, sit down, sit down, calm down, arthur, call for hope, i’ll be there now, only i’m in the waiting rooms, there ’s an ambulance there, so what, what is his blood type, i can donate blood, quietly, honey, well , remember what your husband’s blood type is, well, well, i don’t know, he never... what’s your name? tanya, tanyusha, remember what blood type your husband has, it’s kind of rare, olga vasilievna, i can donate blood, well, well, now wait, just wait, two, 3 hours, just
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wait. oh, nadyukha has arrived, hi, hi, let's go, can you help me rake the hay, uh-huh, oh, yes, give the child a rest, hi, mom, hi, you see, she returned from duty, how are things at work, daughter, nothing, duty roster. they gave you a salary, yes, here you go, your beloved, oh, thank you, you spent it all on us again, nadyuzhka, you went and bought yourself some new clothes, but
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why does she need new clothes, to show off in front of her boyfriend, in front of which boyfriend, well in front of grandfather tikhonov, of course. mom, what do i have to do with this anyway? nadyuzh, why are you offended by vadim, but i wasn’t offended by anyone, okay, he didn’t want to, but he made a bad joke, you know that he treats you well, but don’t have a complex either, you’re a prominent, bright woman, yeah , the dimensions are such that you can see a mile away, and fans are walking in crowds under the windows, i don’t know. dress from them, listen, i’ll tell you, as a sister and a future
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psychologist, you need to go to the city, why are you sitting here in the village, there are men here there wasn’t any left, if i hadn’t left, i would have gone around as a girl, ir, and i ’ll leave my parents to whom, it’s with you that they are invigorated, and in the winter , when they started to get sick, then my mother has a purulent sore throat, my father has pneumonia, little sister. “well , forgive me, please, i left you here alone, but i couldn’t help but leave, come on, my place is here, and other old people will disappear without me, for how many years they promised to build a first-aid post, so everything died down, and the nearest hospital is in sviridovka, so come on, so if anyone grabs anything, that’s it, it’s lost, i live on an island, well, we ’ll come on vacation soon, i’ll..." i’ll help you, well,
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dear guests, irishka, come to us more often, lived, caught fish, bred flies, there, okay, i’ll see you now i’m playing music, oh, who needs your organ-organ, just keep quiet, but such an instrument is one in a million, my father walked with it to berlin, just like that, right? over the fields where it has not been mowed for a long time, over the forests where the paths are overgrown. , over someone's bitter and unthrown love, i would fly, leaving the ground.
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the river fell asleep, but the cherished thought in the heart, and the soul of may is so light, the cherished thought is in the heart. and my soul is so light, full of breasts, let us live and breathe, even though my heart is heavy for years, but while the song is heard along the forest, it will bypass the view. joy spills out in song, words are beyond
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memory in it, the boundless gift of the heart will fit, it’s a pity that there are not enough hands to hug, the boundless distance, the heart is together. it's a pity that the hands don't have enough fire. eva, what’s going on, happiness itself is running towards me. nadyukha, you're going somewhere like this are you rushing, or are you going into earth orbit, or are you in a hurry to marry me, huh? grandfather, be quiet, we need to get to the other side urgently, the bus is coming. don’t worry, i’ll finish it with the breeze, let’s go, oh, hey, old age is not a joy,
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come on, hey, well, hey, hey, we need to change, grandfather, quietly, come on quickly, well, i’m telling you, old age , no joy, it won’t start, it won’t catch, well, the bus will leave, well, it will leave, let’s catch up, hey, nadyukha, if only i were 40 years old, i’d definitely marry you, but oh well, i’ll have to row. yes, the duty today was terrible, kind of boring, hello, girls, hello, hello, well, hello,
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hello, how's the shift, don't even ask. i sat down, markelova and dudnikova ’s temperature was fluctuating, sometimes under 40, sometimes below the baseboard, panin had an attack, they barely got him out, the horseman had bloating, he was about to write a complaint, i told him, the doctor prescribed you the most extreme diet, and you had three homemade pies he killed you in one sitting, and your belly was blown apart, and he flew up, not only that, he said that they gave me booze for dinner, and they also bullied me, oh, and your beloved onishchenko, to the death of me tortured. he’s not my least favorite, he’s just an unfortunate sick man in need of sympathy, but they’ll listen to you, they’re all poor and miserable, gutless people, and the guy, of course, is the poorest of all in the world, when he worked as a head teacher at school, he yelled at us so loudly that our ears it was stuffed up and nothing hurt, and now please, now he’s dizzy , now his temples are aching, now he’s nauseous, now his ears are ringing, now he’s seeing double, now he’s lethargic, now
