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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 4:20pm-5:40pm MSK

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so that no one would dance later, so i think, lord, now i wish i could dance the mazurka and don’t need anything else, i had such thoughts, we felt the turning point in the battle of stalingrad, when the germans.
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we have already been to the jaska chisinau group, i participated, the commander, my commander, a. the department says: kolya, you are the youngest, run down here on the block for some water, i went there, just approached the well, i saw planes humming, i looked up, i counted the junkers flying, in short, i counted 9, 12, 15, 20, one counted, and they are still flying, so i’m looking a place where to hide - an open
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area, luckily for me , someone dug a trench near the well, and already there was a soldier sitting there, who shouted to me that you are a rogue, look, and jump to me, the bombing began, shells were falling, what are we talking about the soldiers thought that if there were deaths, then instantly, if there were wounds... small, front-line bombers, they were very fast, maneuverable, they dived from any height, in one of the battles they dived right at my gun and...
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the whole earth was so frozen, that nothing could take her, they put an ax and a hammer using an ax, they chopped off this earth piece by piece until it was possible to dig with a shovel, well, this is egyptian work, dear, in short.
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and they sowed under the snow, well, what happened to the road, all of a sudden. went in any conditions, no matter how hard it was, no matter how difficult it was, we did everything to prolong our lives, we always dug in well in my place, to protect ourselves, to survive.
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they already had a very strong desire to become prisoners, hitler was kaput, hands up, rifle to the side, they surrendered, the masses surrendered .
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created, we had a very good one senior lieutenant, read poetry, very well, read about terkin and so on, there was a lot of laughter, seeing that we were busy with something, nurses, medical, free time began
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to come, but we could, we could, and the girls came to us and they also started singing with us, so we entertained. i sang there the flower girl anyuta, the bear from odessa and the sailor, that’s when i sang the flower girl, anyuta, well, they clapped me so much, they didn’t listen to me, i started singing several times, singing this flower is very tsunnuta, and in the winter in the spring the aroma of watering... and flower dust in the store, neither a sailor nor a pilot will leave me, without violets in a wicker basket, a poet, and an artist, and a brave tanker, everyone comes to me for flowers,
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because flowers and love and dreams, this is the happiness we have brought back , come in and look at the flowers, in just one minute the flower girl anyuta will pin a rose on your chest, you can’t even turn on the fan when you’re moving...
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i was checked by the special services, i was belarusian,
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belarus was occupied, as they thought, the germans sent me, they meant the spy is here itself, we went out to the vistula. on the maidan, we saw it there are terrible pictures there, which i don’t know how i endured, how the still fragile brain of an eighteen-year-old boy could endure all this, survive, found the last path there, prisoners of war, then they were unreliable with france, neither the british also ended up in this death camp,
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we're still moving forward. didn’t move, we stood in a firing position, we were ordered to comb all the local fields, corn fields, three-meter-high corn, where these surrounded germans came forward at night and slept off one day, here we are in such a group they surrounded me, they started - i got stuck, in short, when all this happens, you don’t think
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whether it’s scary or not scary, one shell exploded about ten meters from me, the fragments flew by like bumblebees, and i’m standing, i didn’t even hide, didn’t bend down , but here it is. the germans were bombing there, it’s terrible, 40 of them arrived, well, they literally stripped this bridgehead, a large cassette, there are small bombs in it, here he is, when he throws it, it opens, there, well, there’s such a special charge, this whole cassette opens...
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from extreme, because extreme i fell asleep, went it’s on the side of the road, during the day we went into the forest,
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rested, evening comes, the three of us check us out and back forward, well, this way we... got somewhere at the end of april to berlin itself, every house that was being built, even in big cities, it passed through... you had to build a house like this, and they would have to do it like this, then this is exactly how you will be taken from the hands of the military department, and there, if you need to build, because it was already oriented for some kind of defense center, there you are at a crossroads, if you go down into the basement, then
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you can walk through the basement to the next intersection. then it often happened that some area had already been recaptured, which means you look, the germans are again already hanging out somewhere in the rear, again you need to knock them out, a tank, if one is coming, he doesn’t see that the law is being made from above, and these fake cartridge shooters literally shoot everything at the tank.
