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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 3:25pm-5:00pm MSK

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good agnia borto alyonka, childhood is over, the golden time, in the summer in the forest singing by the fire, swimming in the river, lying on the sand, listening to the train rustling in the distance, no more alyonka, the girl in a deep voice, cheerful alyonka with a fluffy braid, heavy tanks passed through the fields , alyonki were swept away like grass in my childhood, i really love poetry, i sometimes write them, from the age of eight to 11 i took part in competitions, last year at a reading competition, i told stockings at the grand prix. first they were told to undress, then everyone had their backs turned, but a friend’s voice sounded childish, naive, quiet and lively. the results
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of the reading competition and famous efforts will be held tomorrow, may 9, and important events will take place at the dziarzhynsk park. і musical victory for the day of peramogі project haravoe vecha ab'yadnaў u adzіny kalektyў dzyatsey 20 installaў adukatsі stіtsy. the vyalika yuletide ceremony was held in the lakaki museum of history and the vyalika agricultural park of peramogi. the program sang songs of war , creations of daily disasters and sacred love and yours. the choral evening is a tribute to our ancestors who participated in the years great patriotic war, liberated our republic, liberated our homeland, and children , with their songs about victory, about veterans, will make at least a small contribution to the celebration of this great event, we sing the song mound of glory.
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i dreamed of going to the front from the very first day of the war, and on may 1, 1942, i did not become a student pudovkina, but became a junior sergeant of the 49th separate reserve telegraph battalion. they didn’t let me go into the active army for a long time, even though i insisted. only in june '44 year, i begged to be sent to the front and i, along with nine signalmen, were flown to the front by plane. and as the most senior in rank, i ended up at the headquarters of the first belarusian front, participated in the liberation of belarus, poland and germany. we... arrived in berlin on may 2, the day of its capture, complete chaos reigned in the city, the streets were loaded with people, some were sitting on the ground, others were wandering among the ruins in search of a piece of bread. on the afternoon of may 8
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, they called headquarters and said to allocate two telegraph operators and a mechanic to carry out special work. important task. the company commander chose. me and masha letishenko. i don’t remember the mechanic’s name; we didn’t receive any special instructions regarding the appearance. everything is as always, military uniform, hair tied up with invisible hair. in the evening we were informed that we would be transmitting to moscow information about the signing of the final act of unconditional surrender of hitler germany. was it exciting? there is no word. we didn’t wait long, at about one o’clock in the morning a major entered the room and brought the text of a message that needed to be transmitted to moscow, to the general headquarters, and as soon as i realized, what are we talking about, i couldn’t hold back my tears,
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masha said then, that’s it, the war is over, in june of 1945 i was awarded the red order. for many years i didn’t tell anyone why i received such a high award; anyone who would have believed me would have thought that i was bragging.
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and to me, hello, i’ll say, desired, i know you’ve been waiting for me for a long time, linen. they run about it, you ask me, and i will answer,
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this is the heart of my land, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land. today someone's dream is to win the super final and receive the title of the smartest eighth grader
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country will finally come true. knowledge has been tested, conclusions have been drawn, and our players are ready for an intellectual battle. we present to you the participants of our super-game and their teachers. vladislav hertsig, gymnasium number 3 named after korzh, pinsk, history and social studies teacher konstantin. nikolaevich krishtal. anna kulikova - gymnasium of the city of svetlogorsk, deputy director for academic work larisa konstantinovna paranova. timofey sadovnikov, gymnasium number one of the city of vitebsk named after alferov, geography teacher anastasia nikolaevna melnikova. daria maddakh - secondary school number two of the city of zhidkovichi named after golovach and class teacher-english teacher natalya ivanovna parfeanovich. dmitriy.
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of the city of dyatlovo, geography teacher natalya pavlovna klimets. i just have
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one more person to introduce. this is our scientific expert, olga kostritskaya. deputy head of the methodological center of the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. dear guys, i know the super finals of the television project, this this is undoubtedly the case when it is appropriate to say that participation is already a thing. victory, let today's super game become bright and unforgettable, good luck and easy questions to everyone! hello, guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground, right now, at this very moment in the teachers’ room, my colleague yulya pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, you have the floor. yes, vasya, i managed to talk and realized that everything is calm, quiet, real calm. for now, but with every question and round there are emotions. going off scale, i hope it doesn’t come to a storm. our super eighth graders, we believe in you,
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support you, and you show a cool game. vasya, start the first round. we are starting the first round, let's remember its rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions, yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. eight players with the most points. let's figure it out, victoria, what do you think? i believe that this equation is linear, and we went through such equations in fifth grade, as far as i remember, maybe even in elementary school. and by what principle do i, who am not prepared, understand that this is a linear equation? well,
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how did you understand this? our coefficient a is equal to h4, that is, an equation, and this equation is an equation. of the form ax + b = 0, that is, 16 if you transfer it to the other part of the equation before the equal sign, you mean yes before the equal sign and it turns out 4x - 16 = 0 and thus we have brought the equation into standard form, an equation of the form ax + b = 0, i'll put it simply, an equation of the form ax = b, where and b are numbers, and x is a variable, are called linear. the correct answer to our question is yes. the second question: is it true that the heterogeneity of the geographical envelope associated with the manifestation of the internal processes of the earth is called pseudozoning. time! daria, what
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do you think? i answered yes. what were you guided by? well, that's zoning. probably the shell of the earth, pseudo - this is, well , heterogeneous, unfinished, a study from logic, i answered yes, well, pseudo implies, well, false, like a pseudo-boletus, for example, this a mushroom that looks like a boletus, but is not a boletus, i strongly do not recommend collecting such mushrooms in the forest, think about it for now, dmitry, i answered option, no, this is from seventh grade geography, from a seventh grade geography course, me. ..
