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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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you say, they are collecting, it’s not a bad car, it’s good, it collects stones, yes, it collects stones, that is, after you, they don’t need to let people in, yes, well, large stones, and small ones, large ones to collect, it’s already a trifle - this is well, which is more than 3x more than 300 mm, it’s difficult, let’s say, but it can take up to 300 to the edge of the field, it can load it into a trailer, the unloading height is 2.3 m, it rises and unloads itself, you don’t need anything, you can show it now, come on. productivity up to 3 hectares, that is, depending on the density of the stones, 3 hectares, here it slowly goes down to 100 mm , collects everything into a bunker, unloads it, evens out the soil , this is the ideal frequency, then you can sow, and this development of the minsk automobile was appreciated by the consumer operation, which slowly began to update its fleet of auto shops, the social mission of the belkoopsoyuz is unchanged, to deliver everything you need in himself
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there, the machine is a very good machine, comfortable, firstly, spacious, secondly, there are a lot of refrigerators, and a freezer, or ice cream you can go anywhere, a sausage compartment, a milk compartment, the machine is very suitable, very much, i’m happy with the machine, we’ve been working on it for the past, since the nineties, five programs have been implemented in belarus to overcome the consequences of a man-made disaster , the sixth one is in progress, along with them , a number of international projects have been implemented for 38 years, the two fraternal peoples of belarus: russia
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have joined their efforts in confronting a common misfortune, the programs of the union state made it possible to unite scientific potential, experienced specialists, and, importantly, financial resources to solve a complex problem; it is clear that all this was not in vain. you real, you are patriotic, as long as you exist, the country will be independent, sovereign, and no one is afraid of us, as long as you exist, if we turn away from this path. that’s all, i’m not saying that my visit is already akin to, remember, the chernobyl path of the president, when i was here, then further to the chernobyl station, today we talk about this less, because we realized that we saved our country, so this is 25% of the territory, today we understand that you don’t just need to live here, people live here, the birth rate here is even higher than in general.
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they are doing poland, which initiated this nonsense against us, plans to build two nuclear power plants at first, maybe more. lithuania, having lost ignalina, today buys at exorbitant prices, we then gritted our teeth and endured it, the distraught french, obeying trends from overseas, the americans and germans to close nuclear power plants, shut down the wind, waves and so on.
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we got better electricity, today natural gas is bought at 5-6 times more expensive, i’m not talking about oil and petroleum products and so on, other electricity, we did what i think is wise. we survived and we built this station, such a crazy thought arose for me, but now it is already taking hold of you, to build a second nuclear power plant, a site, a second site - these are very serious requirements for sites, it is eastern mogilev, and today i am thinking , if we build a nuclear power plant, where will we place these reactors, preferably two more, or a new station here, or there? develop two more reactors in addition to install two units, while we are thinking, i am still inclined to think that we have in the west station, it should be in the east, people are very happy, i haven’t made a decision yet, we’re just thinking, in order to aim
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high, read build a nuclear power plant or fly into space, you also need foresight, managerial courage, this is not easy in principle, but under a barrage of criticism, including from foreign well-wishers, the belarusian leader has his own strategy, my people’s, peasant advice to you, if yours, as i already said somewhere, the enemy is the enemy, says that things are bad with us, consider that we have them okay, if they drag us there, go in the opposite direction on the other hand, over the years, you and i have already become convinced that the market, and this, and that, paid medicine, for example, is happiness, paid education is also happiness, but here i am now...
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and what is the strategy in sports ? mog announced the decision to allow athletes from belarus and russia to participate in the summer olympics in france as individual neutral athletes. what will the reaction be? lukashenko is convinced that this is a personal matter for the athlete. the president also shared that he closely follows russian competitions and calls the most powerful russian biathlon school. also, the president of belarus expressed confidence that time will put everything in its place. it's no secret that.
