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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 12:50am-2:26am MSK

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vehan, kol, hadash, tahad hashamash, what was, and what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun, this is the book of ecclesiastes, one of the books of the old testament, in which king solomon, presumably the author of this book, sets out his teaching, including including their descendants, and this book is in many ways. the life of king solomon, his quest, and the verse that we have just read is at the very beginning, this is the ninth verse of the first chapter, where king solomon reflects on the fact that on earth, everything that was, everything that will be, it is already once was, once happened, and how here he himself writes, there is nothing new under the sun, in fact, a phrase that will later become popular in many languages, when groups... it is always very easy to find an approach to
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each person, it is very easy to communicate, it is very easy to see a person, in this regard, the minsk spiritual the academy helps in education, because small groups, small classes, all this contributes to studying individually with each person, but even in the case of large audiences there is always a chance to interest all people, we know: various examples of many teachers who, coming to large classrooms, taught in such a way that they were listened to while breathing, so everything here depends on the person, the teacher and the student, whether he wants to listen to it, whether he doesn’t want to listen to it, whether the teacher himself wants to teach or not, and any teaching process is precisely a question of the relationship between the teacher of students, the teacher of the teacher, if both sides are interested... in obtaining
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information, in obtaining knowledge, then such a lecture will always be interesting, even if she was the most boring, as one of my teacher friends said, if you want to understand something, start teaching this subject, so, of course, i like teaching, it’s another way to gain knowledge, get some information, and in many ways, of course, there is in the church, it depends on how... the sacred beginning in the church is the word obedience, which is usually not customary to refuse, now one of my obediences is teaching at the theological academy, but if suddenly the sacred began considers that i am needed somewhere else, more than here, then i, as a priest, will be ready to go to that place of ministry further, but at the moment, of course, teaching is one, one of my current places where i i carry out my service, and i hope that i will also be useful here.
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sisters, you and i are celebrating our third parents' saturday. concluding this year
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with this, in this post, and the church reminds you and me of the importance of remembering the mustache, remembering that, as the holy scriptures write, god is not the god of the dead, but the god of the living. now we are with we are in the church of the holy great martyr george the victorious in the city of baranovichi. it is located almost immediately at the entrance to the city, as if greeting those entering the city and inviting them to prayer, this temple was built just recently, last year was the fifth anniversary of the consecration of this temple, and its rector and builder is father dmitry baena. when the temple was being built, one of the main ideas was to maintain the temple in a single style, so that there would not be any...
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dmitry, having gone there, saw the icons, they told him i really liked it, i order icons from this master, now all the icons in the church, almost all the icons, are letters from this author. my whole life is connected with this city, i was born here, in a family of just ordinary workers, my mother works
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at a factory as an engineer, my father works as a mechanic at another factory, in principle, our family is not particularly different. the only thing was later, when we started. to analyze our genealogy, it turns out that along one of the lines, right up to the 15th century, at the moment, there is a priestly line, there were priests, and deekons, and panomari, people who help during worship, the last of that branch who was connected with the church was my great-great-grandfather, konstantin travin, he was the regent, the leader of the church choir in the nizhny novgorod cathedral, which was the kremlin, unfortunately, everything from my great-grandfather has been preserved only two music books and his photograph. during the soviet period , my great-grandmother, fearing the consequences, was forced to destroy all documents related to his activities as regent, his
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notebooks, but when we started looking for information, this was the first photograph, the first documents that i came across when we began to study our genealogy, but... and then, when i began to grow up, at the age of 6 my grandmother took me to church, to a service, it was just an ordinary weekday, without any holiday , there was a service in the church, a liturgy, there weren’t very many people, but i remember this day specifically as the day when, in silence without any fuss, i could pray for the first time, of course, back then i was still a child, just, maybe, without special prayers , but... for me this day was remembered as the day when i first i consciously came to the temple and communicated with god. the priest and i, we are all ordinary people, so, of course, in each of us there are some sinful principles, sinful passions that gnaw at the person who is present in him,
