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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel lazovik. good morning to this episode. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is working on issues of opening direct flights with aman and algeria. in latvia, trains may face sanctions. rail carrier. sounds the alarm and asks not to prohibit the purchase of spare parts from belarus and russia. dedication to the fiery forties to the victory of our people in the great patriotic war, a literary competition for may 9 in the derzhinskoye library. the orthodox met one of the main christian holidays - easter. alexander lukashenko is always in the church on this bright day. it is already tradition to celebrate the day of christ. sunday together with his
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fellow countrymen, the president arrived at the svyatoly church of the svyatosbensky convent in orsha, it was founded back in the 17th century, survived the years of closure, during the great patriotic war, services resumed, the real revival of the spiritual center began in the ninety-sixth, in the native places of the belarusian president you are always greeted with a special warmth and sincerity. the words of our president in the temple sounded very soulfully, alexander lukashenko spoke about what worries everyone, about our future world, the moment is not easy, now more than ever the unity of people is needed, this year the country will literally celebrate victory day, this holiday is in tune with the peace-loving policy of belarus.
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medical services from belarus, a number of projects for the export of investments in the pharmaceutical industry are being considered. as for mechanical engineering, modern assemblies and the opening of dealership centers are being discussed. to have an enterprise here that will be focused not only on the egyptian market, but on the african market, given the availability. in the field of industrial cooperation with egypt, with algeria, we were recently in algeria and very substantively worked on the issues of assembling trucks and passenger vehicles and tractors, there is great interest in our granaries, there is great interest in our construction equipment, this is all happening right now. now, if our enterprises see
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that it is profitable, we consider everything, we consider everything together with them, if they see that it is profitable, why should we refuse, to the egyptian market, according to the signed... this year we will supply 280 tractors, we plan to double the figure in the coming years. modernization and expansion of production as an investment in the future have ambitious goals for the country's industrial giants in the year of quality. for example, minsk tractor plant. they plan to invest almost 100 million rubles on the purchase of new technological equipment. 30% more than last year. the fleet of equipment is being updated and modernized, as in the famous.
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saturated tractors, today we worked with the chinese company vechai, but it’s not just taking an engine and replacing it, it was necessary to carry out appropriate testing, fine-tuning, and obtain a certificate, so today we have already delivered almost 200 units to the republic of belarus, and we will continue to work to expand this range of tractors, and we are also working today on new equipment, this is a 500 horsepower tractor. this year we will show it to our country, we hope that our designers did a good job and we will get to where we need to be quality and quantity that is necessary, plans for this year to sell
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over 36 thousand units of equipment at the minsk tractor plant site, in latvia trains may face sanctions, the only passenger railway company ... the republic's company asks the seimas not to prohibit the purchase of spare parts from belarus and russia , otherwise the carrier will have to reduce the number of trains on the lines, and a complete transport collapse is possible. the required number of spare parts will be used up in the coming weeks, and they will be replaced with products from the european union impossible. riga does not have the funds to purchase new trains, and the czech electric trains delivered within the framework of eu programs turned out to be defective and did not withstand operating conditions. therefore, soviet locomotives that broke down in the cold were picked up by the train. masks have been dropped, the leader of the democrats in the us house of representatives allowed the entry of american troops into ukraine in the event of kiev’s defeat. defries said that this scenario is possible if the kiev country falls. he
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bluntly stated that the states simply cannot allow russia to win. and in case kiev’s defeat will become inevitable, us support will no longer be financial. quite real, while a pro-russian faction is growing in the republican party, which does not want to support ukraine and does not believe that russia is an enemy of the united states. french president macron previously expressed aggressive plans for the collective west, speaking about the possibility of sending troops into ukraine. and just the other day, the head of the british meath said that he considers it acceptable to launch attacks on russian territory with british weapons. however, cameron ruled out sending him to the troops. nato to ukraine, according to he said this would be a dangerous escalation. well, residents of nato countries do not give up trying to reason with their politicians. in rostock, germany , a rally against the armaments of kiev and the escalation of tension in europe. participants demanded a stop to the shipment of military equipment through
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the local port as part of nato's largest exercise in 35 years, stalwart defender. officially, berlin stated that it would provide thousands of units of military equipment. vehicles for maneuvers, protesters say the exercise is just a cover for a large-scale deployment north american troops and preparations for possible aggression from nato. israel has banned the broadcasting of the international qatari television channel al-jazeera in the country; the decision was made within the framework of the law that allows limiting the activities of the media. president netanyahu accused the channel of harming the security of the jewish state. and access to the al-jazeera website will also be confiscated at the channel’s office, inciting hatred towards israeli soldiers, and blocked. the channel's management denies the accusation and intends to appeal. the decisions of the israeli authorities introducing a tv ban were also condemned by the un.
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forgive everything, how the united states saved the nazis, money and career instead of a tribunal and justice. hundreds of scientists serve the white house. why criminals?


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