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we drove in the direction. towards berlin, suddenly at an intersection, a patrol team flew out and gave a rump, everyone pressed to the right side, they let the guns through, and i was sitting in the car, in the back of the car with phones on his head, and from the formation of this company, he shouts, hey, you’ll give birth, are you okay there? i didn’t, i didn’t hear, but we are laughing, what do you want us to hear, yes they say, the war is over, we say, well , yes, we laugh, as if our allies announced it, stood up and shoot and
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shoot not just where there are lights under the window, we think, oh, they’ve returned it. the germans are here, that’s it, their reconnaissance is working, they’ll find them somewhere at night, wounded people like us, some kind of hut somewhere, they’ll come, they’ll stitch, let’s go, and if there are women, there are girls, then they rape, they mocked us, they told us to be ready, and i think, yeah, the germans are shooting, i think, well, now they will come, i climb into the corner, the idea...
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run there, corudia, i say that we haven’t seen the fences anymore, we flew there, we came running, and there they shouted victory, victory, there was a whole fire in front of the gun, the city did not sleep for three days, day and night in the streets, music, songs, rejoicing of the people, the war was over. “i remember, here are young women, throwing themselves, hugging, kissing, but mine will never come back. our generation was called the generation of suicide bombers, yulia drunina, by the way, called it a generation of suicide bombers, because out of 100
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people born in the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth year, only three who went to the front returned, and then they were wounded and maimed, sometimes i sleep and feel that i’m somewhere in a military unit. some kind of work is going on, all these military actions are also slipping through somewhere, well , it would seem that so much time has passed, it’s time to end it, i dream that i’m running through
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the trenches . , and i feel a german running after me, and they tell me, right up to this, up to this some kind of crossbar, ours will be there, just run to this crossbar, and ours will be there, i think, oh, so close, it’s just about to be crossed and you wake up, especially in my dreams silversmiths, cousins, who were the same age as me, 18 years old, but they died, funeral services were sent, we buried them with the departing soldiers, but i remembered them. young eighteen year old boys.
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sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers who came from the bloody fields did not
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once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, to this day, since those distant times, they have been flying and giving us voices, isn’t that why it’s so often sad. we fall silent, looking at the heavens.
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boundless, epic, trampled by war, the land like a mined field, on all four sides, on all four sides lies in front of me, it’s not true, it’s not true that i. stumbled, fell into the grass, fell headfirst into the grass, meet me!
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mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i ’m here, i’m alive, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i’m alive, her sleeping place lies above pripyat, and i see it as if in flames , mom will run out of the house, mom will run out of the hut, but she won’t run into the hut, it’s not true, it’s not true that i retreated, into
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the grass, into... the grass, my head fell, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i’m alive, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mine is here, i’m alive, ah, grass, ant, footprints, traces, traces, give me the crane, its alive for courage. my
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well water, alive for courage, it’s not true, it’s not true that i retreated, fell headlong into the grass, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i alive, meet me, mom, i was in such a hurry, meet me, mom, i’m here, i’m alive, hello, voronkov, how did you fly, best of all,
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my guests, major koleschnikov, chulba, the detachment is here, not far, we’ll get there by morning, happily , thank you, well, for bringing me, medicine, ammunition, also, special cargo from the central headquarters of the partisan movement, secretly to the commander, hand it over personally, yes, hand it over personally, puncture, you have everything ready, that’s it, come on, when you arrive, tomorrow, what to drop off , sweets, what, sweets, the commander asked, for the holiday as a child, at least a little, well, bye, mom, oh, mom, oh, at the lorysha. balls, shaars,
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kulors, well done guys, let's wait, mom, ay, mom, ay, patterns, shari, shari, ulors. is it your school? let's go crazy, major kolesnikov, ivan familich dragun, i command a detachment, great, great, the chief
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of staff has been killed, the commissar. notebooks, thanks, notebooks, well, call the boys. and the commissar, you’ve been waiting for a long time, boriska was looking for us again in the dairy, you imagined pyotr andreevich, but i saw him myself, he’s on a crutch,
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why didn’t he bring him, but he fell into the reeds, i followed him, and there was depth, what did i could do it he has a boat. did boriska write this? it's not him, who? this is my house. i just thought, mitya. anything can happen. happens. let's go, reconnaissance. according to intelligence data, the germans have removed several units from the front with tanks and artillery and the forces and heat are moving, they have an order
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to destroy the blocked zone, there are family camps, thousands of women, children, old people, and thousands still wounded, what should we do? “your squad must break through to the zone, start a battle and distract the main enemy forces. you want to say that the breakthrough will be in a completely different direction, select volunteers, we already did this in '41. my commissar, where is petka? in the kitchen, he's eating porridge, report, he brought it, you can put it on the map,
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the messenger gave the exact information, mitya will form a line, there is, the order of the red banner of battle is awarded to the commander of the sabotage platoon. you need it, go ahead, posthumously, the scout smoke, pyotr andreevich, is awarded a medal for courage, and what about you, valchik, yes, pyotr
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andreevich. what's wrong, vanya, the squad is leaving for a raid, lord, again, yes, so, the decision was made to send the children by plane to the mainland; unfortunately, we won’t be able to send them all, at least the little ones, when we leave. when it gets dark, you go through the smalokornyu airfield, explain the situation to the children, but you don’t need to explain it to them, they know everything too well, yes, yes.
