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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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16 witnesses to these terrible events. on victory day, words of gratitude to veterans and everyone who lived and resisted during the hard years of war sound increasingly louder. in our country there are no people indifferent to the heroes and their immortal feat, even though time takes us away from those events, the memory lives in our hearts. alexandra goiton, alexander oleshko, tv news agency. according to updated data, during the great patriotic war, more than 12 thousand suffered at the hands of the nazis. 300 settlements. the main blow, as we see, fell on the vitebsk region, the region took an unprecedented blow from the fascist fist. new names of the khatyn sisters became known. the nazis purposefully burned 288 villages and villages along with their inhabitants, most also in the vitebsk region. and even these numbers and data are inconclusive. by presidential decree, the most courageous belarusian cities were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance per year. war, there are
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36 of them in total, nine of them were added to the list in february of this year, a dust gunner for the blue quota that was on the shoulders, dear ones, and of course, may 9 is the day when we congratulate each other on a peaceful sky, the opportunity to live and develop together with our friendly nations, the president and the belarusian people are receiving numerous congratulations, that’s what vladimir putin noted. it is important to stop any attempts to distort or consign to oblivion our common history, and of course, to carefully preserve and pass on to future generations the glorious traditions of friendship and mutual assistance that helped our fathers and grandfathers withstand the difficult military trials of crushing nazism. the president of belarus sent congratulations to foreign leaders on the occasion of the 79th anniversary.
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russia, azerbaijan, armenia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, as well as the peoples of georgia, moldova, ukraine. in a congratulatory message to russian president alexander lukashenko , he noted that victory in the great patriotic war became an imperishable connecting thread for the fraternal peoples of belarus and russia, and for belarusians, 2024 is marked by a glorious anniversary. this is a special date, a good occasion to remind the whole world of resilience in the face of common threats, readiness and ability to protect every five native lands, to preserve and defend the heritage of a national feat. today, belarusian-russian unity serves as the main outpost in opposing persistent attempts to rewrite the history of the justification of the nazi genocide. i am sure that in such a partnership our strength, security and...
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lukashenko stated that may 9 will forever remain a day of blessed memory for the residents of belarus and ukraine. our president also congratulated representatives of the top leadership of the russian federation, the patriarch and patriarch of moscow of all rus', as well as.
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what's your atmosphere like? thank you, studio, stella has been in a pleasant mood since the very morning, trade union organizations, work collectives, ordinary belarusians, hundreds of caring people come to remember the exploits of their ancestors, because without exaggeration , there is not a single family in belarus that has not been affected by the war, and at least everyone kind of its own history, its own heroes, one common victory, which our country is proud of. one of the first... to arrive at the monument were
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deputies of the minsk city council with their families, a column honored the memory of those who defended minsk and fell for the liberation of the capital of all belarus from the fascist invaders. the reds rushed to the foot of the obelisk.
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free, by the way, not only it, we’re talking about any museum, namely a state museum. there will be no charge for guided tours. studio, i give you the floor. thank you, victoria sharkova, about the festive events at stella’s, minsk, hero city.
