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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 6:00am-7:20am MSK

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what gave me everything, that there is beautiful nature here, i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel like home here too, at home they stayed here, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, they dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment.
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watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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where the nameless river beats like a silver ribbon, i will plunge into honey, heather, fragrant dew, and old tenderness will awaken, it will flare up in the heart with a quiet flame, hello, i'll tell you. desired, i know you have been waiting for me for a long time, linen, linen, deer, crane, native belarusian land, there in the gaps, behind the fogs, in the silence of the forests of the fields, a hidden, ineffable heart beats. of my land, if there is anything
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eternal in the world that is not subject to its control, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land.
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a difficult road, great luxury or a chance for an independent life. what is independence and how to maintain it? a topic worthy of philosophical treatises? our countries have their own sovereign path and we asked ourselves : what is our independence? maybe it's the economy or children, our future, or the ability to protect ourselves. let's put together the sovereign picture of belarus. 1,773 battle tanks, 1,500 armored vehicles and 130 aircraft, all victims of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, we were promised peace once and for all. the defense industry of the nineties is a famous conversion, sawing equipment on a saucepan. the belarusian army went under the knife with
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the sensitive patronage of the west, $110 per ton of metal, especially from the policy of teapots instead of tanks, suffered. 140 repair plant in borisov, they took out everything that was in bad shape, on october 7, 1995 they put an end to the madness, alexander lukashenko ordered to stop the destruction of equipment, 2 years later they saved agat, the first one already understood why, that they need to be modernized today, improve equipment, command and control, and we need to complete the reform of the armed forces of the belarusian army, this is a fact, we are doing it, the army of belarus is the top list of the global rating firepower is a powerful military-industrial complex, this is what those same factories 140 and agat look like today. but
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the main thing is defense capability. even the steel that the democratic forces sold to the west for next to nothing in the early nineties. the armed forces and the fun bloc will do everything possible to ensure that our country develops and prospers. the usa won the second world war, the ussr, together with hitler , unleashed the great patriotic war, and the bc symbols are true and the only correct ones. for belarus, if you have heard something like this, congratulations, they are trying to your historical memory replace with false memories, thereby opening the way to distortions and falsifications, which means reprogramming the consciousness of entire nations, when black becomes white and white becomes black, in fact
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, these things change, for us they are absolutely unacceptable, we look at our history objectively, ban the russian language, abolish the soviet legacy, the bright trends of the same nineties. our constitution and flag are also our historical memory. give me an economy
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so that people are provided as much as they need, so that enterprises work, there were jobs, everything else was up to me. the president’s now-catchphrase is especially revealing against the backdrop of the fact that it was 30 years ago. it was necessary to steer the economic titanic away from the bankrupt iceberg carefully and even on the brink; we had to save the industry, but also not forget about the farmers. by the way, back in 1996, the president rejected the super idea of ​​some officials. this is where
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we stand, we are talking about this land, this is land of agricultural importance, under no circumstances should it be put on the market, it cannot be sold. in 2020 we learned a terrible word coronavirus. it turned out that the world was not ready for this. it turned out that due to the pandemic there was not so much food, and only a few were able to ensure their food security. among these countries was belarus. simply put, we don’t need other people’s food, we have enough of our own and are ready to share. isn't this an element of independence? the normandy four, the brez negotiations between russia and ukraine, the group on nagorno-
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karabakh, the proposal to create helsinki 2, all this is ours, hence the axiom, miru minsk was born. belarus has always stood for peace, for a peaceful solution to this conflict. and for us it doesn’t matter at all whether these negotiations will take place in minsk, istanbul, beijing, burgh or the vatican, the main thing is that the parties to this conflict can actually sit down and... peace, western sanctions, a response from the east, the pressure is enormous, but after all this is how diamonds are born, including geopolitical ones. minsk, objectively, due to current events, will move to the center of european and world geopolitics. the role of belarus will increase; it is a key country. and those peacekeeping initiatives which belarus and its president will put forward and implement, certainly not only