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the smoke scout has arrived on your orders, there is a conversation, petrukha, he is ready to carry out any task, that’s great. “sit down, how many classes did you complete before the war? two, and if you’re so far behind, you should have gone to fifth grade, but war, comrade, commander, in general, it’s all about such, there is for you..." petrukha, consider
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the combat, the scout is smoke, the detachment command is sending you to school, clearly, hand over your weapons, thank you for your service. there is a weapon, a new student, blast furnace filippovna, as in such cases they used to say in the old days, i ask you to love and favor, we heard, i ask you to love and favor, there is something for us, but of course, you are my most important unit, how is the health of domna filippovna, excellent, oh, thank you for the good news, mittenka, and for what is he
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going to school for? okay, we’ll fight again, what class did you go to before the war? in the tenth, yeah, rozhnovsky, you’ll go to the third, but for now you’ll sit with the little ones on the first desk, okay, it doesn’t matter, why? because domna filippovna, genka can hit him in the neck, right, genka? lapukhin, i’m ashamed, you’ll stay after class, why? and you too, until you understand why, make room for the new guy, don’t pay attention to them. anya and nadya, hand out the sheets, we
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will have a general lesson, what is your shumsky, the new one doesn’t have a notebook and they didn’t give him a sheet, but the new guy couldn’t say it himself, he couldn’t, he’s a coward, no, he’s not a coward, give the new guy a piece of paper and a pen, so all the classes got ready. the older ones write, the little ones repeat after me, dictation, hurray, what are you talking about, this is a report from the front, we’ll write a dictation at once, how many leaflets there will be, from the soviet information bureau, from the soviet informiro, soviet. with a capital letter 25 on september 25, 1943, our
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troops liberated the city of smolensk. smolensk with a capital s is developing a successful offensive. our troops reached the approaches to vitebsk, vitebsk with a capital letter, to mogilev, mogilev capitalized, written, collect dictations.
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you don’t offend petka, petka, no, what are you talking about, that’s right, genka, that’s right, look, vitka. goodbye, goodbye, boys, let's go, collect inkwells, notebooks, pens, big change,
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who, well, i, what are you doing, but nothing, who called you here? no one, well then screw off, what are you guys doing, otherwise you’d better tell me why you were kicked out of the detachment, what are we going to call him, but there’s no way, no way
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, deserter? look, he looks like he’s going to beat me, well, let’s fight, no, why, i don’t beat fools, but just wait. wow, for your bravery.
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i got ready far away, was offended,
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but let’s go without tricks, clear, clear, but i’ll still run away. i'll run away from you, i 'll run away from you, i'll run away from you, i'll run away from you. what are you doing here, alone? i’m studying, i want to learn quickly, i’ll learn, i’ll write a letter to my mother, that i’m alive, can i sit with you.
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look, there are only a's, and who is this? mom, well done, what did you save, it’s not me, well done, it’s dad, when i killed him they found it in my pocket, what’s your name? alyonka, shumskaya, alyonka ivanovna, air.
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mommy is there, mommy, stop, where are you going!
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bon voyage, puncture. which means that you go to the airfield, there you load the wounded and the boys, first the smallest ones, ask the pilots to take as many as they can, and you will bring the rest with the blast furnace filippovna to the ground, yeah, look how, what, guys, help household chores, firewood, potatoes, various things, we’ll meet in 2 days where we agreed, that’s it, kazimirovna, we’ll stay with our sons at school, but take care of the boys, okay. galya, i’m on my way, i’ve packed some medicine for school, yes, and i even wrote a note saying what’s what, okay,
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timosh, just don’t interfere anywhere, that’s it, give me at least i’ll hug you, no need, dad, they’ll see, the little ones will start crying, okay, okay, son, well, guys, that’s it. let's go, dad, smooth one!
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okay, now let's get the little ones. “listen, i brought you candy, as you asked, here it is, thank you, crayfish, continue loading, delay them, at least not for long, there are guys who can, take the weapons away, i won’t let you go.” where are you levkovich, are you crazy, i feel sorry for the boys, anyway, load the kids, where, back,
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ah, little guys, on the plane, what little guys, follow me, follow me, boys, where are you, back, where are you, surround documents, back, back, back, follow
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me. petka, wait, it’s a chance, run as hard as you can into the forest, then along the river of the tar factory, when you go through the swamp, there is a pine tree, keep your eye on it, it’s the only one, you won’t get confused, you’ll pass, well, i understand, come on, and you, give command!