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what is called like a baby on the fingers, so that everything becomes clear, then, probably, i will take on this role: continents and oceans are located ozonally on the surface of the earth, mountains and plains on continents on the ocean floor, azonality is one of the laws of development geographical shell along with integrity, circulation of substances and energy, rhythm and geographical zonality. the correct answer to our question is option no. third question: is it true that lichen is a symbiosis of a tree and a fungus? time. let's figure it out. passion, how i want to understand what lichen is. gardey. well, lechens are living organisms that are made up
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of fungi and algae. why not a tree, for example, well... i don’t know, it’s so good, fungus and algae you say, yes, yeah, so what what comes out of this? from this a symbiosis is obtained, a lichen is obtained, a lichen is obtained, and what is good about a lichen, what do you know about it? well, it is divided into three types, these are scale, bushy and leafy, how much lichen survives, have you heard anything about its capabilities, honestly no, well, lichen, timothy heard, yes, lichen is... very, well, it is very good adapts to environmental conditions, so the laying ground is found in the mountains, usually where living organisms usually do not live, that is, on stone, on rocks, where other plants, as they say, are denied entry, the lichen feels quite comfortable, lichen, in fact, is a symbiosis of fungus and
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algae, the correct answer to our question is no, the fourth question, is it true that the rurik dynasty ? karina, well, as far as i know, after let’s understand this santa barbara, the death of ivan the terrible, the romanovs went, but given that you called me, this is most likely incorrect, they already have some kind. some, if any logic, teacher logically, well done, history, apparently, needs to be worked on, so, wait, it turns out that the rurikovichs ended in grozny, then there were the romanovs, yes.
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i couldn’t interrupt myself, the correct answer to our question is no option. fifth question: is it true that the basic unit of speed is 1 km/h. time? alina, what do you think
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about this? i started to doubt, maybe 1 km/h or 1 m per second, but i answered. that the basic unit is 1 km/h. lina thought well, but it’s okay, doubts still defeated her, after all, 1 km/h, that is, you believed us and answered yes, you recorded this thought. artyom? well, in general, even if you think logically, the basic unit of measurement of length in si is 1 m, the basic unit of measurement of time is 1 second, so it’s a logical assumption.
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polina, what do you think? well, i chose the option, yes, i’m not sure about it, but it seemed so to me. well, the name itself, for example, of the county, didn’t give you any clue? i don’t know, but what kind of work are we talking about, at least alice in wonderland, yeah, well, you’re a creature can you imagine this, in general terms, who
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is confident in their answer to all 100 artyom? well, basically, the chishire grave, the chishire cat, in my opinion, it’s pretty obvious to assume that the answer will be yes. so far everything fits, he looked good-natured, but his claws were long and there were so many teeth that alice immediately realized that he was not to be trifled with. yes, this is... really cheshire and cheshire code, the correct answer to our question, yes, the seventh question: is it really necessary to add salt to it, time, in order to neutralize the base. timofey, as far as i remember, from a seventh grade chemistry course, in order to neutralize a base, you need to add to it. well, what kind of neutralization is this, what happens, what happens
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when a base reacts with an acid, the products are salt and water, respectively, if we add salt there, well, nothing good will come of it, it will obviously be neutralization, well, a neutralization reaction is a reaction between a base and an acid resulting in. which produces salt and water, the correct answer to our question is no. eighth question: is it true that on under skarbiy zemsky was responsible for the state treasury. time! vladislav, what do you think? well, i answered, yes, because, well, under skarbey comes from the word skarb, skarb is wealth, translated from belarusian. language, well done, he is also involved in extensive history, participates in olympiads, so he probably knows the correct answer, what other positions are there in the grand duchy of lithuania, well, maybe
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you remember, the great hetman of the grand duchy of lithuania?