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deserve attention, respect, but life itself will force you to realize the potential that minsk has, we hope that this will happen, one child is your child, two, we’ll see per family, maybe someone... and the belarusians heard, in 10 years there have been twice as many parents with many children, 120,000 families, the support is truly colossal, the bill is worth billions of rubles, medicine, education, all in one family basket, by the way, the notorious maternity leave at 3 years is still our belarusian brand, like free education. belarusian children are happy children, of course, they are joyful children. these are children who have the opportunity to play sports, attend various clubs,
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both public and private, they have the opportunity to relax in beautiful nature, visit our rivers, lakes, my god, so many opportunities to develop and gain strength. you can also recall family capital, benefits, ratings, and we are in the top countries comfortable for motherhood, and today it seems that this has always been the case, but not at all, economists will say, we want to increase our demographic potential, and ordinary people will answer, we are building our future. i myself, a child of the nineties, remember a lot, baby food on a coupon, problems with clothing and a mother who disappeared at work seven days a week. just to feed the family, and why, so that her son has a prospect, and today we
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are also looking forward, parents, families, cities, the country - this is the main element of our mosaic of independence, not only about what was and what has become, but also about what will happen, our peaceful, happy, creative future in belarus. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world. walking in a week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting
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projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time, and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so. not
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so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, so that show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . i went to the front as a seventeen-year-old volunteer
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in 1943, trampled, but more often. i crawled from my native mogilev region all the way to berlin, i was a signalman in an artillery regiment, i don’t know how i survived, on may 2 i was the most advanced, and imagine, it’s simply indescribable, at some point the fastas began to come out of their shelters with their hands raised and throw their weapons, then i was the first to hand over. to my fellow soldiers in communications, guys, victory, bald spots, many did not immediately believe it, a couple of days later the artillery regiment was taken to the suburbs of berlin for rest, there was a german school, gardens, ponds, beauty,
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mood, everyone was happy, victory, i took off my desks , climbed into the pond, stirred up everything there, the fish, disturbed them, so we grabbed huge carp with our hands and threw them ashore. on may 9 we had a fishing day, and they also gave us 100 g from the front. i had always either refused or exchanged it for sugar, but then i decided... to drink to the victory alone. that day, the officer-soldiers staged a festive fireworks, shooting like crazy from pistols, rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers until the cartridges ran out. it was the happiest day
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of my long life. life is short, we fly by like a star from the sky, as they say, a meteor, in fact , remembering the same hero, he seems to be living, because as long as we remember the person, he is alive, and if he is something...
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we too, stalin’s line is from... a historian-cultural complex, we say that there is a museum part here, and there is also a living part that we are trying to show: the museum part is still the pillboxes of the minsk crepreine first and foremost , the exhibition of equipment that is located here, the live part that we are trying to show directly to visitors, is a shooting point, where
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you can try to shoot real samples of small arms, feel what a shot is like, there is an opportunity. order running equipment and take a ride, feel what such is the speed of a combat vehicle, how it overcomes off-road conditions, there is also the opportunity to undergo combat coordination in order to understand how the red army soldiers actually were in combat conditions. initially, the complex was created as a place for reconstruction to show people that the soviet union was not a peasant state, but was a highly developed industrial state with tanks of various systems. with the help of these weapons we won. our complex is located on one of the sites. lines of fortifications, lines fortifications that were built in the soviet union along the western border from 1928 to 1939, in particular in one of the sections
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of the minsk fortified region, rotny district c, to be precise. on the territory of our complex there are several fortification units that belonged to this defense area; right now we are located near the front floor wall of the 134th artillery floor. kapanira, all the firing points of stalin’s line were connected by lines of trenches, such as communication passages, field filling positions. soldiers, unlike our tourists, at that time, of course, did not walk along asphalt paths; these communication passages allowed soldiers to move between firing points - secretly, and also increased their security in the event of an air bombing raid or artillery shelling. the second firing point of the stalin line, accessible to tourists on the territory of our complex, is a machine gun one, this is machine gun