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and what is very important here is how we perceive this sin. and the holy fathers teach about redirecting sinful passions to good. there is in church tradition and church literature the concept of righteous anger, when the anger that exists in a person is directed for good, for example, to fight sin, or when the holy fathers recommend that if a person is angry, then redirect the energy that he spends on anger to some good deed, this is the law of conservation of energy, it is still relevant today when a person... redirects his negative emotions for some positive deeds, positive activities, and this is even consistent with modern psychology, when there are some negative emotions, there are negative feelings, do not keep them to yourself, do not engage in self-gnawing, but
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redirect them to some positive ones emotions, good deeds, the holy fathers teach about the same thing in order to... redirect the spiritual beginning to doing good deeds, therefore, when i, too, feel the beginning of some sinful passion, then i try to redirect it to some good deeds, and if this is in relation to people, then according to the thought of one of the holy fathers, we must learn to see something good in a person always, then the ability to see goodness or benefit in a person will allow, if not completely remove, then minimize. the anger that is present towards something or for another person, happiness is probably when a person is in his place, when he receives a return, when he sees that what he does benefits both himself and, as for a priest, when he sees that
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benefit is brought and to people, and the fact that the name of christ is glorified, and for me happiness is that i can come to church, i can communicate with people, the fact that people come... ask questions, the fact that students are not afraid to approach , talk, what i have the opportunity to openly talk about today people about christ, about the gospel, to share with them the knowledge that i... received at the seminary at the university, happiness, for me personally, is just being with the people and being among the people.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene of events, current ones. interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around
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the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates. saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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please, please, please, please. lord, shurik, is it really shurik? you are crazy, how much you look like your father, excuse me, how old am i i was looking for you, you, zina, you know my mother,
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come to us, but why does he look like his father? come on, andryushka, move to maxim, sit down, please, hello, boys, hello, hello, you dear, even the wrinkles are the same, i carried you in my arms when you were so tiny, i love you. lyuba, perhaps, heard from zina, from her mother? we were neighbors. what are you saying, victor?
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i have no time to be bored. gymnastics, volleyball, editing school newspapers, gto clubs, gso. i wrote to you, when sleep descends on the earth, the pale moon comes out, i’m going out alone on the balcony, full of deep tenderness, the sea sings a song of happiness to me, caress in the breeze that you are coming, but my beloved, today today.
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matter, you told me goodbye, forgive me, our meetings are forgotten, and the evening is blue, you like this record, i’ve been speaking for a long time, and for a reason, it’s not even simple, no, vitya. back, i won’t tell you why i like her, i won’t tell you for anything, unless you guess it yourself, there’s no fire.
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without the noisy shaft, by chance, the anxiety of worldly
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vanity, you. i saw the mystery of your veils marmots, only their eyes saw sadly, and their voice sounded so wondrous, like the ringing of a distant siren, like a playing wave of the sea. i liked your figure!
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what is it about you, dear, it’s not light or dawn, your aunt doesn’t need a nurse yet, hello, yudaki andreevna, green trees. what else is this, but go for a walk, go for a walk, girl, there’s no point in coming here with those eyes, you haven’t seen many tears here, your aunt will outlive many more, go for a walk, hey, uh, what are you doing, what are you doing, where are you hitting from, what are you,
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you can i congratulate you? yes, i graduated with honors from two cube buttonholes, the armor is strong and our tanks fast, no more changes in your life. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander
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vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes stopped their squads. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident i caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness.
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that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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love, i’ve either become a little dumber, or i don’t understand something, what happened? return the letters to you, but what are you keeping? i burned it a long time ago, so why return the ashes? okay, lyuban, come and meet us, meet your wife, local. it’s already worked, my mother told me to call him, i’ll introduce him to my wife, do you remember our meetings, it’s a blue evening.
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it turns out to be some kind of nonsense, it turns out i’m some kind of brute, love, well, they wrote to each other, you tell me about school, i tell you about college, so what of it, we’re neighbors, no matter how old you are i haven’t forgotten, oh, zina, oh, hello, hello, you’re following us,
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let’s meet. our neighbor, no, she just lost you, i’m sorry, you’re lyuba, you have a radio, we have a house, zin, it doesn’t work, why are you then you cry about the war, so you haven’t heard? here we are just going from baba zina, not driving, but flying, flying, flying, but we are still far away, excuse me, what is your middle name, shurik.
