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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm MSK

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the ice of the river is gone, the snow is falling, the gloom of the day we jump, everything is visible, the geese are croaking, the sap on the oak is crumbling, the cranes are dancing, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, greener is the krall meadow, when our native land was in pain. everyday broadcast on the tv channel belarus 1 airs in the capital of minsk.
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the veterans of minsk recalled our history in the terrible old days. high-ranking men, other members of the military-patriarchal clubs for more than a hundred young people, active members of the patriarchate and the new club stalitsy spadchyna. yes, the day of peramogi is the theme of the city. artworks with smart scenes, a four-meter star, flag cascades, christmas decorations appear in the city's transport. the memory of names, bronze memorials and the hearts of belarus and the great victory and incitement of our people cannot be forgotten. syonnya in the muscovite district of the capital of the local government meeting of the lyabrak magil of the savetsky soldiers - summoned. important
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words were said by the ancestral city administrators and the city, and our history and veterans told us in the dear old days. u in the muscovite region, they turned 30 this fall . for every hero, assemblable water and arable land, a shovel and a helping hand, and of course, the most sacred thing for every belarusian skin. geta is ours.
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i convey that at this price peace will be given to our land. this day schoolchildren, and tomorrow the citizens of patriarchy will take over the world from our land. there are young people at these events, we must place the main emphasis on youth, this is our future, if today we give them the memory of what it was, how scary it was, just imagine, everyone the third resident of our republic died, every third, put people here, every third is missing here, how scary it is, everything needs to be done.
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dandy and partisan life styled four-meter vigils, flag cascades, the central month of the campasis, the first battle of the country, which appeared in the war of the order of the first stage. on the streets of the city it is now possible to see exhibition galleries with archival smoke, the palace of sports and the vyalikay aichyn museum , the storage of the call of belarus began. afasad, pedagogical university of the universitet traditional jumping yuletide ward hand-painted clothes, satkanae z 8. we also
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had one very important goal, to fill the city with interesting, important, necessary information, which we gleaned from archival sources, from documentary sources, and posted this invaluable information on all major locations, in the form of exhibitions, taxis, city transport, buses, trolleybuses, trams, the exact decor of the metro, this is only the first stage of the agricultural city, new installations will be launched a piece of molding in the parade of minsk-paustana and the day of independence. they become increasingly less, there is a connection with the skin of the skin , a saber pain, sensitive and memorable. veterans of the vyalikay aichyn
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war. this year's january is washed away from the blessings of the days of success and self-improvement, your wisdom, your experiences and the end of life. our smoke group visited the lutsk region to convey the words of the father to the veteran ivan savelevich salayanav. natalya bardzilouskaya is more than a little worried. 20 kilometers from slutsk hell, staryya rachkavichy village. at the very end paselishcha on the streets of yakub kolas adzin hut marked sign, here is a veteran of the vyalikay aychinnaya war. and the yard is full of tulips, and their skin is cut with your own hands by ivan savelyevich salauyan. there is no need to give gifts to the flowers; you will be spoiled and destroyed . a bouquet, neat flower beds, with imagination, a jumping garden - this is all the fun and enthusiasm of a 98-year-old veteran. gaspadar and good family, so i am the great -grandmother of my husband nadzeya filimona. yana not from youth, but two years ago, already from a young age, we have grown up and punished many times
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century well, the dacha was very close here, well, well, a little bit of it for me, everything, cottage cheese, addali. it’s good for me, that come on, i don’t want it in the city, i’m not even 70 years old, and you’ve been around for 24 years, and the pranayas are ceremonial, the whole of the order of hamedalah is kicel, the state is holy, the people of may are holy here and there they go and let’s go, protect the veteran, don’t forget, and don’t forget him.
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natalya bardzilouskaya, mikalay lashkevich, agenciesvin. yashche adzin military patriarchal club has appeared in minsk. spadchyna became the 37th such abductor in the 12th chalavek club. will give us the opportunity to get a certain base that will help us in serving in the army and in later life, i would really like to gain
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experience, in fact, find out who is still doing this, find like-minded people, our club is different in that we are under the leadership of ruvd, we have a police focus, for me participation in this rally is an excellent opportunity to communicate with other guys from various clubs , share my experience, take from... lidar centers, molding a team of young warriors will be selected tomorrow, may 8th. gifts of joy to loved ones, kind and gentle traditions of great zen in the minsk region. these times, the new gassers were brought to the centers of social services for the population of the smalavitsk region. the elder was born alyaksandryn and the metropolitan of minsk zaslauski.
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we become imbued with the idea of ​​how and why this happened, how we can help, how to support
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these people, sometimes this communication, it gives birth to some new thoughts, approaches, and sometimes we see how people courageously, firmly, resolutely overcome difficulties, how do they have such mutual love and support among themselves, when some guests come to us or just come... concert programs, there is this live communication, people then receive such a charge of vigor, they stay for another 2-3 days they remember that they had concerts, that some guests came to them, all this is discussed, that is, there is live communication not only with the people who came, but then they also communicate with each other, discussing all these visits, establishing awarded a certificate for i will buy household appliances, blankets and sweets , great pastries, wedding gifts, and bring joy to my loved ones. social institutions of the central region of the right of the minsk ablvykankamy minsk metropolis of the belarusian right of the kingdom.
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the shrine in stone, the display of images in the small exhibition hall of the palace of the ensemble in nyasvizhy, is illuminated in the spiritual shrine of belarus, the iconic zhyrovian icon of the mother of god, one of the most famous and tse . over 70 copies using different stone techniques and using natural materials marmura, onyx, travertine, quartz. the author of the exhibition, belarusian master oleg papelsky , in the production of such a large number of icons, the author used various noble types of stone, such as marble, quartzite, and here various inlays of semi-precious stones were used, and of course, gold and silver leaf. the techniques are very different, these are, of course , relief icons, one of the largest that can be seen.
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the hosts of the travel show are right at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history, explore the sights, the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which
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jesus christ was crucified, so this is exactly the same one. glubokoe treasure. by chance, during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions. as we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue.


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