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boriska. boriska, where are you, why are you hiding your people, who invented tea from a broom, what kind of broom,
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born from a raspberry tree, treats colds. there will be fewer swamps, you should have kept quiet, out of fear you even sowed a bag of food, and he’s also squawking, the germans are crunching the sky with breadcrumbs, they’re crowding around, roznovsky, well that rozhnovsky, yes, i myself saw how the partisans slipped gifts to him, but of course, our burdock is small, low, burly, wow, how hungry you are, even if you gnaw these logs, girls, how much we have left, here’s a cracker for everyone. crumbs, give everything away, why two, it just so happened, but you eat, eat, petya, how do you know these places, it’s a long story, then somehow, in a village
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far away? 10 meters with a hook, and in which direction? in that one, you just can’t get through in the dark, it’s a swamp! nezina, why do you need to go to novoselka? there's one of mine student lives, who? i know all the boys there, i can run tomorrow, what can i say? go to bed, i'll keep watch, go, go.
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the boys went to the villages to eat. school is getting up, get up,
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bread, take your hands off, and well, march out into the street. everyone do exercises, wash, then breakfast, lessons, what exercises, what lessons, krauts all around, blockade, what kind of school is there, listen, children, school is us. well, rajon, now no one is bothering you, grab it, okay, you, come on, commander,
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command, let's go wash. well, well, why are you so depressed? it's not so bad, guys, i was in new settlements last night, they collected bread, potatoes, even salt for us. you just need to bring it, we won’t be lost, oh, but they said lessons, i’m not saying, lessons won’t escape you, but the holidays, right after the victory, i promise,
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why hesitate, just for the last time, eat. we are on our way, well, here we are, quietly.
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what is your name? this is boriska. how did you get here? he's hiding somewhere here, the commissar and i looked for him, didn't find him, he's running away. do you want to join us? no, why? i can't. how did you
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know that we were here? observed. for a long time? why did he show up only now? has it become quiet? did you have any trouble? do you want to study? and i would have been glad to study, but the grip would not let me in. what, do you write poetry? no. poems, poems, do they have a name, what are they? error number one, error number two, error number three, and what’s sensible, it will be easy to learn, it’s a pity that we don’t go through it, read it, well, read it, they laugh, they won’t do it again, read it, okay. it was a long time ago, even before
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the war, all the guys were naked, and dunduk got dressed, we run from the apple trees, having eaten enough apples, good, very good, only you will tell us later read it, okay, agreed, wait, where are you going, where are you going, you shouldn’t be doing that, but i didn’t want to offend him. everything he told was true, they told me in the detachment, but that boriska had a brother, shurka, my mother called them my bastards, she loved them dearly, but where is this shurka? killed, oh, sorry, i didn’t know, okay, what’s there, i’ll go on reconnaissance, everyone stay. no one can leave here, genka,
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vidka, you stay because of the main thing, and you are a sentry, hey, rooster, where are you going, yes, look, for reconnaissance, that means some kind of reconnaissance. reconnaissance, guys and there’s nothing to eat, we need to get food somewhere, wait, i’ll share, i found one too, i’ll share, there are so many of us, we ’ll finish off your supplies in one go, don’t worry, i have a whole field of potatoes, i know a place here, okay, but i ’ll still take a look, you never know, why did you come to you now? in novoselki the germans, when the huts
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were burning down, they asked everything about your school, they were looking for you, i know, the commander said that he was looking, oh well, they’ll stop looking for you , there’s no point in running around in vain, they’re in gorany, 7 kilometers from here, but now you can’t get through , dirtbag, if it’s sunny, just get out of there, when it freezes, it won’t matter, any car will pass, when our village was burned, this bastard came in a car, who’s the only one here, an ss man! he has a team of trucks, where everyone will be attacked, he was the one who burned down the new village, i know he’s so fat, he’s wiping his bald spot with a handkerchief, it’s a pity that shurka isn’t there, it’s a damn bastard that shurka is the only one without a weapon, that shurka had a lot
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of weapons, he collected them in he stole the dugout, his dugout is somewhere here, let’s look for it together. we'll find it, then let it go sesovskaya bastard, you know what he was like, who is my shura, he himself, the very one, he taught me how to make a kite, we had an air kite, a world kite, it took off right under the clouds, it’s a pity, it burned down along with the hut, then they herded us into a truck and took us , oshurka, jump, and segan, i follow him, to the river, bushhar, i think he will run there, shurka is all in the field, they killed him, why is he in the field, he distracted the germans from me so that i would go through the bushes, and they they threw a grenade, now, listen, let's make a snake, i also found
