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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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it’s green, we’ll force it again, we’ll force it again, the pincer’s heart is stronger, we’ll find it again, we’ll find it again, the heart, curl up here, is on earth. the custom is very old, when going on the road to sit down, but it’s still better before parting, say goodbye to friends, sing a song in a hurry, quietly wash away this evening. there will be new meetings, because having all
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embraced, embraced together, we are even fleshier, embraced together, embraced together, we will still live, as we dreamed of in childhood, share every joy of ours, we will take our sunshine pennies on the road, we will take the smile of true friends, traveling around the world.
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don’t be sad this evening, there will be but... new
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meetings, hugging together, hugging together, we will still sing, hugging together, hugging together, we will still take.
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farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost $7.5 billion worth of food to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this is with falling world prices, with good agricultural technology, with a good approach, today we can get wonderful harvests from our varieties . our corn differs there by 3-4 quintals out of 100, and if you compare. since seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, imported ones become unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; the welfare of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can produce new varieties from science that are highly productive.
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they are resistant to diseases and pests. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. gets project.
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i want to look at this world for everyone and my skin day to reveal something new for myself, this is so important to us, because we work on this with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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hello to belarus 1 belarus 24 program club of editors, let me at the very beginning of our issue, i will introduce the guests who came to our studio today, aleksanzhuk, editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today, belarusian senator, olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of ntrk mir of belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union vadim yalfimov. head of the department of social policy, ideology, academy of management under the president of the republic of belarus, pyotr petrovsky, political scientist, journalist and nadezhda sas, stv journalist, tv presenter, good evening, hello, thank you very much for coming to visit us today, but let’s start with the fact that for
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several days all belarusian russian media have been discussing it, but they are discussing western ones, i mean. or with the tacit consent of the western partners of the ukrainian regime, the behavior of the western partners, the subsequent, i mean absolute silence about this, suggests that i am probably not far from the truth, while they continue to call ukraine
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a legal, european, democratic state, where they are respected, unlike belarus, they talk about her, people's rights, minority rights. many punitive executioners hid abroad in the usa, canada, latin america, they are alive in europe, in the baltics, where the ss men march. our western, so -called colleagues from civilized, in quotes, countries, have hypocritical faces. more than a hundred sorry about legal assistance in exposing
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the crimes of the nazis, we sent there. a holy work is being done. belarus asks to provide data, at least regarding punitive ss units. this is not our only request. lithuania, latvia, great britain, usa, canada, australia have not been fulfilled. the lithuanians and latvians generally responded that they would not fulfill the requests of the belarusian side, because their... fulfillment was contrary to their national interests, i would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that the lithuanians and latvians were asked to provide information about the nazis, well for in order to possibly bring them to justice, and they stated that bringing the nazis to justice threatens their national security, thereby confirming all our theses that we have been promoting here for 10 years, that the lithuanian regime is pro-nazi, they are supported, i it seems that here you don’t need to have superpowers to make such a logical conclusion.
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medvedchuk gave an interesting interview to tas. let me remind you that in odessa , 400 people were injured, injured, 48 people were killed, at least they say that they walked around odessa the whole day, finishing off people, but what they didn’t see, they didn’t see, unlike what we just showed on our screens, that’s what the man showed. directly named those responsible for this crime under the chairmanship of turchynov, his president of ukraine in the fourteenth year, 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare the operation of mass murder in odessa of opponents of the coup. the discussion was attended by the former head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, the head of the sbu nalyvaichenko and the secretary of the council national security and defense parubi. oligarch kolomoisky was involved in the consultations. date of operation. may 2, the day of the football match, which explained the presence
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of a large number of members of fan groups and 500 radicals of the right sector. the delivery of the performers to the place was ensured by avakov, parubiy, kolomoisky, his henchman igor politsa, who led the action on the spot, for its successful implementation he was appointed governor of the odessa region on may 6 of the same year, well, this is of course a blasphemous decision, the person who... organized murder, then he took such a position in this region, remember the video of goncharenko, yeah, who, to the applause of the tv viewers, what was going on on your television, i don’t know, talked about what they killed, they killed sepors, they killed collaborators, here we have there are photographs so you can understand, after that he traveled around europe, where is he in pass? there’s a photograph of him somewhere, he met and hugged with european politicians, he gave a speech, though, and
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he did something weird, in this, i remember that the right to vote was suspended for some time, but that’s all, what were our european partners capable of in relation to a person who took an active part in the mass murder of people, became a great friend of our fugitives, and we have a photograph, they are proud of their friendship, they tell the media that they are holding regular...