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i have volidol in my bag. lyuba, is she dead? oh! you cry, cry, darling, why is it so, my aunt has been sick for so many months, she’s worn out, well, cry to you, i say, why, it will make your heart feel better, you’re my golden one, i ’ll spend the night with you today, that’s all. now
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i don’t have anyone left, it’s not true, don’t say that, i brought potatoes, this and that, i just lit the stove, again, like a sin they cut off the power, everything is for the front, everything is for victory, but the german is near moscow, and you have a hospital, they also turn off, we have an engine there, what kind of engine? from the tractor, i’ll sit in silence, okay, sit, but i would cry, i didn’t say a word, i couldn’t see it, i just looked, looked at me, so pitifully. “this is how it
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happens in life, i received a letter today about how he is alive and well, no, not from vitya, from my first fiancé, zhenya belov, they graduated from tank school together, we quarreled .” "i thought forever, now i found it, wrote it, i’m tired, i’m so tired, i can’t think of anything.
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sleep, my beautiful baby, bayushki, bayushki, missisya looks quietly. snivka,
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i’ll tell you fairy tales, i’ll sing a song, you lie down, singing with your eyes closed. hush, oh, why do you look like victor, more and more every day. i feel bad that i don’t like magata, why are we sometimes stupid, i was jealous of zhenya then,
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my heart is gone, be quiet, you’ll wake shurik, but now, what now? ryupa,
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how brightly the sun shines after the storm. his magic ray revives everything and awakens a lot of life, how can i meet after war, am i now?
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who am i, how dear are you, ivdaki andreevna replaced me, what happened, answer me.
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greetings from the front, my dears, shurik, zinushka, zimushka, the whitest in the world, i hasten to inform you that he is alive! and healthy, nothing bothers me, what i wish for you, my dears. zina, you’ve probably heard about the stalingrad affairs, but just wait, you’ll soon hear about us too. zina, why are you silent? i'm so looking forward to some doodle words from you. how is our son? a little more and you and i will have a second one. that's for sure, mind you. zinushka, winter, my white one, well, the hunt is on you. look, shurik has already been killed for a whole year and 3 months,
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time flies faster for you, i was awarded again, i was awarded for a trifle, do you hear, little winter boy, write what you answered him, damned war, what is he doing, zhenya? zhenya was wounded again near stalingrad, that’s why you’re here, you wrote to your wife how cruel you are, and i love him, it turns out. zuba, oh, oh, you shuriks are here, and
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i don’t even see the little one, don’t undress, mom, take shurik a photo, take him to work, my love, it’s time, okay, let’s hurry, that's how, that's how we took it, here, come on, quickly, now we'll wash ourselves, cook some porridge, let's go to the photographic, chik-chik, we'll send dad a card, we'll send it, we'll send it, we'll send it, you know, he saw paulus, who, zhenya , still a prisoner before he was wounded, huh?
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well, how are you after the death of your aunt, it’s not boring, you should move in with me, girl, thank you, evdaty andreevna, well, why is this alone, but when i’m alone, i’ll come now, i’ll go to bed, young people, what? you read, everything about love, not only, victor, what victor, rumyantsev, oh, hello, hello, hello, come to me. go, this is evgeny,
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belov, and this is lyuba, a unique nanny, it even seems to me that shurik loves her more than me. lyuban, evgeniy, after being wounded, he took off for half a day, can i stay with you? come on in! whoa, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, come on in, thank you. where are you going to get the matches?
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lyuban, who does it look like? eyes, nose. that's right, dance. where did he come from? well,
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as i said, from novosibirsk, after being wounded. lord, what's wrong with this? lyuba, don’t you have any kind of vessel, it’s good for me. v they splashed some sperm in the hospital, i think it’s about time, please, where is this shurik with us? where did he go? i don’t drink, but a sip, lyuba, you look very tired will cheer you up a little, well, i said i don’t drink, well, you eat yourself, come on, zina,
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let’s have a drink, as my grandmother said. for all the good things, i want to drink, to you, evgeny, thank you, and you know victor, after i graduated , i didn’t see him anymore, i got tired of it. thank you, thank you, and now let’s go feed the little gray cat, little gray cat, now we ’ll pour some milk into it, dilute it with some water so that there's enough for tomorrow, look for the little gray kosher, thousand, little lily, she won't come today. lyuba,
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alive, please take a walk with shurik, i’m not going anywhere, i beg you, open the door, take off this record, you understand, he miraculously stayed back at the front again. it’s not for me to judge you, but in my house, and you’re worried about victor, i know that you
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’re not indifferent to him, so run to him, run, you ’ve already asked to go to the front, but... i ’ll kneel before you, you will be your slave until your death, you won’t leave, i don’t know what i’ll do with myself. let's go on a trip to belarus. this the town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that
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the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon a person comes, prays with faith and turns to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this face very well, she always... look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. conditionally in
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poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have there is our need for jobs, our land, we agree everything is fine, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile. leave european markets. the polish authorities , of course, are our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries, in fact, at war, can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing that can give for the country and its leader of the people. balance is the golden mean, it is opposite ends, whatever they may be, this is radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country. to me and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. your grandfather and i fought together. i was a son instructor in 1944 and 1945 . he's from the first. at the front, everyone loved him, many called him grandfather, behind his back, of course, he was completely gray-haired, take him, sit down, where, barrels will be crushed into the cabin.
