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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

9:45 pm
in the hall of ceremonies, guests were treated to a new exhibition, victory, timed to coincide with the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the exhibition reflects the events of may june 1945. the storm of the reichstag and the hoisting of the victory banner over it. celebrating the first day of victory, the return of the victorious warriors. a gorgeous exhibition on the first floor, which is dedicated to the great victory day. and everyone was really impressed, because they were very exhibits. personal
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belongings, household items of soldiers, letters from the victorious may, newspaper title pages, propaganda posters, the exhibition is complemented by photographs of military officers and monumental paintings by eminent artists, each of whom personally experienced the horrors of war; in their works they captured images of warriors for centuries. and this is the information picture of tuesday, may 7, right now watch the continuation of the interview with lithuanian presidential candidates, projects from the inside out, we will talk with the ex-deputy secretary general of nato, presidential candidate of lithuania gedrimos engliskos. next, the broadcast will continue with the television version of the ceremonial meeting and the festive concert on the occasion of victory day. with this i say goodbye, happy upcoming holiday, all the best.
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if you want to defeat the enemy, raise his children, if you need a manual leader, a manager, a military commander, just raise him, he will not contradict, he will obey, he will bring even his relatives to their knees, this will be an atypical conversation, however... very revealing, in in the end, let's count how many times the lithuanian presidential candidate said the name of his country, and how many times he said the usa. interview with ex-zamgin sekanato on our air, my name is ekaterina tikhomirova, this is the inside out project and we have provided a platform for candidates for the presidency of lithuania.
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lithuania under the soviet union, like the other baltic republics, was a showcase of the ussr; resources from the center were poured there as a priority. industry was created in the republic. ignalina nuclear power plant, the only one in the baltic states. refinery, venta chip plant, baltia shipbuilding plant, machine tool plant, electrical engineering plant, port in klaipeda, and the list could go on for a long time. from the point of view of the soviet union, the baltic states, including lithuania, were at the junction of two civilizations, so they had priority economic and infrastructural development, but for western civilization, the core of which is the united states, lithuania is a deep backyard, a doormat in front of the door of the european union, especially. against the backdrop of a new round of confrontation
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between russia and the north atlantic alliance. america is not interested in large-scale development of lithuanian infrastructure. the lack of economic support is compensated by the country's transformation into a military springboard. i served in nato leadership for 3 years. i am also in the leadership of the ministry of defense as a deputy minister. i have extensive experience working in the private sector from all over the world. i served in the army, in intelligence, with me. suitable education and westpoint, and georgetown, and columbia, all in the united states, all this experience, it makes me suitable, it seems to me, the most suitable candidate at the right time. gidrimos eglinskas, candidate for the presidency of lithuania, designated in lithuanian political circles as opposition, age 44, graduated us military academy at westpoint, served in lithuanian intelligence, and served as deputy general from 2019-22. for
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the presidency, because at this stage of history, we see it very well, what is happening in ukraine, what is happening throughout the region, when geopolitics remains unstable, lithuania needs a leader with vision, strong competencies in the field of defense, security, diplomacy and leadership experience, that is, you believe that the current president in useda does not have such qualities, it is obvious that at this time moment...