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question no tenth question: is it true that not a single river flows into the red sea? time? olesya, what do you think? i answered yes because that there are rivers nearby, such as the nile, but the nile flows into the mediterranean sea, and how is it that it doesn’t flow into anything, just like
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there is water, well, at least somehow... it flows through the suede canal, perhaps, and also from the indian ocean, into the red sea, yes, it is worried, it seems to me very, velmi, velmi, velmi, this is still not visible, even i notice that the peculiarity of the red sea is that not a single river flows into it from a constant watercourse, and seasonal inflows are not numerous, which, in fact, allows the water in the red sea to be so clean and transparent. the correct answer to our question is option yes eleventh question: is it true that the caesar cipher is a type of cipher in which letters are replaced by numbers? time! ave daria, answer, what do you think? i answered yes, you answered yes, you are familiar with
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the code ts . olesya, in my opinion, when we studied this code in computer science, the letters in this code were shifted by three letters, that is, the letter was replaced by a letter that was either three positions to the left, or three positions to the right, in the alphabet, and thus it turned out, well, kind of like bullshit, which, if knowing the key, you can recover, decrypt, and even read, get the information you need, so, the caesar cipher is a type of substitution cipher in which each character.
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in plain text is replaced by a symbol located at a certain constant number of positions to the left or right of it in the alphabet, relatively speaking, if we take the name olesya as a key, well, choose three to the right, then we will shift not the first letter, you will no longer have a, but b , v, g, that is, your name will begin with the letter g, and only later, when i receive, for example, this letter, i will understand, yeah, three to the right, accordingly, the first letter will not be g, as it is written in the code, but. as it is written here on your card, the correct answer to our question is option no. twelfth final question of the first round: it is true that balad’s work is about vyachka, the prince of ordinary people, written by leonid daineka. time! artyom, tell us. as far as i remember, from
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seventh grade belarusian literature lessons. the rule of the prince of ordinary people was written by uladzimir karatkevich, and leanid daineka wrote the work of the sword of the prince vyachka. artsem, as always, answers correctly. this is the question well done, even we in the staff room had some doubts here, yes, a comprehensive answer, the correct answer to our question, no, well, before we sum up the results of the first round, i remind you that we still have the super final of an intellectual show, i know and wanted to ask how you liked this first round, it ’s different from the first round of the qualifying game, timofey, how did you play, well, in principle it’s fine, but the last two questions, well, i honestly didn’t understand and well, i answered them incorrectly, only ... the last ones, yes, then there you must have 10 points. okay, let's stop there. olesya, how did you play? okay, i think i answered 11 questions correctly. 11 out of 12? yes. when were you more worried during the qualifying game or
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here at the super final? i think it's the same. alina, do you see yourself in the second round? honestly i do not know. probably not, because there were a lot of wrong questions, but there were some right ones.
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i didn’t really set any goals and didn’t really expect anything from the game, so i think that everything turned out pretty well, i’m happy with the result of my game, the questions were much more difficult, maybe this played a decisive role, probably it’s not the questions, the questions were easy or the same as before, i was worried, the game was very interesting for me, but very exciting, much more exciting than the past, probably had a very strong impact on me, but to be honest, i set myself the goal of not being eliminated in the first round, but even this goal let me down, i can rate my game at four maximum, because i think i can better,
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let's go on an expedition through the corners of our region, let's get enough of the stagnant emotions and...
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we are starting the second round, we remind you of its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second round. the numerical expression does not contain a brackets, b - variables, c - action signs. time! gordey, what do you think? well, i believe that numbers do not contain variables, but because that parentheses are like... an action sign, and action signs must also
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be contained in a numerical expression, what else should be contained in a numerical expression? action signs, parentheses, maybe equality, well, i think the numbers themselves would be nice to be contained in a numerical expression. the correct answer to our question is option b. variables. second question: which of the seas is the smallest in area? a - marble sea, b - black sea, c - aegean. time: victoria, i’m sure that this is the sea of ​​marble, because i know this from my seventh grade geography course. the correct answer to our question is option a. sea of ​​marmara. we can be sure of this. note the aegean sea. what size is the black sea, and the sea of ​​marble
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is somewhere in the middle between these seas. third question: to which movement of protestantism did the french huguenots belong? a - anglicanism, b, lutheranism, c: calvinism. time! polina, what do you think? well, i chose option b lutheranism, but it seems to me that it is calvinism. why then did you choose lutheranism? you just wanted to be on time on time or i don’t know, just somehow nerves, probably. vladislav, as far as i remember, this is calvinism and entire huguenot wars were fought between the huguenots and the french. yeah, how long did they last? well, i don’t remember exactly, but i remember the most important event. this is st. bartholomew's night,
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well, then a lot of huguinots were slaughtered, yes, well done, he says everything correctly, the huguenots are in trouble in paris, yeah, and there are wars between the huguenots and the french, who are the huguenots then, well , the huguenots, the huguenots are supporters of protestantism, calvinism, and the french , well and oh, well, in short, they are all french, but some of them are catholics, and others are protestants, then let me tell you a little, voice it, so that this confusion will no longer exist, by the middle of the 15th century, numerous supporters of calvinism appeared in france, who were called huguenots, this was sorted out, and the leaders of the french calvinists were the bourbons, relatives of the ruling valois dynasty, and so the struggle for power between the bourbons and valois led to bloody hostilities, england helped the huguinots, spain helped the catholics, for over 30 years. france was engulfed in the fratricidal huguenot
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wars. the correct answer to our question is t: calvinism. fourth question: substances in which state of aggregation expand equally when heated the same? a - solid, b - liquid, c - gaseous. time. well, here again is logic or knowledge. olesya, i answered, gaseous, because liquid, we had an example with, in my opinion. with water and alcohol, yeah, alcohol, in my opinion, expanded, increased in size faster, logically, more efficiently, i think, and you refuse, yes, and he remembers examples from school, yes, well, if you don’t go into details, with liquids all this happens
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unevenly and not equally, so with solids, solids, it also seems to me that they do not expand equally , well, that is , unevenly, yes, some kind of condensation and something. it is impossible to compare with something, but gases, and they are gases, molecules are at different distances, and this does not depend on the molecules, so they expand the same. timofey, don't you agree? uh, no, i want to add that in the solid state of aggregation - substances, in order for it to expand, well, for example, a cube of iron, it must melt, but at the same time , everyone is a metal substance, they have different melting points, of course, so there is no question of any sameness, yes, uniformity. a maxim tank, b nil geleevich, c- zmitrok
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byadulya. time. dmitry, i chose option b, nilevich, i probably forgot, dima, well, but i don’t remember this work, so i answered intuitively, obviously, you can’t retell it either, victoria, i don’t quite remember this work either, and me too answered option b. nilevich, there is someone who chose another option as their answer.