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the more pressure on you, the greater the resistance. tomorrow we will return to this european, global family, and we will show them that we can, an athlete, let him decide for himself, he wants to go, let him go and perform, but only perform with dignity so that we
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are proud of him. despite all the trials that befall these people, they remain open and hospitable, here like nowhere else you feel our happiness. simple: live peacefully on your own land. the situation on the outer circuit forces people in uniform to be constantly on alert. the service is carried out on the ground in the air 24x7. at the end of the week , the country’s commander-in-chief checked how protected the belarusian sky is during a visit to the central command post of the air force and air defense forces. the president watched the training along with the military.
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they must be forced to land and so on and so forth, you see everything that is being done on the adjacent border, reconnaissance is working well, information is being transmitted, well done, one thing only, if this is all unexpected, sudden and honest, if so, then yes, it is not just impressive, but it is decent, there will be results of objective control, then we will finally sum up the results. in the ministry of defense, so is victor, so i have only one
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wariness, that it be fair, a sudden check, which means that those who need it know, and the rest work as in wartime, if this is so, then well done, that’s not bad. the composition of the duty forces has been significantly increased, that is, additional forces have been withdrawn, starting with the rotary-technical troops, these mobile groups were withdrawn, additional aviation crews were also assigned, both airplanes and helicopters, and additionally units of anti-aircraft missile forces were also assigned, including not only at the point of permanent deployment, also a feature was that a difficult air situation was created, additionally assigned to the air force.
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latvia is becoming increasingly tense due to the actions of the collective west. concentration of nato troops under the guise of exercises, warsaw’s readiness to deploy nuclear weapons usa, geopolitical realities in which belarus and russia find themselves. president alexander lukashenko has repeatedly stated that the deployment of russian nuclear weapons in belarus serves as an adequate response to the militarization of eastern europe. the decision of minsk and moscow turned out to be proactive, experts say. alexander grigorievich on this matter, regarding the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons, has already
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given a brilliant assessment that we have not come up with anything new, american tactical nuclear weapons are located in germany, italy, turkey, and thus we simply conceptually took a look at the military-political schemes that our opponents use. in this regard, russian tactical nuclear weapons in the republic of belarus should be perceived as not... some preventive measure in relation to some other countries of eastern europe, here poland over the past months, at least, and maybe a couple of years, has been actively shouting about that it simply vitally needs american tactical nuclear weapons, when on two sides of a beautiful river buk will deploy tactical nuclear weapons of two clearly competing powers, this will not contribute much to the global security system. the state of russia and belarus is the strongest association in the entire post-soviet space, nevertheless
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, both states included in this integration association retain their sovereignty and develop as their people consider proper, and not someone from the outside, but the main thing, of course, is so that under any integration association the economic interests are clear; the power behind the union russia and belarus have a real military force, we are seeing today: then, as western partners spoon-feed their ukrainian protégés, ukraine is constantly on its knees before them, begging for help with weapons and money, there is no such relationship between us, there should not be cannot, we don’t want to imagine gloomy future scenarios, but belarusians can be sure of one thing: if someone touches them, russia will definitely come to the rescue with all its military potential and ask no one this help will not be needed, it is assumed by default, this is the purpose of our union state,
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so that its citizens sleep peacefully. learning from the past and cherishing history for the sake of our future. belarus and russia are on the threshold of the great victory holiday. this year, the partisanka republic celebrates the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. we sincerely say thank you again. a victorious hero, at meetings with veterans, at laying ceremonies and celebrations on the occasion of memorable date this story cannot be forgotten. what is it, the price of victory, of course. it can hardly be measured, because fascist aggression had no boundaries either to people or to the property of the soviet people. the generation of heroes then proved that they were united, therefore invincible, to be proud, to thank, to take care to remember those who, as best they could, brought the great victory closer, one of the most important tasks of the current generation. favorite melodies of the war years, flowers, gifts,