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dot number 292. by the way, machine gun firing points on the stalin line were the most common, the most massive. our complex, it was located in close proximity to the state border; at the time of its construction from 1921 to 1939, the soviet-polish state border lay very close. from here you can see a forest on the horizon, literally 4-4.5 km away was the territory of poland, in this direction from the territory of poland to minsk it was only 37 km. in addition to a large amount of equipment from the war, we also have the opportunity to see post-war models, in particular airplanes, fighters, bombers, in my opinion, the most interesting is this example, a wonderful court bomber. 25, this model is interesting because it has its own combat history; this particular vehicle took part in hostilities in the democratic republic of afghanistan. our exhibits,
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both wheeled and tracked, which we created during the existence of the museum, they are museum exhibits, but on the other hand, they are all running, they are in the hangars of running equipment, during the reconstruction they come to life, supermasters, cool, whole hands , the most what is valuable is their brains, and then it’s their hands, probably, because non-trivial solutions are used almost everywhere both in the restoration of equipment and in the creation of copies, the guys take drawings, take a caliper and use all sorts of engineering tricks, grinders, saws, laser welding , they do whatever they want, we find a lot of equipment in the swamps and rivers of the republic of belarus, these are the remains of equipment or a weapon remains, most often it sinks, there is either a wheelhouse or a tower, and
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the propulsion system, it is either dismantled or destroyed, or torn to pieces, we have to to recreate everything from scratch practically, that is , this process is quite labor-intensive, it takes from 6 to 9 months, on a scale of 1:72. drawn, this is taken by a shtang compass, multiplied, the dimensions are obtained, that is, here it is, you see, and guys, slowly, here are the versions of the piece that were, they also look at the versions, assemblies, angles of inclination are visible, which were, for example, then there is, well, all this is assessed, well, guys , thanks to these materials, they recreate them, the park, the park maintains the equipment, takes care of its working ... condition, this changing the oil, these are routine repairs, major repairs, now we see on the reconstruction field up to 10 units of equipment that
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move simultaneously during reconstruction, if we talk about our tanks, then they are all running, we created them ourselves, if we talk about t -50, it’s interesting that this is the easiest one. with a commander's cupola, the t-26 is the most massive pre-war tank of the soviet army, my grandfather fought on it in 1943, the guys who work for us, their grandfathers also fought, the workhorse of the tank forces, the red army t-3476 with a rare stamped turret, this tank went through the foundation of liberation from 1943 to 1945, like operation bogration, ending with the berlin operations. all other operations that, at the end, were the liberation of the peoples of europe. bt7 is the favorite tank of the red army before military construction; it
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was on the emblems of tankers until the end. self-explanatory with an aircraft engine, maximum speed up to 60 km/h, turns, fast favorite, all this equipment is restored on the move by our specialists and you can touch it, coming here to the hangars of running equipment or seeing them in action during the reconstruction of the events of the great patriotic war, both the initial and final periods.
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our exhibits, both wheeled and tracked, come to life during the reconstruction, this is another element of living history that we show together with the reenactors, they create the image of those soldiers of the red army or the wehrmacht of our enemy, whom we defeated, during the reconstruction there is a reconstruction of the events of those years, where in reality we convey the atmosphere that happened, the horror of the battles that took place... here on the territory of either the initial period or the liberation of belarus, living history helps us create, well, additional units that we have a group of restorers who create new models of equipment, we have pyrotechnics gunsmiths , which create exactly the picture of the imitation that we see on the field, this is a working cooled weapon, an imitation that on the field simulates the explosions of artillery shells, we all
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focus more on the complex, we work until events, the less during the event, there are a large number of clubs throughout belarus and beyond its borders, where the guys reconstruct events of various eras, these are guys who work in state enterprises, and private ones, they just have this idea, this is active recreation , this is to show a living story of how it was, when the script is ready, the commander of the soldier of victory club comes to me, we discuss with him the need for personnel for different episodes, different directions, additional work is underway on
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interaction must be taken into account, all sorts of nuances with weather conditions, this is the direction of the wind, dry, wet weather, that is, what kind of bookmarks will be placed on non-static installations so as not to cause a fire, plus with the government department... work is underway on arranging the tactical situation of the field, that is, there is movement various imitations of guns from mortars and obstacles that should be on the field, so that it is not an empty tactical field. this time we chose the situation of the cauldron near vitebsk, this is the crossing of the western dvina, encirclement german groupings in that area and the exploits of the fighting officers who carried out...
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the ideas of the generals showed the germans that their barbaros plan was baby talk compared to operation bogration. to carry out a successful reconstruction, in reality , very serious preparation is needed, which sometimes remains behind the scenes. now i’ll try to take shots so that you can practice, shoot at least once from this terrible forty-five and a terrible howitzer, but these are code names, the commanders have reset the map for you.
