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tv   -  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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we are for licensing, but there is a small business where an individual entrepreneur works alone, he has two employees, now he is being transformed into a unitary enterprise, he cannot support a personnel officer, a lawyer, an accountant and he will go for outsourcing, and here questions arise, what is for this business , taking into account the fact that a registry is being created, which is already...
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the task is to create such a platform, that is , a higher, well, so to speak, shell for doing business, which , through already existing services, would combine in itself, by issuing appropriate tips, where the construction of report forms based on the entrepreneur’s data was carried out for him by all this administrative work.
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yes, our union represents legal entities, from the point of view of equalizing the conditions of competition, precisely those enterprises that are members of our union are in favor of equalizing these conditions, yes, and this is normal, yes, we just talked about the changes there to the platform, but this should also be considered as an opportunity, this is not necessarily the state should make a platform, this is also an opportunity for a business that can open such a platform.
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besides the psychologists mentioned above, we also have coaches on speech techniques, and so on and so forth, here ’s how to do it, how it will be monitored, today we talked about, yes, what we have there are some kind of rapper points there that we track, that is , in fact, to be this type of activity, not to be this type of activity, consumer protection, today there is also a lot about this they probably said that each of us, when we apply for services that... are vital, can have an impact on us, our children, our loved ones, yes, this is education, healthcare, psychology, and so on and so forth, that is, any average person, that is , someone has this level of their own self-defense, yes, when i come somewhere, and i must clearly understand who i am coming to and from
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whom i am receiving this service, and from someone this level of self-defense, it doesn’t exist, probably in this case this level should be provide the state when we say that there must be certain certifications,
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and ekaterina gennevna, let’s talk a little about the future, well, if we say that there will be more deductions, well , at least that’s what is expected, will entrepreneurs live better , entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, well, globally, i don’t know there, well, pensions may become higher, well, there will be more money, well, let’s go a little through
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the rules of the law, that’s right, today we are paying contributions to mandatory individual entrepreneurs are payers of the income tax, if we are talking about individuals, starting from october 1, we are slightly expanding contributions to the fund’s budget will be paid additionally by payers of the craft tax, carrying out activities in the field of agro-eco tourism and also paying the corresponding fee, and payers single tax according to article 337 of the tax code, the so-called self-employed, that is, these three more categories will be added to those who today pay contributions to the fund budget, therefore in in principle, what we expect is social security for our citizens. how do we generally build a pension system? in order to obtain the right to a retirement pension, it is not enough to reach the generally established retirement age, you all know, a woman is 58, a man is 63, there is a second requirement - this is the presence of insurance coverage. if we talk about the twenty-fourth year, then the insurance period must be at
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least 19.5 years. next year this will already be the maximum limit, it will be fixed, it will be 20 years, and for all our citizens, in order to exercise the right to a labor pension, you need to live to retirement age once. the second is to form an insurance record; practice shows that citizens who are engaged in certain types of independent activities do not pay contributions; today they have a voluntary right. partly they postpone this deadline for paying contributions, they consider later, later, later, but they may be left without a pension, and when they reach retirement age, then, unfortunately, some are missing a year, others are missing two, therefore, of course, in order for everyone to build up their length of service, so that by the time they retire they have the right to a labor pension, and not to a social one, which comes 2 years later and makes up 50% of the subsistence level budget , this is 209 rubles in today’s figures, therefore of course, it is necessary that everyone pays contributions, therefore the law.
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should be full, and many people remember this right before retirement, well, there is such a practice, yes, well
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, unfortunately, zhen kazimirovna, but please tell me, can this happen? the story is that when, for example, certain types of activities fall out of individual entrepreneurs, well, we will experience a shortage of some services, i don’t know about some, well , some stores will close, some enterprises will close, some markets will close there, which is also a lot of things they say, well, i think not, if they probably were.
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okay, look, we are now discussing specific issues, but please tell me where
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an entrepreneur can turn, that’s how a barpershop representative called you with a question close it tomorrow or you can still work here for a couple of years, so where to turn, where can you? first, in almost every region there are entrepreneurship support centers that provide both paid and free services, you can contact the tax inspectorate, you can contact the public associations of the union, well, that’s how they called me , yes.