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earned points in this question correct answer option a maxim tank sixth question generals from soltykov shchedrin's fairy tale find the number of this newspaper on a desert island: a business petersburg, b) moskovskie vedomosti, c: truth. time! what work are we talking about here? artyom, rehabilitate yourself. here we are talking about a fairy tale about how a man fed two generals, as far as i remember, these generals themselves were, but i honestly won’t say i’m sure they were from moscow or st. petersburg, but
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i remember well that the newspaper was moscow vedomosti, and here he’s definitely speaking from memory. in a word, what the generals didn’t start about. was constantly reduced to memories of food, and this irritated the appetite even more, they stopped talking, remembering the found number of the moscow gazette, eagerly began to read it, this is a story about how one man fed two generals, the correct answer to our question, option b , moscow gazette. seventh question: what city used to be name revel? option a - talin, option b - riga and option c - timofey, what do you say, well, i intuitively already answered that this is riga, riga, we also have this version, but
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you can’t support your answer with anything, okay, let’s rely on yours intuition, bye dmitry, i also answered option b: riga. eighth question: in one of this writer’s stories, the hero solves the code of the dancing men, option a by mark twain, option b by
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arthur conandoyle, option c by jack london. time: well, let's figure out what kind of hero he is, and what kind of...
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quietly, it had to be chosen, this is the correct answer. the tenth final question of the old round to: which of the listed ancient greek sculptors? a proxitel, b - paracelsus, c - pericles. time. timofey. oh, well, i answered option a proxy. because, as far as i remember from the fifth grade history course - praxiteles, he created a sculpture of the ancient greek athlete
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myron. let's remember aparacelsus, who could he be? i don’t know, apericole is a great speaker. accordingly, you chose, well, essentially from two options, yes. who can tell us more precisely about paracelsus, for example, well, at least who he was? artyom? paracelsus was a doctor. paracelsus was a doctor. so, let's summarize: paracelsus is a physician and alchemist of the renaissance. pericles, the ancient greek statesman, remains our proxy. the correct answer to our question is option a proxy. before we sum up the results and it becomes clear who we will meet in the third round, who we will say goodbye to, i would like to know how you like this second round, the second round of the super final of the intellectual show, i know. gordey, how did you play? played much better than in the first round, i especially filled in the last question about pericles, about the site and the like, i think
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that i wish i could get into the third round, you have enough points for this, i think so , how many correct answers did you give, did you count, did you not count, but you are a person who thinks positively, vladislav, we will see you in the third round, i hope, how many correct answers do you have? i thought they didn’t either, it seems to me that girls are more serious relate to this question, so olesya, did you count your correct answers? i answered seven questions correctly, that is, you have seven out of ten, respectively, 14 points, but i only get 25, yeah, so victoria, how many points do you think you have? i thought i had eight out of ten correct answers, adding up with the first round, i would have about 26 points, i’m not sure about whether i’ll make it to the third round, and well... actually, well, let’s not study fortune telling, we will not engage in such applied basic arithmetic, let's look at the screen and see everything. artyom,
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victoria, vladislav and olesya are walking proudly, timofey, polina, dmitry, a little bit, yes, a little bit, unfortunately, look, yes, they’re walking together, tightly, it didn’t work out, i’m proud, of course, here it is, four players , with whom we will meet very soon in the third round. i know the intellectual show, at the bottom of the list, four players to whom we express our gratitude and see them off from our playground, thanks for the game, guys, goodbye, it’s a shame that i didn’t make it to the third round, some questions were not from me areas of interest, most of all i was offended by the question about the rulers of russia, because... i knew, but i was worried, this is still a pretty good result, the questions were very difficult, much more difficult than in the first round and in the final in the previous stage, i prepared
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completely differently.