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that we are on the side of, well, the russian-speaking population, and we didn’t even think that things could be different for us, one step separated us from the formation of the odessa people’s republic, following the example of the dpr or lpr, when it became clear what would happen just like that, that’s when the trade unions happened, this act of burning destruction took place, so that no one could really raise their head and in order to wipe out this russian spirit as much as possible, was it possible? without approval without coordination, well, of course not, yes, because such acts of mass murder just out of the blue, then, when no one notices them, when no one talks about them, when the next day special dishes appear in restaurants, which are like anyway they talk about how cool it was from what was happening, of course, but the point
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is not that you can imagine a situation where suddenly some group of russian-speaking people decided to declare a separate state. an honest investigation, and i am glad that today these names are heard, those involved in this, people who came to power through blood, murder and terror, it is important to note those names turchinov, parubiy, avakov - these are the same people who are behind executions on the maidan, and here it is important not to separate, yes, no matter what flags, slogans people stood on the maidan with, no matter what, why
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people spoke in odessa, went to a rally, people died on both sides and... the organizers of these murders are the people who ensured the rise to power, and i remember in 2016 we brought a senator to poland, chisla and jan rulewski arrived, agreed to come talk to the relatives of the victims, lay flowers, after that we were blocked in the hotel together with them, they were not given the opportunity to leave and leave in odessa, naturally they were activists under supervised by the sbu, the person who helped us.
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punished, but again they did not receive approval, but how could he, not only his political opponents participated in this, but also his curators, so how could he. he may not be against the relationship between avakov and parubiy there or would conduct an investigation of someone, but i named the names that arrived the day before, what kind of investigation could there be, well, regarding the investigation, it’s
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generally funny, if someone doesn’t know, basic software in 2024 for this quality, for uncovered faces, maybe in 15 minutes from minsk he will name the names of these people, based on recognition of the person who is involved in all this, answering your question about the connection with western technologies. this is not only the 20th century or 20th, it is really a deep western state and deep western technologies. let's remember: the night of barthalomew, yes, the crystal night, the night of long knives, the first, by the way, ukrainian pogroms against the russians on the territory of austria-hungary began in the 17th century, this is not surprising for ukrainian nationalists, those who serve western interests, and volyn, yes, therefore, i repeat once again, we just saw it with our own eyes.
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even with the ukrainian topic, what’s the difference in power and powers, you need to be able to use your powers or not, now yanukovych had the opportunity to deal with it, and say yes in kiev to deal with this maidan and uh, it was even possible to do it not through the berkutovites, but the berkutovites they said that they were set up, set up without weapons, without without firearms, without any ammunition at all, and so on, but there were also opportunities to sort it out informally, because, for example, i know... the fact that for 3 weeks there were trains at the kiev station where donbass miners were located, and to get down there means from the monument, well, along
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shevchenko boulevard, yes, and approach the maidan, it’s a 15-minute walk from the kievsky station, they would have dealt with this maidan there, as they say, in a simple, labor-friendly , proletarian way, everything depended on decision to yanukovych, he never gave this decision, we we know how it ended for yanukovych, and the minister... of transport of ukraine, who at that time organized these trains, which later turned out to be useless, already when these parubi and other avakovs arrived, he allegedly committed suicide at his kiev dacha, shooting yourself five times with a hunting rifle is, well, a normal suicide, so this is all that we are seeing now, this is an ordinary everyday, i apologize for this expression, practice of ukrainian nationalists. but i wouldn’t reduce it to ordinary everyday practice, look, 10 years have passed, 10 years, what we can clearly say is that this is an operation under
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the supervision of the special services, in my opinion, today it is an obvious thing, which is confirmed by the words of medvedchuk, yes, that both turchynov and others, and avakov participated in this. why odessa? odessa is a multinational and multicultural city, there is no... when no ethnically monolithic population lived there, and at the same time odessa is a very capricious and freedom-loving city, it is significant that odessa residents were scared, why they were scared, but because they saw, that they can’t do anything, because there is a government that brought these right sector activists, and from western ukraine, 500 of these fans who were there, and moreover... live, without the participation of the police, or any other law enforcement agencies, allowed this mass murder to be broadcast throughout the country, but they were intimidated.