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she is the most difficult, in reality everything moving another 6, 7, 8 cards, they already physically exist, although in your head they need to be transferred to paper.
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in reality, they are every actor, and the entertainment value of the entire reconstruction will depend on their actions, someone walks with a limp, someone can be pulled, there is nothing at all, the main thing is to play, okay, there are things going on here, you see, you are pressed against him, because so as not to be crushed, don’t command, command, you can learn the commands in german, well, when i started preparing the script, of course the military helped...
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the logic is very simple, the main radius is the radius of the stands - this is the first plan, plus another 20 m, the second plan, the third plan is another 20 m, at a distance of approximately 60 m from the spectators, what happens there is not important at all, it is important that all the episodes, they ended and most often passed in the foreground, that is, it’s still in front of the audience, then the picture takes shape, then it’s watchable, then people... appreciate all these efforts of ours, your task is echeloned by this bruster and this breastster will settle down, let's settle down, you from behind, you will not die, you are in the foreground, here you are distributed along the pavement,
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they will attack from there, in life we ​​also open up, well, in completely unexpected situations, so i often watch the soldiers, they are all ready to accomplish a feat, they just need to be given will. in reality , they perform their mini-feat when they work in front of spectators, and i believe that if trouble came, these guys would also perform feats without problems, a partisan will run up to you, like he’ll finish you off, okay, one can sit behind head hold on when the helmet comes off, like shell-shocked, okay, that is, we play a little more, someone, someone is holding on to their stomach, that’s right, that’s right, like a bullet hit the stomach, you’re rolling on the ground, yes, you can twitching too, like it hit the head, everything is fine, one person is actually lying dead, that’s it, entertainment, it consists of many elements, this is from the complexity of maneuvers by people, equipment, pyrotechnics, aviation, and of course
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the theatrical art of the reenactors themselves. remember that in the first assault you blow up the pillbox, that's right, yes, in my opinion, you were driven out, retreated on the whole well, played, guys, five out of five. the preparation bears fruit, then they act very beautifully and good plans come out on camera and work well for the audience, guys.
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it so happened, i am the son of a military man, textbooks on shooting, on airborne combat vehicles, on tank building, they are always at home... were present, we leafed through, we imagined these mini-battles, attention, three-minute readiness, attention, three-minute readiness, i i dreamed that there would be some kind of small arms, well, let it be a cold weapon, but it’s all here at the complex, but i dreamed that there would be equipment, well, yes, it’s cold, but nevertheless it’s working, i dreamed of once planning some kind of battle, it’s really happening, now the implementation is happening, please accept our sincere and heartfelt congratulations .
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is, they are already playing out some episodes, mini-episodes, because people are already starting to gather in the stands and preferably they are already showing a picture, the main equipment has gone, the troika, vermach-1, vermach-2 pieces, everyone has gone, except for field management, i i listen to what the announcer says, if there is synchronicity starts to lag behind or, for example, someone goes ahead, i start to quietly prompt the announcer, i see they sit down, that’s it, dima, finish, go to the armored personnel carrier, go to the armored personnel carrier. go to the armored personnel carrier, lyosha is already flying with yura.
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basically, this is rhythm, the task of rhythm, that is , to what point should an episode be drawn out and when to move on to the next episode, this is essentially such a work of narration, constantly interacting with the people who are in the control room, this is with the announcer, this is with pyrotechnics, this is with flight control. guys who are quite active here participate, they already know all these tactical guidelines and elements of developments, they know all our equipment, the nuances of handling this equipment, and the nuances of handling various weapons systems, we take as a basis real events, real feats, for example, the feat of zverev. landed with a landing party, swam across the dvina, the skills of rafting timber
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along the river helped, he created a fruit, he landed there with a unit in principle, for example, he destroyed a firing point, and of course, many nameless feats, this sacrifice, in principle, we are trying to show, that is, horror, and how a person takes this step for the sake of others, for the sake of victory.
