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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

6:35 pm
evgeniya, very nice. naturally, we want to know how you can harvest birch sap on an industrial scale here. birch sap is brought directly to the workshop, and there we must process it within 24 hours so that it does not spoil, subject it to conservation sterilization, because in order to preserve everything useful in it. naturally, after the juice is rolled up, it comes out. network, and any buyer can buy it. well, will you show us? of course, let's go, let's go. well, let's preserve the juice. okay, we're ready. where do we go next? of course, in laboratory. we need to check the quality of the incoming product. we did the right thing, that is , our quality. sap and we will
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check the sap, now we will check the quality of natural birch sap on a refractometer device, the main physical and chemical indicator when receiving sap is soluble solids, yeah, what kind of dry substances could there be in the sap? well, this is directly sugar. and exactly on the prism of the refractometer we drop a drop enough and it turns out very well , we also also look at the laboratory at the university we reveal the bacterium, the virus, and what do you see there ? tell us nothing so far, nothing, but what should he see there? well, there is an intersection of dark and light. yes, yes, i saw, we read by
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light there are colors, so here we turn the dial of the device to indicate, uh-huh, well, something dark is needed, yes, nothing intersects, so far only some kind of graph, and oh, there there is a dark stripe, below, it’s like this, it can vary, it’s light, they should intersect exactly according to the designations, when they intersect, you... already look at the values ​​​​at the bottom of the scale 133 and this means that our juice is of very good quality, our juice is of very good quality, you collected it, how many more stages are there for testing the juice, we can test the taste, this is what we know how to taste, by the way , birch sap, it should be almost like water with that slightly sweet taste. yes, like water, this
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juice is different, well, like i drank into a tree before, but it was, well, a little sweet, it was, well, it was good, can we send it to production for filtration or what? no, first we cook it, then we filter it we make a guess, add all the necessary ingredients according to the recipe, be sure to add sugar, citric acid as a preservative, ingredients, well, in words, this is one thing, if only we could see it all, we’ll see, of course, let’s go, great, let’s go, so, which of the processes have we now arrived at? , we’ve just come to make juice, that’s how many liters of pork there are here, here it’s 350 liters, 350 liters 50 liters, i’ve never seen anything like that.
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there is as much here as is needed for the jars to be sterilized after seaming, i was always convinced that high temperatures kill everything useful, but here i they convinced me that it was 80. 5° , which is not the boiling point; it leaves all the beneficial properties of the juice, how long do you cook the juice? 45 minutes, and that’s enough, okay, let’s start cooking, ram-taram-ta, taste, that’s it, cooking has started, yeah, as i understand it, you’re adding different ingredients here, yes, have you already added it or is it possible, no, you can add, come on, add, come on, come on, come on, come on, no,
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thank you, can you let me help you, well, everything should be a little bit my friend’s sy didn’t fall, what kind, yes pour, pour, well, yes, it’s boiling , by the way, yes. that’s it, well, you’re already like a light, you brought some gifts, as i understand it, yes, we’re closing it, well, they helped you a little, in fact, the workshop is small, but they process quite a lot of products, they brew here, there they bottle it, yes, only a few people can do this, but everyone is absolutely busy with their own business, it turns out like this... a big liquid preservation, well, we also have - such a liquid preservation, well, we preserve wine, mango, this is poperal, brambutane , so that we are now covering, covering, you, as an honorary one, great, there is,
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well, these are our two jars, do you think these will be more expensive, yes, yes, yes, tastier? i think, what are the tastes here? this is birch-cranberry juice, oh, you see, they also added cranberries, and how many bottles can you use per day, per day, yes, there are such cans, yes, how many, 600 liters per day , 3 liters in a can, like this 1.800 liters back, no, listen, i’m wondering how you calculated this in mathematics, how long can a jar like this be stored, such a jar can be stored for 2 years? so what do we do next? then we send all the jars to a special basket and we send you to be sterilized, great,
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neat, how do you like it my friend? yes, get tired from here, right? yes, maybe we can help, come on! a little, mother of god, here she has a helmet, she’s serious, she pressed the remote control, here she goes, here she goes, wow, for me it was a little unexpected, in terms of production, especially in
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sterilization, that i realized that 60 cans are loaded into this autoclave, there were four of these in production, they are sterilized there for 2 hours, apparently so that the juice lasts a long time. it heats up again to a certain temperatures, in my opinion 100°, rise, cool down and then go on to the sticker packaging, so you will carry it, i will do everything, wipe the jar here, and the lids, why doesn’t it wipe them, here too, thank you, my friend, now you need to stick it on the lid of the jar, so you take everything carefully. very hot, so we'll pack it first,
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well, okay, you can try it, wow, juice , yes, let's let the juice cool, and then we'll definitely treat you, and me, thank you very much. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about ours, in order to create an information fund, they are walking around the deployment of german troops as occupiers in lithuania.
