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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 6:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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magistrate, so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for floating ones. they haven’t invented any train stations yet; landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness fascinate even the most fastidious travelers. see the city program belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. we set off on an expedition through the corners of our country, filled with new emotions and impressions. that's all because there's a folklore expedition with the parade number 590. let's go and let's go. church of
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the holy trinity. geta temple was founded in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so let's go to pragalinka, let 's go to the heights, let's hum in the spring, let's walk in the winter. come, come, vesna, come, come, red. wheaten rye kalatskas, wheaten sacks, and even old traditions a new life, sustrakatsi, summer calls, and a cold harvest, just before the end of the project, on the belarus 24 tv channel, history, nature, culture. faith, people,
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beauty, you adzin once, and don’t start any more, everything here is right for us.
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrey and our guest, political scientist yuri voskresensky. good day. hello, yuri. a huge amount of news that simply excites consciousness. i think that even though that lately there really have been quite a lot of them, every week, this issue should definitely be special, because - the situation has begun to develop so dynamically that it is simply becoming alarming, an extremely resonant event. they announced that an assassination attempt had been made on zelensky and... and
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this was supposedly a gift for the inauguration of vladimir putin, at least this is how the ukrainian side interprets the event, but what is surprising, even though not, is not surprising. another detention, another assassination attempt, terrorist attack, and so on, for everyone the face is again blurred in the photographs. why? if something happens in belarus, we immediately literally literally 2 days later, every other day, an hour later, as a direct comment is given from the person who was detained, and he, as a rule, tells absolutely all the details, for what reason, where he was going , what he wanted to do and so on, why is this kept silent in ukraine, who was behind this assassination attempt? is there any understanding, yuri? there is understanding. firstly, i will say that, according to various estimates, this is probably the eleventh attempt on the life of the president zelensky, from their words, some say there were 15 of them, some 20, some five. but the fact
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remains that in none of these, as a result, none of these attempts were made possible by their participants, the organizers . the perpetrators, it would seem, present evidence to the whole world , even try to discredit those who ordered this assassination attempt, show the testimony of this person whom you detained, tell us who it is, give the name of this person, bring the case to court in the end, but no, in this connection, it becomes logical, a logical question is whether these attacks were staged by the office of president zelensky himself, and for what purpose? showmen, they make hype out of everything, views,
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likes, provide clickability, stir up interest, because interest in zelensky began to fade, so part of the assassinations, the so-called assassinations, were organized out of... solely for the purpose of such window dressing, marketing window dressing, the second part assassinations, indeed, according to our information, there is a ukrainian underground operating in ukraine, formed from the ukrainians who hate this nazi regime and who, including officers among them, have probably taken some action to neutralize zelensky, as far as that is concerned. we observe that even when ukrainian journalists take comments from people at the front, absolutely open statements are increasingly heard that if i had been given the order to turn around and go towards kiev, i would have done so, that is, there is a certain indignation in the armed forces of ukraine, it is present, not to mention the lower strata,
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the ordinary military, well, among the colonels and generals, it also, let’s say, boils over everything, so this confirms everything.
