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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 4:50am-5:11am MSK

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we are making efforts, we are paving the way, we are prospering the fighting land, hail our bright name, hail the people's union of krasnoyarsk, ours. having matsi, gradzima, lived forever, our beloved matsi, radiba, lives forever, and belarus, across countries, is stuffy for centuries.
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by the people of the faithful union, our people, we are wearing masks, motherland, live forever, children of belarus, our beloved mother, dear, live forever, roof.
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belarus, the friendship of the people, the strength of the people, we are victorious, everything is in order, my thoughts are clear, fear is possible, joy is holy. glory to our land, our bright name, glory people of the kraper union, our beloved mother, our slave, belarus, our beloved.
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the black sun of europe: nazism is rapidly gaining popularity, and its followers are coming to power. the ukrainian way is like friendly and open people, which is their hero. the soviet monument in ternopil, the machine tool, means the liberator has already been demolished, shukhevych street has already appeared. punishers of the belarusian people. unknown details of war crimes on the territory of our country. these were collaborators, these were latvians. radio of a thousand hills, controlled genocide took away more than a million human lives. the international community destroyed us, partly out of indifference, partly out of cowardice. new trends. world order, events that
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force us to keep our finger on the pulse of time, what each of us should pay attention to, let’s figure it out together. a mentoring tone, arrogant behavior and openly squeamish attitudes are all integral features of the foreign policy of the collective west. for several decades now, we have been listening to narratives that we have illegitimate elections and a lame democracy. in the libra world chamber, of course, is not called, they assure that a gold standard exists, and they know exactly how to do everything correctly. interestingly, there are no amendments.
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in the world, it has become common practice to rudely and unceremoniously interfere in the affairs of sovereign states; it is enough just to declare an undesirable country a zone of one’s interests, or a threat to national security, and carpet bombing will immediately follow and the overthrow of an undemocratic regime; for this reason , outbreaks of violence are constantly breaking out in various parts of the planet...
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our victory is outlawed. fascist radicals march under the banner of the ss division. at the state level , war criminals are honored, and those who honor the memory of the great victory are declared enemies of the nation.
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unprecedented information attacks and all kinds of falsifications on the part of the collective west justify the atrocities committed by the nazis and their henchmen. we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. everything is presented as if the nuremberg tribunal never happened. in in january of this year, a scandal broke out in italy. hundreds of people gathered for rallies in front of the former headquarters building.
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from nazism. the black sun is reaching its zenith. torchlight processions are returning to the streets of european cities. supporters of far-right and neo-nazi associations quite openly honor the leaders of the third reich and fascist italy. extremists from all over germany gather together every year and march in memory of rudolfesse. today for the fallen, and tomorrow for a better germany, for the homeland, for the people. organizer of the march advocated by the third way group, one of many in europe that adhere to neo-nazi views. their ideology is dominated by racial theory and the desire for ethnic cleansing. you might think that russians or degenerates are coming, there is not a single normal citizen among them,
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the same drink every year. gradually, peaceful walks with torches and reading specific literature flow into direct action. in october 2019, a twenty-seven-year-old neo-nazi tried to enter the synagogue, where 68 people were present on the occasion of the holiday. after after he failed to break down the door, he opened fire on passers-by. and killed two people, the event was broadcast live with a camera on his helmet. the key task of modern neo-nazis is to penetrate the corridors of power, integrate their like-minded people into the state apparatus, allowing activists to influence the legislative framework and evade responsibility. we want to introduce people into the army, police, and criminal system so that they spread our ideology. it flared up in 2020. serious scandal, french investigators from the mediapart publication took a walk through the social networks of career military personnel and
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discovered their commitment to neo-nazi ideology. we are not talking about isolated cases, this is a systemic problem in the french armed forces. supporters of far-right views were identified in 14 different units. based on the results of the inspection, only one fighter was fired, who was found to have an ss tattoo. published the first investigation in july 2020, about 10 cases were identified in which military personnel openly demonstrated on social media networks of their affiliation with neo-nazi ideology. there were stories of parties where the military celebrated adolf hitler's birthday and then attacked mosques. among the military units of france , the foreign legion is rightfully considered one of the breeding grounds of neo-nazism. representatives of this unit have been actively participating in the civil war in ukraine since the first days.
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french legion, but special attention the young man demonstrates a green beret and is attracted by the image on his kazka: double the sieg rune was used by units of nazi germany, the symbolism of the third reich allows the new generation of nazis to identify their like-minded people, as well. good with evil, it’s absolutely clear where the good is, where the evil is, the war, after which it’s either us
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or them, because, well, if putin comes here, then poland will be next, then there will be further, that is, white europe, culture europe, that is, this is white europe, the culture of europe, the protrusion of the ideology of neo-nazism in the armed forces of ukraine began negatively influence the perception of this country in the west, and the point is not that european... or american politicians are against the spread of such an ideology, on the contrary, they nurture it and protect it, but opposition voters are increasingly asking uncomfortable questions, which is why the ukrainian national battalions have been renamed they changed the outer shell, the notorious azov, which consists entirely of neo-nazis and was flashing in the west, now the third separate assault brigade, but in the arena it’s still the same, i’m the only person... the creators of the battalion are now azov regiment, was the reconnaissance commander in
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the fourteenth or fifteenth year in the azov regiment. sergei korotkikh is not only accused of committing war crimes, he is involved in a number of high-profile murders. among the victims, one of the founders of the azov battalion, yaroslav babich, was found hanged in his own apartment. the head of the public organization belarusian house in ukraine, vitaly shishov, was found hanged in the svyatoshinsky forest park. journalist. sheremet was killed by a bomb planted under his car, short, undeniable authority in neo-nazi circles in ukraine. such youths are already closely integrated into the corridors of power and are building their new reich.
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take a cow, do it, one, two, united by the idea of ​​patriotism, they provide all the most important events with the participation of the head of state, meet foreign delegations, represent belarus at socio-political cultural meetings abroad, and engage in service. honorary corolla in that there are a lot of different events in which he personally took part, the most memorable thing was seeing the leaders of the heads of other states. company the performances are mesmerizing and breathtaking , the guard of honor is the face of the belarusian army, everyone understands the military man standing in the ranks that he has no right to make a mistake, their military personnel spend 5-6 hours on the parade ground, this preparatory process takes about 3-4 months, in belarusian project, commander of the second company of the honor guard
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of the minsk military commandant's office, watch today only on the belarus 24 tv channel. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon. they made a fuss about our teachings to create information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are going to lithuania as occupiers, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr at our very borders, they are accusing us of carrying out some kind of escalation here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian, pro-belarusian president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe, the implementation of the treaty
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on the non-proliferation of conventional weapons in europe, and the exit from it aimed at one goal, so that there is no war, we... have always religiously observed international agreements, but we we understand perfectly well that all this will not help, the west will attack us if it sees that it can win, the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize again, they go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war with our competent, independent people.
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project quality mark on tv channel belarus 24. the main place of concentration of neo-nazis today is absolutely rightly considered
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territory of ukraine. supporters and followers of this ideology have been used for a long time. as chicken dogs, local oligarchs, raider takeovers of competitors, protection of their own business. yesterday's football players were dressed in cartoons and given military weapons in their hands. the appetite came with eating, and over time the thugs began to integrate into the corridors of power. western journalists have made dozens of documentaries and published hundreds of articles about the training bases and spread of nazism in ukraine. focuses on this.
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for decades, teenage sports and patriotic camps have been operating in the country; schoolchildren were instilled with a sense of elitism and superiority over others, this...


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