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their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting and complex in its own way, and this talent was given to me at the age of 40 and i say. it was given to me because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i
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felt that i wanted more. each story is a motivation to change your life for the better. old, old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, as, and i want, i wanted i would like to continue the work that they once did... thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have now, you can’t put life experience anywhere anyway, you need to live it. watch the belarusians project on our tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city. why do you need this, and where does the money come from? my two favorite questions. i would really like to see what a school looks like when it is no longer a school inside. they are there. see more opportunities and make the most of them. 26 piglets, do you have a chicken? 100
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30 chickens, who else do you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, this is definitely not there, neither on depression, nor on despondency and there is no time to be lazy, the task of the presenter find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we make a reception room here in the future, we’ll create a reception room here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry here what we have leftovers here is valuable, we will hang it here, probably an exposition, now how fashionable it is to say the reception will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, look about...
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everything, because it’s made from minced pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. and the easter cake, of course, is in the heel. only here, in this area, it is not called kulich. if there are easter cakes all over the world, these turn out to be easter cakes; in all respects, these are easter cakes. we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country. people go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church and everything connected with the rodivils. by the way, pay attention to the caps with the letter p, which means rodivila. look
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where the food is in the project? on the belarus 24 tv channel . finally, a tasting. i was waiting for this right from the forest itself, because i saw people drinking, coming straight from these huge barrels. and there is so much juice here, they don’t let us try, i was already thirsty, it was tormenting me, these are all the juices that are produced here, yeah, so you can have an orange, orange, well , take a glass, oh, it’s refreshing, refreshing, what is there here, you can take the aroma of bread, field, ale, well, my nerves are getting in the way, so i need something like that. it happens very tasty, natural decoctions
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are used, natural decoction, yes, that is, the grass is infused and then added to the juice, you have pineapple, there is no pineapple now, but this year we will start producing it, do you want to try it with cumin, you know, what is ottim, no, you haven’t tried this, is it a spice that it adds? belarusian dishes in absolutely everything, yeah, very tasty, what do you think? i find it delicious no matter what strange, oddly enough, it’s very tasty with kmin, i thought it would be, because i ’m used to seeing it in some spring dishes, but here playing juices is very good, i want to tell you, well, it would ok, but i like orange better, orange is good, but can you try
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the classic one now? and birch sap with added sugar, it’s a pleasure, what an interesting journey we’ve had, ryan, i want to say that you’re really lucky, not every belarusian can go to production to see everything with their own eyes, what’s more for you i remember everything, well, this is a procession, this procession is very interesting when it happens, yes, well, i liked this procession. like when the juice is taken from the door and it is developed into bottles, for me it was an experience, the first experience, but i can say that this is real exotic for you, you tried belarusian, it is very exotic, because we are coming to your country, we always try something local, so you too, now you know what the most spring belarusian drink is and
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how it is extracted and made, yes, well, what if you can't sit still? and you are ready to study everything that surrounds us, then go ahead, yes, yes, perhaps you will become the hero of our next program, ask a question, record a video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it is done, what will best check your erudition and intelligence, that’s right, tricky questions, is it true? the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers. andrey. well, there was such a very interesting story. seth invited his own asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him or immediately threw him into the river. andrey writes detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went down in
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tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because , well, a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them and cleaned up their entire mansion. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was cleaning the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lesha by three. paris. london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne. that 's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel.
6:54 pm
this belarusian strawberry is known among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. we talk about the most fascinating thing from the world of science, i remember when a person
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described the use of apple cider vinegar for treatment for ten pages. however , there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers; for example, galen believed that the center cardiovascular system, liver, ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity. to prolong the life of the most important organ of the human body, we have long established clinics, we mainly use our mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely.
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white and red is now our flag. let's stand in a clutch hand to hand. the coupling is a priori an element attacks. and of course, the phrase “ let’s stand together” is a call. here is the bchb flag inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian singer. this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka. power changes, words and views change. now he is exchanging article 342. what conclusions did you draw? probably, then i was under the emotional influence of a very strong information flow in general, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue,
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so i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus and on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine.” well, she had not previously supported the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, being in georgia and moving along...
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the russian path of development, it is real, humane, the future lies ahead of us, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel.
7:00 pm
the news is on air in the studio yulia pyurtsova, good evening , at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. we say thank you on the holidays. veterans of the great patriotic war accept congratulations. we'll show you for the whole world of heroes of victory. polish judge thomas schmidt protested.


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