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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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for them, the trail is a chance to show all their efforts and knowledge in action. initially , i performed because i once dreamed of becoming a military man, later my dream changed a little, my goals also changed, but still my little desire remained in my soul, my little child who wants to be a military man, this trail will give us the opportunity to get a certain base , which will help us in our military service and in later life. i would really like to gain experience and actually find out who is still doing this. our club is different in that we are under leadership of the rvd, we have a police focus. for me, participation in this gathering is an excellent opportunity to communicate with other guys from various clubs, share my experience, learn from them and have a good time. all main events take place at the minsk city educational and health center leader. the best team of young fighters will be chosen on may 8. further economic news, we are
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on the air at 9:00, see you! belstat calculated foreign trade turnover of goods for 4 months, sales of new cars for the domestic market continues to grow, and russian companies showed a fourfold increase in transactions on the belarusian stock exchange. we will not only talk about this in the coming minutes. you are watching economic news in alina lopo's studio. good morning. belstat spoke about the results of foreign trade in goods for 4 months of the year. so the total amount exceeded $20.5 billion. by the level of january-march 2023, based on current prices, the turnover of foreign trade in goods increased by almost 2%. exports added a little more than a percent, imports. almost three. inflation
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is within the established parameters, the situation in the consumer market is stable - said the head of mart alexey bogdanov, commenting on the adopted action program to stabilize prices for the current year. the document, as noted by the department, includes three main blocks. the first is measures aimed at increasing the goods presented on the domestic market, mostly domestic ones. it is planned to increase the range of vegetables in protected soil; special attention will be paid to the activation of belarusian vegetables. producers for promotion products both in offline trade and on digital platforms. the second block of the program provides for administrative measures , in particular to improve approaches in the field of public procurement. and third is price regulation and control and supervisory activities. russian companies showed a fourfold increase in the amount of transactions on the belarusian universal commodity exchange. for 4 months of the year - this is almost 260 million rubles. the key drivers were sales of belarusian products. agricultural products to the market of our eastern
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neighboring country. export of this product group to in value terms increased 59 times. the greatest demand was recorded for milk, as well as for feed additives produced by the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. companies from the moscow, leningrad, smolensk, yaroslavl and kaliningrad regions most actively use the capabilities of the exchange platform. the russian ruble has risen in price, the dollar and the chinese yon have fallen in price. these are the results of trading on the currency and fund market. exchange. so, a dollar costs 3 rubles. 23 kopecks the euro exchange rate according to nasbank is 3.47. 10 yuaniya costs 4 rubles. 44 cop. and 100 russian - 3 rubles. 50 kopecks. belarusian. sales of new passenger cars in belarus in april compared to last year increased noticeably by 2.6 times. and compared to the march figure by 17%. in total, over 11,000 new cars have been sold since the beginning of the year. as noted by the belarusian automobile association. such growth is due to
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growing incomes of the population, high rates of car lending and leasing. let me add that the share of electric vehicles in april reached almost 4% of the market, which is double the figure a year ago. belarusians have already started actively prepare for the summer season, this is evidenced by the statistics of the largest russian marketplace for sales in our market. thus , in the last months of spring , products related to beach country holidays have become more popular. interest in summer has increased significantly. the most noticeable increase in demand for tents and gazebos here was almost 10 times, as well as for grill grates. and finally, russian tourism has started to grow, the demand for summer tours in russia has increased by tens of percent this year compared to the previous year. this was facilitated, among other things, by the development tourism infrastructure, business representatives note. the most popular destinations are st. petersburg, sochi, kazan, as well as river cruises. it is noted that trips abroad.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program zone x, i’m karina pashkova, hello, on the eve of the big weekend, law enforcement officers. warn about the danger of so-called flat entries. in teenage slang, these are parties that they throw in someone's apartment. as practice shows, such meetings are not do without alcohol, cigarettes and even drugs. often companies consist of guests who do not know each other. young people
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find each other through social networks. needless to say, such a vacation leads to tragic consequences. last year in svetlogorsk, a guy jumped out of an apartment window on the ninth floor during a flat race. a few weeks ago in the gomel region , a sixteen-year-old girl was taken to intensive care after a party with a fractured skull. this year, employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate have already identified more than 120 such drunken parties. more than 400 children took part in them and were handed over to their parents. 180 adults were brought to administrative responsibility for drinking alcohol with minors. in these cases , tragic consequences were avoided. now the summer season is coming. big weekend is coming, this is the time when children can stay home alone under the pretext of learning lessons, meeting a friend or girlfriend, constantly pay attention to the child, call him, ask where he is with whom, if if in doubt, ask to send a geotag of your current location or contact