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time, don't care, let's have a holiday, snake let's start, and i'll write about you... i'll write about abortion number four, no, i'll call it something else, okay, just let's deal with the potatoes first, jump, you're in trouble, you're getting up from the main thing, make sure there's order here, what? ringing, nails, leave it, why is the cider white, what else should it be, a sack is like a sack, petka, we are for... potatoes or catching a bullet? okay, agent, do what they say, there’s a puddle over there, take it and wash it up. commander, we will dig potatoes with our hands. who called you here? are we dragging the baby with us? what kind of baby are you? yes
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tell him what he is singing here, tell him. okay, honey, don't make any noise, you'll go another time. please no others, potatoes don’t joke, i’ll still think hard about who to take. what about you? i came to tell you in confidence, i couldn’t wait, i couldn’t, lepukhin and i came to say that dumina filippovna was sick, she had a cold and her hands were swollen, lapukhin says it’s from hunger because there’s no salt, but what does lapukh know, we’re in they helped in the hospital, only lapukh is smarter, he knows better, his grandfather is a doctor , his dad is a doctor, and he will be a doctor, he’s everything i learned the medicine, but i’m afraid that domna filippovna will die. how will it die? do you think what you are saying? do i have any salt? there is, but there will be plenty of food! come on guys, blast philip's blast furnace, come on, have you finished playing? oh, you
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haven’t killed filippona for a long time, you idiots! let's go, guys! follow me, lie down! behind me,
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quietly, quietly, the boys, with me, one at a time. just be quiet, be quiet.
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stop sniffing the earth.
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“burdock is coming soon, i’m cooking, the main thing is don’t think about the illness, when i was sick, my mother always told me, so i’ll sit closer to you, tell you something funny and everything will go away, i’m now i’ll also remember something funny, i don’t remember, but when i was sick, they forced me to sleep, when you sleep, grandma said, otherwise you’ll get better, blast furnace filippov, but you try to sleep!” be sure to sleep, i’ve never been sick, it’s even offensive ,
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well, it’s okay, after the war i’ll get sick, wow, what have you got, and after the war i ’ll be an arsist, hold me, i’ll be, i’ll be, which they don’t believe, domna filippovna, i think i’ve always read poetry, there’s an original one in the fall , a short but dark time, the whole day stands, as if crystal and radiant, yesterday, well well, i’m already doing well, now it will be even better, bitter, i won’t, i can’t, guys, thank you boriska, oh well, maybe you’ll come in, i can’t, be healthy, what is
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prison, come on, spray, it’s calm already, how do they treat you, oh, horror, it’s too bad, it’s not too bad. quiet, quiet, blast furnace filippovna, we’re sick calmly, we’ll sort it out now, thank you, vitenka, yes, it’s a rare nasty thing, who did it, me, then i’ll have to drink, the burdock is not a fool, naked. i can’t, i can’t, no way, woe, understand, i can’t, here,
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take it! children, in the regional center the fascists were destroyed library, so boriska snuck into the ruins and saved these books. just look at the wealth boriska gave us. these are pieces of wonderful books
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written by the best writers in the world, i will tell you. pages that we don’t have, you know, then we’ll read, and then again i’ll tell you the missing pages, it’s clear, guys, that’s how we’ll read these books, blast furnace filippovna, why were the sentries removed from their posts for class, it’s a mess, well i thought, so, in the evening we’ll decide who will do what, who’s going, who’s getting firewood, who’s wash? who is it true domna filippovna? well , that’s right, petya, of course, but nothing at all, we’ll survive the winter, we’ll survive, that’s all, we ’ll build a stove, a real one, my father and grandfather taught me, i looked for bricks in a planted village, yeah, so that the hell would have a place to sleep, well, you sit there , damn it , don’t you dare, be quiet, children, rozhnovsky,
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sit with us, the sentries are on their way out. “children, you saved your notebooks, and i’m proud of you, only now you need to write little by little so that they last longer, today we are writing an essay on the topic of who wants to be who, and what it’s so clear to write here, i want to be a doctor, i want to be, quiet, quiet, children, quiet, what should i do? like what? same as everything you want to be? give me a piece of paper and a pen, please, please, oh, but our ink is bad, there’s soot on the water. what?
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boriska, you're out of here, all of a sudden he takes off, with what joy, he unscrewed the head, there are no bottom fuses in these things, he's literate, how many of them we melted down, he collected shurkatol, he wanted partisans, but it's true you were a scout, you were, but what's here?


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