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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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establish a dialogue with belarus and russia. israeli troops launched a ground operation in rafah. the southern part of the gaza strip was subjected to fierce bombing, and tanks moved across the land border into palestinian territories. the arab side reports massive civilian casualties. there are now about one and a half million refugees in rafah who have not been given the opportunity to evacuate. after the first 50 missile strikes, 30 people were killed, including 11 children. it is noteworthy that shortly before the start
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invasion, the hamas movement came up with a proposal to declare a months-long ceasefire. a mass rally demanding acceptance of this proposal took place in tel aviv. during the attack, traffic on the city streets was blocked, and several people were arrested. meanwhile, even the united states categorically demands that israel not carry out an operation in rafah. for disobedience , telyaviv was punished by stopping the supply of weapons. however, a full-scale invasion looks like everything. it has begun. lithuania after 33 years of the so-called independence, turned into nato's doormat. and the concept of democracy is only letters in the program ballots of the 2024 presidential candidate. this sunday , presidential elections will be held in the proud baltic republic. among the contenders for the post are the current head of state nauseda and the head of government shimonita. however, what are the results of this political tandem ruling the country?
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well, let’s say, a populist, yeah, that’s what he can do, he speaks populistically, but in order to do things so that these people would be better off, indeed, this was not the case, this a painful topic, i would like to say that before the covid period in lithuania, i think everything was more or less fine, but after covid something is very...
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to do this better, people who earn, well, an average salary, and pay more taxes half of their salary, a tendency to purge for the sake of american greatness , trained puppets at the helm, instead of economic support, militarization and transformation into a military springboard, this evening watch the project inside out, an interview with the ex-deputy secretary general of nato, a candidate in ukraine for slaughter for others
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interests, whose war is zelensky playing in, ukraine is fighting for us, who will be next? we stand very clearly with america, because it is still, at least now, a country of egemony. the main reason is the confrontation between the west and the east.
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belarus 24 from mutual recognition of international documents to security , a meeting was held in minsk. belarus and uae. the document involves the exchange of information and experience on all issues that pose a threat to national security, identifying and combating all forms of crime. all these questions are so or otherwise aimed at strengthening the international contractual basis of our country with foreign countries, at ensuring the implementation of guarantees of the rights and freedoms of our citizens, in the future i am sure that the activities of both the government of the republic of belarus and parliamentarians will also be aimed at expanding the scope of cooperation with states who
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are ready to cooperate with our country on a constructive, mutually beneficial and equal basis, including through the formalization of mutual rights and obligations within the framework of international contracts, agreements. senators also approved a bill to suspend the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. this does not mean belarus will withdraw from it. in practical terms, this is the suspension of the provision of information on conventional weapons and equipment of belarus, reception and inspection in order to monitor compliance with the quantitative restrictions established by the provisions of the treaty. the draft law was prepared in order to ensure the national interests of belarus. as a response to the decision nato member countries on the suspension of davs. warm weather has been replaced by cold weather in belarus; gusty winds and precipitation are expected across the country today. wet snow is possible in places in the north this morning. during the day
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, short-term rains will occur mainly in the east of belarus, and thunderstorms will occur in some areas. north and northwest winds gusting up to 14, and in some places up to 20 m/s. air temperature during the day. will not rise above 13°. the day of radio and television communications workers is celebrated today in belarus. historical event when alexander popov demonstrated the world's first radio receiver on may 7, 1895, also a professional holiday for everyone involved in this field. it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person today without information. bel tv and radio company is the largest player in the belarusian information field as a media holding. tv and radio products that. are released under the bt brand, are at the top of national ratings and have long won the love of audiences. today there is an interactive holiday marathon on the waves of belarusian radio. we expect activity on the part of our radio fans and prepared a lot of surprises on this
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day. we will, of course, talk about the history of belarusian radio broadcasting; we are almost on the threshold of our century; next year we will celebrate 100 years of belarusian radio. radio - all our companies, our promotions, promotional events that we will hold this next year will in one way or another be dedicated to the centenary anniversary of the beginning of our national belarusian radio broadcasting. the radio company consists of seven television buttons and 12 radio stations, each of them creates exclusive content, available both on air and online. in addition, users can join official ones. account and online community of the media holding. the president congratulated the dedicated professionals on the holiday. the ministry of culture brought together the specialized journalistic floor and not behind the scenes, as is customary, but at a round table to discuss gaps in cooperation and present
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gratitude for the promotion of national values ​​and coverage of cultural life countries. this is a traditional meeting for press day and radio and television communications workers day. two-hour dialogue without. formalism within the walls of the national library, when the afisha will have more national repertoire and whether there is room for improvement in efficiency, these are only part of the emphasis placed. together we confront the very difficult challenges that modern life dictates. we see the promises that foreign countries are trying to offer us, which do not see belarus as an island of prosperity.
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and we speak to our people, we speak in expanses of the entire world community in an understandable language. gratitude in hand. this is the final series of the belarusian championship, the current champion of the championship, the soligorsk miners, is vying for the main trophy.


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