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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 5, 2024 11:50pm-12:21am MSK

11:50 pm
nadyukha, why nadya, what are you doing there, i quietly grabbed it on my grandfather’s knee, i’m trying to figure out the diagnosis, stop this business with your doctors.
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oh, semyon, where did you go, i brought you photos of yurochkin’s wedding, he got married, he got married, he’s not such an ostentatious groom as some thought, he took such a beauty as his wife, oh, look, by the way, too from the village, and uh-huh, oh, where did he find her, at their company with this office manager. works, that is, it makes coffee for the bosses, the waiter, nastya, well, the waiter, i i’m telling you, office manager, that’s what they call it now, yeah, you know where we went on our honeymoon, come and look, i’m coming, we went to turkey, yes, look, what a handsome man, oh, and the bride, what a dress , look, it’s beautiful, beautiful, nadyukha missed such a groom. there was no point in turning my nose up,
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but he’s flimsy to me, aunt mash, i’ve got a great boy, he’ll come next year on vacation, he promised to come with her, so we’ll live and look at her, oh, i don’t even know what to do, but how to cope with them is what you talk about, educate, educate, and then he will grow up and you don’t know, please tell me, have you ever seen a girl from the second floor so fair, thin, well... so the ambulance took her, like an ambulance, yes, an ambulance, well, how, i don’t know, give birth, give birth, and you don’t know which maternity hospital? no, we don’t know, so call somewhere and find out, thank you very much, yeah.
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hello, i would like to know about natasha andreevskaya, she is doing well, child, 3200 boy, how is she? nothing, okay. tell me, what should i bring? you know, take the list, everything is written here. thanks a lot, goodbye. igor romanovich, nadya! something happened? no, that is, yes, your son was born. this still needs to be proven. wait, you can’t do that, she’s being discharged from the family home tomorrow, i’ll be meeting everyone’s husband, but what about her? and i’m not her husband, not her brother, not her matchmaker. and in general, leave me alone, i already have a different life. is that all or do you have anything else?
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“hello, darling, you just can’t part with your girls, but it’s just work, they brought documents, are we really going to get rings, no, of course, as agreed, how could you even think, that i had something with her, so what ’s coming?” no, that’s what needed to be proven, what a bastard, how much blood did he drink, what kind of person, well, you left, go, yes, but no , how many times did he return to her from his light, when he quarreled, three, two times, well , nothing, his natasha’s tears will flow, his light will bend him into such a ram’s horn, now change my word, quietly, quietly, they are coming, look,
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congratulations, i i say that you are standing, dad, give mommy the flowers and accept the heir, or can i take it, otherwise he will drop it. thank you for coming, what a beauty, baby, so pretty, you’re just like you’re from the front line now, only you’re missing a helmet, oh well, i...
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oh well, it’ll pass, well, you ’ll shine for a week. who is he who you are? well, this sea captain of yours, what a captain he is, he was an ordinary driver, he served six months of imprisonment, he got out, you see, or he wanted a woman’s affection, he fooled me for six months, to write in the advertisements, god knows, he’s
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a bastard, maybe he should go to the police, nah , what kind of police, they have a lot to do without me. me too arranged, be healthy, she straightened her hair three times, let her now find another fool, a plucked rooster, tell me, do you know anything about igor, i didn’t want to tell you, but maybe it’s all not true, that’s not true, i’m getting a jackdaw from here accounting... she said in confidence, she is friends with sansanych’s wife, she says that they didn’t want to give him leave, well, somehow, he didn’t work in the hospital for a year, he already took this and that three times at his own expense, he then applied on the table to san-sanych, he says: either you let me go for another 2 weeks, or do i leave altogether?
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san-san says what kind of rush is this, i have half of the doctors on vacation, i have no one to replace you, and he says: i have family, urgent circumstances, don’t delay. what kind of circumstance? apparently, sveta found herself another boyfriend, went with him to sochi, gave up her resignation to our handsome man right before the wedding, can you imagine, he was used to leaving everyone, and then he was abandoned. i don’t know what he will do, whether to fight her off or take revenge. in general, sansanyan said: “fly, since your fate is being decided.” and today in the evening, doctor eremeev leaves for the south, prestige hotel, yeah. sen, did you take the food? well, what about it? i’m already seeing that you ’ve got ready, and i said, you’re not going anywhere, look at how cold the river is, you’re not going to get sick, well, you ’ve lost your command, but you’ve completely disbanded,
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what are you doing, you’re going broke, you’re going to kill all your neighbors? , just look at it, it was burning like a stove all night, it’s probably a fever now, everyone ’s going fishing with tikhon, how about it, right? well, i’ll go, come on, why did you open your mouth, i ’ll wait for you at the quiet place.