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you via video, it is extremely important to know the social circle of minors. dear parents, be in a trusting relationship with your children. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. alexander kamovich has compiled a digest of the latest news. he came from a neighboring country to do some bookmarking. in the vitebsk region, a russian citizen was detained on drug charges. as investigators established, a twenty-four-year-old man took a large alpha pvp party in vitebsk and went on tour around the region. visited hlubokoy odokshitsy and bigomal. the pawnbroker was detained. highway on the way to sharkovshchina. subsequently, he went towards sharkovshchina to continue to forget the drugs. the operatives found almost 60 g of a synthetic substance on the man. the defendant was detained. in the mogilev region, a pensioner was attacked by a bull. a man in intensive care. it is reported that a sixty-nine-year-old resident
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of the region ended up in the hospital. he was unconscious. the workers who brought the victim said, that a man was injured after being attacked by an animal while corralling a herd of cattle. investigators were working at the site of the livestock complex. it was established that the elderly villager was not employed and was only on his second day on the farm as a trainee shepherd. based on this fact, the mogilev watershed department of the investigative committee is conducting an investigation. the driver of the car tried to transport about 100 units of medical instruments from lithuania to belarus, but the attempt to save money failed. it is reported that when returning home from a neighboring country, the forty-year-old man chose green. but during the inspection, customs officers found magnets for a sound processor of various models in a box with a chair, and implantable magnets in a box with a children's toy, dental drills. the cost of packaged goods was about 10,000 rubles. if you try to save money you will have to pay
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a fine. a young man from pinsk decided to ride an electric scooter and couldn’t find anything better than stealing someone else’s. the owner contacted the police and said that from his landing an electric vehicle worth 4,000 rubles disappeared. soon the hijacker was detained; he turned out to be a twenty-year-old local resident, already convicted of hooliganism. now he will also face charges for theft. near minsk , a gasport driver injured a road worker’s car, injuring three people. the accident occurred the day before on the 14th kilometer of the p1 highway, minsk-derzhinsk. previously, a resident of fannipol, driving a cargo gazelle, collided with a car standing in the traffic lane. cover with a trailer, which in turn ran over employees of the organization, the passenger of the first car was also injured, the traffic police are looking into all the circumstances, this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1 at
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18:15, take care of yourself and have a good day.
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on may 7th and today we celebrate a big holiday, the day of workers, radio, television communications, anya, congratulations, i congratulate you, including on the successes of the main media holding.
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judging by the information we receive, almost all citizens of our country watch
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television, in particular the channel of our media holding, so of course they watch the numbers are impressive, yes, and what projects can we brag about over our competitors, be proud of, not very modestly, oh, sorry, on this day we can afford it, but it seems to me that there is a lot of competition, a lot of projects that we can be proud of, kind the border, of course, is belarus. in first place, there is no chance here, this applies to socio-political broadcasting and entertainment broadcasting, you all know these projects of ours, and some of you even participate in these projects, which are rating leaders in the country, this is in general big projects, i mean song factor by factor by 60 plus, these projects have invariably become the leaders of the airwaves for the past three years, and we have opened a huge number.
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regarding the audience of tv channel belarus 1, this is mostly a female audience of middle, upper middle age, and of course we want young people to watch us, when they say that young people don’t watch television, they only watch television products in a different environment, we work in on the internet, as for, for example, socio-political broadcasting, then only one youtube channel of the tv news agency has already collected more than one million 1000 subscribers.
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all our radio stations, fortunately there is an internet, everyone has an internet portal, now there is a single radio player created in the country, on the internet, you can download the application and there will be one playlist, you can quickly listen to all the radio stations, so due to my functional duties, i periodically start clicking on everything radio stations, i go to the website, look at what projects in order to stay informed, but when i want a little something or something something light like this in the morning, then i turn on our entertainment radius fm, great, and since...
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channels, for example, tv channel belarus 1, will present another new entertainment and musical project, which you know what, which is being prepared these days and very soon, i i hope we will go on air, it will be a weekend musical project, quite labor-intensive, quite difficult to produce, but it seems to me that our viewers might fall in love with it, this is one of the big ones, although of course...