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there will be, oh, there will be, and there will be provocations, because a nervous reaction to any provocation leads precisely to this split, by the way, i want to add, please excuse me, to the topic, which means, really, if we look, now we are interviewing the minister of internal affairs, yes, who were present then, who commanded berkus, everyone was waiting for the decision of yanukovych, the president, here is our president, and in a critical situation, he showed courage, boldness, and, if you like , foresight, that you can’t give it away,
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and it even brought the situation to the point where they said they’d come in large numbers, yes, because it was like they let everyone show yes, that this is the ukrainian population, this city is ukrainian, and so on and so on, by the way, this it’s also an ancient technology, because at one time there was such a first party of ukraine... and other things, that is, the technology is from the sixties, he was removed precisely because he dragged a very large number of the population, officials, from the western regions to including in kiev and quite old, moreover, in the summer of 1313 i was returning from crimea by car, and i was passing through odesya and definitely stopped there to walk along debasovskaya, that’s what i encountered, it was impossible to walk along debasovskaya, walked back and forth, meaning a crowd of young people , girls, meaning with these whatever they
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call it there, and in embroidered shirts and so on.
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all the mobilization events that are carried out there, they are carried out there with a special, well , how to say, well, even with a special, special kind of yes, in fitness clubs, on the streets, everywhere, because they understand that in this way this act it continues to intimidate, yes, that is, it is necessary to send these odessa residents, young, not young, odessa residents to the war so that they defend ukrainian interests, i agree, the odessa spirit cannot be killed completely, but in order
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for it to manifest itself it is necessary.
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naturally, this territory cannot be given to the port, although the residents of odessa themselves never wanted such a life for themselves, and the fact that today most people are afraid to express their position is a fact, unfortunately, it is very difficult for me to imagine how the situation can be changed, yeah, you know, i once had an interesting conversation on this topic, i can’t say the person’s last name, maybe i don’t even know it, but in one of the odessa clubs, somewhere in the tenth year, when these processes began, well, let's just say, he was a representative of the informal...
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to do something with the goal of seizing power, you understand, these people, by their psychotype , will never think about saving the lives of you, neighbors, this is one, two, they never they won’t think three to five steps ahead about the development
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of the state, about the development of society, excuse me, asked askomina, about raising the standard of living, excuse me about what will be in your wallets, on the tables in the refrigerators, so once again, once again, if you somewhere... saw something, that seemed suspicious to you, non-standard, especially associated with some elements of subversive devices, perhaps weapons, do not remain silent. tymoshenko remember from nuclear weapons,
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it started out of the blue, suddenly such an anti-russian theme, and they very publicly speak in russian and so on, i tell him, and aren’t you afraid that donbass in general, i say, is the most linguistic theme terrible, there people slaughter each other by the millions for this topic, and if the miners come out, as you say , from the mine, everyone will remember it for the rest of their lives i tell you, he said that this would not work,
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rр was published under the title ukraine needs new soldiers. a report on how recruits
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are recruited by the same third brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, which is headed by beletsky. the dutch lead this brigade, give this brigade as an example: beletsky’s past statement about the superiority of the white race makes him an attractive target for russian propaganda, listen, we have nothing more to do, how can you find out personal relations with beletsky, we have photographs, we there is a video, including mass murder of people, but these views. kill russians and die yourself, freeze frame,
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pay attention to this man’s badge, explain something to tv viewers, that this is a typical symbol of the nazis, and the telegraph, yes, it makes material, now it’s plaintive, these are just fresh facts, we we always take them out, show them, well, naturally, a photograph of a girl who went to war, is in pain with the russians, there is some kind of psychologist there or someone, a puppy on her arm, everything is very cute, but a death’s head.
