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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 1:20pm-1:51pm MSK

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radio operators, well, the training of radio operators as such, we, in addition to being military personnel, also had to be taught, we needed drill training, we had to perform guard duty, we had to perform internal service, so we were taught to everyone how to walk correctly, how to place your foot correctly, how to give a command correctly, it means that the command language has been developed, there is a hell of a preparation for lunch... the preparation for dinner is in combat, it means that we left dinner in plastunsk, we need to lie down and crawl 50 m, we arrived there with knapsacks, with baskets, they brought all sorts of food with them, the mothers of the pads gave us some pies, everyone said, put it here, we piled it up, such a pile was formed, they took us away.
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it was necessary to learn morse code, study all the radio stations that the troops had, which means being able to work on this telegraph key, there are two keys, one worked, this is the one, this was the official key at the time they were working, it dials chita, chi short, that, you have to be able to, every letter, here...
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we have nowhere to put this firewood, when i found myself in this leningrad, a little there is no firewood, they gave us a 25x25 cube, put it in the stove, sometimes we sit down, there are 25 of us in a platoon, while it is burning, we are here looking at this light, the enemy did not break the fighting spirit of the leningraders, frosty december days.
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confidence in victory burned with a bright flame in their hearts. with burning hatred in our hearts, we enter...
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so in order to hold rallies, we need to install wires, install bells, install radio stations, install transmitters somewhere, and since our school was located in the smolninsky district of the city of leningrad, so it was near smolny, we launched this
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work, the troops of the leningrad front were passing along the leningrad streets, in this case i was standing on the street, there is such... installations and this and the troops are marching in formation, people are throwing flowers from the bread, some... then cakes, someone had what, everyone around
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was kissing everyone, everyone was kissing, everyone was hugging, it was serious. he and the joyful leningrad at the same time, of course, it was hard to come to terms with this, but now there was such joy that it could not be hidden, there were dances all around, apartments were calling, they treat you with what to eat, you know, there’s no word for it, there’s no way that moment is in the movies anywhere... it’s like it was at that time, like it was at that time.
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vasily trafimovich voronyansky, one of the leaders of the partisan movement in the minsk region during the great patriotic war, was born on august 25 , 1901 in the village of dekanka, poltava region, a participant in the civil war and the battles at lake khasan. in 1938. for impeccable service he was awarded a personalized watch from the people's commissar of defense voroshilov. at first during the great patriotic war he found himself surrounded. with a handful of fighters he made his way to the east. they managed to get to the logoisk region and organize the avenger partisan detachment, which later grew into a brigade. the partisans destroyed voronyansky. more than 13,000 german police soldiers derailed 161 trains, blew up 152 bridges,
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destroyed seven planes, five tanks, 325 vehicles and six guns. in september 1943 , the plane on which voronyansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade received a fatal wound. soon after the death of kambrig , the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's avengers partisan brigade had been named after its commander and organizer. today , streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenitsa bear voronyansky’s name.
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a new page in the history of cooperation. belarus considers egypt as one of the key partners in north africa. a platform for the development of strengthening economic ties. the vitebsk region is preparing to host a forum of regions of belarus and russia. remember, you can't forget. single an internet portal about concentration camp prisoners is being created in belarus and cinema in. in memory of the heroes , the premiere of the documentary film “return” took place in minsk. the program "events" is on air. in the studio olga anishchenko. hello. a dozen new contracts and bilateral agreements worth $12 million were brought from cairo by the belarusian delegation led by the prime minister. what is belarus' strategy in this market? let's ask our columnist alesya vysotskaya. egypt is one of belarus’ key partners in africa and the middle east. today we are ready actively work on joint projects. moreover, we regard this state as a gateway to the continent. our exports
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increased 14 times in two months of the year. finding points of growth is precisely what the first official visit to cairo of the prime minister of belarus is intended to do. contacts with this country are maintained at all levels; mechanisms for successful trade have been created for a trade turnover of $100 million. start. at the bilateral meeting we have already discussed mechanisms for interaction between companies of the two countries, but for the coming time we understand the importance this issue, the importance of ensuring
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food security and, of course, i think that the large volume of the market and egypt of neighboring african countries, our experience in the design, construction and operation of such hubs create a very comfortable and promising opportunity. egypt, our machine builders mas and mtz intend to increase supplies, in particular, joint assembly is possible in the future, and there will also be a breakthrough for agricultural products. to traditional egyptian citrus fruits and various fresh vegetables, frozen canned goods were added. belarusian supplies are growing confidently and a wide representation of the pharmaceutical industry,
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metalworking enterprises and pharmaceuticals were brought to business forums. platform for the development of strengthening economic ties, preparation for holding. a dozen sections have been formed, their formats and venues have been determined . several thematic venues will open in the city above the dvina. thus , industrial equipment will be presented on freedom square. nearby, near the summer amphitheater, belarusian russian enterprises will demonstrate their achievements in various fields, from light industry to electrical equipment. the scientific potential of secondary and specialized higher educational institutions, as well as enterprises that are mastering the production of import-substituting innovative products will be presented. today, lists of participants are being formed, we are also forming proposals from russian regions, which means that the region’s representation today has already been submitted by the volgograd region, smolensk region, pskov region, saratov region, as well as the republic
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bashkartastan, they will already be presented with us at our vitebsk site, in addition , we... are actively working on occupancy both under the concluded contracts within the framework of the forum, and under agreements, at the moment with the sitep regional executive committee, with the vitep regional council of deputies, seven regions of russia are ready to sign agreements, in addition, two cities are ready to sign, these are simphepol and volgograd, they are ready to update and sign an agreement with the city of vitebsk. in addition, a pool of contracts has been formed between the belarusian and russian manufacturers, this year they were concluded by 178 enterprises in the northern region, their total value currently amounts to more than 300 million belarusian rubles. exports of scientific and technical development products in the twenty-third year amounted to almost $56 million, this is an impressive figure. what do experts say about this? the effect on the economy was announced at the session
