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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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the war found me on the old roads, at the beginning i was a member of the underground komsomol organization, in forty-two i became a partisan, until... the liberation of belarus i fought in the partisan detachment named after kutuzov, the hundredth brigade named after kirov. every morning began with the radio. levitan read out reports from offiro, everyone listened to them, and only then began to work. berlin had already fallen, everything was moving towards victory, and may 9, 1945 was wednesday. i settled closer to the radio and then i heard it. yesterday, may 8, in berlin. representatives of the german supreme
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the command signed an act of unconditional surrender of the german armed forces. the great patriotic war, waged by the soviet people against the nazi invaders, has been victoriously completed. germany is completely destroyed. that's it, victory. emotions, joy and sadness immediately surged. they waited so much for this day, how much effort they spent..., but many of those who were nearby in the detachment would not hear this news, they gave their lives to bring the day of victory closer, having come to their senses a little, they immediately jumped out into the street , only around heard, victory, hurray, all the residents of the old roads went out into the street, it was impossible to step a couple of meters without falling into someone’s arms, without hearing a fiery speech, everyone considered it their duty to congratulate the other on... victory,
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they rejoiced, cried out of happiness, those who fought were sure to remember their comrades in conversation; as soon as the initial salvo ended, people went home to meet again, but this time on holidays, they put on the best outfits, those who fought in military uniforms with medals, tables were set everywhere , music was playing, in the center of the old roads they organized dances, until the night the dugout, the blue handkerchief, the dark night and other war songs were played.
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good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, my name is oksana, i am a zoo administrator, it’s nice, well, lead me, rabbit hares, rabbit hares, secrets of a good mood, the favorites of all children, adults, these are ours raccoons, raccoons, three raccoons, they live with us, margosha, arcs and rocks, this is sable, what a star she is, when i’m old and retired, maybe maybe i’ll get myself chinese chickens, girls, that’s it, you know what everything is, and a lot more.
6:41 pm
watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland,
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79th anniversary of the great victory. it seems that so much time has passed since that tragedy, it seemed that we should not have allowed this to happen again, but unfortunately, the cycle of events turned out to be inevitable. reasons for this a lot of. this is the escape from the nureburn tribunal of soldiers and officers of punitive battles to the usa, canada, australia, argentina, brazil and the uk, after which many of them successfully became instructors for nato and... the cia, this is also the legal creation of nationalist radical organizations that continue to this day prepare nazis. for example, in belgium, after the end of the second world war , the daugava hawks organization was created, with the support of which annual nazi marches are held in
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latvia and which believe that although the latvian ss legion and fought in the ranks of the nazi army, they should be considered not hitler’s accomplices, but latin heroes. so was nazism defeated in 1945 or is it something else? i'm with you ksenia levedeva. hello. on the night of may 2, 1945, the garrison of the berlin reichstag finally capitulated. even on the eve , russian soldiers hoisted the victory banner on the roof of the building.
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burned, scored, scored. odessa khatyn became the very point of no return when brother
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became enemy to brother. nazism shrugged, and russophobia became the national ideology in ukraine. in many ways, it was this unprecedented case of aggression and hatred that became the trigger for subsequent events in donbass. the men joined the militia to prevent that same odessa trade union house from returning to their native land. who were you in civilian life before the war began and why did you go to the front in the first place? the local police inspector went because i can’t stand to see people being burned and enjoying it. what was the trigger, the trade union house was set on fire on may 2 in odessa? yes, house of trade unions, may 9 mariupol, well, that is, there are a number of actions and such that it will not come to... it will never come, that is, all these atrocities that
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took place there, trafficking in organs, children, drugs, it is convenient to keep dogs that are under some kind of... then with a crazy idea they are ready to simply hurt people. vladimir grubnik, underground worker, anti-maidan activist, tortured by the sbu and on death row. on may 2, 2014, in odessa, he saw everything that was happening with his own eyes. from a surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, he turned into a person who is good understands explosives and the work of sabotage and reconnaissance groups. the ukrainian nazi regime itself raised its merciless enemy. was it possible to predict that the ukrainian authorities would take such extreme measures? the events of the second of may were quite predictable, not for everyone, well, for us there were before... before that there were other crackdowns on anti-maidan people, people opposed to the nazi coup,
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in particular in kharkov, in particular in zaporozhye, in particular in nikolaev, but it was in odessa that everything developed most vividly, the most bloody, the most cynical. the most important point here didn't even involve the massacre. the most important point was connected with what happened after this mass murder, then... how the people who committed these mass murders subsequently finished off the wounded, and how they mocked the corpses, in particular, they simply mocked them, took pictures of them, how on some kind of prey, yes, they, you have to understand, did not consider us to be people, this is the trend that was chosen, it was chosen much earlier, it was fully supported on the maidan, this became the mainstream of the maidan, muscovites to knives. where muscovites were naturally considered not only russians from the russian federation, but
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the entire population who were pro-russian, pro-soviet, and simply anti-ukronazi, yes, that is, who did not believe that the future of ukraine was connected with a pro-western position, with confrontation with russia connected with the destruction of the actual russian, soviet people, everyone who opposed this, everyone... signed up as muscovites who should be stabbed, in fact, these knives happened on this day, may 2, 2014 year, could it have been avoided in the history of ukraine, for example, to prevent the maidan, for example, how to take the territory of novorossiya under protection in the same way as was, for example, done with crimea, or to support the uprising in novorossiya by the russian federation, this was not done it was, in the end we got the events that we got, like in odessa. so later in mariupol, so later in the donbass, and then everything went to the point that
