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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 3:40am-4:01am MSK

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in some city to give a solo concert together, to answer together i think it’s absolutely fair to explain to the guys that this doesn’t mean that we walk around like this all 24 hours, of course everyone has their own personal space, their own personal time, and you know, there is a saying that it’s great to keep quiet with a good person, but what do you think are the pros and cons of modern music, the cons, and to be honest, i don’t see any cons at all, because now for... for modern musicians , before it was necessary to participate in vocal competitions or in some kind of music competitions, now you have everything in your hands, guys, just create, and if this is really music and this creativity will appeal to a decent audience, then you have succeeded, you know, here’s the downside, i now, like an old grandmother , i’ll answer you, there are a huge number of fashionable songs, but i don’t always understand the words, but i , as a person who writes words, always want to understand them, hear them, hear them and... that
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’s just one minus. red sector, ask a question. tell me, what was your first? job and how did you earn your first money? wow, i made my first money, and i sang at weddings. in ninth grade, yes. with my own money i bought a jacket, bought jeans, bought boots. yes. i had - the first fee was very small, it was, well, i don’t know, probably, well, if translated into 10 dollars, i once started my career as a radio presenter, this is the very first order for which i received my first money in life, it was a voice-over for an advertisement, tell me, if you now had the opportunity to never work again, would you you were taken advantage of, oh, i think, no, it’s probably too early to retire at such a young age. listen uh, you have such
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a wonderful treasure like olga, tell me, how much money does it take to maintain your treasure? and to be honest, i never thought about it, although i won’t hide it, i once - well, if you can say so, on the air, i caught a glimpse of a conversation between two guys - in line, which means one of the other says: “listen, mishan , how much does yours cost you per month? and i was at that exact moment. i ask myself the question, have i ever been interested in this, i understand that no. second, why be interested in this? third, in our situation, i don’t need to support olga, because we don’t have a separate budget, we have a common piggy bank, and if someone
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needs to buy something, but there is some need, uh, please, so i remembered, because in our family there is one little person who has his own separate budget, this is our daughter, she’s 5 years old, her name is lera, all the money that her grandparents give her, she is saving her piggy bank, so she probably can safely say that she has a separate budget, which of you earns more, who spends more, well, i probably spend more, after all, have i set myself up now with this answer? yes, well, we agreed that everything was fair, well, probably, uh, probably, i still earn more, but - i don’t think that this is right, well, that’s exactly how it should be, that the man in the family should earn more, because the situation is so unpredictable, today it’s like this, and tomorrow suddenly your profession becomes absolutely useless, and you are not a source of income, this is where the support of a loved one you love is important, you love each other and you are obliged to support each other, and girls, never try
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to compete with your man in the amount of work , in quantity, if you suddenly go into concert history there, there is no need to equalize this number of works, concerts, i have to work the same number of concerts as him, i have to work the same number of cities, no, relax, girls, we live we happily live once, this applies to the period when they are digging potatoes, who will dig up more, here the rule works, it doesn’t work, that’s how it is... what is your favorite thing about each other’s appearance? well, well, i can’t, for example, imagine a body without a beard, you see, i adore olga’s eyes, her gaze, and it always pierces me with the depth of those eyes, in general, if this is a man’s answer, in my opinion, there’s a very charming woman sitting next to me ... and the girl i
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love very much, what pisses you off about each other? maybe maybe some household little things? yes, there is a word infuriating, well, i’ll be honest, i don’t like infuriating, i’ll tell you honestly now too. irritates, then, irritates, strains, strains. theo, can never wake up after the first alarm. he has this habit, he bets, if he needs to bet at 8 am, he bets at 8, 8:01, 8:04, 8:08, 8:16, 8:22, 8:24, and if just on this day, for example, i didn’t need to get up at 8, then by about 8:00 i would definitely wake up, because this is the number of alarms and he, you know how, it’s possible. stop, or you can, there is some kind of second button for repeat, and so he always presses repeat, no matter how many conversations we have had with him about this, until this issue is resolved in our family, and why should you be surprised? sitting is a man who overslept for the entrance exam to the university of culture and arts, a man
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who overslept the wedding of his wonderful friend, a man who overslept the presentation of an award after a trip to european studies at the ministry of culture, a man who overslept when you were the whole delegation. radio company packed my bags flew home after eurovision dream, i really like to sleep and nothing restores me like sleep, but now to your question, so, olga, if you want to get a - so to speak, the most non-resurrection sunday, you need to go to olga, this the person who will wake you up at 9 am and ask you a bunch of questions, before you even have time to open your eyes, he says: so, well, today let’s go, where should we go for brunch? or maybe we'll go to a movie, or maybe we'll go see friends, or maybe we'll go, on sunday, i wait for this day all week, it's when i don't go anywhere, and i just lie on the couch and someday i can turn on the tv, flipping through the channels, maybe really watch something, but at home, and i really love hiking, movement,
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meetings, and i really like to make plans and do it for my whole family, otherwise everything is fine with us, fried meat,
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that’s all not a cutlet, it is equated to everything because it is made from minced pork, let’s plunge into the festive culinary traditions, and easter cake. of course , pichom, only here in this area it is not called kulich. if there are easter cakes all over the world, these are easter cakes; in all things, these are easter rolls. we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country. people go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church and everything connected with the rodivils. by the way, pay attention to the caps with the letter p, which means rodivila. look at the food anywhere in the project. on the tv channel belarus24 belarus charmed them at first sight, probably the first when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, cleanliness, neatness, and now having lived here for 7 years, i
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understand that this is generally the merit of the people, such well-welcoming people, well, you don’t always meet those who are ready for you give everything away. how are you registered in each other's phones? what a beautiful question. well, i can demonstrate. olga is listed as
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my favorite. cool question. thank you, thank you. i have a small test of attentiveness for you, but for this you. boots with good a high-quality protector, a dress with such a satin shimmer, ah, she’s wearing the same silver jacket, her bun hairstyle is not quite ordinary, today she’s with this uh hahalk, she has two pigtails, ah, she has earrings, uh, i don’t know why, but she said that her different earrings are so trendy.