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of the general meeting of belarus. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. scientists are developing application software, including for medicine in terms of automated screening. in 2023 , all planned indicators and targets of the national academy of sciences were met. total production volume increased by more than 14%. the volume of production of high-tech scientific products increased by more than 20%. at present . a new satellite for remote sensing of the earth with ultra-high resolution is being developed, in terms of development unmanned electric transport - very serious developments are also underway, software and hardware systems have been developed for controlling, for example, belaz and for unmanned production during mining . also, the most important direction of development of the academy of sciences is aerospace
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research in the field of biotechnology, polar regions of the earth, as well as development in the field of industry and agriculture. today, the national academy of sciences collaborates with organizations and scientists from nine dozen countries. main partner russia - geography from moscow to the far east. we are talking not only about developments, but about joint training of scientific personnel. there is also active cooperation with cuba; 18 joint projects in biotechnology and medicine are being implemented, with china among the strategic partners. thank you, i prepared the review. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel in 2021 , the general prosecutor's office of belarus opened a criminal case on the fact of genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. during the investigation into the mass crimes of the nazis, new facts are being revealed. why
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is it so important to continue the search for the truth and how today we resist modern manifestations of nazism. let's ask valery tolkachev, head of the prosecutor general's office, head of the investigative group investigating the criminal case of the genocide of the belarusian people. valery vitalievich, hello. so, for 3 years now a criminal case has been under investigation into the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. how many facts have already been revealed by this time? install? if before the initiation of a criminal case it was believed that it was destroyed on the territory. 9200 settlements of villages, villages, then already during the investigation of the criminal case, working with archival documents, working... with citizens, we established that at least 12,348 settlements were destroyed on the territory of belarus, in whole or
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in part, along with their residents. before the start of the investigation, it was believed that the tragic fate of the village of khatyn was shared by 186 settlements, now this sad figure is 288, that is... that's two villages more than previously thought and, accordingly, more than 3,000 new settlements, these are huge numbers, this is all thanks to the investigation, it was also previously believed that at least 140 punitive operations were carried out on the territory of belarus to exterminate the population, civilians, then we today we are already saying with certainty, with precision, that there have been many such punitive actions...
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for many years, we have established the place where the burials of civilians and prisoners of war were destroyed in the uruchishche uruchishche here near minsk, where according to our information, at least 58 thousand inhabitants were destroyed and buried. surely, during the investigation of a criminal case about the genocide of the belarusian people, one has to turn to the help of foreign colleagues. how willing are they to make contact, and how are these connections established today? without a word, over the years we have sent a large number of international requests and instructions, today there are more than 110 of them to various
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states, in fact, we have sent to all states of the european union, the russian federation, latin america, the united states states and canada regarding work and openness to us, unfortunately, not everything is as smooth as you would like. they have also been translated into english, tell us about these publications, do you receive feedback from readers? repeated editions are issued and they constantly disappear.
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under the general editorship of the prosecutor general of the republic of belarus, the latest edition concerns. carrying out punitive operations in general on the territory of belarus, this is only the first part of the publication, we are now continuing to work on the second part of the publication on the topic of punitive operations, where we we also describe and place relevant documents in this publication, objective documents regarding the largest large-scale punitive operations, starting from 1941 to
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1944, until our republic was liberated from the nazi occupiers. in addition, these publications were recognized as the best publications annually, both on the territory of the republic of belarus, and they were awarded a special prize at the international book fair as the best publication in the cis countries. there are still alive punitive forces who destroyed civilians.
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conduct appropriate open processes on them, but unfortunately, these states to which we sent instructions, requests for specific individuals, including for their interrogations, these requests are not fulfilled, it’s like the baltic countries, poland, they don’t want hand over these nazis, they don't want to interrogate them, they don't want cooperation. why, first of all, the question arises, it seems that more than one decade has passed of a crime against the peace and security of mankind, a crime against an entire people, at least interrogate them, but they are afraid this, well, let's speak openly, they are afraid to show it, they are afraid to tell it, so when responding to our instructions, they refer to this. these are
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official documents, in particular, the relevant law enforcement agencies of the baltic states, poland, that the execution of these instructions, including, as i said, interrogations, the presentation of archival documents, that is, everything that we request in the framework of this case , may, in their opinion, affect the national security of these states, but nevertheless we already had a loud, one high-profile trial against kotryuk, albeit posthumously, tell us about this case, yes, this is essentially the first criminal case brought since the mid-eighties, not even on the territory of our republic, in general on the territory of the former soviet there was no longer a union of such processes, due to the fact that - changes were made to the criminal procedural legislation
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to allow such processes to be carried out? other settlements, this is also a court in them the hotel along with the residents, but there are a number of was assessed, and accordingly, the court verdict indicated all this, well, today, in your opinion, how should modern manifestations of nazism be resisted? i will say that in the republic of belarus we pay a lot of attention to this area, and we see that... our
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people, they do not perceive these ideas, have never perceived them in general, we will never allow the emergence of nazism, the idea of ​​nazism , here . how to resist this? well, first of all, it all depends on us, on the belarusians themselves, that is, on the family, the family is like a unit society, starting from raising your child, first of all family, children.


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