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they're shooting! you shoot, you say, come on, oh, who is it, why you are yelling, one might say, the first man in the battalion, khovar.
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and what about the battalion commander? battalion commander, you have a good person, grab it, come on, listen, where did they unload you so much, grab it for you, they say the engine is running. oh, little sister, come to us! the battle will end, and here we are. if you look at it, i am the fritz’s first enemy. if i don’t feed you, the soldier won’t be able to stretch his legs. how's it going, little sister? today my little sister was born for the second time.
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rusya, we’re walking, hello, hello, and you won’t tell me where the 101st car is, i’m a medical instructor, oh, you’ve arrived in our orders, so you don’t need the first car , let me personally take you to the medical unit, i need... battalion commander, comrade rumyantsev, ah, battalion commander, certainly the battalion commander, listen, marusya, you’re so young, not under fire, come on , look around so quietly, you saw, so here’s my advice to you, you need to do it right away. to decide, meaning vyaznikov - this is me, that is, a brave, smart, handsome person, yes,
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what am i saying, you can see for yourself, why are you silent, i have 114. i’ll keep it in mind, vanya, well, here you go and well done, it means we agreed, here, here he is, grandfather. comrade guard major, vitya,
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yes, you can’t imagine? like a hedgehog tap-tap-tap all day, but when he sees the ball, he won’t take it with his hands, always with his foot, with his foot, which means a boy, and once they brought watermelons to our hospital, but i brought one to shurik, he had never seen watermelons before , looks and says, what a big gooseberry, can you imagine, the same striped one, only big, it’s him on my lap. zina said hello to you, told you to say that she was waiting, she missed you, she told you to kiss her, she’s lost a little weight, i don’t know how
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it may seem to you, but in my opinion it suits her. your mother is still fussing, and korney ivanovich is just a great guy, you can say he’s the only one you can hear, at work and at home he doesn’t let go of the hammer, i’m so glad to see you, my dear, one more... question: why are you here? i like why? i’m at the front, don’t think, i didn’t come to see you, that is, of course, it’s good when there’s someone you know, you can’t even imagine what it means to pull a wounded tankman out of the hatch, the tank is on fire,
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about to explode, and the hatch is closed. you can’t do this, lyuba, comrade guard major, machine i’m ready for battle, but you’ll destroy yourself and the other, i’ll learn, but others can, we don’t have girls in the service, but i’ll prove it, then i made a wish that if we’re together, nothing will happen to us, neither to me nor to you. and when a person is alone? why alone? why alone.
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erda ki seriously, the fuse is completely burnt out, i should give a new face or something, maybe a piece of cloth, well , where can i get you a piece of cloth, and cut it from your overcoat, it’s so long that it ’s catching on your heels, get out of life, take care, you good, crazy man , but i’m the same, because walking is awkward, it will be more beautiful, i for
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i'm baking for the general benefit. and then everyone started asking me, why is this mechinelle so long? is he your kiwiler? don't get upset, comrades. thank you, i'll stand. it’s very nice, korin, ivan evdokimych, this is our brother, fedya, yurkin,
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settle down, comrade krymova, now we ’ll feed you, thank you, i’ve already been fed, and that’s great, settle down here, we ’ll feed you. let’s make it for a minute, yurkin, listen, boy, yurkin, that is, don’t think, this is not a surname, call me yura, please forgive me, yura, where is the toilet, what? well, how i got settled, got settled, read this, from
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home, otzins, this is not meanness, you know, i always loved evgeniy, he was shot in the lung and i don’t know whether he will live, this is already the second wound, i’m going to him, shurik with me, i, as a mother, have the right to this, goodbye, victor, don’t look for me, i won’t come back, even if my wife dies, zina, and you knew, what could i know? i left.