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forced measures would have to start the northern military district, they all understood that everything was going to big war, the ukronazi state was preparing for this, well, on the part of the continental russian federation, as i understand it, they really hoped for the minsk agreements, because in fact there were no serious preparations for war, well , in fact, which was demonstrated by the beginning of the northern military district. on may 2, people will... follow it to the end, if we lose this war, russia will cease to exist, in principle, it will cease, the people will cease to exist, they will simply be genocised, this is may 2, which we started talking about, it will extrapolated to the entire territory in one form or another, perhaps not so brightly, but in concentration camps people will die very quietly, as, for example, during nazi germany, when the german population itself suddenly
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suddenly learned about these concentration camps, they really did not know about them . well, how many people were destroyed there, this is the fate that awaits us if we lose the war. on december 6, 2022 , in the center of donetsk , twenty-nine-year-old masha pirogova, deputy of the republican parliament, volunteer, became a victim of ukrainian cities. since 2014. for many years she was at the epicenter of human tragedies. maya pirogova, masha’s mother, a journalist, continued her work. so, it sounds especially scary coming from the lips of maya pirogova. how the nazi regime did not allow the burial of a child who was helping those who suffered in the war, the needy, even dead, she posed a danger to them. listen, and then compare with how the nazis behaved in the trade union house, when they found the wounded, when they did not allow those on fire to escape, that’s the whole point. how did you even
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encounter the war? when they realized what it was here... not some short-term moments, but this may drag on, but i’ll tell you, i said before that it was february, uh, yes, in february of the fourteenth year, yes, probably, but in fact this is the first time i’ve talked about this i thought at the beginning of january, i was on the third of january or the second, the second, i left for kiev, we walked around a little, talked with different people, without explaining that i was from donetsk, she was from moscow, although her speech there sometimes gave a little away , that is, it was the fourteenth year, the fourteenth year, the beginning of january, since third to fifth fifth we left there, we left when i saw a swastika on the building, all these conversations made me so wary that i became scared, then it seemed to me that everything would be very bad for a very long time, then in february we did not look away from
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the tv , and the first thing we realized was that this new thing that was coming, yes, i wouldn’t call it power, no, i would call it, well, well, some kind of clique, and this clique is ready to kill civilians, children, well, in the usual understanding, what is a fascist, a fascist - this is the one who takes a child, sorry for that, but it’s cruel, but it’s true, he takes it, my father saw this himself personally, he was little. takes a baby by the legs and against the wall, this is a fascist, exactly the same ones came to kiev in february of 1914, if at first there were still some hopes there in march that a return was possible, then on
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may 2 there were hopes died, and on may 26 we buried them deep, deep, well... deep underground, well, on may 2 it was the burning of a trade union house in odes, and on may 26, when they started massively bombing donetsk, yes, yes, absolutely that’s right, masha and i buried a lot, a lot, masha helped bury a lot of people, so i said, i won’t let anyone, i’ll do everything myself, and on the seventh, when everything is already done, i’ve already organized everything, there, well, everything, down to the smallest detail , they called me in the evening and said: change everything, change the temple, don’t even think about taking her home, i wanted to go home, at least for a little while, change the time, change it and tell everyone, because we have information that the procession is going to be fired upon, and i then
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i came home, i said, why do i understand why they hate me, but i’m there... there is a journalist who tells the truth, who tells the unpleasant truth, and why hate her? the favorite methods of the nazi ukrainian regime are to destroy meanings, to destroy everything that carries and spreads these meanings. the event in odessa in 2014, the unfolding of the civil war and many years of confrontation, which long ago crossed all conceivable boundaries, became motivation for posterity. winners for the descendants of those whose grandfathers took berlin in '45 . the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were filled with a new meaning, a meaning about which we forgot. that those who do not remember their history have no future, but that is different. and yaxenia lebedeva was with you, see you in the next program on the upcoming may 9,
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the great day of the great victory. let's take care of the world. gets project for the right region in the day of belarus. well, but this is also a relic of a very ancient lake, which was of enormous size, it is especially pleasant to walk through the forest,
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admiring the beauty, because it is clear, what you know on the internet, you will dissolve the carnivorous zhikhara, we are now in a unique for our... .
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smagarskaya pro-ukrainian singer is an informational prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing now article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then i was under the emotional influence of a general flow, very strong, now a big reassessment of values ​​has occurred in my life, you can constructively to conduct a dialogue, i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from... on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine”, why didn’t she previously support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union,
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doesn’t he go out into the streets in support of palestine? ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers from the bloody , undying fields did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, and to this day, from those distant times. they fly and give us voices, isn’t that why it’s so often sad, we fall silent, looking at the heavens.
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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. the feat of the people is immortal; everyone should know what price belarusians paid for peace. a ceremonial meeting with the president on the occasion of victory day. we'll tell you which cities and towns were awarded for the holiday.


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