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in the assault actions of a united group of troops, this is also a very important point, but the third point, look how the people of the ukrainian people launched a fight, literally for their survival, with these ludolov, as they are called in ukraine, with representatives of the military commandant’s office. the other day, by the way, another incident happened: he was killed in the dungeons of this very military registration and enlistment office, which... was renamed into the euphonious name tsk, yes, another person was killed military commissars ttskashniks, the difference is small, in fact, the essence is the same, that people weren’t caught before, that they continue to do this, in your opinion, these events, how they
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affect society, well, you’ve already started talking about that yes, this to a certain extent, let’s say, fuels a certain hatred towards the ruling power. this has a direct impact, including on ratings; president zelensky’s rating has decreased and is at its lowest level ever. let me remind you that. in the first days after its start it reached as much as 90%, now it’s literally 25-30%, this is a very low level , taking into account the fact that the sociological services that work there are under the control of the zelensky regime, but even they give out exactly these numbers, and this is a wake-up call for him, so this is an attempt that they showed another eleventh, in a row, it may well be real. in the sense that maybe current officers, patriots, ukrainians, tried to at least somehow
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change the situation, as regards our national interests, the interests of russia, well, believe me, dear listeners, viewers, it is extremely unprofitable for russia to eliminate zelensky, it is extremely unprofitable, he will then become a hero, a new one, so to speak, a new reincarnation of bandera, no, this criminal is still the president of ukraine, today is not may 21, no, from may 21 he will be an impostor, all legal powers, let me remind you, viewers and listeners will expire, from may 21 it will be an impostor, so this criminal must answer before an international tribunal, he must look personally in the eyes of the mothers, wives, children, soldiers they killed, it was he who caused their death without agreeing with his neighbor, with whom he has 300-500 thousand years of relations, to which he is a fraternal
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people, to which he has not yet agreed, initiated what is essentially happening, because they have repeatedly said openly in moscow that we will be forced to take tough decisive measures to prevent the appearance of nato bases on our borders, but it is clear in diplomatic language what we are talking about, and here it is not possible to understand this situation, to put it mildly, it would be difficult and... that official kiev continued to escalate the situation then began raise rather sensitive topics regarding the deployment of missile defense launch systems and so on, which are now in poland. by the way, alexander lukashenko recently again raised the topic of these installations, this is quite a serious challenge for our common security, but i’m also interested in your opinion regarding the events in ukraine that are unfolding around burials. military personnel, i saw information that an unofficial decree was issued to prohibit
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the installation of ukrainian flags on graves, because the picture is too harsh for the media and the footage that we see today with such huge cemeteries, over which ukrainian flags are flying, and not only ukrainian, let’s be honest, and the flags of representatives of nato countries, because they are also present there one way or another , so this map... of propaganda, agitation, this picture is very public information work, depressing, the fact is that ukraine has turned into one large cemetery, part of the land is up to 40%, according to some data agricultural purposes were sold to three to american corporations, the remaining part was burned out or given over for the burial of ukrainian men, this picture is shocking,
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including the ukrainians themselves, which is why they do not want to fight for the zelensky regime, but unfortunately, unfortunately, the current regime does not take any measures, does not react in any way what proposals, just remember the latest proposals of president lukashenko, which he voiced: after a meeting with the president of russia, he turned to our ukrainian colleagues with a request to immediately initiate some negotiations, not sign something, not sign, but at least sit down at the negotiating table to indicate your position, but is this absurdity in which ukraine is now not clear? i don’t know what to compare this with, it could be, if belarus declared war on germany or america, but the result is clear here, based on... potential and power, the result is obvious, no, the person’s brain is so decomposed, i
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apologize for such wording, if i commented correctly before, now seeing the entire ukrainian politics, watching it, i cannot correct it correctly, people ’s brains have actually decomposed under the influence of possibly strong active substances, they have lost their cognitive functions, they... now they are talking about us purely, so to speak, in plain sight, in plain sight, that that they will make a counterattack again, that is, 180 thousand killed and wounded soldiers. supposedly initially the first counter-offensive, because the russians knew in what places it would be carried out, they use that it did not work, then that’s the same thing, why did you carry it out if the russians
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knew, but isn’t that the whole point of a counteroffensive, so that your enemy does not have.
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what we observed this week is an information bomb, the current judge escaped from this, so to speak, oasis of democracy, a shining garden, the embodiment of dictatorship, and what he saw here, it turns out, we have here an oasis of democracy, it turns out, we have here an open european policy to accept, including all neighbors, without visas to belarus. residents of eighty countries are accepted without visas through air travel, which means we have an open policy here in terms of sufficient free, which means that connected with the fact that you can engage in freely free economic activity, we have
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a completely different legal situation and law enforcement agencies here. ensure order for belarusians on a daily basis, we don’t have such tragedies that we watch with horror that happen in warsaw, recently a belarusian woman was raped there right in the center, recently just the day before yesterday a belarusian woman was beaten, and mistaking her for a ukrainian, we know how are close friends and love each other in quotes polish ukrainian people, they heard russian speech, thought that she was ukrainian, and beat her up.