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to drive, how to leave your wings you can fly again, we, who once again live with one extra, from the sky, believe we will come somewhere again, not so tired, i want to let go, and how scared of words i want to forget about everything, i will forever think that vka, innocent, without you i it's so easy to give, it's just sincere.
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show, the feeling is not to play, everything has already passed, the roles are not for us, the cinema is closed again, the heart of the cold will not save us love, we are once again living by one hand, we weakly believe we will come somewhere again, i’m so tired, i want to let him go, and how scary it is, i want to forget about everything. but i will always think that when i’m stuck, it’s not so easy to deprive me without myself, it’s just sincere, i’ll forget the thoughts that when i’m stuck, it’s not so easy to deprive without you, it’s just sincere.
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i will forever think that how whistle-free, i can’t live without you, it’s just sincerity, i’ll forget the thought that it’s not so easy to deprive oneself, it’s just sincere. guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third round of the super game of the intellectual show, i know, and before we continue, i suggest taking a short break and chatting a little. victoria, did you take second
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place in the qualifying game? yes it is. what feelings are you with? were returning home, i of course liked the game, second place is also not bad, it’s excellent, but i was very happy, now i returned to take the match, revenge. victoria, was there any sediment that remained, but i was offended by the question about the highest mountain navigable lake, since i know that the highest mountain lake is lake tsitika, but unfortunately i forgot that it is still navigable , but i wouldn’t say that this is just a sediment, because... i tried to catch up on my knowledge, as a result, now i’m with you on this tour. marina eduardovna still does not give victoria any peace. remember, the game ended, and those emotions, those impressions, how were they bright or did they take time to develop? to be honest, vika was lying a little, because she was upset, of course, about many questions, so
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we discussed this when we were walking home, yeah, she knew. answer, it was precisely the speed that was not enough, rather, after a while she realized that, well, cool, in general she was in second place , just like when they were going now, she said, well, even if this is the very last, it will be twelfth place, to whom did you lose this person is not here, this the person is no longer here, i lost to polina, well, you see, you have already moved much further, if you take it like that, you know, in sports there is such a term for personal meetings, she was preparing for the super final, she made some efforts, well, yes, who should she helped, how she prepared, she prepared herself, of course, the teachers helped, that is... a team was created at school and they offered her, she used it, approached the teachers, talked, they asked some questions, she, she, you remember, the broadcast, you watched it
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when the program was already out, yes, of course, i i watched it, i was a little ashamed for some of the questions, well, in particular for titicaca, but still it seems to me that i played pretty well, so i liked my broadcast, well, since you started talking about school, about teachers, tell me: their impression, they watched, what they said later, what emotions they shared after watching, were they surprised by victoria’s result? i think they were not surprised, because vika is a star at our school, in fact, she is an eighth-grader, everyone knows her, because she is a very smart, developed girl, but this apparently, we want everything to work out for victoria in the third round, in the fourth, we keep our fingers crossed for her, definitely, now let's talk to vladislav, in the qualifying game you... took third place, right? yeah, yes, with what emotions did you return home, what kind of third place was that for you? i didn’t set any goals for myself, in the end i took third place, well, i was very happy, and
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my parents were even more happy, let’s remember that game , those impressions, it was a surprise or , on the contrary, a disappointment that it was still third, and not second or not first? in fact , there was no annoyance at all, there was rather joy, and the expectation that he could... but in the third round, why it didn’t work out, i think, because i knew the answers to many questions, i didn’t have enough confidence in my answers, after the third round, uh-huh, what went wrong in i was afraid to answer because i thought i’d answer wrong, we were preparing for the super final, not much, as i understand it, not at all, uh-huh, why is that, are you confident in yourself or... more on our memory, we only talked about this, that we need to be more confident, we need to do it faster answer questions, don’t hesitate, you watched the broadcast with your participation, and how
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did you like it from the outside, well, okay, you watched it with your parents, but like your parents, they liked it, they answered questions with me, they gave more correct answers than you did less , something they didn’t answer that i answered, something that you didn’t answer from them? tell us about the reaction of the class, how did your classmates perceive it, the result and in general did you talk about it right away or did you wait until it was broadcast? everyone knew after we arrived from minsk, but everyone looked the broadcast, of course, well, i didn’t watch the broadcast, because i don’t like watching myself, i looked and turned it off, yes, but in fact, in fact, everyone was watching, and my classmates and there was a lot of talk in the last few days, yes, that we’re going to minsk, they hoped that we... were going to win, i hope that this slight confidence, in a good way, bordering on indifference, will remain with you in the third round, in the fourth round, i am sure these qualities can
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help you not to get confused at the right time, get together and answer all questions that's right, good luck to you, let everything work out, olesya, in the previous game they took second place, everything is so, yes, you were upset, in what feelings did you go home, at first i was upset, she was very upset,
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how were things at school after leaving programs, something has changed, i don’t know, for the better, some views, additional attention to you? the program is out.
