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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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above you, we forgot first, hail to the earth, our bright name, hail to the people of the rightful union, our beloved, mothers, slaves.
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our beloved mother, radima flow va live belarus, our beloved mother, prodima, besma zhi, ge'.
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good evening, live broadcast of panorama, in the studio of ekaterina tyahomirova and about the main events of this saturday. a great miracle, the descent of the holy fire happened, the orthodox are awaiting the holiday of the resurrection of christ, this night services will be held in all churches and the solemn sounds of christ has risen will sound.
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o'clock in all the churches of the country , festive services will begin, we will tell and show how to prepare for the meeting of easter, the holy spirits of the minsk cathedral. industry in belarus acts as a driver of economic growth and a guarantee of peace and order in our land. why are industrial enterprises so important? i, alexey avdonin, will tell you how production, peace and prosperity are connected. simple economics in panorama. a show that must go on leading up to the station's day. schoolchildren from four regions of belarus accept the challenge, this eleventh final race of participants in the republican military-patriotic tournament challenge. let's find out how young
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patriots live and who will ultimately win. great or holy saturday, today is dedicated to orthodox believers, the so-called day of silence. remembrance of biblical events, about the stay of jesus christ in the tomb and his descent into hell. every year, on holy saturday, all orthodox christians expect the miracle of the descent of the holy fire in jerusalem. it symbolizes the miraculous light of the resurrection of christ, and the miracle happened. the sacrament took place in the church of the holy sepulcher according to tradition in kuvukli, the name of the tomb in the rock where christ rested; the holy fire is received by the jerusalem patriarch. then the fellow believers light candles from the sacred flame. according to tradition , lamps lit by the holy fire are transported to different parts of the world, including belarus. it is expected that the lamp will arrive at the holy spirit in the minsk cathedral at 9 am for the start of
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the divine liturgy. today the parishioners united in prayer. cathedral minsk is preparing to celebrate easter. holy saturday, especially its evening, is the culmination of the entire easter tradition. literally a few hours separate us from the festive services, where we will remember the night when the miracle happened. jesus. christ rose from the dead, thereby delivering us from sin. holy saturday is not only a day of silence, but also a day of final preparation before the celebration, preparation, first of all, spiritual. today believers were in prayer to celebrate the main christian holiday.
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calendar with bright and pure thoughts. all day in the temples the shroud was brought out as a symbol of the burial of christ in order to venerate it as a sign of gratitude for the sacrifice. earth, it will be delivered on easter day itself, after 9:00 am, all believers will be able to come light their candles from the lamp with the holy fire. and, of course, this morning in all the churches the food for the festive easter meal was illuminated. these treats
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should be the first food after returning from service. in the baskets of believers there are kulechi, meat products, salt, curd products, and of course, colored, mostly red eggs. then in the evening guests come to us and we celebrate together, we cook it ourselves, we baked
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everything ourselves, the little bees stood there and baked it all, so we took a little bit with us so we’ll light it, and at home we’ll light a candle and we’ll continue to celebrate, for for children , these are, of course, easter cakes, eggs to beat with eggs, and no one wants to eat them, well, of course, about the spiritual, of course, one remembers that after all... a person has a soul, and there is something more than material. for me easter is about joy, fun and loved ones. by the way, you can buy holiday treats right outside the cathedral walls. this year, the youth brotherhood, in honor of the holy apostle john the theologian, of the minsk diocese, organized the “charity shop” initiative. she will work all day tomorrow, starting at 9 am. the assortment here includes not only elements of the easter meal. we also have presented... souvenirs made by our wards of one of the centers that cares for our brotherhood, these are incredibly
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beautiful, ceramics, brooches, plates, mugs, you can give a gift to your loved ones for the easter holiday, we also have our merch presented at the fair this year, all proceeds will go to support our charitable projects, since there are a lot of them , a lot of wards, we are happy for any penny, so that very soon holy saturday will be replaced by the bright sunday of christ. literally a few hours separate us from the joyful happy greeting, festive, christ is risen, truly risen. ekaterina, you have the floor. thank you, olga, wait a little, soon the great holiday of easter, bright sunday. we will show this week's presidential schedule in the time
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of the first section, tomorrow, our journalists have collected not only a concentrated list of what was happening, but also comments from people who personally communicated with the president for the first time, watch tomorrow on the main broadcast. well, is it summer here? the week started with business trips to the fields to visit people, it was necessary. suddenly and honestly, we cannot show everything, but rest assured, everything is in order, we take care of
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the peaceful sky, sports, two alexanders at once lukashenko at hockey and, of course, preparations for the main holiday of orthodox believers, today we pray for peace, look during the first one. moldova continues its path towards romanianization, preparations for easter take place against the backdrop of a movement towards a split in the moldavian orthodox church. the bessarabian metropolis is trying to take root. the public and spread its influence, the media also help it in this matter. for the first time in the history of the country, tv channel moldova-1 will
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broadcast live the service of the sunday of the lord from two churches of the canonical cathedral and metropolis of bessarabian. they are fighting political dissent in the country; today moldovan security forces detained at the chisinau airport all those arriving from moscow. people were searched without explanation. among those who arrived were members.