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sincere words of gratitude and warmest wishes so that the younger generation remembers and the heroes knew, they... found the girl in vitebsk, not wanting to submit to the fascist invaders, her brothers went to join the partisans. they began calling the sister on a mission and handing over notes with coded messages. after 2 years, a very young girl ended up in a concentration camp, where every minute she felt the fear of execution. in 1944, the camp was liberated and iraida ivanovna was enrolled in the hospital staff. so, with military doctors as part of the third
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belarusian front, she reached the kaliningrad region. today eroida ivanovna can hardly contain herself. i appeal to to the youth, i appeal to you that you need to take care of all this, be proud, be patriots, then everything will be fine with us. now the war veteran is 97 years old, she is still in good spirits, her hardening allows her to be in the ranks. next to the family, the state also lends a shoulder. in belarus this year, lump sum payments for victory day have increased significantly, namely doubling. more than 8 thousand people received them. in a no less solemn atmosphere, and it was young people who took the most active part in the events. we understand that there are more veterans unfortunately, less and less, of course, for young people, it is especially very important to hear these living, so to speak, testaments, advice, which i am sure, the memories of which they will carry throughout their entire lives. preserving
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historical memory and truth is the solid foundation on which true alliance rests. belarus russia, both peoples then fought shoulder to shoulder against the german occupation, so today the history of the two peoples is one memory, it continues to live in complexes, memorials, monuments, museums and allied events. partisan on the paths to the great victory , a particle of the flame of the eternal flame, which burns at the victory museum in moscow, traveled 2600 km across the territory of belarus and russia. this year the fire of memory motor rally gathered more than fifty people. the participants' itinerary includes over forty places of military glory. laying flowers at the memorial of fallen soldiers, as well as meeting with veterans. the motor rally dedicated to victory day started for the eighth time on poklonnaya hill
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in the russian capital. it is very symbolic that you will follow the roads. of our glory you will pass by those cities and villages where our soldiers marched, liberating our homeland from german fascism, from nazism, you will meet with veterans, convey to them huge congratulations on the day of the great victory, moscow remembers everyone who defended our homeland. investments in our common history are accepted. specific outline: at the expense of the union budget, the walls of the brez fortress are being strengthened. large-scale reconstruction began in 2018. the first stage has already been completed, the second was estimated at almost 500 million russian rubles. it is planned to be completed in 2026. funds from the union state helped to create a symbol of memory in the tver region. rzhev memorial to the soviet
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soldier. a majestic bronze figure 25 m high, as if floating. in the air, places that millions of people visit every year to remember, appreciate and prevent repetition of those tragic events. this is belarus in charge, and further in the program there are common values ​​and efforts to preserve historical memory. let's talk with the guest, parliamentarian, historian vyacheslav danilovich. we'll be back in the studio in a couple of minutes. this is belarus, the main thing in the great victory, the origins of the unity of belarusians and russians, the desire to live in peace and harmony on their land, how to resist attempts at falsification. with history to strengthen national unity, we will talk about approaches to preserving our common memory with a guest in the studio, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly
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of belarus, doctor of historical sciences vyacheslav danilovich. vyacheslav danilovich, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, doctor of history sciences, deputy chairman of the standing committee on education, culture and science, for more than 10 years headed the institute of history of the national academy of sciences of belarus, was the rector of the academy of management under the president of belarus, author and co-author of more than 200 scientific works, is a member of the state commission for the preparation of textbooks, the heraldic council under the president of belarus, expert of the commission for assessing information products for the presence of signs of extremism in them under the ministry of information, is a member of the board of historical journals, awarded francis skarina medal, certificates of honor from the administration of the president of belarus.
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legislatively, but from my point of view, it is certainly very important not to miss and once again demonstrate that the victory was achieved primarily thanks to the soviet union, yes, this is our common great victory, it was here on our land that the backbone of the nazi occupiers, the nazi the wehrmacht and the troops and their satellites of nazi germany, so we must talk about this without ceasing because, unfortunately, in the west it is forgotten, it is already forgotten to the point where they...