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he’s nervous, and you tried to measure his blood pressure, nah, well, what’s the matter? there's pressure here, just a man of all... sil is trying to attract attention to himself, soon he will begin to have visions of little green men who terrorize him. okay, i ran, otherwise lyoshka and i had to go to our parents. oh, bye, bye. even if you were born a pawn, you always have a chance to become a queen. and so am i. and i’m like, shah, imat, like mate, teledora, what are you doing, and oleg levich, you shouldn’t be nervous with your hypertension, diabetic, come on, let’s
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measure the pressure, but how can you not be nervous, they set, they'll eat us alive here, the air conditioning doesn't work, my heart is so hot the top of my head pops up, and if i may say so, my colleague ignored all my symptoms, she thinks that i am a malingerer with delusions of grandeur, so quietly, oh, is this hypertensive? “so, bed rest and no hassle, including chess, chess has nothing to do with it, life, nadenka is such a thing that even iron people rust, good night, good night iron people, phew, it’s easier to dig a vegetable garden
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than all this i’ll finish the writing, that’s it, come on, stop, let’s drink tea, how much sugar do you need?” only you looked for a while, half past two, what? nothing, but you can’t eat at night, everything immediately turns into fat and cholesterol, and nonsense, all this, with such loads as yours, you need to eat well, you didn’t have dinner yesterday and didn’t have lunch, so come on refresh yourself, here are the pies. by the way, i baked it myself, this is with cabbage, mushrooms, this is broken, this is with eggs and onions, thank you, of course, but i’m on a diet, but nonsense, why do you need these diets, in my opinion you already look great , yes, you don’t look like these current skinny herrings, but that’s the point, you know how to say, your zest, good
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zest, i would say more fluff. and i really like you, yes, that is, i wanted to say, how can i put this more precisely, i’m feeling uneasy today, i need to go check on onishchenko, yes, he’s been sleeping for a long time, what’s going to happen to him, so here i am i wanted to tell you, you know, you tell me, how can it be, i don’t like him at all, no matter what happens, what? yes , this aneshchenko has given in to you, i don’t only like him today, i don’t like him at all, so i wanted to tell you that you are not only like me i like your colleague, but also as a woman. i’ll go see how he’s doing,
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you feel bad, and i think i’m about to die. it’s sad, my heart hurts, yes, it’s strange, it smells like cognac, what happened, nadenka, nothing, nothing, call me back later, what’s wrong, so, tolik, quickly go to the manipulation and bring me an iv with glucose, you hear, quickly, like that.
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urgently please, did he eat anything today? no, i didn’t have dinner, my daughter called, there was some trouble with the tax office, i got nervous, dropped the book where he got it, evgeniy vasilyevich, well, i had it in my flask a couple of sips, a couple of sips in the flask, like little children playing with death, but what happened? nadya called and said that the puppy was unwell, something was already being done, well, i brought an iv,
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yes, well, like yours, yes, it’s better, the doctor who put the iv in, i, who did the diagnostics, me too, well , i went in and he felt bad, he was trembling sweatily, and recently we almost lost a patient with diabetes, so i and your happiness, samsonova, that you guessed right with the diagnosis, but if you organize such an amateur performance again, you will fly out of the hospital, you are making yourself out of yourself here, doctors, well, i didn’t get through to you, well, i decided that since there is no smell of acetone, the course is acute, similar to hypoglycemia, well, i was afraid that that’s all, you, in fact , saved the old man’s life, we were with you 3 days ago weed,
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soon it will be higher than the peppers, maybe we can take this poison from kirillina and poison everything here, yeah, and we’ll poison ourselves at the same time, but the kilona didn’t poison itself, but... by the way, you heard, her son got divorced, who, vaska , whether? well, yes, after all, what kind of guy, doesn’t drink, doesn’t party, here’s his wife, he got caught in the serf, well, of course, his wife it’s my fault, you yourself told me how he beat her every other day, yes, i don’t remember something, and in general he attacked everyone at school with his fists, and i wouldn’t think of bringing him to us. “i know you, these looks of yours are sitting on my mind, but i didn’t intend to, here’s a darling, again
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i was crooked like an old corga, nothing, aunt, mash, now we will turn you back into a beauty, yes, you were a beauty, you were a beauty , girl, she’s all gone, oh, this back has completely tormented me, a mosquito gored her, are you planning to spend the night with us or something?” and what that’s all, yes of course, it’s necessary, but i didn’t feel it, you have golden roars, nadyukha, emergency workers, leave me a little, mom, otherwise i’m late, i’m on a diet again, dad, stop it, please, don’t be nervous, do n’t worry, it’s an ordinary migraine, what does it mean, where from, after all, i’m a certified medical worker, oh, well, what kind of steno from what arteries, well, dad, i read this somewhere, please, oh, well, why is it so official, you can it’s just igor, you like to complain - this is