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of this law, the ministry of economy is now there with enviable frequency and issues certain information there, including we are already focusing on established clip thinking our citizens, yes, we started drawing quite beautiful, understandable pictures, with arrows and guides, that is, you go left, you go right, you went to the list, looked, you are not there, there are two paths for you, so you are there until january 1, 2026 , calmly continue your type of activity or. yes, and then shout, but even if they work until the twenty-sixth year, i want to draw your attention to the fact that this very transition from the status of an individual entrepreneur to the status of a legal entity, yes, probably this is such a big deal the know-how of this law essentially takes one day, yes, but as our colleagues there from
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the ministry of justice said, if, for example, this is some kind of online registration, then it generally takes 15 minutes of time. it will take time for an individual entrepreneur, and to say that the transition takes one day is beautiful, from the moment of submitting documents, with this transition there is no requirement for some kind of formation of an authorized capital, when we say that an individual entrepreneur, well, that’s actually why -on the last night he will think about his fate, today is a bill, so it was signed on april 22, from this date to this is almost
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2 years, but there are 3 months left, that’s 2 years when you can... actually talk and think about yourself, where do i want to go next, build for yourself a normal guide, and on all this routing, while the law, i must say that it provides a lot of opportunities that do not exist today, if today an individual entrepreneur in his 1+3 status, which we have already talked about today, he outgrows in format, yes, relatively speaking, his business went well, but he would already have a fourth hired employee, a fifth and a sixth, but... maybe he already understands there that he is ripe for some kind of branch network, that is, the only way for him today is to stop the activities of an individual entrepreneur in the generally established manner, to completely stop your business, to essentially start it again, to start it anew means to start it from point zero, which means that it will not be at this level when it could take the fifth, sixth and open a branch, and he is again
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all alone, all alone, the proposed procedure indicates that you are moving to a new format.
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but this is also a conclusion from the wall, right, we understand that if an individual entrepreneur has 10 apartments in minsk, plumbers and electricians serve him as a private company or simply come to the address because it’s one story when he pays from this taxes are a little different, this is called withdrawal from kiril, i will console you, so to speak, you can’t, you can’t to be upset, the fact is that there is still one novel that income from individual entrepreneurs should not exceed 500,000, so this is not this law, this...
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is still called, because when i search there in the database about entrepreneurial activity, i find i can’t, i say, this is generally a very wonderful, direct presentation, that is, we are criticizing something that we haven’t even looked at yet, and the official name of the law on amending legislative acts on issues of entrepreneurial activity is number 365-z, that’s why it’s also in dmitry nikolaevich i support it, we highly recommend that you read it first, evaluate it, and only then read it as quickly as possible and make a decision .
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makes it possible, again not absolutely true, to increase the credit line, that is , today pyotr borisovich finances many businesses, including among women, and i know for sure that earlier decisions on financing go through the procedure of the regional executive committee and so on, now, within the framework of this law, if you have already received state support, you have decided to receive it additionally and be financed at the expense of credit resources, you do not need to obtain permits in a computer game, the main thing is to save.
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obvious advantages, which, probably, those who are accustomed to simply criticizing and a priori accepting everything that is new may not be aware of, but it seems to me that still people, businessmen, they are very interested in preserving their business , so i think that the majority have figured it out, and those who haven’t, well, you still have practically 2 years, well , look, the president very often lately says that a change is underway generations, so we started the program with the fact that the law was written there in the nineties, now it is changing, so you just need to really read it carefully, and we will return to this topic in order to discuss how it is put into effect.
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where the nameless river beats like a silver ribbon, i will plunge into honey, heather, fragrant dew, and an old tenderness will awaken. will burn in my heart with a quiet flame, hello, i will say, desired one, i know you
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have been waiting for me for a long time, linen, linen, deer, crane, native belarusian land, there for lookouts behind the fogs in the silence of the forests and fields. the hidden, ineffable, beating heart of my land, if there is anything eternal in the world, beyond control, they run from it, you ask me and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, you ask me. and i will answer, this is the heart of my land. and...
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so let's go to prahalinka and climb up to the heights of the spring and let's go back to the past spring, the past spring , the red spring of rye, the wheat snaps and the old traditions tsyam new life. and zyaleny yavarku drava immediately for the projects
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on may 9 we will celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, it seems that so much time has passed since that tragedy, it seemed that we should not have allowed... such a basis, but, unfortunately, the cycle of events turned out to be inevitable. there are many reasons for this: this is the escape from the nürburg tribunal by soldiers of punitive battalion officers to the usa, canada, australia, argentina, brazil and the uk, after which many of them successfully became nato and cia instructors. this is also a legal creation of nationalist radical organizations that continue to train nazis to this day. for example, in...
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on the night of may 2, 1945, the garrison of the berlin reichstag finally capitulated; just the day before, russian soldiers hoisted a victory banner on the roof of the building. 69 years later, this date will go down in the history of contemporaries as a revenge of nazism, in the highest degree of fascism. what about those same ones?


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