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the west needs ukraine only as a geopolitical battering ram against russia, and ukrainians as a living force in a direct clash with one of the united states’ rivals. war by proxy. here, of course, it would not be possible without the main characters, the actors who sell the country. today, the russian ministry of internal affairs put vladimir zelensky on the wanted list, as follows from the database departments are looking for him under a criminal article. for what reason it is not specified, but it is known that he is gathering a criminal company, this is the former president. justice, how the united states saved the nazis, hundreds of money and a career instead of a tribunal and scientists in the service of the white house. why the criminals
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of the third reich became big business and big politics. false biographies and a secret program. resettlement, cynical hunting for minds for the sake of world domination, see in clear politics on monday after the panorama.
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immediately after the second world war, another one cold confrontation between the usa and the soviet union, it did not end with the collapse of the ussr. on the promises of independence around , essentially a state was built for tarana, latvia. the once showcase of a large country is now broken, it has become a striking anti-example of the development of its own statehood. the soviet heritage was destroyed, nothing was built on the ruins, where production was booming, only abandoned factory passages remained. the collapse of the economy is accompanied by a massive outflow of its own youth. details in the section
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screenshot. in principle, it’s unpleasant to be here, even during a war such damage cannot be done, it’s a shame, it’s really a shame, everything is boarded up, the baltic tigers are a product of american origami, pretty tattered literally on the threshold of traditional use. attempts to be at the forefront of global processes and even without unnecessary modesty to initiate escalation have accelerated their degradation. behind.
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actively votes with its feet, over the past 30 years it has decreased by almost 670,000 and today is approximately 1,873,000 people, this is
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about 100 thousand less than lives in minsk, with such outstanding successes of the latvian politician, in 75 years, the last latvian leaving will throw the keys to the city hall into the sea. note that it’s not a coin, there’s no practical use for throwing it, and there’s not really any extra coins, throwing it away, i’ll say this in a moment, 50 meters from the presidential wrestler, brivibass, the central street of riga has long been no longer a place for a promenade with your beloved lady, more and more people are filming there reports about closed stores and bankrupt entrepreneurs. these videos make millions views on social networks. the thing is that the picture is too shocking. post-apocalypse, no less, commentators on...
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income come to such conclusions. in september 2020 , the head of the border guard, guntis pujac, was detained. corruption and gray scams are the basis for them. he became a defendant in a criminal case related to the construction of engineering infrastructure. during the large construction project, the state lost several million euros. patrons in the government helped the security officer get away with it. extremely difficult situation. among the fresh incidents with the sticky hands of latvian politicians mark a scandal surrounding the head of the foreign policy department. karenge
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turned out to be an avid lover of business trips in comfortable conditions. to travel, he used business jets, bypassing the procurement procedure at a significantly inflated cost. while latvian entrepreneurs are looking for ways to pay rent, karinj prefers to look down on the situation. silence is a resonant scandal. did not work out. after speaking with ms. links, i would like to announce that i have resigned as minister of foreign affairs. we we all understand perfectly well what is behind latvia’s attempts to play games that are not according to their height. the political establishment formed its own cargo cult. if the natives sincerely believe that humanitarian aid is dropped from an airplane by the spirits of their ancestors, then the baltic tigers hope for an inexhaustible flow of financial grace in exchange for pro-american rhetoric. about the inevitable.
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bronze, this is how the breakthrough memorial complex appeared. the slabs with the names of the defenders always have fresh flowers. the eightieth anniversary of the legendary battle was celebrated in a special way
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warm. it is important that today we combine our efforts to preserve the unity that the belarusian people have today. these events that took place here shape the character of our people, lay a solid foundation in our history, as long as we remember such events, as long as we teach our youth, of course, our country will live, the belarusian people will live, we will experience a feeling of joy including because we won.
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the order of the head of state is to preserve the enterprise, a lot of effort has been invested in modernization, of course, is not without its nuances, a recent meeting of the president on...
