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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 1:25am-1:46am MSK

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press, gomel, grodno and mogilev regions have the largest number in the gomel region 14. these are mainly projects in agriculture, industry and healthcare. by the way, the sixth specialized state program is now being implemented, thanks to this it has been possible to make a significant contribution to the development of the regions. examples from anton malyuta. a good example of how to improve the quality of life with sanitation workers. a pilot project for additional electrification of rural areas was launched, clean energy came to almost all houses in the agricultural town of velikiy bor. earlier we used a gas stove, now we have electric stoves, we can now bake everything, the baked goods turn out much better, they don’t burn. turn on the heat when you want, pay only for the energy that you spent, you definitely won’t have an extra penny here, and don’t think about where to get firewood, how to store it, and what to do if it runs dry. pros.
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the egomel region is really at its best, for example, the bragin hospital. by the way, the regional center is traditionally in the top birth rate, and affordable medicine is one of the main components of the formula success. the pride of our hospital is a modern computed tomography room, which opened in the twenty-third year. in this office, examinations are being carried out not only of the residents of our district, but also of two nearby districts, these are the khoinitsky district and the loevsky district, since our district... is practically the most
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distant from the regional center for our population this is a very good examination, that is, or people 100 km gomel and back, or they were examined here, that is, in the early stages this office makes it possible our residents and residents of two nearby areas can undergo examination, saving their time, let’s say, and money in this case, of course, of course, by the way, the hospital notes. young professionals are provided with housing and good working conditions, and housing is being built in the region where young families can find their own square meters, which means they are confident in the future of these promising territories. anton malut and sergey matveychuk and maxim lvov, area of ​​interest. this is all the information for today , good luck with your business productivity transactions. we airs every tuesday, wednesday and thursday with the most notable.
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see you soon, share the traditional truths. and the memory of the meat roasters of zhytkavitsk, vetka, pinsk, dragichyn, gomel and maladzechansk districts is taken into account. shests karagoda, sonnya. it is known from the list
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of elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. hello everyone, my name is vika poplevchenka, and today we are again building a route to the city of zhozino. this is not the first time our program has been here, so today our journey will be no less exciting than the last one once. today i will take a closer look at the history of the founding of the city. i’ll watch how future brilliant musicians are taught and i’ll find out what. takes place in the last belarusian gymnasium, where only girls study.
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first, as always, some road information. getting from minsk to zhodino is very easy. both by your own transport and by train and bus. it will be cheaper by train, but the bus will save half an hour of time. now, who cares what is more important? the founding of the city of zhodina is inextricably linked with one of the most famous families in belarus rodivilami. and the people of zhoden do not forget about this. more recently , a new exhibition dedicated to them was created at the local krovchesky museum. walking through the halls, you plunge into the life of the city; the entire history of zhodino is collected here, from 1643 to the present day. the first floor is dedicated to
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zhodin’s first birthday and to those who had a hand in its creation. look, this is boguslav radivil, the founder of our city. the board game of traveling around zhodina was invented for those who want to combine business with pleasure. among the school's students the gymnasium even holds tournaments for this game. five! so, you have chosen the fifth question.
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so. in the service of the king of which country, bohuslav radivil received the rank of field marshal. sweden, saxony, brandenburg. the first ones are all correct, but going through the entire route turns out to be not so easy, you need to really strain your memory, but it seems that i succeeded. so, victoria, you adequately answered the questions of this game, therefore, by the decision of the scientific team of the zhoden regional museum, you are awarded a diploma signed by the director, hurray, here you are i always answered questions and received a certificate, beauty. well, in such an unusual form i got to know zhodin better, it’s time to explore the museum itself. i, the founder of zhodina, the prince of the holy roman empire, charonzhiy and konyushi of the grand duchy of lithuania, boguslav radivil, am glad to welcome you to the chambers of the princes of the 16th century. the year was 1643. i
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come to these areas and see that the path that passes through my city of smolevichi is not close. i decide to found. another city, in a place where the small river zhotinka flows into the river, and so that everyone who comes to our the city, i was able to feel good in it, i was able to prosper, i exempted every new resident of boguslavpoli from paying all taxes for 25 years. it pleased the mouths of real aristocrats, and as expected, one of boguslav’s favorite pastimes was hunting. the places here are fox-filled. freedom for birds and animals, and hunting trophies found their place in the exhibition. here we have, like real hunters, a huge collection of trophies. for example, the capercaillie, the largest flightless bird living in belarus, aristocrats loved to hunt them.