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due to festive events, from 13:00 until the end of the program, traffic in minsk will be limited. it will not be possible to drive by private car along independence avenue, from yanka kupala street to masher avenue. public transport will not stop here either. from 16:00 , independence avenue will be blocked from lenin street to masherova avenue, in the area of ​​victory square, kiseleva and kommunisticheskaya streets, as well as zakharova and frunze, entry to yanka kupala street will be prohibited from kuibyshev to pervomaiskaya, to engels street from karl marx to international. well, now i propose to remember how it began. date september 23, 1943. turning point the offensive operation was the crossing of the dnieper. strengthening the nazis in the fall at the cost of the lives of thousands of soviet soldiers. komarin is
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a border urban village in the very south of belarus. it is remote both from the regional center of gomel and from the capital. but his merits and even military glory are much stronger than his geographical location. it was from here that the liberation of belarus began. this happened on september 23, 1943. symbolically, the main symbol of the urban village is in memory of those heroic events. and literally across the road, a mass grave, on the slab of which carved under a thousand surnames, and there are more and more of them. exploratory work and scientific research continue. near. the victories were laid in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the liberation of the urban village. komarin, like the rest of belarus, remembers. on the night of september 23, 1943, the crossing of the dnieper began. soviet soldiers sailed on rafts and fishing boats while they
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were shot at by enemy artillery and bombed by planes. as the front-line soldiers themselves recalled, in their memories, you look to the left, the boat sank, you look to the right - people. they die, that is, this was the battle for survival, when they set sail, they didn’t know whether they would get there, survive, or not survive, it’s not for nothing that they say that during the battle for the dnieper, the dnieper was red with blood, hitler also said one phrase, yes, during this battle, that the dnieper would flow back if the russians overcome it, but he did not take into account this moral soviet spirit, this patriotism, love for the motherland. local partisans helped their people in the fight for the village. they cleared the platform for the crossing and continued to wage a rail war. we managed to reach bragin in exactly 2 months. the decisive day was november 23, 1943. the memory of the heroic pages is collected bit by bit not only in the regional museum. the komarinsky school has its own exhibition. now we are already collecting
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exhibits about our relatives, veterans of the great patriotic war. children bring portraits of their relatives, information, photographs,
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generations have changed there, but none of them are forgotten, as long as the young remember, history will live on, anton malyuta and sergei matveychuk, tv news agency. victory day is a symbol of the heroism and sacrifice of millions of people, our three-time bronze champion hurries to congratulate her with the warmest sincere words.
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you know, in ukraine this music is strictly prohibited; may 9 has ceased to be victory day there. a year ago, zelensky signed a decree and proclaimed the ninth day of may as europe day. and on the eighth they celebrate the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. in our fraternal country, the kiev regime, on orders from washington, banned all soviet symbols. you can go to prison, at the same time, just keep old soviet greeting cards, for use during memorial events, a very strange artistic object is recommended, this is supposed to be considered what is on the screen as a carnation, but a little more history: may 9 in ukraine, even in recent years, has once again become the day when the nazis mocked veterans with impunity at the participants of memorial events, despite even today they laid a color in kiev...
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victory day remains the leader among search queries in ukraine. the west betrayed the truth. a number of european countries with their current puppet government easily sold their victory over.
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a little more than a month later, this march of european capitulations culminated the victorious parade in 1945. the soviet union bravely resisted the enemy for 4 years and put an end to the fascist occupation. germany capitulated. and today the west is persistently trying to rewrite history, what is the essence of their interpretation? details in the author's section periodic table.
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and sacrificed themselves in the name of life, while our hearts are filled with the bright memory of the heroes who stood up to defend their homeland and were able to withstand a terrible war, others with all they are trying to forget about the great victory, provoking new conflicts, sowing aggressive nationalism and... peoples with their foreheads, to whom the great victory and the immortal feat of the soviet people do not give rest? let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places, this is the table: hello. falsification of facts attempts to create a new historical narrative from the memory of europeans for many years have been actively trying to remove the role of the red army in the liberation of their own countries. no expense is spared in destroying history. there's demolition here monuments and rewriting of documents, the creation of new textbooks, ideological events, according to political orders.
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everything to bring the horrific crimes of the past into oblivion. we didn't just fight. relatively speaking, with fascist germany, yes, everything would have been much simpler if other countries of the european union had not been involved, there on the fingers of one hand you can count those countries that resisted nazi germany, of course, this all irritates them very much , especially the fact that this historical victory, it is not forgotten, no one is forgotten, nothing, no one has forgiven anyone, in fact. in an attempt to break the collective mentality of the people, they act more and more fiercely every year, even in...
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substitution of the values ​​of the people this year , the eu mission in the country requested that
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the central square of chisinau be provided on may 9 for the celebration of europe day. participants were asked to leave the center. motor rally. the president of moldova, having sold her conscience to the european union, replaced victory day with some european day. this is a betrayal of the generation of winners. estonian authorities threaten with prison for celebrating may 9th. berlin police banned russian symbols on soviet memorials on may 8-9. lithuanian security forces have been placed on high alert. but, despite the aggressive policies of their authorities, many europeans today continue to take to the streets and lay flowers.