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will kill poles, belarusians, they will ukrainians, they will kill russians, they will kill everyone who is not like them and does not support their philosophy, the whole question is how to destroy nazism, while this nazism has these...
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in such a friendly way, in this way appropriately, i ’m having a dialogue with you right now, saying that it’s all bullshit, as you know,
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yuri vitaliyovich, i feed you, how will you get along with putin, with merkel, with trump, h in other words, it’s the assistants who write, but i have a good memory, i’m good, i’m not bad, and i’m just liking this history of us. bogdan stretched out, actively believing that the artistic data and the time to turn on the wallpaper will determine everything, i don’t know what’s going on with france or britain, germany or poland, the rest of the time seems to be what’s not working there, but with putin it’s definitely i don’t care, but i took it up, chose it, i just wanted it.
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we have a good example, at one time czechoslovakia, yes, in the twenties, yes, the czechs there didn’t speak czech at all, everyone
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spoke german when the austravenger empire collapsed, and we have them, that means, well , in the czech republic, that means , began to speak czech, i say so, and you remember how it ended before czechoslovakia, there was nothing to answer for him, in fact, nationalism, as i said, as an inferiority complex or provincialism, yes, envy of some other center. for some, he’s the same one , you know, as if the road to hell is paved with good intentions, with good intentions to somehow raise the ukrainian nation a little, in fact, this is the road to hell, today we live in a world where nationalism is the first step to nazism to fascism, and yanovich absolutely to me i liked it, but it revealed the class essence of fascism, because if we remember, fascism appeared immediately in response to the socialist revolution in our country, and this is the most form.
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that in the division of czechoslovakia one of the most important roles was poland, which did not let the red army through to defend this country, the red soviet army, this says, you can imagine this, well, by the way, why didn’t they let it in, then there was a statement, i won’t allow one of the leaders to the bolshevik boot trampled the polish soil, again there was a bolshevik ideology.
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to hit the russian federation, then they seemed to rub it for let's, let's not forget that whose drones are now flying already at 100 km, i think that they are definitely not made in ukraine, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, the united states of america is waiting for its disposal of 4.5 million cluster shells, well, if you already want to help ukraine, why do you need to dispose of them, give them back,
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let them dispose of them. precisely that it is not, namely that the united states did not provide these weapons, because the usa, american, american, use it, but they didn’t transmit exactly 4.5 million shells, they transmitted only certain types of long-range and other moments, and for what reason, because the americans themselves do not need anyone to win there , this meat grinder needs to last a long, long time.
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here were the key words, so that this would not happen for a long time on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of europe, we are now talking about lithuania and poland, to which the fighting will be transferred , if all this continues, it is necessary.
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well, here we must also understand that in addition to this moment that peter spoke about, there is another moment, zelensky is a hostage not only of external forces, but of internal punitive bodies, the same sbu, the same military commissars, these are the people who, with the departure of zelensky put themselves at risk, they understand perfectly well that dissatisfaction with their actions in ukrainian... society is very high and the degree is high, they rest only on the fact that this punitive machine is working today, as soon as it weakens, they understand that they they can become outcasts or
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enemies in their society, and this also keeps this situation in that, in that moment that we see today, listen, how could he lead to such a situation, again i’ll say again, how many years we said here that he took the wrong path, and this will simply lead to big trouble, he will find himself in such a stalemate that... about what he said, that we should try to catch up on some negotiations to produce, they have already talked about may 21, yes, when zelensky finally loses, even formal and legitimacy, why was this important, why does the west not push or
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push him to negotiate, for one simple reason that anyone who would replace zelensky, yes, anyone, so to speak, would replace him, to one degree or another i should be talking about peace, or about changing some kind of policy, but this is in no way satisfactory. so after may 21, too, if zelensky remains, then any agreements that might have been agreed upon, but somewhere and about what, and our president, by the way, clearly said that the basis for these negotiations can only be that the conditions that the russian federation sets, we will dance from this, this is not, not a freeze in any case, we must understand this, yes, he said, istanbul, means, as initialed agreements from which we will.