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we stand up, dead people, take off our hats when you look at the faces of the guys who are standing when 5.00 spectators are still clapping for them. they are overwhelmed with emotions, or when there is a minute of silence when everyone remembers the children of the victims, these emotions are also overwhelming, friends, our holiday, thank you, of course, continues, for 7 years, probably, so exaggeratedly , i suspect that a hundred events have already been held, it seems like you’ve already seen everything. and it seems like you’ll come out to the audience and
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you won’t feel that feeling of some kind of, you know, self-realization, when thousands of people clap with tears in their eyes, shout bravo, you still feel like you’re doing an important thing, while you’re still on adrialina, but i think another hour or two already you will begin to feel calm and relaxed. the complex opened on june 30, 2005, the decision was made at the highest level, with alexander mikhailovich mitla, my father, at the origins.
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drives, he is completely the master, and i completely trust him, because he is a great guy, a handsome guy, a very talented guy, of course, everyone can feel like a participant, my son created all this, so i am grateful to him, i love him. my father’s biggest dream was to put all this on display for the people and so that everyone could come see it and touch it somewhere. for 7 years i
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have been continuing my father’s work, stalin’s line. for me , it still means those guys who died for their homeland, in battles here, after all , 1941, 1945, who did not allow the brown monster to destroy us here, this is the most important thing that we must promote, convey to young generation and say that we are the heirs of victory. "we are the heirs of those victors who, in reality, fought to the death, held and gave us the opportunity to live on this earth.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods? seth and assyris were brothers, andrei , well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his, asiris, to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut andrei to write detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went to.
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tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this , the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl came to them, i’ll call her that. and she removed their entire mansion. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was cleaning the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york. name the last city provided we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne. that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is
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that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is actually very reliable ; it has a colossal safety margin, an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we maintain 100% control so that these products complied technically, with legal regulations, corresponded to the standard model, and in literally three to four years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering. i don’t even have any doubts that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i’m not a cowardly person, so to speak, i...
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hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air, in the studio are svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova. and today our guest is an artist, painter, studio manager military artists, nikolai opiok. nikolai afanasyevich, good afternoon, good afternoon, hello, good afternoon, good afternoon, thank you for coming, we are meeting you on the eve of a big holiday, victory day, you are a child of the war, you were born in 1935, when the great patriotic war began, you were barely more than 5 years, when it ended, almost 10. human memory - it is selective, something bad, a person tries to forget, erase from memory, cross out something, did you manage to erase the hard years of war from your memory? thanks for the question, for this is a memory of a great, distant
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distant childhood, a distant childhood, it will never leave the memory, those who lived through those years that, like my generation, these are years, you can say so, childishly, it’s like a fairy tale, but when you begin to remember this fairy tale in action on your part and on the part of those occupiers, the next generation will see fairy tales, especially the children of today. do you remember your most vivid memory? of course, the most vivid memory, it comes up in work , you know, this is not a fairy tale, god forbid such above the canvases, because all my canvases, as an artist, are dedicated to that event of distant childhood, they are almost biographical. in our age 45-49 years, who have five, seven children, these were the guys, they put them
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to bed, we all wake up, because the house is next to the house across the road and so on, and where is dad to mow, they left to mow, well gone gone, you know, the older generation came to this terrible event so smartly and tactfully... they rose up, but the fathers were not there, uh-huh, and the day passed, and dad never came, they called us father, sometimes dad, sometimes father, and sometimes folder, you know, everything is in a heap, and it turns out dad, they are not there, and where is mom, you ask, let him come, he will come, and so he did not come until the end of the war, this is a memory, and the most poignant moment is... the meeting of the germans, what are the germans for us children, well, maybe we’ll come, we also played in the war, you know, there are chupaevites and
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a white one with slingshots. naturally, and the germans, who are the germans? well, the adults gathered around our house, we had a small bump of this diameter, not very big, somewhere, well 80 centimeters, the whole village came here, mothers and children, and grandfathers, great-grandfathers who came from the first world war, here is my grandfather cedar, he came from the first world war with a rifle, buried the ground somewhere, everyone gathered and we are waiting for where they will come from , ah... sorsha, hot day, hot summer, we are all standing here, the whole village has gathered, and we are waiting for what, we are happy like boys, naturally, back and forth, with slingshots, yes, dust suddenly appeared there, dust , dust, dust, dust it’s like magic, like a magic wand, it was a quiet, quiet evening all the time, warm, warm, dust, it goes up in a column,
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quietly, it moves, this dust is like magic... some kind of witch, well, we begin to cuddle up to our grandfathers, grandmothers and mothers and so on, finally they appear from one village, they are driving straight through our village of makarovka, nearby 300, well, 150-30, 300 meters, maybe the khlyustina station, this is a very point that you cannot pass through, you have to pass, they are coming here. from there they turn onto this street of ours, that’s what it was called voroshilovskaya, for some reason they still change it so, suddenly they all arrived with accordions, that is, the melody arrived, stopped around our crowd, this bright moment, by the way, i offered to the bird,
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sometimes using this situation, which i still see all these faces. silent scene, absolutely silent, only those who are from that world war say: don’t move and don’t move your arms, legs, anything, you never know what, yeah, in a wheelchair, a machine gunner, there are two here, with an accordion, and this one is behind driving, what to do, we are, of course, a dead scene, absolutely quiet, we are approaching closer to them, they, too, they rise, on the accordion, as they played, they play, then with this one of ours...