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a must. just alla, my favorite name, i hope we work together, allochka, yes, and this nadya, nadya samsonova, is a very hardworking person, the most respectable person in our team. hello, my god, there are not enough women in russian villages yet, so, you save the suffering and give them hope, yes, hope, i don’t give anything, the name must oblige, let’s go show you our manipulation room. “you can just igor, i’m so irresistible that you definitely like to favor me, i can’t stand these narcissistic men, but it seemed to me that you liked him, well, you’ll say the same, it’s just a new doctor and i don’t have a good relationship with him will interfere, by the way, this also concerns you, it was difficult for you to even smile at him, i the
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other day. she called a friend of mine, but we went to medical school together, so she says that this eremeev worked in their hospital before us , he treated a lot of people there, but what about you? like what? it’s good that you and i are such smart women and don’t fall for all sorts of cheap things. oh, you know, i had quiet little things, a carriage and a small cart, and you probably also, by the way, between us girls, how many men did you have? what about you? in general, such topics, but what is it, a topic as a topic, for example, before i got married i had a good time, and now i am, as the classic said, a faithful wife and a virtuous mother, but don’t be afraid, i won’t tell anyone, about 10 people, five , three, well, it can’t be that there’s only one? wait,
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no one at all? nadya, but you are already 25, 28 years old, what a nightmare, darkness, horror, nadya, you need to do something about this, well, is there really no one at all? above, wait, but he’s in love with you, maybe? and as a man i don’t care at all, yes nadya, the situation, yes, hello, leonid lvovich, why were they summoned, oh, why - she ’s so irish, but they don’t call the authorities for a good reason, that we
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did something wrong again. “probably only from a medical school, yes, and what do you tell me to do with this inexperienced child, i’ll have to teach her everything from scratch, well, you’d think that we have at least 300 people for this place, they won’t learn anything, but remember how you came here yourself i came as a girl, 20 years ago, 30 soon, oh god, how time flies, flies, do you have coffee?” yes, otherwise mine
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has run out, yes, of course, only we have regular, not premium, yes, nonsense, if only wake up, how much sleep do you need, do it yourself, if it’s not difficult, you always have such peace and grace here at night, but no, sometimes it starts in the evening that you won’t be able to sit down until the morning, how long have you been working here? 4 years, how do you like it? well, yes, the team is good, and it’s convenient to get there, you live close, well, not very close, in the village, wow! in some
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bezlyudovka, oh, so we are almost fellow countrymen, my grandmother lived in a pottylovka, i spent my entire childhood there, and we ran there at the disco, listen, and you are a lark. you know, well, he's such a redhead, he's lopouty, he's still he burbled like lenin, well, he went fishing yesterday, and there are only hooks out of fish, he is the same now, all people are like people, and i work like papa carlo, and as a result of killing three pinocchio, he has three boys, the same redheads with huge ears and also reprimand rennie, but i haven’t seen him for 100 years, i should give it all up to... to the village, yes, yes, i’ll come right up, well, i’ve jinxed it, let’s go to the reception room,
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the triscors arrived right away, yeah. “get comfortable, you’ll have some cognac, maybe i’d better go get some coffee, you’re great, hope, where about the syndrome?” you know pasternatsky, do i? i studied at a secondary school for 2 years, but i dreamed of becoming a doctor, i gave up, but no, i had to take an academic degree, my younger sister entered inyas, but my parents wouldn’t have accepted two students, you’ll be recovering, yes, no matter what, 5
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years have passed, well, you’re in in any case, well done, colleague, you can safely go on reconnaissance missions. and not only, what are you talking about, igor romanovich. i ’m not anya, what anya, from gynecology, you think the same, anya, i just liked you,
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so i thought, i’ll go, it’s a pity, well, whatever you want, you’ll see lyova, the redhead. say to him hello. yeah, listen, you go, i’ll come by later, good
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afternoon, can i come to you? of course, little cherry, come in, what are we talking about, take a seat, igor ramanovich. so, i came to you for advice, but the fact is that my dad has been suffering from severe headaches in the temporal region for a week now, maybe you can suggest some effective remedy for migraines, well, it’s a pity who makes a diagnosis at a distance, bring him here, let’s examine him , we’ll treat you, i really don’t want to burden you, what nonsense, i’m always happy to help a beautiful woman, igor romanovich, igor romanovich, don’t look at me, by the way, i’m married.