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we have no right to forget in our worthy past. history is not the science of the past, it is the science of the future. they should see there and know that we have not forgotten, that belarus remembers.
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another point that attracts today of people. khatyn is a symbol of eternal memory and sorrow of the belarusian people. the prosecutor general's office of our country takes a principled position: to reach every executioner and give them a proper legal assessment. one of the executioners was punisher katryuk. his case was the first of a series of high-profile trials today. belarus is doing everything to defend the historical truth. this year at least five criminal cases of genocide will be brought to the supreme court. and in... the second high-profile trial is the case against one of the leaders of the 118th ukrainian battalion. about investigation of facts genocide, violetta sokolovic spoke with the head of the investigation team.
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had these accused, but i will say that one of those whom we plan to bring to justice is also a participant, an active participant in this famous 118th ukrainian nationalist battalion, one of the leaders of this battalion, who also committed these atrocities on the territory of the bssr , other nazi criminals, accomplices committed a crime on... the territory of the grodno region, gomel region, this is a mass murder civilians, these are the atrocities that
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were committed here, and we will accordingly give them a fundamental legal assessment, and such cases will be sent to court in the near future. well, a crime of this kind is a crime without a statute of limitations and you, as the prosecution and the one who prepares documents for the court.
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thanks to painstaking work with archives and other information sources, we have objectively confirmed, documented, and
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this is already an established fact, that the punitive forces did not destroy 9,200, as was believed before settlements, and 12,348, that is , think about it, over these years of investigation, more than 300 settlements, previously unknown from...
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288, that is, 102 villages more than previously thought, which were not restored, completely erased from existence our land, but as i understand it, the investigative group continues to work and kindling is taking place, and you are still communicating with the local population in the regions of belarus. yes, and the work of registration, of searching for these settlements, it has not yet been completed, in principle, we understand, we see, that this tragic list of destroyed villages will be replenished, alas, yes, alas, we have also established death camps that were located here on the territory of the republic of belarus, and as we see, according to the results of the examinations, mainly... work with russian colleagues it is clear, well, we have interaction, we have
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a single line, we understand what we are for...
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and that means we need one victory, one for all we will not stand for the price, one for all we will not stand for the price, festive events in
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minsk are unfolding at this moment... fifteen main sites - victory park near the sports palace, oktyabrskaya square. guests will be able to visit a partisan camp, see military equipment, take part in sports activities and listen to wonderful front-line songs. the central place will be victory square at 19:00. as part of the republican action, belarus remembers, there will be a laying of flowers at the victory monument. according to tradition, our president will take part in the ceremony. at 21:30 on oktyabrskaya square a large holoconcert will begin called at 9:00 pm after war. familiar motifs and victorious melodies of may will sound. all evening celebrations for victory day will be broadcast live by the bel tv and radio company. the culmination of the holiday will be a colorful fireworks display, the sky above the city will be colored by volleys from six points in the parks named after yanka kupala, ugachavis, pavlov, and on
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the embankment in drazdy. as well as on the grounds near the tyazhovka arena of the national library. yes, may 9 is probably one of the most favorite holidays for belarusians and residents of the cis. compatriots and tourists actively share their mood on social networks. someone remembers their ancestors. people take pictures in places of military glory, flowers, flags, photographs of warring relatives against the backdrop of monuments. this day should be so festive for the very soul. this is victory day, the shelves have disappeared, this is a holiday, sidina yum, this is joy with tears in the eyes, victory day, victory day, victory day. in honor of may 9, the bel
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tv and radio company prepared a major premiere of a three-part documentary investigation into the stock and the fatherland. watch it on tonight's broadcast. tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 are a joint project of the agency tv news, the state security committee and the belarusian orthodox church. the trilogy is based on archival documents about how the clergy rebelled against the third reich.


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