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and i think that this color is probably this red, yes, scarlet, let’s say, a scarlet manicure, and olga, i guessed it, probably, well, of course, almost, almost, yes, olga, now a question for you, in what is your husband wearing, oh, easy, black sneakers on white, yes, then, black pants, like that. over-lowered, white t-shirt, shark fang, by the way, real, beanie's cap,
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uh, well, the beard is always with him, cool, thank you, thank you, thank you, the next question is from the black sector, to your right, what was your best day in your life why, i remember, it was exactly 9:30 at... when i was sitting in the corridor, they allowed me to go there, i heard the first singing, of our daughter, of our child, this is the moment when olga gave birth to our daughter, this , it's so magical, hardly anything i can also repeat the emotions that i was experiencing, not even just at that second, but... i was in this state and all day,
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well, in this state at the peak of this, all day, of course, the appearance of a child is the happiest day of my life, i absolutely agree, i will support my husband, it’s just that life was divided before and after, there was life before, when we didn’t have lera, and after, when we had this little miracle that is now funny. funny, asks such interesting questions, how are you, when you found out that you were having a girl, who was most happy about it? there is such a thing as this seventh feeling, when you don’t even have any doubts about questions, from the first day, when we found out that we were having a child, i had no doubt that it would be a girl, when all the tests were there. ..
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strong, that is, dad for a little girl is such an animator, all the ideas, toys, come on, like this, this, you can experiment with dad, dad always allows you to do this, despite our very such a bright, beautiful profession, where sophie is, this is the stage, music, songs and dances, of course, all the same, all everyday affairs are just like everyone else, we are the same ordinary family, when necessary... and a little work, a little preparation, and take the child to kindergarten in the morning,
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to clubs, to gymnastics, so thank god that dad has enough imagination to entertain, not only develop, but also entertain, i do this with joy, with great pleasure, now i will ask for a count of 1 2 3 name your next child if it will be a boy, ready, one two, oh, well, to be honest, i’m not ready, somehow. you know this, it’s like something, probably so secret, we don’t think that far ahead, we have the right to refuse, answers the question, you can use it, yeah, okay, you have it left. two opportunities to refuse to answer questions, you used one, would you like your daughter to follow in your footsteps on the big stage, or will you still not force her to do this? there is definitely no coercion, no one should ever be force, i think my dad once
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correctly said, it doesn’t matter what profession you choose, the main thing is that you are in this profession. became a professional and did it with love, then everything in your life will be a pleasure, then you will get real pleasure from what you do, and in no case are we going to force the aller to do anything, to well, now she’s doing gymnastics, she’s doing it simply because we see she likes it, but we don’t have the goal of raising an olympic champion and either sending her to music school. although i certainly believe that everyone should receive a musical education, but how fate will turn out next is up to the child to decide at a more serious age, so to speak, well, probably - i ’ll answer you this way, it would be very strange if i said, not even the stage in any case, we just love what we do so much, and i really think this work
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is the best work in the world and, of course, if lera had chosen the profession of television. i think that the biggest hit, that’s all we have in the bins, we still give her we will, however, definitely give you the purple sector to your right. please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, then at some point i was seriously interested in medicine and dreamed of becoming a doctor, but as soon as i got into the variety studio of our school, and although i also
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wanted to get there, i was just passing by, i always listened to how. .. and i realized that i was already infected with the stage, that’s it, i want to be on the stage, in fact, i’ve been going towards this all my life, in fact i ’ve been doing this all my life, and as for me, i had two absolutely equivalent big dreams, i couldn’t decide as a child, i dreamed of becoming, well, either an artist or
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a cashier in a store, and you know why, because i sincerely? i thought, i was 100% sure that, uh, near the cash register there are usually all the chocolates, candy bars, chupiks, yes, chewing gum, i don’t know why, but i thought that if a person works at the cash register, that he has the right to all these sweets are available in unlimited quantities, at any time, throughout the working day, plus there was also a machine there, it was necessary to press, of course, on today - i can say that it’s great that not all dreams are destined to come true, just sadly.
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we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our country, with the ever-growing emotions and positive emotions. all there is that in advance the folklore expedition with the paradoxical numbers 590. the vitsebsk region has passed away many times before. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let's jump in honor of the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish. schools, so let's go to pragalinka, let's go up high, let's gurgling in the spring, let's go through the winter, go, go, go, go red, take a rye ear, a sheaf of wheat, and give the old traditions a new one ytstso, vyaznustraka.


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