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today the competition for the global hegemony of the united states is represented by russia and china. the unipolar system led by the states is being replaced by a multipolar system. the east asserts itself primarily in economic terms. this is an impressive share of global gdp. the share of countries currently included in brix, for example, taking into account the states that will join the association in global gdp by 2040 will increase from 36 to 45%. that's more than double that . the share of the g7 countries, despite the fact that the organization is economic unification, the west perceives it as a challenge and calls it an open enemy. the shanghai cooperation organization, among them nuclear powers, the second and sixth economies in the world, 60%
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of the territory of eurasia and almost half of the world's population. brix and sco are considered the main threat to us dominance. what do you mean when you talk about strengthening lithuania’s relations with... the usa, that is, they are not strong enough. the usa is the most important country, and of course, the most important thing, it seems to me, is that there would be more in america in lithuania, that what happened there in the usa, what happened, what would have happened in the region, we stand very clearly with america, because it is still a hegemonic country, at least for now, with which we must constantly work and simply together. no matter what happens, the free world needs a strong america, the usa remains an outstanding world power, and transatlantic ties are necessary for the functioning of nato, we are all of us, only this is true, this is how it is,
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at the moment there is no alternative to american power, and we must work with american management, who is who there? someone will be president there, it is very important that america remains strong and united, the usa is a hegemonic country with which lithuania needs to stand to the last, but you are now talking about foreign policy, and what other strategic decisions would you make if you were on as president of lithuania? well, of course, the united states comes first, the second thing is nato, and nato is like foreign policy, it too. security policy, that's all, that's all, everything, everything goes together, and of course, more nato in lithuania, especially speaking of this, the suwalki corridor, as it is called, this is poland, lithuania, the border of poland and lithuania, i have an idea that in order to fulfill it, it is necessary
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to fulfill it, it is necessary, it is necessary, in truth, this speaks about it at the highest level , this. we cooperate and work together to create a corridor of military mobility in suwalki. the topic of the suwalki corridor always becomes a political tool in the run-up to elections. for example, in poland
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, before the parliamentary elections, morowiecki looked at a map of a winding border with lithuania. for decades, both poland and lithuania have been saying that here, at this point in suwalki, there will be a breakthrough by belarusian and... russian tanks, but they have never learned how to defend this corridor. suwalki, by the way, is a winding two-lane road that is extremely inconvenient for military logistics. wait a second, these are the mobile ones. there are already in poland, because american and german troops are already in lithuania. gedrimas,
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these are all external issues, internal ones, what solutions would you propose as president? we live better and better, yes, life is improving, in fact statistics show this, yes. statistics show that the social fabric of lithuanian society is literally covered in ulcers. according to who , it is in second place as the most drinking country in the world in 2020. for many years, lithuania has held first place in the rating within the european union. according to generalized data , about 22 thousand people left lithuania in 2023, which is 44% more than a year earlier. however, lithuania explained the percentage increase by the departure of citizens of ukraine and belarus from the country.
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of course, demography is necessary for defense, for security, it is necessary for all sorts of things, the problem can be solved, yes, by allowing immigration, we must, if possible, choose ourselves, who, who can come here. for almost three years, lithuania, poland and latvia have been pursuing a policy of selective emigration. refugees from africa and the middle east, women and children are being maimed and killed with impunity at the border.
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belarus records dozens of injured, injured and killed. you were deputy secretary general of nato, and i will repeat your words: you know the alliance from the inside. as far as i understand, ukraine was counting on more participation from the alliance than is actually happening . what's happening? in the west we see everything well, this is not a surprise, because this is this year - this is an election year, we all knew that in every democracy there would be - all sorts of interesting things would happen there, and we see very clearly, it seems to me what is happening in usa, another thing, this is our entire, well, our - i say, western western industry, the military industry, which does not yet work according to the military...
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and the united states and the most important economic countries that have this potential to produce weapons in europe, it is necessary, well, the pace should be completely different, ukraine is fighting for us. is inato ready for confrontation with russia? we are very ready, we are of course ready, and it is very important that america remains strong, remains
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united, yes, we, we need a strong america, we believe, so, gedrim syglinska with his lips the name of his country, lithuania, and derivatives were heard 10 times , america, usa, 22 times, do you think he’s the only one, relationships washington with the baltic countries from the very beginning. are built according to the model of suzerain and vasal, who faithfully stands on his hind legs in front of the owner. moreover, such import of personnel has been established in the baltic states over the years. iglinskos, perhaps not.
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a clearing strategy is clearly visible, politicians trained and appointed by america, a smaller population, less industry, agriculture and infrastructure against the backdrop of the militarization of the region. ekaterina tikhomirova was with you, see you.


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