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so are you serious? what do you mean? go around the hospital and tell everyone this, no, i do n’t go and tell anyone, just you, so don’t tell me, but hello, hello, where is nadya, and what, and what, isn’t she on duty today, is it too early? he’ll come soon, clearly, a tip, you’ll tell
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her, when he comes, you’ll tell her from igor, be careful not to eat it yourself, here’s another one, i need your candies. good evening, tamara petrovna, why haven’t you left yet? yes, i’ll go soon, and you ’re replacing the alu again at night? eh, nadezhda, well how long are you going to let me ride you? yes, i like night shifts better, there’s less fuss, and besides, ala’s gleb has trouble falling asleep without her.
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here are the pies again, just like i asked for, but these are low-calorie ones, with chavilam cabbage, oh, eat at least one, okay? little one, i said, i won’t, you won’t get any candy from eremeev either, from whom, from whom, from whom, from your little boy, the sick people brought it to him, there’s nowhere to put it, so he handed it over from the master’s shoulder, you’re a mean one, what’s wrong with your mother i quarreled, but i didn’t quarrel with anyone, i just there are all sorts of people walking around here. they are trying to make an impression on you, his candies are the
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same, chocolate on top, inside. good evening, yeah, i’m going in your direction today, get in, i’ll give you a ride, but it’s somehow inconvenient, what, you want to wash yourself to the skin, and why aren’t you on duty today, no, today i swapped with nikolaevsky. let's go, well , let's go, what, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, come on, listen, just let's drop by my place on the way first, i need to pick up something there, of course. i’m not in a hurry, well then , go ahead, well, tamara petrovna, well, my dear, well, why me again, well, am i extreme or something , really, i don’t understand, don’t start, just think, they asked a new person to bring the matter up to date, well, you know my circumstances, well, what am i extreme or something they get all the time, and don’t start, excuse me , hello, oh natalya, and this is alla, your
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colleague, she’ll be on duty with you today, tell you what’s what, good, no problem, tamarochka petrovna, you look great, great suit, where you had enough, at a discount , i can tell you where, well, you’ll tell me later, well, i think, allah, instruct me properly natasha. don’t worry, tamara petrovna, i’ll do everything. goodbye. well, how do you like mine? what is this for? come on, you better help, well, we have to go, by the way, it’s my birthday today, nadenka, how’s your birthday?
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why, you didn’t say before, we would have celebrated it properly at the hospital, because i wanted to spend it only with you. why with me, and you yourself can’t guess, igor romanovich, and stop calling me new, for you it’s just igor, we agreed, yeah, well, let’s celebrate, or something, come on. a toast to you, igor, igor, happy birthday, i don’t have a gift, it’s somehow inconvenient, the fact that you’re here today is the best gift for
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the future. well, why are we standing? let's settle in, make yourself at home. how old are you? 35. yes, why not guests, no music, no guests, no music, there will be music for you,
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you and i will hide from everyone. when the hand on the clock stops, you laugh , or else you’re about to cry, my restless girl, in your eyes there’s a southern melancholy, in your heart there’s a snowy feeling, but for... happiness on earth, all i need is just a little your tenderness, and for happiness on earth, all i need is just a little of your
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tenderness, what your heart imagines, what shines in... your sad eyes, everything you dream about will of course come true, because we were destined to meet, i will wrap you in songs, i will lull you with fairy tales, you and i will be happy together, look at me, kindly, we will be very happy with you, we will be together, so warm me with your affection.
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oh, nadya, hi, hi, where are you from on night duty, mm, oh well, what, is the grandfather quiet, is he still there or something? on the spot, yes, something you’re so painfully joyful that you got yourself a fiancé in the city, what am i saying? no, well, i definitely started it, good morning, dad,
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hello, how was the catch, what kind of catch was it, where did i wear you, i called yesterday and said that i had to stay on duty, did n’t your mother tell you?