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they sit and play and raise the andaragt and raise it to the knees and dance around the first wheelchair user, and then there are seven or eight people , well, intelligence, you know, with such a dance, and i’m glad, and i’m glad that i saw the kamarada, all these men, the older generations who went through the war, say: go away, go away, go away, she’s gone through the circle, under this screech, approached them, and you know, like a top-class actress, she didn’t do anything i understood, this scene, you know, or this greeting, they thought so,
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they had a dead stage, and the accordions became, it was dead. scenes, this is a movie in general, that what he says, listen, do this scene, because i remember, i will do the whole face, that harmony, then grandfather cedar approached her, this is mine, my father, father, took her by the arm and he says, onda, come with us, this is a dead scene, and then the germans took over, next to us is a house, my house, grandfather, after 50 meters, grandfather’s house, so, well, you know, the village, let’s go, our house is just what father rebuilt it, just literally a month, maybe, they covered the roof, thatched and weaved, we were like children, we came into the house, well, of course, we followed them, mother was with them and all of us children went into the hut with them, that’s it, they , that means, in german, uterus, shlyafan, what is shlyafan, my sister, not
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the eldest, the middle one, says, mom, probably, “tomorrow they will go along the way, we had the catherine way, that same catherine way, you know, they , he says, they’ll probably go this way tomorrow, he’s a way.”
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uh-huh, here it’s just a snap, that’s all and the rope is there, let him cry, the germans made a fool of me, here i am for you i will say, this scene was amazing, one grabbed the machine gun, this one threw the wall, and everything on the ceiling, well, my mother explained to them, of course, this is my child, i am, they understood everything in russian, and said here, lower, lower, and there is such a tiny thing, take it and kick it out and... for 4 years we sat first in a dugout, and then in a bathhouse, this went on for all 4 years of the war, until the liberation of the dubrovinsky region, the forty -fourth year, this is the largest
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bagration operation, which its path is strewn , i 'll tell you with roses in blood, liberation is only of our dubrovensky district, only of our dubrovensky district, it’s a small district, it’s... the russian border, and we immediately cross the smalenshchina, we don’t know the borders, but we went where we needed to. in our dubrovensky district during the war, there were 1,642 people, and during the liberation of this small piece of land, as alexander grigorievich says, it is very small, they died. you know, this should always be remembered, we keep this in mind, 42,000... red fighters, eight heroes of the soviet union, for the liberation this little spot, including my village. nikolai afanasyevich, but we already
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understood that your wartime childhood predetermined the choice of your future profession as an artist, and you devoted a large series of works to the great patriotic war, this is the hot summer of 1941, and 1941. swimming meeting of the winners, may 1945 , my baptism and other works, it is clear that every painting is dear to you, it may be good, it may be bad, that i won, won this position in a competition, the position of a studio of military artists, i’ll tell you, it’s amazing, the competition was announced by the ministry of defense, firstly, i am grateful to those.