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who is it, you, here, who gave permission, was it the battalion commander’s order, was there anyone on the armor or was there no one, who? decided to live tired, who allowed? don’t shout, comrade hedgehog, well, i didn’t hear any order, well, i didn’t hear, stop, where, i didn’t hear, clean your ears, what do you want from me, well, let’s consider this a baptism of fire, i’ll talk you down, i’ll talk you down like that, well, get in the car,
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it’s a girl after all , this is the first time i’ve heard a good word from you, where can i get a curtain for her? here it is, i’m sitting here thinking, ivan yakimovich, mm, let’s get this card here, right, the card, come here, now, right, here it is, right, right, right, pick it up, yeah, hold it, keep it there, but not here.
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yur, how did you feel like you were in the battalion? and then bombs, we moved to the dacha. and the bombing, and
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i was the only one left alive, and immediately entered the army. and mom and dad, which means, why, i didn’t have them, they didn’t have time to have lunch for everyone, even the teachers and cooks, the entire orphanage was bombed. yurkin, do you want to be my son? why, the milk itself hasn’t dried yet! well, brother, brother,
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i agree, brother, well, yes, you have no one, i have no one, we will bear the same surname, crimea, or something like that. “be patient, be patient, my dear, be patient, but why are you cutting it, so that you, come on, yell, yell, don’t be shy, it helps in the new year, if you want, i’ll read you poetry, read it, speak, little sister, here’s a sergeant. god forbid that the last one, fyodor,
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bandage it, why are you silent, but i don’t remember anything funny, why is it funny, don’t, a wonderful picture, how dear you are to me, a white plain, a full moon, the color of the high heavens is a brilliant dream. and the lonely sleepyhead of the distance seems to be making a cigarette, get up, general, happy new year, pull on your trousers, well, well, greetings from the kulapom, let's go there, hello, over there, come on, wrap it up, wrap it up, wrap it up. happy new year,
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the hosts of the travel show are at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting. wow, you already speak belarusian, of course you will be surprised. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece. of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, so this is exactly the same one, this is a glubokoye treasure, by chance during construction work an excavator was digging a small trench and with its i picked up this cast iron pot with a ladle, and
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they also shared their vivid impressions. as we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue. white and red is now our flag, we’ll stand in a clutch hand to hand, a clutch is a priori an element of attack, of course the phrase “let’s stand in a clutch.” this is a call here with a bc flag inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian singer, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now
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article 342, what conclusions were drawn, i was probably under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now in my life... in the project it’s different, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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you are wounded, it’s me, the gypsy woman in diapers spoke to me, i have a doctor. my heart aches, what are you going to do with it, well , i can’t really sleep, it aches or tingles, you don’t feel any interruptions, sometimes it freezes, but you can’t breathe, life is not at all boring, believe me, first of all you need to quit smoking, almost all diseases from kuriv, yeah, take off your clothes, i'll take a look at you, sorry, doctor, sorry!
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eh, marusenka, only you can cure me of heart disease, and marusya, why don’t you, shame on you, lieutenant kurin didn’t sleep all night, like me too, you have no conscience. oh, quiet, boys, quiet, what do you want? me, or what? yeah, what about you? well, so, you know, i’m going to see marusya, and marusya has
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geese, happy new year, that’s it. who am i here, my hands are so cold! it's warm , but where are your mittens?
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why aren't you sleeping? well, why are you looking like that? love, love, shurik, i remembered, nothing, love, nothing, don’t worry, i won’t give my son to anyone, just calm down. go, yes, well, go.