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all moral principles are trampled upon, where everything is changed, everything is turned inside out, where all human perversions flourish, they are taught in schools, in kindergartens, in institutes, the judge is, i want to assume, judge schmidt is the first sign, i am sure that more a number of polish and military personnel, like the soldier chichko who once escaped to us, and politicians, and political scientists, some, by the way, escaped, are already here, i won’t say their names, i think they are still interesting insight from yuri voskresensky, they will cross the belarusian-polish border, because we really have all the conditions here for the life and work of an ordinary person, just don’t engage in politicking, don’t
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do what you don’t understand, you will be happy, to put it simply in folk language, but in fact from the point of view... natives of poland, i absolutely
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recommend you listen to these broadcasts with absolute confidence, they are quite interesting, i even know the belarusian language, sometimes i turn it on one way or another, i still understand everything what is going on speech, at least, well, look, after judge schmidt escaped, a rather interesting event unfolded, firstly, he found himself:
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everyone was tied up on polish territory, so to speak . therefore, naturally , dogs are now on him, bribed journalists, bloggers, naturally, he will be a bribe-taker, and a marginal and therefore a fraudster, the only question is: why did he spend his entire life, being what you are saying now, working in the highest positions and achieving a certain amount.
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the polish state continues to develop, well, today he openly declares his desire to place nuclear weapons on the territory of the country, in general , the stakes around nuclear weapons are being raised quite seriously. belarus and russia are conducting such a test of combat readiness, including the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, they are practicing all sorts of loading techniques, as i understand it, into the carrier of these charges, in your opinion, what is the reason for this, why have the stakes increased so sharply again, let’s do it again, because after all, the topic
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was discussed quite actively, then it seemed as if it had faded away, here again we see that around the use of nuclear weapons, or at least the determination and readiness to deliver that same crushing blow, it is relevant again, now... there will be a very serious, serious distraction, general communication, analysis. yesterday, the president of belarus, speaking at a ceremonial meeting at which you and i were present, he said a very important phrase: the world is now close to nuclear war, as close as ever. naturally, the president, when he says such a phrase, is not a fool european, who at first say one thing in a language, then abandon it, for example, we see a lot of examples, naturally,
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when the president of russia or belarus speaks, they are all responsible for every word, not just their own, for every letter of theirs, for every punctuation mark, and if he said such a thing publicly, it means the situation is very serious, it means he has an array of all the information. from the military political leadership, and we really see that the polish side and the baltic countries are the main provocateurs and the builders and instigators of this possible nuclear war, and it will be nuclear, because the forces of the means will defeat the nato countries. nato countries, their military budgets, their armies, without nuclear weapons we do not have, and we will be forced to use them, in response to this end, you
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mean in response after all, because...
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the number of your troops exceeded the enemy by at least 3 dashes 5 times, in my opinion, according to nato standards there are up to ten, that’s why they deliver such crushing blows because they are outnumbered tens of times their potential enemies, so to understand, in belarus at the moment there are about 60,000 armed forces - this is together with civilian personnel, cooks and so on, on the territory of poland only polish troops have been formed without nato ones. more than 2000, if i’m not mistaken, the polish state plans to increase this figure to 300, they are open about it: so count it, and assume, 60,000 in belarus and 300,000 in poland, who is preparing for certain actions? this is all obvious, naturally, you said a very important point, what is there, besides these 90,000 nato, purely nato military personnel who
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conducted exercises for all nato member countries, yes, who conducted exercises for six months and are now located in their bases on our northwestern border, naturally, there is also a powerful polish army of two hundred thousand , which, you correctly said, they want to increase to 300,000, there are 120,000, which means ukrainian military personnel located on the southern border, that is, in fact, if you add them up altogether, there is still an army of up to a million it’s not getting there yet, but it’s fast.
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from pensions, from the salaries of our public sector employees, and so on, so, in my opinion, in order to neutralize this threat and not get drawn into this brainless, frankly brainless arms race, that very wise decision was made to place tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus , which is precisely intended to strike at a huge accumulation of armored vehicles of a potential enemy in case it’s the entire armada... obviously, the western countries, they really wanted to provoke us into arms race, knowing full well that no economy, including the belarusian one, can withstand an arms race, well, if you don’t print money just like they do in the usa, of course, but president lukashenko, and we thank him for his brilliant political instinct and decision , and we thank the president.