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everyone was well, as if they were ready and ready, but they were glancing at the tv sets, as they looked, well, my students are the oldest, so they told me that here, well, in principle, we didn’t think that she was like that, well, she ’s not so important at school, but not like that, if she’s already seen so many things like this, a quiet, calm, simple, calm , calm star has become, but i hope that now she’ll relax , concentration
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will remember about speed, we wish her good luck, only peromoh, uh-huh, now we just have to talk with artyom, artyom, you are the winner of the qualifying game, you took first place in the last game, how did you feel, what were your impressions of the game, and what was it like way home? well, of course, i was very happy, this is a really great achievement for me, but nevertheless, i will honestly say that i was not so happy about my victory as about my excellent performance, because... what i don’t even care about for the most part is rating, how much is the actual quality of the performance, that is, if i conditionally scored 30 points and took first place, well, i would not be very happy, of course he was worried when we were going home, he was happy with his victory, but he was worried, he was worried in the questionnaire then he indicated that he did not like lessons history, so it will fly from the teacher.
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his favorite subject, he improved, he improved, when he was preparing for the super final, he, of course, re-read four history textbooks, hoping that he will not let us down in history questions this time. now answer this question: in the first game, in the qualifying game, that same game, you scored 55 points, took first place, it would seem, well, what else is there to prove to anyone, well, why are you here, i like the program, i like to show my knowledge and i said in
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last time, every person has some kind of fuse for any business, and this fuse has not yet gone out, i really have a desire to show myself, but the challenge has been thrown, olesya just said that she intends to go forward and win. artyom came here today to the game in the mood to have fun. we understood, and he understands perfectly well, that the guys will come here today. strong, prepared, so his excellent performance last time, well, in general, a high-quality performance may not be repeated, so the main thing is to get enjoyment of a wonderful game. how did they react to your victory at school? of course, the very next day after the filming itself they knew about it, they congratulated me with all their hearts, they were very happy for me, in general my reputation remained the same, but... i was very
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pleased to hear congratulations from classmates and other teachers when the broadcast was , at that time i was at work and at the time when the game was on, i did not watch it, and i only watched it, probably at 7:00 in the evening, when i came home, when all my relatives watched, when teachers, colleagues watched the program, and what was the reaction, that they said that everyone was delighted, in fact, by artyom’s play, i’ll tell you frankly, the main question is, fern leaves? evokes such emotions, such a resonance, and such a good reaction, we wish all our guys good luck in the third round, well, we will also concentrate, because we may also have to answer questions, good luck to everyone, vasya, it’s time to start the third round.
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we return to the game, begin the third round and remember its rules. in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions, the right to answer the fastest participant gets it. promotions, the correct answer brings him three points, in case of an error and the right to answer passes to other participants, the two players who score the most points advance to the fourth round. first question: evgeniy glebov’s ballet has been successfully performed at the bolshoi theater in belarus for several years. name the author of the literary work on which it was based. attention to the screen. olesya, it seems to me that this is the little prince, name the author of a literary work, i just recently i went to this ballet and i remember
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it very well, name the author of this work, well done olesya, this is an absolutely correct answer, bravo olesya, thank you, second question. come up with a one-word definition that can describe all of these words. artyom, dry. oh, well done, yes, the battle went like this, yes, so far, of course, dry, look, dry leaf, dry rations, dry friction, dry match, dry climate, dry food, everything is fine. the third question is, what word unites these pictures? olesya, this is a scream, yes, olesya, well done, a scream, yes, this is scream, scream, this is the name of periodically dry rivers in australia and a painting by edvard munch. fourth question. hell dzeyaslova
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esce, utensils form another asoba, adzіnochnaga lіku, tsyaperashnyaga hour. artyom, i am. yes. i am si. the correct answer is, vlad and victoria, they need to somehow speed up. fifth question: on what object can you read the following inscription: objects are closer than they seem? artyom, where is the rear view mirror? in car. rear view mirror in a car. let's make sure of this. here it is. the objects you see in the mirror may be closer than they seem. sixth question: what is this type of arrangement of buds on a branch called? olesya, another one. regular or spiral, as you wish. the seventh
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question is an audio question. this is what is called a urochist-plaintive literary or musical creation, highlighting the memory of the dead or dead. artsem? elegy, no, we continue to listen, alesya, i can assume that this is a requiem, well done, exactly, this is a requiem, we listened to mozart’s requiem, the eighth question, and this is a question from the chest, we have a hand instrument in the chest.