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the idea arose to create this center of culture on a voluntary basis, theaters, writers, poets, musicians, artists, artists, this whole block
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had educational significance for the armed forces, because in the army, as i will not name the percentage , as semyonovich malts said , everyone comes, guys who have reached a certain age, there are guys who didn’t even know what an artist was. i brought groups of cadets, officers, including my own cadets to the workshop of mikhail andreevich sovitsky and i say: hold me by the sleeve. in 50 years you will retire, you will remember that we were familiar with this artist, we will be familiar with these works, that’s what you say to me, here he went to the screen, of course, i need to comment, even the hot summer of forty-one year, you know, this is mine, my summer of forty-one, a small picture for, well, let’s say for the listener and viewer, summer, summer for us. the war is on,
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the second, the second week, the third, it was around july 4th, the germans came to our village, the germans had already arrived, it was around july 10th, when through our village, you know, the railway, minsk moscow, berlin, paris, minsk moscow, passed through us, you know, we we were proud of it, this is the railway, the bombings, we saw these bombs exploding. snatching everything that was possible from us, because from our station, from this one there was still a branch, the so-called narrow waterways were bombing the bubble, here’s the moment, noon, hot, war, there are still no germans or ours soldiers walk day and night, i run to get some water, this is a well, our personal well, it’s 100 years old, so there’s a well... a well, the water
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is clean, you can open a sanatorium, i run with a bucket to get some water, my mother says: run, get it water, i arrive, there are soldiers standing there, and i’ll tell you, i did it with a rifle, it’s not the one i saw, not the one, and why not the one, it was, the rifle, lying next to it, the shirt... naturally, according to mildew, his feet were so chafed that they bled, he had crazy eyes like that, i went over to get some water, i look, he is sitting, and it’s as if he sees god there in heaven, dead, he has withdrawn into himself, and i... so i ran in fear and said: mom,
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you know, there are two soldiers there, one is drinking water, and the other is sitting, whether he was dead or not, i don’t know, my mother said: bring them the milk quickly there, and there was a piece of lard, i depicted lard and bread and milk there, then my mother came, he came to his senses, sat down, took the rifle, really took it , this is a documentary shot, here they are retreating, well, this is the rifle they took... this is how a man pours water on himself, and this absolutely, listen, the heat is incredible, this is a steam room, they returned during the operation, i already told myself, now an adult, simply that they returned as red fighters, free us from our well, they all lay down with us when we returned from refugees , we children were told to look for corpses, you know how long,
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but i and my friend lyonka, we found four corpses in the grass, in a ditch near the cemetery, two, you were less than 10 years old then, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, there were slightly older people above us. people, one is generally brilliant from a man of nature, he found mines, you know, dubrovensky district, dubrovensky district, well, you know, the very last ones were blown up in a field, well, about 10 years ago, every year, because we had mine warehouses, here’s our one comrade, well, let’s to speak , there was an important man in the village, he found it, he said at lunchtime, let's go. dance, where, we went into the bushes, everything
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was more beautiful, listen, he opened this one - branches of a bush, there was such a mountain of anti-tank mines, they were like that, thick like that, and he said, they won’t explode, don’t be afraid, they started dance on these mines, until the mothers discovered all this, reported all this, well, nikolai afanasyevich, of course... and today we live under a peaceful sky, and for now we will take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say do not be silent, subscribe, invite guests to ask your questions, we are in touch.
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the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. good difference amigos! wow, lusty already speaks belarusian? certainly! marvelous! foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore attractions. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross. on which jesus christ was crucified, this is exactly the same one, this is a deep treasure, by chance, during construction work , an excavator was digging a small trench and with its ladle picked up this cast iron pot, and
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they also share their vivid impressions as we walked, i noticed , that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue, white and... bye, very nice, well, lead me, rabbit hares, rabbit hares, secrets good mood, the favorites of all adult children, these are our raccoons, raccoons, three raccoons, margosha, dougie and rocky live with us, special, what a star she is, when i’m
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old and retired, maybe i’ll get myself chinese chickens, girls , everything, you understand what everything is, and also... a lot of interesting educational stories, this is where we produce our miracle fertilizer, the main function here is performed by ideal workers who work 24x7, that’s you and me, so there are such apple trees, which in principle will grow for everyone, yes, antonovka all brushed, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, they opened the windows in the estate where she was, a swallow flew in, we began to see a nest, and the boy of miracles. was born in this way, they considered it a good omen, they let her hatch her chicks, on the air again say don’t be silent,