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come on, let's go, come on, let's go, shoo, shoo, shoo, but i don't push my people at all, let them go for a walk, but they've already eaten half the city, listen, nah, that's what i thought, maybe you're with someone... would you like to introduce me, let's go, let's go, why, my daddy, 3 years old? i died, i have no strength to crow alone, but leave these geese, anfiska, what are you talking about, well, who
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can i introduce you to, well, you found someone for yourself in the city, maybe she has some single friends, i haven’t found anyone for myself , maybe i should go to the hospital with you, why do you need to go to the hospital, you’re healthy, i don’t know, maybe there’s some nice orderly or something? doctor, leave me alone with your orderlies, help me better herd the geese, with big blue eyes, doctor, clearly, they took the temperature, no, don’t knock it down yet i need it, i’ll tell you now, of course, keep me informed, i find out all the news here at the altercations, igor romanovich, why are you passing by like this, don’t notice, good evening, girls, it’s busy, we have a new girl. yes, natalya,
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the simple name natalie sounds mysterious and wonderful. igor, very nice. and immediately forced to deviate. things to do, girls, things to do, things to do, things to do. cute. from which department? from our. uh-huh, married? how can someone like that get married? natasha, hey, don’t you dare fall in love with him, here’s another thing. the temperature should be taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, where are the morning measurements, well
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, alochka didn’t tell me, okay , but why didn’t she give petrov an injection, it’s also alochka’s fault, and she wanted to, and he started screaming, so what, now leave the person without treatment, good afternoon, good, why did you come, i called that your duty is at... by the way , meet nadezhda, natasha, it’s very nice, hello, i’m bored at home , let me think i’ll move out and see how you’re doing here, disgusting, we can’t do anything, we don’t know anything, hope, you’ll probably have to take charge of this a misunderstanding, or maybe immediately kick you out, yes, well, tamara petrovna? do you want to work? well, of course i want to. so, we will teach you everything. you go, tamara petrovna, but i came anyway. under yours.
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she’s just very demanding, well, now there’s responsibility, hope, uh-huh, uh-huh, don’t be upset, she’s really kind, you can drink tea, hello, yes, mom, how much, but they gave me medicine, didn’t it help? well, try to break free, you’ll be on duty without me, but i ’ll think of something, some problems, girls? hello, igor romanovich, and you are you on duty today? yes and you? me too. and i don't know what to do. the neighbors are really unwell, we need
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to go give her an injection. and natasha cannot be left alone. why? i can handle. exactly? well, of course. if a neighbor is feeling bad, you need to help, and if anything happens, igor romanovich will help me. really, igor romanovich? well, i'll go. are you sure you can cope without me? exactly, exactly. don't worry, go. aunt mash, aunt masha, how are you doing this, aunt mash, you stopped taking your pills again, or
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the sun was hot, but i don’t know. "old age, apparently, has come, before the cucumbers, it has cracked from salted, a three-liter jar, one would feel sorry for the cucumbers, unfortunate thing, ugh, the doctor told you not to eat salt, i completely forgot or something, aunt, masha, well, i don’t know how it happened, we also got such good cucumbers, gorging, gorging, she took a lot off duty, eh. forgive me, nadyushenka, but it’s okay, igor, ah, hi, hi. well, neighbor, how
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did you come to your senses? yeah, yesterday it was still lying there, but today i’ve already rushed to weed the garden. clearly, they are restless to me. what time do you get free in the evening? i'm at night. or maybe we are igor romanovich hello. hello. here, i brought my dad to you. remember, i told you about headaches. yes i remember. sorry, let's go to the office. hello anfis, hello natya, you were early today, you had a fight with your boyfriend, but i didn’t fight with anyone, it’s just a hard day,
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of course, in your city. there are a lot of girlfriends there, why should they share their grief with me? yes, i don’t have any grief, it’s just that one person and i just can’t talk, either i’m busy, or he? so did you come to see him on your day off or when you weren’t on duty? do you think? yes there’s nothing to think about, just, you just dress a little nicer, do your hair, choose a dress, some nice shoes for the day, otherwise you walk around like a gray mouse.
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we’ll finish with nadyushka somewhere here, well, well, that’s it, the final touch, come on. great, that's it, does that mean something happened?
11:28 pm
everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given away.
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belarusian churches. in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its relics. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. for a moment you want to stop running and see how it rains. the leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently
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every day to discover something new, it’s so interesting to us because we do this is with love, with love from belarus.


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