12:00 am
“i think he fell asleep, and i looked at where you were going for the night, i decided, i’ll go, find him, where are you going, you don’t have a phone.” not an address, nothing, i’ll find it somehow, but if he’s made peace with the world, do you really want to drive me crazy? i don’t even want to hear this, okay? i’ll go, find him and save him from this rubbish, we’ll come back, everything will be fine, okay? clear, clear, but don’t forget about the child, and i’m only thinking about him, well, you yourself told the child, he needs a father, nah, you’ll sit with him for a couple of days until i’m gone will? yes, what did you come up with, what a couple of days?
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i have a job, what will i tell my parents? don't make things up, natasha! well, okay, i'll give it to my neighbor. which neighbor? well i do not know. okay, i'll stay. i'll be back in a couple of days, i promise. get there already before i tell you.
12:02 am
more than 9,500 villages and settlements burned , more than 200 cities wiped off the face of the earth. on the site of more than 100 thousand industrial buildings and tens of thousands of collective farms there are ruins, they are also where in the late thirties of the last century there were museums, schools, theaters and libraries and academy of sciences, then still b.
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316 civilians and prisoners of war. today there is documentary evidence that in fact, on the territory of our country during the great patriotic war, at least 3 million civilians and prisoners of war were killed. about what price in the distant forties of the last century the belarusian people paid for our peaceful sky today. we will talk in this issue of the science nearby project. my name is. ekaterina beretskaya, hello, look at the program.
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every third person died, and this is not final numbers. new facts from the materials of the criminal case about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. at least 2.300 billion dollars. why is anyone today counting material damage from the german occupation? and an unknown page in the history of the great patriotic war, which modern belarusian researchers discover in a long conversation with the historian of the program’s studio. in april 2021, the prosecutor general of our country, andrei shved, makes a sensational statement: a decision has been made to initiate a criminal case against genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. in the post-war period, when asked by journalists, and in fact, probably many people at that time, why, a clear
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answer was given in order to restore social and historical justice, as well as eliminate blind spots in history. today, more than three years later, looking at the colossal amount of work done and its results, and this includes new terrible data on the dead and brutally tortured civilians, we can say with confidence that already everything worked out. but the investigation into this unprecedented criminal case continues, and my colleagues have collected the latest facts. for almost 80 years, we believed that the nazis destroyed 9,200 villages on our land , but during the investigation of the criminal case of the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war , other, shocking information appeared. an invaluable source of information from archival documents are criminal cases against traitors to the motherland. over the past
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period of investigation, prosecutors have studied more than 40,000 such criminals. cases, these cases, in addition to information about the criminal himself, contain a lot of information, previously unknown information about the great patriotic war, namely from criminal cases, thus we have received information about previously unknown more than 300 affected rural settlements, including 90 new sisters khatymy. another new fact: before the start of the investigation of this criminal case, we did not know about the forty punitive operations carried out on the territory of our country by the fascist germans. invaders, and this is indeed a fact, confirmed by documentary sources from the national archive. but the most valuable source of information, of course, is testimony, this is information from living people. from the first day of the investigation, we rushed to identify all the eyewitnesses of those terrible events. it is clear that these are elderly people , advanced in age, on average
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about 90 years old, so we hurried to talk with them and videotape their memories. those terrible events. another question that was raised during investigation of the criminal case of the genocide of the belarusian people is a calculation of the material damage caused by hitler's germany during the war. on the initiative of the general prosecutor's office , an interdepartmental republican commission was created to calculate the damage caused by the nazi invaders during the great patriotic war. the calculations were carried out by specialists from the belarus property committee. we thought for a long time about how to approach the calculation. general damage and developed such a concept that all damage consists of three parts: material damage, which is expressed in the theft of natural resources, material assets, destruction of buildings and structures. the second part is indirect damage, which is expressed in the fact that during
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the war the country's economy was thrown back far back. and, of course, the post-war period was taken into account, which experts. called the echo of war, these are the funds that were spent to eliminate the destruction in our country. in 1946, a state emergency commission for calculating damage was already in operation. and we of course, we studied the entire report, looked at what types of damage were found there, there was only material damage. we began to further study the materials that the prosecutor’s office gave us, requested information in moscow, collecting all possible data from investigators.