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authority, starting from these from odessa, from donbass, from turning a blind eye to swastikas, to these nazis, but they simply undermined so much, not only trust, it may not have existed, the desire to pay attention to these people at all, that i even i don't know how we will then restore some kind of relationship, well , of course there will be relationships, but there will never be faith in these people, here is georgia, the law on enoagents, yes, which they accept, you probably saw everything, i won’t tell you, they came out.
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then impose sanctions against the head of the georgian dream party, ivaneshvili, and ban the entry of deputies who voted for this bill. i’m looking at kakha kaladze, he’s the mayor of the prime minister, well, these guys, they already had a position before, well, they got into a tough clinch with the west,
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because they suddenly discovered that the west was interfering in internal affairs. what we have been talking about for 30 years, how many nasty things we have heard addressed to us by georgian television people.
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they defend national interests, the national interests of their country, but if they hold out, they will remain a sovereign state, the main sin of the current georgian government, i don’t want to say the president, because that means the president is another lady, yes, that’s the government, their main sin is that when the northern military district began, yes, in the caucasus, nato was going to set up a second front for russia, but georgia, georgia, yes, didn’t join this front, didn’t want to, that’s fine.
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white house, in other countries it is possible, and such protests, the seizure of parliament or there , this includes their attitude towards other countries, towards their sovereignty, independence, all the time in their speeches they trace this, a small example of violation of the law, you know, in fact, there is only one law, the law that the drawbar goes where it should, when it turns where it goes. let's do it, parent for biden's law, yes, as it has now turned out,
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even before the decision of the us congress to allocate aid money to ukraine, and even in january he sent there, without notifying congressmen, 100 atacoms missiles, and the same cluster weapons, he committed a state crime , so what, someone makes some claims to him, but no, if they are beneficial, as you rightly say, yes to american capital, so the law is there, once again on this drawbar, let’s call things themselves yes, simply and. ..
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egypt, saudi arabia. quote: this the trend marks a significant shift in global economic dynamics, highlighting growing skepticism among countries regarding the traditional safe -haven status of the dollar and us financial institutions. the decision to repatriate gold reserves is not just symbolic. and it’s only now that african countries have seen that they need to fight this, otherwise
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this country is fake, by and large, there will be an aggravation between the situation...
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that is, if in response russia can simply confiscate or nationalize in the form of not only money, but assets invested in production, and in corporate money, yes, these huge gigantic funds, by the way, the european commission has already turned to the russian government, which means, please, the russian government is there.
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one more news, just for your information, although you probably know, it came, you remember, in march , a former boeing quality control engineer, john barnett, was found dead in south carolina, in general, every week there is some kind of video with boeing, then the door falls off, then the engine falls off, but according to the same barnat’s stories, all sorts of different quality standards are violated in the production of boeings, which is scary, in principle the whole world flies on them, well then... they reported that the cause of death was considered suicide, although there were questions, but this week there was another news: the former quality auditor of the boeing supplier joshua dean died after a short sudden illness, he was one of the first to report the possible ignorance of defects in the 737 max aircraft, he about it
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reported that he was fired from the company and he filed a lawsuit. on the company, because, as he believes, he told the truth, and this is known within the company, but after that he suddenly died, in principle, for the united states of america, which we love very much, but this is not certain, no, the country is good, but the leadership, who recently passed away, is the same situation, as you remember, when the capitol was a policeman, those who killed people began to pass away.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection of history, religion and culture in the modern world with the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities of belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragned and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs spiritually and financially. she
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