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vladislav is absolutely right, this is a pruner. ninth question: what chemical element is designated in mendeleev’s periodic table in this way. victoria, this is bismuth. this is bismuth. absolutely correct answer. tenth final question of the third round. what is this device for? victoria. i guess this is for knocking on the door to call the owner. apartments or houses there, that is, you mean this hanging one, which melon-melon-melon, no, this is not it, alas, vladislav, definitely not, i don’t know, i’m not sure, but i think it looks like a corkscrew. who knows what, it’s too early for vladislav
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to think about it, a corkscrew, in order to open wine, you mean, it’s strange that you know about this, vladislav, no, this is not a corkscrew, olesya, perhaps this device is used in order, for example, to crack nuts or open some fruits that are in some kind of hard peel, i understand your logic, no. that's not what it's for. artyom, there is a possibility, i don’t even have an idea. not a single idea at all. you don't have a version. no. so. we are asking the teachers’ room about the same question, i hope they will help us with this device. yes, vasya. and we will help. konstantin nikolaevich. please, you have the floor. well, i think it's a device for removing boots and other shoes. a device for removing shoes, let's make sure of this, in such an interesting
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way, well, in the case of sneakers, it’s clear that removing them is quite simple, but if these are some kind of high boots, then you can’t do without a stop, this device is called simply for certificate beetle day, it's time to sum up the results, for some they will be joyful, for others they will be disappointing, we have only two places, in the fourth round with a result of 37 points. olesya passes, olesya, congratulations, well done, it’s you, you deserve it, you’ve earned it, a guaranteed right to fight in the fourth final round of our super-game, but you won’t be alone, you’ll be accompanied by a player who scored 36 points, one point, yes, one point, and this is artyom. artyom, congratulations, that is , alesya is 37, 36, wow, olesya and artyom, i
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congratulate you on reaching the fourth round super games of an intellectual show, i know, vladislav, victoria, you fought as best you could, in any case, no matter what the numbers say, people, you are winners, thank you for this game , all the best. guys, i congratulate you, you shared third place, we don’t have fourth, so both took prizes, let’s start with victoria, vika, how did you like the super final? i really liked this game, of course, so i’m not upset, and i’m very glad that i got third place, i think that... that in general everyone who got into super final, they are great guys, here of course, luck plays a certain role, luck,
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speed, tell us what, what questions you didn’t have time to answer, for example, a question where the answer was a click, i knew, but i just didn’t have time, didn’t i managed to click, yes, but i knew that you would answer the question on chemistry, i say, this next question will definitely be victoria’s, and you immediately gave the answer and the first one was exactly, you see what a wonderful coincidence, marina eduardovna, how do you like it? victoria's performance in the super final, i think she played wonderfully, and if we talk about that the excitement that was at the beginning, yes, when she said, well, even in the most terrible version, this is the last place, twelfth place in the republic among eighth graders, third place, in my opinion. this is a very good result, a wonderful result, and it seemed to me that you weren’t worried at all, well
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, in general i wasn’t worried now, because i began to perceive this game, i know how it’s a game, in fact, what it should be like in a game there is no need to worry, because first of all you need to enjoy the process, and i will take the opportunity if there will be a work of yours, in which you will definitely indicate impressions, emotions, maybe you will write about something else. about the game, i know, of course, it will be, yes, super, we’ll wait then, be sure to tell us about it, okay, okay, thank you very much, i congratulate you, vlad, well now it’s your turn, share your impressions, tell me what it’s like is it more difficult to play in the super final, or vice versa, did you like it more than in the last game, well, it seems to me that they are about the same in difficulty, yeah, somehow, when i was at home, then it turned out to me that there would be very difficult questions there, but it turned out that this is not so, you are talking about the super final, right? yes, yes, not so , that is, the questions seemed quite simple to you, yes, but then
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what didn’t work out in the third round, the speed also let me down, i don’t know, well, i didn’t answer the question about the requiem, although i knew, but i didn’t have time, i didn’t have time. so well, like stability, third place in the qualifying game, third here, stability is also very good, konstantin nikolaevich, you are proud of vlad, of course i am, he’s great, i i think that he has not yet fully shown his capabilities and i think he still has everything ahead of him, well, of course, everything is just beginning, guys, i congratulate you, i am very glad to meet you and wish...
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tour participants are invited to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game; the correct answer earns him two points. olesya, you are the leader in points, you choose your category. physics. what is the name of the force? acting on the body from the side of a deformed support or suspension. this is the elastic force. this is the elastic force. correct answer. artyom. the turn goes to you. geometry. fill in the blank. a leg of a right triangle lying opposite an angle of 30° is equal to half
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the hypotenuse. torn it up. shouted out with joy to half of the hippotina for the absolutely correct answer. olesya, good pace. continue. chemistry. what two words translate the latin name for hydrogen into russian? giver of water. which well done. smart girl. she comes across such difficult questions.