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russia, which supported president lukashenko’s request to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, because only with the help of tactical nuclear weapons, in the event of, i emphasize, aggression from our neighbors, and we can inflict unacceptable and irreparable military damage on them, only this can restrain our western, as they say, partners, otherwise they would have already crossed the beech, as...
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that is, the work to protect the state border has been intensified, they have been brought to a state of complete mechanized anti-aircraft brigades are ready, they are constantly being rotated, and battalion tactical groups have been deployed in all directions... of a potential enemy invasion. and just a few days ago an unscheduled inspection of air air defense force forces. the duty officers in the units, called upon to monitor and monitor the sky, did not know about this check; as a result of this check, all military targets that invaded the territory of belarus were hit. now, the president said yesterday, and it caused a lot of noise throughout europe, we have begun the second phase of response to the militarization of the west. we have begun working
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on the use of special ammunition together with the russian federation within the framework of the allied military group. special ammunition is the name given to tactical nuclear weapons. weapon. what does this include? preparation for unified coordination with the aim of possibly inflicting unacceptable damage on the enemy, all coordination takes place with the military leadership of the moscow leningrad military fleet, with the military leadership
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of the baltic military district, the baltic fleet, which is based in kaliningrad, today the president of belarus flew to moscow, where he and the president. .. russia within 2 days they will discuss the progress of these exercises and discuss the interaction plan. let me emphasize an important point: all exercises related to special ammunition are carried out under the leadership of the general staffs of the two countries and are of a defensive nature, defensive, no aggression, no transition, no entry into foreign territories. we are not modeling, we are asking our western partners, western politicians, to stop in their madness, to stop fueling the fire of war, as you once did in 1939, especially
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poland and other adjacent countries were behind the piledrivers. we want to live peacefully in our belarus, we love the fraternal polish people, the fraternal lithuanian people, the fraternal ukrainian people. we want to see them all with us, we want them to see us here, we want to trade, communicate, not just judge, yes, that is, guys, finish it, we don’t want war, but we have no other way to protect ourselves from you, so that the tragedy of 1941 does not repeat itself , when they reached minsk in a week, because we, as slavs, believed and trusted them, this will not happen again, alexander lukashenko is quite clear. in his speeches he makes it clear that we have learned lessons from history, and he, as a person with a historical education, i i think, including making certain political decisions through the prism of historical events, i have already
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spoken about this several times, and many who do not generally understand the course of actions of the head of our state should first of all think about this, that a person with a historical education is first and foremost thinks... comes from the historical experience that has already been in certain events, in my opinion, this is even more interesting from the point of view of government management than certain skills in political science, information and analytical the current microphone project was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, the presenter andrei sych was with you, as well as our guest political scientist yuri voskresensky, thank you very much. yes, comrade stalin, if such a need arises,
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partisans from all over belarus will work to support the operation, they will be able to pin down fairly large forces of the army center group, there is no one there, they have not returned yet, and no one dear will return. now here we are, the whole village, we need to nominate someone so that he’s all ours, a partisan, and can hold the whole huge, so that you have strength. and yet i must say, we are taking a mortal risk. follow the order. watch
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the series flame on the belarus 24 tv channel. white and red, now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “ we’ll get tired.” this is a call. here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, probably a smogar pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is changing article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably, then i was under the emotional influence of a generally very strong information flow, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to constructively conduct a dialogue with... i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from
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belarus, on the poster in my hands i support ukraine. well, before that, she didn’t support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? author's ksenia lebedeva’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader, a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. roadmap for 2 years, in it specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. the promotion of technology and under the brand is done. what is known about this?
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when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation systems. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start the smart car from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, and it can work 24x7. there are plans to shoot a film about the legendary partisan father minai in belarus. who will be? this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and russian studio voen film, which is directed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming is announced for august, the release of the film will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays on the belarus tv channel. 24'.


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