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our country reached the level only in the sixtieth year of the last century, then all that remained was to add up the resulting amounts, it was decided that we should convert the historical amounts into gold, by mass, the mass of gold, gold was chosen as universal meter, so we first converted the entire amount of damage into dollars, based on the dollar quote at that time, converted it into a mass of gold, we received... 43,000 tons of gold, but the investigation of the case has not yet been completed, and one more fact: very soon we will learn new data , thanks to which we will once again be convinced that the feat of our great-grandfathers is impossible to evaluate. the science is near project is on air, today we are talking about at what cost
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our great-grandfathers got their great victory, see below. it was whole. a project, a project to destroy the people. what are the plans for did hitler 's germany have belarusian lands? damage that cannot be assessed. why is it still so difficult to establish the real number of deaths during the great patriotic war? and the latest research by historians on the topic of the german occupation will be broadcast very soon. soon after. the beginning of an investigation into an unprecedented criminal case about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war , an interdepartmental working group was created on the basis of the institute of history of the academy of sciences of our country, which...
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was initiated in order to show that in in relation to the soviet people located in the occupied territory, it was genocide that was carried out, when they destroyed a huge number
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of the population in the occupied territory of the same poland, which today for some reason forgot about it, on the territory of the bssr, the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, there the same moldova and others republics, even the baltic republics, forgot about this. and the twenty-first year probably showed that it is necessary to return to this issue, because they didn’t just forget, they started doing everything in order to repeat this, therefore , to remind what this leads to, to show that it was genocide that was carried out against us, but we have been living, it seems to me, since the twentieth year in conditions of an information war, no one will deny this, and we know , that...
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there were no territories at the top , the military-political leadership of germany made a decision, but how, in fact, to develop them, so it was all left to the local, yes, occupation authorities, civil and military. hitler believed that this issue should be returned to after how they will achieve their ultimate goals, that is, defeat the soviet union, force it to capitulate there and drive them beyond the line of arkhangelsk, astrakhan, which is why it was here.
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how much he was responsible for this, so he believed that there was no need to destroy everyone so quickly, they should first work on the rah, and then as necessary,
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therefore , one should not imagine him in the form of a dove of peace, he was the same executioner only more pragmatic in relation to these bloody boys from the sd. well, the cruelty that the nazis did at that time on our lands, it seems to me that it is basically impossible to explain, people were being burned alive now. investigation of the criminal case, we understand that the figures that were mentioned earlier, regarding the burned villages, settlements, they are different now, that is, there are more of them, too, tell me how difficult it is in general and whether it is possible to really establish thanks to the results obtained during the exact figure, how many people were killed by the nazis on our land in those years? humanity, here is
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hitler's germany, the ministry of propaganda headed by goebbels, they paid this is of great importance, for their soldiers, for their policemen, subjects of the third reich, they completely dehumanized, for example, the jews, showing them as people who have no right to life at all, they dehumanized the slavs, showing them in the role of untermensch, that is, subhumans. well, this is typical colonial thinking, when we came to another continent, where people with a different skin color walk around, they are not people, in general, they can be shown in zoos, as was the case in europe before the war, when they were shown, well v in menageries, in zoos they brought people there, this dehumanization, permissiveness, impunity, they collectively led to the fact that here they did whatever they wanted and
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it was a shame to ask and... inhumanely exploit, in general, destroy, because there were so many they did not require slaves, for each master there had to be two servants from among the inhabitants of the conquered territory, they solved the issue by reducing the population radically, destroying it using various methods, killing it, forcing them to die of hunger, cold and inhuman, well, hard physical work, now as for the calculation. casualties during
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the war, this is always the most difficult question, especially if we are talking about such a large-scale war that took place 80 years ago, there is no perfect calculation method, because the population census of the thirty-ninth year, in the territories that became part of the ussr in the thirty-ninth , the year forty, you yourself understand when it was carried out there, yes, and the post-war census, there is too much... time distance between them, if so one can say, therefore it is difficult to say that these people, just like, let’s say, there were so many, there were fewer of them, that they all, let’s say, died, they were forced to migrate, or were evacuated during the war, then did not return to the places where they lived before the war residence, and if before this, before the initiation of a criminal case, it was said
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that we have 2 million,
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