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obtained from the tissues of the host's body, its flowers have an unpleasant specific aroma and are enormous in size, some of them reaching a diameter of up to 1 m and a weight of up to 6 kg. name the plant and this is a flower rafflesia arnolda, i’m a good girl, what a smart girl i am, but only arnolda, rafflesia
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arnolda, yeah, let’s look at the screen, this is what rafflesia looks like. artyom, choose a category. geography. what two continents did the ancient supercontinent pangea break up into? laurasia and gandwana. absolutely correct answer. yes. olesya. computer science. which word comes from english words. this is binary, well, it would be strange if binary were the answer to our question,
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the correct answer, bit, bit, i’m sure you heard. they just got mixed up at the last moment. artyom. russian literature. gogol responding to reproaches that in his play the auditor there is not a single positive person. wrote: i’m sorry that no one noticed the honest face that was in my play, this honestly noble face was laughter, yes, relax, relax, but the tension, of course, is colossal, i understand you, laughter, of course, and how could you not notice it, olesya, history, according to contemporaries, this... monarch could break silver cups with his hands and bend horseshoes, for which he received the nickname strong, name him, august the third, no, artyom, august the second,
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wettin, august the second, wettin, this is already the correct answer, revenge has been taken on history, yes, elena mikhailovna, yes, yes, she will be happy, artyom, homonyms. it is both an organ of support and movement, and a structural unit of verse, the foot, stop, well, of course, that’s it, now you see, he ’s not hiding, he’s holding back his emotions a little, well, that ’s it for the questions of the fourth, final round of the intellectual show, i know, they’ve come to an end, you’ve done everything you could, nothing further from you does not depend, all we have to do is pay attention to the screen and get acquainted with the final results. artyom is 54, olesya is 49. well, congratulations. with a result of 54-49.
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artyom wins today's game. congratulations to you, you are an absolute champion. olesya, it wasn’t enough at all a little bit, either you were worried, or the knowledge, or the burden of responsibility that was pressing on you. thanks for playing, all the best. alesya, i see that you are still tense and even upset, but i have three good news for you: the first is that you are second in the super final, the second good news is that you have improved your result, you have 49 points in the last game was 42, and artyom’s third game was no longer of such quality, because in the last game he had 55, now it’s 54. did my news please you? can you smile now? smile, you really appreciate it there's a smile, so tell me why you're so upset? well, because again second place again after artyom, i still wanted
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a rematch, right? eh, well, what got in the way, what was missing? let's analyze, you like to analyze, what's missing? - perhaps several correct answers in the second round, in the second, yes, we’ll even come back in the second, somewhere i was in a hurry and answered incorrectly. was everything good in the first round , or am i much more satisfied with the first round, because i answered the question incorrectly to which i didn’t know the answer, that is it’s less offensive, yeah, in the third round, that well, you were doing well, and with artyom, you had a battle in the third round, in the third round i had it much better than last time, last time i answered two questions, this time i answered four, well, that’s also a reason to smile, and the fourth round, even at the beginning of the fourth round you were ahead, artyoma, did you understand that? cool, well, here are some questions, what do you think? maybe yes, maybe yes, but there is a reason to smile, but second in the super final, you
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made many winners of other games, well , cool, well, lyudmila yakimovna, let's support your girl, because she was so upset, well, she was so upset, but on the contrary, there is a reason to rejoice, of course, a reason to rejoice, because she got sick , yes. and now, another round, yes, here it shows that if there had been a few more correct statements, there would have been a little more balance, the game, the tortured ones were not simple, the tortured ones were folded, and the other tortured ones might have come to fruition and not or what are the yans such will be, there is a little prince, a little one, well, i didn’t glorify the beat, but probably the same oh, well, well, will you sleep with pleasure? despite my sadness right now, i hope that i ask you to remember with pleasure both the last game and this super final, because well, you are all
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wonderful, and you are all winners for us, that’s for sure, well, yes, i congratulate you , and i go to the main site to congratulate the winner of the super final. the super game is over, it's time for congratulations. today in our studio the minister of education of the republic of belarus, andrei ivanovich, is present. ivanets. hello, dear guys, hello, dear teachers, of course, today it is very pleasant to be among the smartest, among our smartest people in our country, to present gratitude to the ministry of education to our winner. thank you very much, and also to the teacher who prepared such a wonderful, smart guy of ours.
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congratulations. winner. our project and its teacher are gratefully acknowledged by the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. andrey ivanovich, you have the floor again. of course, today it is very important for us to carry out very scrupulous, private work on selecting our gifted and talented children, because looking at these faces, you understand that our education, our country, has great value. the future, and of course, it is very important today to support our teachers, for whom it is very difficult to work with such smart people, but this is another wonderful incentive for self-improvement and work on themselves, so i want to wish the guys good luck, success, so that all your knowledge will definitely receive the realization of your ideas, your desires in life, and i wish the teachers, of course, success,
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energy and... uh, an absolute look into the future, so that there are more such guys, more every day, thank you, thank you very much, this a wonderful bouquet for you, please accept it, thank you, the intellectual battles of the eighth-graders are over, the name of the super final winner is known, in the next program we will determine the name of the superudit among the ninth-graders, see you, bye, with what teeth of the dog crush bones? using my teeth as an example, i'm certainly not a dog, but when i usually chew or crush something, it's usually with my molars, so that's option b. i’m embarrassed to ask what you do with your fangs, they just exist and that’s it, yes, they just exist, let’s leave it at that.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus . this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to ragnedi and yateslav. people, delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and materially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for?
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in the exaltation of the cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross, which was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important shrine of the monastery.


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