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the united states of america, this is what leads to these desires to distort, falsify history, to force the population of the former soviet union to repent for something, it is not clear just for what, yes, that means actually taking away , yes, we have the feeling that we are the heirs of the generation of winners, for us this is absolutely unacceptable, why, and because they are simply people who do not know. of his history, and seeing it in a distorted, falsified form - this is ignorance of real history, he has no future. if god forbid, this western attempt will succeed, although i am sure that
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it will not succeed. then we will simply cease to exist as a people, as people, and our state will disappear, that is , we will not have any future, for us this is absolutely unacceptable, especially once again i emphasize that historical truth is on our side and the facts clearly indicate about this, i understand that yes, everything that we see now, in fact, this is one of the political instruments for introducing their own political games there, but the demolition of monuments, again the glorification of fascism, nazism, how could we allow this?
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this whole process, it is the revival of the same nazism, yes, that means we clearly see, yes, in the example of european countries, our southern neighbor ukraine is the clearest example, because in fact, history is essentially repeating itself only in a new round, and so the development of the spiral , in fact, ukraine is repeating the fate of nazi germany, why because the collective west needs a toran against russia and those countries that, together with russia , are trying to resist this anglo-saxon hegemony on our planet, again the price is here... to exist independently and develop for our peoples, if we do not resist this, we will not have a future, i will emphasize again, because this is a massive western machine falsification, distortion of the historical past, it works at full power, only by relying on historical facts, on historical truth, can we resist it, first of all, conveying this true information to our younger
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generation, and of course, as widely as possible... i distribute it all over the world. unfortunately, the theme of war and peace probably sounds again, with an even harsher tone, people are dying again, doesn’t history really teach us anything about what is happening in this world? well, this is the deepest misconception that history does not teach anything, yes , one can say that it does not teach anything, but it painfully punishes for unlearned lessons. those countries, those peoples that do not learn lessons from their history, they are doomed to repeat these lessons at a new level, and here is a striking example, look at what is happening on our.
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historical code, your opinion, this is the first, second, if we conditionally decipher this historical code, can we say what will happen to humanity next, at least with a certain region, and is it really there, conditionally, when this code took shape, you can’t reprogram it so as to prevent these repetitions of the past from happening again, well, if you’re talking about neighboring countries, it’s not always here, which means you can talk about a common history, yes, which is always common among those peoples who live nearby, but ... peoples may again refer to different civilizations, if you look at it this way, this civilizational code can differ significantly among these peoples, so if you and i are talking, for example, about the countries of yes, that means the east slavic civilization, we are talking about those that actually represent yes, that means three countries, three peoples, russians, belarusians , ukrainians, yes, we have common historical roots, a rich common history, and actually a single civilizational code, but nevertheless, look again at ukraine, what is happening, this is a definite success.
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is present among all slavic peoples, but history develops in this way, unfortunately, again this is a global confrontation, what is it based on? on this ancient postulate: divide conquer, when a wedge is driven between fraternal peoples, some are opposed to others, within the state and some social strata are opposed to others, in families there brother stands against brother, all this is the result of this purposeful policy, so now slavic states are far from homogeneous, but we see that...