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the struggle for survival is the difficult story of the domestic flagship. we could not purchase materials or assemble new tractors. what the industry leader is hiding - problems that require immediate solutions. at mtz there is only a marketing service - 100 people, and there is nowhere to put the six-month supply in warehouses. there are certain issues with logistics, and there are certain issues with cash flow. "we rely on energy-rich tractors and do not forget about classics, if i didn’t screw something up, my first posting, we’ll conduct quality control this sunday on the main broadcast. economically, the successes of belarus are largely determined by the domestic industry,
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these are jobs and..." economics, author's column simple economy right now. hello, this is a simple economy with alexei avdon. economically. the successes of belarus are largely determined by the preservation and development of industrial enterprises, the latest are the key to employment of belarusians and the growth of our well-being. according to national statistics, the largest number of workers are in industry, accounting for almost 23.5% of those employed in the economy. in belarus , traditionally, men predominate in production. at the same time, in neighboring states, ukraine, poland,
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the baltic countries, with the advent of the west and the collapse of local industry, the male part of the population, for the sake of a piece of bread, was forced to join radical paramilitary formations, that is, without industry, male power is directed not to creation, but to destruction. in belarus, we have industry confidence only growing. according to the latest survey by the ministry of economy, enterprise management predicts an increase in production volumes, increased demand and improved financial performance. about half of the respondents said. about increasing the volume of output, another 22% about maintaining them at the same level. at the all-belarusian people's assembly , our president clearly indicated in his speech: the volume of industrial production from the mid-nineties to the twenty-third year increased fourfold. in the nineties , our people had a little more half a million cars, in the twenty-third year - over three million, 5 and a half times more. last year, almost 60% of belarusians produced and
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sold almost... the head of state emphasized that today almost 60% of belarusians consider themselves to be in the middle class, we have never lived as well as we do now, the purchasing power of belarusians has increased significantly over 25 years, the annual growth of real disposable income on...
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the united states does not have long to demonstrate the high pace of its current activity. the us economy is still running at full capacity, but it's unlikely to last long. as we see, our industry acts as a driver for the national economy, provides jobs, provides personal income, allows us to successfully overcome competitive pressure , and gradually destroy the initiator of the sanctions. it was simple economics with alexei. show, which should continue in the run-up to radio day, musicians and stations of the bel tv and radio company held a large-scale
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interactive show. a musical platform of this format was developed in the first national trading house, leading five radio stations and creative teams of our company organized a concert for visitors. the mood of the holiday, our film crew was immersed in the report by vladimir korolev. the first national trading house is not considered an entertainment center, but this does not mean that there is no place for celebration and fun, one site, five radio stations, the best fm broadcasters and the creative teams of our company organized a holiday for the guests of the newest shopping complex. to carry out the idea. musical, interactive holiday, radio day in the pershiy shopping center the national gandlev house was suggested to us by an event in which the head of our state was a participant. the fact is that this trading house represents all the leading largest
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national brands of our country, and belarusian radio is also a national brand, moreover, belarusian radio is the winner of the national spadshina brand award, so we decided to supplement it. national brands. from world hits and soundtracks to folk songs and belarusian premieres. such a program did not leave a diverse musical audience indifferent. shopping and entertainment in one place is the criterion of a modern mall. this increases the attractiveness not only for shopping, but also for full-fledged leisure.
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is held, in principle, by belarusian radio, we used to host radio station belarus, mostly abroad, presenting some of our capabilities, now all channels present here and... such a show is also a platform for communicating with your
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audience, many came here to talk with by those who are listened to daily on the air, the format of modern radio has long gone beyond fm and online broadcasting. today , the media is not only broadcast, website or printed publications; in parallel , social networks, telegram channels, groups and other platforms are developing on the internet. concert show as a separate type of brand promotion.
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self-presentation at bspu the final lesson took place within the framework of the project formula for the image style of a modern teacher. particular attention was paid to the importance of developing public speaking skills among future teachers, and the basic rules of communication with children were also discussed. in total , more than a hundred students from secondary specialized education institutions in belarus took part in the dialogue platform. bspu students are participating in the project. to all your questions.