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we've been crawling around until dawn, but soon fritz will start bombing, we should put him to sleep in dakimche before the raid, but why are you afraid of him? no, shot, it’s still out of harm’s way. yurkin, ievdokimich didn’t see him, he went to the locomotive, uncle fedya. here comes a man with his rattle until he directs the junkers to the train. with what kind of rattle? yes, quite a story, but what? what, yes, what? it's a double one, i bought the strap at sanatoriums, well, such a caucasian set with decorations, you know, right? well, i know, there you go. he didn’t have time to throw off his strap to the front, he just arrived in battle, in battle, in battle,
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if in battle, otherwise in the rank of treatment, well, he’s upset, take this strap, along with his khaki-colored breeches, into the cell, and the temperature in the cell, ah-ah-ah, the strap was made of leather, well, chrome, so it gets its khaki colors. and half a kilo of jewelry, iron, and where is this iron, where, where, he carries it with him, he made a rattle, now, so what, now bomb they will, no, well, maybe you think that i’m in vain slandering a person. evdakimich, i, well, come here, who was i here to rejoice at, well, like who,
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everyone, or something, everyone wants to look at you, ivagimovich, why is it that you are tossing around in your pocket, and show me, evduk.
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foreman, there are no guys there, they’ve probably already been pulled out, oh, well, well, help me, well, like this, here we go.
2:08 am
kanovalo's last shell. how are you doing there? let's do it, do it, comrade major! well done, my smart girl! oh, my dear, why are you doing this? semyon, semyon, now, now! now i’ll come for you, yura, to the shelter, who am i ordering?
2:09 am
why are you here, yurkin, hit, hit, yurkin, go away, go away, i ask you, yurochka, krimov, my brother, go away, i’ll leave now, he can’t drink, but he asks, call his brother or... there is, yeah, now, my dear, now, well, give it to me, so, now, wow, you’ve collected it,
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you’ll live a long time. why didn't you wait? guys, vyaznikov, dear, ask them, guys,
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where have you been? guys. oh! vitya, vitya, what’s wrong with you, vitya, viting, my dear, what’s wrong with you, well, can you hear me, vitya, eh vitya, well, well, can you hear me, you’re only wounded,
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vitya, you’re only wounded, can you hear me, i ’ll save you. do you hear, i will save you, vitya, well, well, look at me, well, vitya, vitya, no, vitya, vitya, do you hear, hear me, you are only wounded, i will save you, vitya, look at me, vitya, do you hear , i will save you, vitya, i will save you, i will do everything, and there is our root, we will help you, vitya, leg, leg, wept, lyuba, that’s it, fedya, alive, oh, oh, now, now i
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’ll do everything, boot, off, here. now everything will be fine, well, here you and i will dance again, you don't cry, don't cry, just don't cry, yurkin, i can only order, down now, it's me, lyuba, vicha,
2:14 am
lyuba, like a battalion commander, he doesn't recognize me, lyuba, i... i kept thinking how to tell you, just tell you so that you know, you’ll say, leading, you’ll say, lyuba, be patient a little longer, it turns out it’s so easy, you’re amazing, you’re amazing, everyone loves you, it’s impossible not to love you, lyuba, oh, little sister , lyuba, ivan ivtakimich, i think it’s time, we’ll send it. yeah, hey,
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wait, help krymova first. the wounded are there, and so are yours!
2:16 am
now i am now.
2:17 am
the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, they see more opportunities there. and make the most of them. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, what you don’t have is free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, this is definitely not the case, neither on depression, nor on despondency and being lazy there is no time, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life still exists. better than a city one, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it when we do it here, in the future, we’re a reception room, what we’re doing here is somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of
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laundry room, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable ones, we’ll hang them here, probably an exhibition, now how fashionable to say, the reception will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, look at the project, i’m from the village. on the tv channel belarus 24.
2:19 am
fedya, bro, i haven’t seen it, no, happy holiday to you, fedya, you too, thank you, what
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is this, where is it from? look, why is this? will the war end any day now? what would it be like without me? and you decided to run away without documents? berlin is about to be taken. where am i? and they are there. here they are for now, my documents.
2:21 am
we agreed, but what about me, your sister, where should i go now, you can’t do it yet, but it hasn’t gotten better yet, you see, i’m an officer, i have my own scores to settle with the war, and am i really a useless person, so what, my dear? , you have become a second mother for fedor and me, your health dearest to us, that’s good, vitya, bye...
2:22 am
take it for the sake of your shurik, hold it, new one, fedya, dear, after all, you wanted the best, dear,
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you say hello to ours there, well, who is left and alive.
2:24 am
halt, it’s too early, no, it’s looming work.
2:25 am
luva, do you know what? is there anyone?


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