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the sleepy channel is being prepared, i don’t know about 24 hour, considering that we have one hour train zone and does this make sense, but we promise at least 18 hours of original broadcasting a day, and i also wouldn’t like to fully disclose the information, including what this tv channel will be called, what it will look like everything in the near future, we will present it to our television viewers, there will definitely be a presentation, but it will not only be a television channel.
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your strength, energy, nerves, as for us, fortunately outside observers, and as for the people who are in all this involved, of course, a big disaster, i would like it all to stop, this
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is my most important dream, well on this wonderful note, friends, what can we do, continue to provide you with a good mood, yes, smile and reliable information that the most important thing, really, absolutely true, friends, i wanted to say visiting us, but no, not visiting, in our studio 600 on makayonka 9, there was a chairman. bel tv and radio company ivan mikhailovich eismond, well , we continue to greet our morning, perfection and harmony of taste, taste. the rain is pouring like a thick sheet of rain
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, the raindrops are knocking on your window, today the dream has passed by, and tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it, i need it. bake, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, put on your clothes and wait, like dew in a field, like a star in the sky, like a star in the sky, like an endless, cheerful surf in the sea, let them be with you. with you forever, forever, big dream, big love, no need to shout.
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nalisa, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, don’t be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, don’t be sad all your life! your whole life is ahead,
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hope and wait, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, wait for ten!
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good mornings belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, naturally, in a good, wonderful mood, because today is tuesday, today is may 7, today is a big holiday, the day of workers, radio, television communications, and the flowers on our tables are just about this they clearly say, because just a few minutes ago the chairman of the white television and radio company , ivan eismont, was in our studio, it was a most interesting conversation, rewatch it a little later on our youtube channel, but for now, let’s tell you where in our country they forge those very things... celebrated annually in belarus on may 7, at the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university , hundreds of personnel are trained every year to work in the media.
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modern audiovisual journalist.
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russian-language radio station, i present the news, i have two columns, uh, i really like doing what i do, and probably there has never been a time in my life where i regretted choosing the faculty journalism. from the first year, students are introduced to their future profession in the television pavilion. this is a huge studio designed for filming, creating shows and stories. since this year, it has been equipped with the latest equipment. in this box you can not only film programs, but also professionally stream and even create.
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instead of working with chinese students, the belarusians are preparing an original program about the life of the faculty, and we decided to make our contribution. good morning belarus, polina tarasevich and anna gandzhur are with you. today we will discuss with you. very important topic of the day of television and radio, we will tell you all the details right now. in this studio we studied subjects such as travel journalism, and also the basics of audiovisual journalism. students can edit all filmed materials without leaving the faculty. here they are taught the basics of video editing from the second year. thanks to this, last year students independently created a youtube tv channel. our department has been cooperating with belteleradiocompany for more than 5 years. this year we decided to expand, so to speak, this is a field, and now we want to create branches of our department on the basis of
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two major national television channels. we also plan to expand cooperation with radio stations, as well as with regional television and radio companies. more than 200 media outlets are already collaborating with the faculty, where students undergo internships. in the future they work in their specialty. today, a total of more than a thousand people are studying, most of whom are foreign students. the faculty of journalism is truly a multinational student family, and we wish you good luck in training for future journalists and thank the radio and television employees for their hard work. eat at least four times a day to do physical exercise and walk in the fresh air. what else do children know about this? it still takes a long time to draw, yes, so that your hands are strong,
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eat fruits, vegetables and berries in the summer, is it right to eat, do exercises, you also need to drink milk, do sports, drink normal water, breathe, to be healthy, eat soup , and fish, in order to be a long-term resident, you need to go to bed on time, on the weekend morning we need to sleep for a very long time, and i don’t wake up very early on the weekends, when our parents are still sleeping, when it’s cold in the water. you’re sitting, this is when your rash is fertile, it means dousing yourself first with warm water, then with cold water, and then with ice water, you have to walk along the paths, you have to
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go outside, go to the playground to play, you can watch tv for 5 minutes, and mizha wants my brother to watch tv for a whole, whole 20 minutes and... and my eyes are already hurting from watching this tv, on the phone you can do 2 minutes, in the gym, you can do gymnastics to exercise, it means that we are healthy, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, you know what, i’ve been thinking about visiting here for a long time, because this is a city, real history.