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to give some new knowledge to future
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teachers, but these girls who are present in the hall today are the future elite, yes, who will raise our children, and how they do it, including in aesthetic terms, very important, because it will determine how our children grow up. next year they plan to expand the project and attract even more university students from secondary specialized education institutions in belarus, and launch a republican training project for high school students. the heart continues in belarus, today the children at the capital's secondary school number 66 received basic practical skills in providing assistance to people who have problems with the cardiopulmonary system. the master class for teenagers is conducted by professionals from medical institutions ; mannequins. it’s all very good that a project to start the heart was launched at the state level, because i believe that every citizen of our country should be able to provide:
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time on the excellent simulators of the simulation center of the belarusian state medical university , each conduction. in total , more than 20 thousand tenth graders from all over the country will take part in the event; classes are held every saturday as an additional school day. the start your heart project will end with a large-scale flash mob on minsk arena on may 18. the winning team of the republican
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military-patriotic tournament, which was organized by patriots of belarus and the training center of the military academy, has become known. almost a year of competition. 140 schoolchildren from all over the country took part in the agility and courage competition; the children plunged into army life, went through an obstacle course and test tanks, controlled drones, and took part in relay races. together with them, my colleague, katerina strekha, is again on the front line. 4:30 am, the peaceful sleep of the patriots was disturbed alarm signal, they reported that a command vehicle carrying secret maps was attacked by
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a sabotage and reconnaissance group, and the documents were stolen. a team well known to schoolchildren is forming up on the parade ground; what’s next, a few steps into the unknown. she came out, started a song, steppe.
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they couldn’t, what awaits them ahead, we are at a checkpoint, during sabotage four servicemen were injured, legs, legs, legs, we are restoring the bleeding, most likely arterial, we are rescuing a soldier who was wounded in the chest, we wrapped him up, now we will carry him to safe place, come on. the first task is to find packed lunches and prepare breakfast. there is everything necessary so that even while in the field, a serviceman can get the 2,500 kilocalories he needs per day. the main thing is that everything is domestically produced and of the highest quality.
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girls, bon appetit, thank you. i don’t have breakfast at all, but now i need to, because i need to gain strength, hematogen, sugar, sugar can be mixed with ashes, it burns, golets burn, juice, salzins, stew and porridge, while some are gaining strength for further tests, others set up a day-long stay for the entire team. to collect a day's work, for this we need all the available materials that we have in nature, these are branches, paws, pine trees and the like, that is , everything that we have on the ground, according to the standards - this is 40 minutes, but we think in 20-28 minutes we will manage, and i can do it under your
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strict supervision, take the axe. next, each team follows a familiar route, a modernized kalashnikov machine gun, when loaded, weighs more than 10 kg, as as a rule, it is used to defeat enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles, as usual, and we call when... this is the extreme point of our route, it is here, among thousands of similar pallets , that there is a tube with stolen documents.
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the organizers, as always , took care of the schoolchildren; each container was marked with electrical tape of the appropriate color. well, i was ready for this, i was waiting for this all my life, one might say, the most difficult thing was probably getting to some places, because you could just drown in the mud, you go to some kind of camp - this is not the same, there are the same hikes with your parents - this is not the same, it was a lot of adrenaline, where you won’t get it anywhere, the goals of the project were to popularize military service, to attract applicants to enroll in the military academy, and of course, talk about life in the army, in general about the army, some... to dispel some deaf ears, well, the children were very interested in this project, we already have a lot of
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applications for the second season of the challenge. nikolai nikolaevich, well, the question is concerns not only us, but all belarusians: will there be a continuation? we plan, the most important thing is that many of our participants in our challenge want to enter the military academy and ask how to do this, we will respectfully give it. characterization for everyone, because we saw these children in action and we know that this is our pride, they have been working towards this for almost a year, there are no losers here, the team from brest is in first place, then grodno, gomel and vitebsk regions, the challenge was accepted, the challenge was passed, they became more united, this teamwork was clearly practiced commanders, everyone listened to each other, they could quarrel and argue later, but when they already... pass the tests, they listen to each other, now i am overwhelmed with such strange emotions, we are so sad to part with them, in general there are a lot of emotions, they cannot
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be conveyed in general, i see that some of you even managed to cry a little, apparently these were tears of joy on your face, girls, we are shocked, we are very happy, in fact, everyone who is here is already a big winner and the fact that we won - it's just very big effort, a lot of work has been put into this, this is already our life for us, this is... our family, this is a whole movement of challengers, as we already call it, and you know, katerina, you covered this project, you are already a part of this movements with your group, filming, and you always shared your emotions, the emotions of the children, and what did you experience? the first time i found myself in okopia , a huge combat vehicle drove over me, i cried, but it was really scary, everything... this is such a serious psychological barrier that need to be overcome, even now, when we have finalized this project, i feel like
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there is some kind of devastation inside me, the challenge has been passed, and this is wonderful, our meetings with young patriots do not end here, in the coming broadcasts we will continue to get acquainted with the finalists of the tournament, let's visit their small homeland, this time the challenge was carried out by katerina strikha, sergey matveychuk and dmitry golovach.


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