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a significant part of the slavic states, they are oriented to the west, yes, on the other hand, we still have this east slavic civilization of ours, primarily thanks to the russian federation, the republic of belarus, here is also a very... for us a well-maintained, beautiful country, in which we can live, our task is to pass this country on to our children and grandchildren in a more developed state, how to do this, i think that here, probably, the main emphasis should be on the patriotic education of youth,
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both the youth of belarus and the youth of russia. of course, you are right, which means that the key point is, naturally, all citizens in the state, they must be patriots, this is the key basis, then, that means professionals, that means people, that means citizens of their country, but the basis is always patriotism, this for any state that thinks about its future, therefore, naturally, the younger generation, starting from the family, from kindergarten, through the entire education system, should clearly develop these patriotic feelings, pride in the history of their country, their people, this needs to be done, what else can be emphasized here, it is important to preserve the spiritual and moral traditions of our ancestors, and that means resisting, so preserving the strength of spirit that allowed, if we say, for example,
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holidays are key for us, that’s why many say yes, that’s a lot they talk about the great patriotic war, why do we talk a lot about it, because, unfortunately, again, the events of the second world war are most often subject to distortion and falsification, on
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the other hand, for example, we in belarus we clearly understand that if it were not for the victory in the great patriotic war, there would be neither belarusians nor belarusian statehood, therefore for us these are holy holidays and this means the memory of our ancestors, who we... belarus and russia are not only working together on in order to stop the falsification and census of this history, but at the same time we are building together, creating a joint future, as you see the future of the union state of belarusians, russians, taking into account the realities of today, what conclusions can be drawn in order to build correctly, i will say that i see our future as very very good, i am sure that... the integration processes that are being built within the framework of the union state, they are fundamentally different from the idea of ​​globalization, which is happening all over the world, even if we look at the european union, then in fact the countries of the european union have lost their sovereignty in the overwhelming majority, maybe
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some somewhere are trying to preserve something, but the vast majority have submitted to the dictates of washington, yes means london and do what is beneficial to america, which means the anglo-saxons, and not their own countries,
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respect, taking into account mutual interests while maintaining sovereignty, and this is very, very expensive, as i will emphasize once again, the fact that we live, as it were, on our own land with our own minds, as we consider it necessary, and i would also like to note one important point, that in fact, this is the anniversary year of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the union state , a real breakthrough has been made, the history of the union state has been prepared for the first time, a lot has been said about this, a book has been published, it saw the light in the russian federation, prepared by belarusians...
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with an emphasis on places of memory and military glory
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, journalists from the chelyabinsk region visited belarus, from minsk to dagestan a new route was added to the map of allied flights, about the main thing briefly further in the program: the eleventh forum of regions of belarus of russia all closer, let us remind you that it will be held in three cities of the vitebsk region, polotsk, novopolotsk in the regional center itself, a dozen sections have been formed, their formats and venues have been determined. region, as well as the republic of bashkartastan, they
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will already be presented at our vitebsk site. about 6.00 people gathered at the memorial complex in the ushachi district. in this belarusian town, during the years of the great patriotic war, partisans broke through the enemy blockade. delegations from the pskov and smolensk regions of russia came to honor the memory of the liberators. today we also experience a feeling of joy, because we won, we have lived for 80 years. and celebrate, give birth to children, wait for our grandchildren, we hope that it will always be this way. third belarusian-russian patriotic the forum for us to live and remember brought together students from almost twenty universities of the union state in the belarusian capital. our mission is unity, solidarity of the generation, preservation of historical truth, culture, tradition and universal values, this was stated by the head of the representative office of the permanent committee of the union state in minsk, mariana.
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tests, they did not break the character of belarusians, on the contrary, they probably somehow strengthened them, the map of flights from minsk to russian regions was replenished with a new route, belarus and dagestan were connected for the first time direct regular flight, as expected, he was seen off and greeted according to all traditions: a water arch, gifts, dancing and music. the flight time will be 3.5 hours. the airline announced the launch of this route at the end of january, and the route is arousing interest.