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belarus, we continue to wake up, today we celebrate tuesday may 7th, naquiloria mariana murenkova helps you wake up in a good mood. if it's tuesday, what does that mean? this means that now there will be a wonderful, amazing lecture from our psychologist and mediator, the author of the regular topic topic, ala komarovskaya, good morning, good morning! good morning country, of course, on the day of television and radio communications workers, i could not help but dedicate the topic of communication, only communication with yourself, how to establish this connection, set it up and not lose it, today we’ll talk, here you girls, how do you understand that you in connection with yourself, well, hearing yourself and not others, probably, first of all, well, there is no anxiety, you are calm, you are happy, you know where you are going, what you are striving for, you have a good appetite, appetite, great, then connection with
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will be established and will not be lost. the first is connection with emotion. what means connection with emotion? when you can determine in the moment what is happening to you, name this feeling or emotion out loud. the feeling lasts for a long time, but is not so bright. the emotion is always very bright, but does not last long. and i am faced with the fact that...
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there is no need to eliminate, all emotions need to be experienced, i will remind you that we do not have bad emotions, every emotion shows us something, i will tell you about this in the third connection, so the most important thing is , the first is to establish what is happening to you, name this emotion out loud, the second is the connection with the body, i have already said in our previous issues that all our emotions have a biological basis, this is neurophysiology, they all settle in the body. therefore, if you feel anger, envy, some kind of aggression, this also all settles in the body, when you deny it, you cannot work with it, when you recognize it, accept it and live it, then you establish a connection with the body, it seems to me , or are you now talking about psychosomatics, this is not only psychosomatics, it basically helps you keep in touch with yourself, what is happening to you, for example, you quarreled with your husband, with a friend, with a colleague, yes, somewhere you fell silent, what... try to listen to where it is in the body,
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maybe, yes, your voice sits in your throat if you have too much responsibility , your shoulders will most likely hurt, if you are angry, then your kidneys or liver, gall bladder, and resentment of the kidneys, resentment is generally a very multifaceted feeling, it can settle in a lot of places, so it is very important to establish a connection with the body, in order to understand somehow, to knock out, to shake out. like yours, but for some reason i can’t do it to myself allow, and this is often not a material
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reason, but an emotional reason, and here you can be motivated to understand what i really want, maybe i really also want to look stylish there, or i want to relax more, or i want to be able to express my opinion and don’t be ashamed of it, so it’s very important to admit it, or for example, rage, it can show your powerlessness, that in some situation you can’t keep up with...
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interruptions, so that we have this connection with ourselves, yes, without interruption, established, i wish you feel yourself, acknowledge all your emotions, don’t strive for perfection, be. just the way you are, you are already wonderful, i want to thank our entire team of television people, most of whom are now behind the scenes, yes, that we are doing a very good thing, educating people who are becoming better, yes, wonderful, i almost said a toast, friends, but this is not a toast, this is a morning program, all that remains for us is also
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from us, from our project, to congratulate all those who are really behind the scenes, they are doing a great job, which you even you don’t see, but only... you can feel, we are just sometimes transmitters of what was done the day before, happy radio, television communications day everyone, happy holiday, we congratulate you and say goodbye, yes, 3 hours of live broadcast ends here, on this beautiful note ends, we wish you a great day. alla, thank you so much for coming, our dear tv viewers, see you very soon! the bustle is endless, day gives way to day and we rush along the oncoming road , catching up with ours, and we so want to exhale , turn off the road, meet again
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loved ones, and i will rest my soul, and we will be happy. happy, smiling and celebrating, celebrating, and we will be happy, despite all the winds, warm yourself with your loved ones, loved ones, warmth and joy, joy, start your new day, new day, with new words about love, we communicate so rarely. we are looking for a reason to meet, forgetting that the main thing is for us to take care of each other, then we can breathe out and be confident, then
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we can stand firm in everything, and we will be happy, fate. and we will be happy, for all ages, keep warm, loved ones, loved ones, warmth and joy, joy, start your new day, new day, with new words of love.
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for example, hide behind your loved ones with warmth and joy, start your new day, with new words of love, kindness, belarus.
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morning, watch this issue. we honor the memory of fallen heroes and pay tribute to the survivors. on the eve of the great victory day , thematic events are held throughout belarus, the streets of the capital and public transport are festively decorated.


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