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our guest is the artist nikolai opiok. nikolai afanasyevich, we remember the events of the twentieth year, you also showed yourself heroically when you supported the actor gennady ovsyanikov and... even came out with work in his support, which was good riddance this picture, people who left the theater, insulting the old people who remained in it, why did this story evoke such an artist’s response in you? i received this secret news from the theater from my wife, when she came, how and really how... i remembered the period, you see, childhood echoes already the time of today, childhood for the first time, i look at her, say what happened, and he says, the theater is falling apart, just as the flag there will fall apart, then the second one is removed,
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our flag, today’s flag, the flag of our republic, i say what you say, you'll fall apart, what's on tour? they leave, pumped up, pumped up, you know, with thunder and lightning, as she says, they leave, they called the minister of culture barely, they brought their legs, for which, not for that, they decided to leave, a group of artists, from the best theater of the republic, a theater that was in fifth place in the ussr. which was headed by raevsky for 30 years or so, my classmate, my friend and so on, everyone got roles. received titles, but refuse in this case, i say, it’s just me who didn’t
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come, i would have made a proposal, here’s the title for table, black glasses seeker road, i was more indignant than those artists who remained, by the way, i called three people, because two of them i painted portraits, i wrote, i say: listen, i want, i saw you as a hero , i saw a citizen of the republic through the theater, you are a most talented actor, suddenly you are spoiling my mood, ruining my life, god bless him, that’s great, i say, you know that i want to make a magnificent portrait of you, the idea is good, the heredity is enormous, most beautiful , in general for a portrait of a person who... not i’m just completely collected, i’m calling one, you
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know, everyone told me to submit an application, why? well, by the way, i detained two of them, i pray that i detained them, today you came, you know, like a prodigal sonrant, and prayed, dad, help, and dad would say, my dear man, where have you been? everyone is like the son of a rebrant, go there and do the right thing, i’m amazed that syannikov is still so courageous, he is a humorous person, through humor he removes this hatred and anger, he has no hatred for anyone, but how they desecrated him in press, the world press, they read it, they didn’t read it, but they all read that you are a traitor, you’re crazy, listen to what you can call someone later, well
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, i personally know them all, they should have made an offer to leave even before this departure, yeah, but it was not the director, the minister of culture, he himself headed this link, yeah, you know, he himself escaped at night in a car, as i call who, where did they take him? i’m just with great indignation, i say, gena, let’s do this, i’m finishing your portrait, albeit in the wrong spirit, these rats are from here, and we drank tea like that, and we say, maybe somehow not solid, i say, i did it myself in anger, and then i removed them, i have one portrait like this, that one... which i put on display, so to speak, i removed it, not this, you know, that
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such an impulse of momentary anger, of course , to perpetuate them, i think it’s unnecessary, it was my personal attitude towards that group, well , since i have an honored artist at home every day, and through her i see what the state of, you know, the theater is, such a state, she also had suggested, but she... you know, the lady who was born in the forest, yes, you understand that the character is like my father’s, this is the character that no, that i will leave the theater, it is i who will leave my homeland, you know, such patriotism is with blood or milk for a mother born in a partisan detachment, let’s, let’s tell our viewers , who are you talking about, you are talking about your wife, tamara apiok, she was really born.
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we knew there was a revaluation, right? and you know that yes, i don’t even mention his last name, but you can know, one people’s artist, i say, my darling, you played mr. bukovsky a thousand times, a thousand times, i wrote your portrait at the thousandth performance, not so that i painted a portrait there, i didn’t paint you, i wrote... that, he played the character uniquely, uniquely, where are you
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going, but he thought for a long time, thought for a long time, he must thought and uh. well, you know, i think that these are the people who left, i’m absolutely not a doctor, not a psychologist, but just a little bit of a psychologist, they can’t go to bed, not a flashing thought will not leave them alone, but whatever, well, i’ll call , you understand that this is our homeland.
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leana, i haven’t seen it either, i have lenin’s essay, i didn’t find this quote, but found by those who pumped up and are pumping up today, and will continue to pump up for a long time, as long as they exist, they found a good quote, covered with vladimirovich lenin, that if you are not on good terms with the authorities, that is, you are friends, you are bad, in culture, in art, with the authorities on... conflict, where this quote was found, i can’t say, but it penetrates, especially during the period when we had, you know, the wonderful nineties, when we excavated not only kurapaty, they said that this is the meaning of our
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life, none of these, well... and diggers he said that guys, we survived such a period of the patriotic war, our grandfathers and we ourselves survived, these are guys from my age, where were you, experienced, what are we looking for, and alexandrovich correctly says today, what would happen if if only...


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