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dagestan is a tourist destination, one might say, and accordingly belarus was very, very praised by me for the sanatoriums of belarus, i think the dagestanis will also appreciate it, makhachkala airport is the ninth among russian regions on the flight map. belavia, belarus and russia are getting closer, and new air bridges are an example strengthening union integration. the may holidays are a reason to go on a mini-vacation. this spring, russians have plus 8 days of rest. belarus topped the top foreign
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bookings for the may holidays. on average , they come for 3 days; they start planning their trips in advance, almost 3 months in advance. by the way, specialized services record increased interest during the long weekend, compared to last year, by as much as four times. about what russians choose in our story. residents of moscow, yulia and yuri shein are enthusiasts and adventure lovers. at every opportunities seize the moment. together with friends, we decided to spend a big weekend in belarus and stayed in an agrousba near minsk. we got used to the city and wanted to... take a break from it a little, we miss nature, moscow really doesn’t have enough of it, an apartment or a hotel, it’s all the same walls, but here there are forests, fields, very beautiful nature, very nice, by the way, the air in belarus is very good, we appreciated it right away, that is , you can breathe easily, freely, the spouses are experienced road travelers, on their
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travel map, ufa, kazan, st. petersburg, they know the way to elbrus, we’ve been to abkhazia and now we’ve come to belarus, the calling card of belarus, in my understanding, this is... not 10-5 km away you can meet some fisherman, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, almost every monument and not even castles historical, this is , first of all, nature, i was surprised by the number , i personally saw 30 roe deer, and it was early in the morning, two small elk calves, a lake of swans, and we stopped to look at the herons, that is , this also says something, that there is most likely they feel comfortable, have freedom of movement and spontaneity. routes there are many advantages to car tourism; russians often choose minsk and the surrounding area as their starting point, from where they are already planning their further program. there are no questions regarding payment along the way; clear language allows you to navigate on the spot. i would like to highlight the road to grodny. 300 km, flat, new, equipped,
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almost the same everywhere from the red mode, 100-120 km/h, a sufficient number of gas stations where you can always pay with a russian world card. it is very convenient by the flood, this is the road in the direction of the castle nesves, excellent roads, both highway and intra-village, that’s what we’ll call them, i put the roads in minsk in third place. last year, almost 20,000 guests from other countries visited belarusian agricultural estates, the majority were russians. the rural idyll is in constant development, recent trends are moving away from seasonality and focusing on family vacations. first of all, when adults relax, children come with them, and directly. so to speak, we need to create infrastructure for children, these are the same swimming pools, some children’s pools venues, people come, people like it. natural relaxation, combined with qualified treatment, is something that has been relevant for years. belarusian health resorts are a brand, health complexes with a powerful
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diagnostic and treatment base and modern equipment. more than 70% of places for the may holidays were booked by citizens. these are mainly our guests from moscow and the moscow region, st. petersburg and the leningrad region. what attracts us first of all, of course, is the quality of the services provided. we have a lot of regular guests, who come to us every year. there are guests who come from russia twice a year. the stereotype that the sanatorium is only for older people or those with serious health problems is erased. the problem of big cities is stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, in order for the body to work.
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and decided to make the trip. in may , the tourism infrastructure of belarus is fully loaded. pulkova airport included minsk in the ranking of popular destinations. allied railways added 16 trains. in overbooking hotels. before may during the holidays it was already very difficult to book a hotel, especially if we are talking about the capital and regional centers. today we are at 90% capacity. as a result, when are the holidays? recovered last year and, importantly, continues to increase its pace. we see an increase in demand compared to last year somewhere at the level of + 30%. we offer
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different programs, there are excursion tours, there are so-called city tours, when tourists come to minsk and independently plan their stay program. also we we offer the option of booking a hotel, and how tourists will get to the place is up to them to decide on their own. we came to belarus to relax on mayskei and , of course, to come, finally everything coincided. internal circumstances prevented us, the whole tour is designed for 10 days, six of them