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almost all the inhabitants of the forest are collected in collections, and those who would not fit in the room, huge bison and elk, are present here in the form of paintings on the walls, roe deer, hares, wild boars, lynxes, you can’t count them all, now there are few lynxes, here before these were predators who, along with wolves, were shot because they were very... harmful to the herds, a cunning fox who really likes to steal prey from lynxes especially from wolves, so here she, for example, stole a partridge from a wolf, and about each an animal an avid hunter can tell an interesting fact: mute swan: swans, of course, are cute birds, but they can stand up for themselves, why it is called a mute swan, because it intimidates the enemy by making menacing sounds that add to the hiss of the snake. let's go further, on the second floor there is an exhibition of paintings, antique utensils,
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ancient icons, a real sluch belt. you can see how ordinary people lived, what they did and what they looked like. and, of course, the history of zhodin would not be complete without a story about the war. everyone knows the heroes of the great patriotic war, but not much is said about the heroes of another one. on september 2016, soldiers,
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internationalists, their relatives, the city leadership, and, of course, many citizens gathered here. next to the combat vehicle is an image of a mother on a stone and a map of afghanistan. i think this place is worth a visit while exploring the city. gets project for the right region in the day of belarus. the lake, it stands high, but it is also a relic of a very ancient lake, which was of enormous size, it is especially pleasant to walk through the forest.
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world of science, i remember when ten people pages describes the use of apple cider
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vinegar to treat cancer, it can simply have disastrous consequences, it’s clear why. we share interesting facts, however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers, for example, galen even believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine, we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend life themselves the main organ of the human body. we have long established clinics where we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on tv channel belarus 20. four.
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and then we go to school, but not an ordinary one, but an art school, where they train brilliant musicians. this is where talent is discovered in young guys. for the first time the school opened its doors in 1959 for only twenty-four students, and only two worked. bayannoe and piano departments. together with the city, the school grew and developed, and now there are 480 children studying in nine departments. the entire teaching staff are students of our school, which is very pleasing, i am, i also studied at this school, for me it is such a temple, a spiritual temple. the school participates in a
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variety of competitions and festivals and not only participates, but organizes them itself. flew in, wanted to take a steam bath, karaktra got smart, let’s go to the bathhouse, take a bath, smelly bee, give her a washcloth brought it, the ear was washed, the ear was washed, the ear was paralyzed, but it fell, rolled, and hit, the snowmen came, la-la-la, la-la-la, they poured stones, la-la-la la-la-la, a fly stood up like she was good and cheerful , she rushed again down the street to fly , she chatted again on the street to fly , she chatted again on the street, she flew everything and
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it’s amazing, you’re just incredible, it was a whole performance, cool, it’s very cool, guys, you’re great, there are future ones at school stars that perform alone,
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even the strings break from your energy, which you give out by hitting these on this instrument. i wish you good luck, i am sure that you have a great future and your name will thunder in our country, at least for sure, you are great! some perform on their own, others prefer teamwork. to achieve perfection, for example, the beautiful ensemble of violinists of inspiration.
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or the exemplary accordion ensemble jai chord. children of all ages can realize their creative potential to the fullest. and by the way, it’s no coincidence that they are the winners of eighteen competitions over the past academic year. looking at such art, i want to join it a little myself and learn something new. i can play the accordion, i can play the piano too, let’s say i can play the guitar, but i’ve never played the drums, and i really want to try, you can teach me, i don’t see any obstacles, it’s great, take the knocks ,
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everything is simple, so at the same time, two and four. 1 2 3 4 bang-bump-bump, well, that's right, that's right, yes, i don't know how. thousand, thousand, thousand, boom-boom-boom, yes-yes-yes, i play imaginary drums. here you can master any musical skill, but the main thing here is that you learn not just how to play instruments, but how to express your thoughts and feelings in melody.


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