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on the territory of belarus: minsk, the ancient young, the world heritage of nesvezhamir, majestic grodno, heroic brest, 10 cities in total. since childhood, i probably dreamed of visiting belarus, especially belovezhskaya pushcha. this is my dream now is coming true. i really want to see the brest fortress, i’ve seen the films, it’s all so impressive, of course, we have a very... big holiday ahead, may 9, and i think it’s good to visit such places, we want to invite you to our crimea , so i would also like minsk, simferopol, at least the train to be launched, everything is ready, the bridge is standing, everything is fine, and well, in short, we are waiting for you, in addition to the belarusian cities in the program of excursions to voronezh, stary oskol, rostov-on-don, the tour, although a trial one, is already included in regular trips. conditions for development union tourism are being improved at the government level. last year , the countries signed a cooperation agreement
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and roadmap, encouraging the tourism industry to create joint products among its key points. most recently, we held the first such on-site forum in russia; we plan to hold the second one in the republic of belarus in september. in general, a number of points have been outlined on which we are cooperating; this is unification. legislation, yes, so that our citizens can travel comfortably, and of course, we are talking about some joint routes, when they cover both regions of the russian federation and, accordingly , belarus. the big weekend will be back in a few days, another opportunity to go on a mini-vacation. belarus, as always, invites you for new impressions, entertainment and competitive prices. original installations in the steampan style are just on the way from russia to belarus. the author of unusual
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works is the belarusian artist vladimir kanonik. his canvas, metal sheet, paints, brushes, fittings, spare parts. the territory of roadside service and recreation becomes attractive for tourist selfie photographs. the author's mark of the belarusian master is also present in more sacred buildings in churches. about metal sculptures with... program report. the sun's rays of the new day envelop the church in the picturesque corner of raubichi near minsk, which is also called belarusian switzerland, with warmth and light. this is true theology in stone, a cult place of joint prayer and gathering of believers. the pearl of belarusian orthodox architecture, this temple in honor of the icon of the mother of god, the mammal. the shrine was erected in the creative. tandem russian and belarusian designers, builders, sculptors and artists. a bell-ringing school is opened here, various festivals are held, and on these
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holidays, the bell ringing sounds especially solemn, announcing the good easter news. depending on the weather, the roofs of the dome in the shrine may change color. the lead from which they are made is chameleon material, which was first used in the construction of a religious building in belarus. the embodiment belongs to the belarusian master of artistic craft. i was preparing a weightless gazebo, it was necessary to make a dome system for the gazebo, yes, a dome,
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and there should be no partitions completely, usually when you make something out of wood, yes. then you make rods, partitions, connections, and then a dome, and we made it so that you go 3 m, there is a main basic structure, and then just a dome on top. the belarusian sculptor knows how to discern beauty even in ordinary scrap metal; he does not send fittings and car parts to scrap; he creates brutal iron installations. in addition to working with semi-precious stones and solid wood, vladimir kanonik has a workshop in the heavy chalk style, where fellow creators forge, grind and bend iron. there is a direction in which we are working. steampunk is the oldest movement since the times of zhelverno, very interesting, using car parts and gears. accompanied by welding tools and fire shows, vladimir
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kanonik and his team are working on several. to be cleaned in order to well, here it will all be scalded, sheathed with wood, on that side also, this there were no shivas in sight, there will be a seat here , there will be arms, a person can sit here to take a photo, swing, for 15 years in the iron portfolio there are more than 60 unique sculptures, based on fairy tales and legends, they have been installed. in cities and in villages. the creativity of a jeweler from the small belarusian town of fannipol, near minsk, inspires fellow countrymen and guests, and also contributes to tourist attractiveness. this concludes our episode; we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. total good luck.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is , a plastic fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but
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they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. another thing, probably a smogar pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype of the wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then i was under the emotional influence of the general information flow very strong, now happened in my life there is a big revaluation of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue. i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands, i support ukraine, why didn’t it previously support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years,
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why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, doesn’t it go out into the streets in support of palestine . ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. six sacramental traditions are right and memory is cherished meat roasters from zhytkavitsk, vetka, pinsk, dragichyn, gomel and maladzechansk districts. six years of history have taken place among the elements of the intangible cultural decline
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of belarus. this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of monday, may 6, i will tell you sergei lugovsky, hello, meeting!


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