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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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what does victory day mean to them? this is a celebration with tears in our eyes. the memory of the dead is our past. first of all, this is peace. throughout the whole earth, this is happiness for everyone, this is a holy holiday, this is a holiday with tears in our eyes, this is the joy of people, this is our common heritage, that our country won, victory day is life, this is the future, this is memory, to my father , which leakage.
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for estonians, who are forbidden to celebrate victory day, the russian side staged a concert on the shores of victory. more than 2.0 narva residents and city guests came to the embankment look at the festive event that took place in ivan town. let me note that last spring the authorities of this city specifically cut down the trees and installed them. the stage with a screen facing estonia, officials explained this with the intention of congratulating the residents of the neighboring country on the bright day of may 9. in poland and austria they organized their own gift for victory day. polish activists held a rally against the allocation of funds from the zelensky regime. the posters read polish taxes for poles: stop funding the undemocratic regime. austrian freedom party within the election campaign for the european parliament also opposed military support.
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square with the help of posters, on them zelensky hugs the head of the european commission ursula vonderlein with the signature of warmongering and a call to stop the madness of the eu. next is economic news, we are on the air at 9:00. see you. the national bank reports a significant increase in leasing business in the country. the economic sectors of the magilev region are in the black based on the results of the first quarter and are now made in belarus as a separate tab on the largest russian marketplace. we will not only tell you about this in the next few minutes. you are watching economic news in alina loppo's studio. hello. the national bank reports significant growth in the leasing sector in belarus from 2016 until january 1. rubles, and this financial service
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is used not only by legal entities, but by the population. the share of individuals is now almost 15%, when 8 years ago it did not exceed two. the regulator is currently working on issues related to increasing the terms of housing leasing for citizens. the mogilev region shows growth in all sectors of the economy in the first quarter. by according to the regional executive committee, investments increased 17. in industry +8. this sector is showing steady growth, the trend that began last year of recovery continues this year. exports grew by 7%. for industrial enterprises today , the task is to develop the distant arc, including the asian market. the belarusian cement company launched a block train using its own cars to deliver products to russia. the first train was sent from the kostyukovichi plant to the moscow region. 55 carriages. delivered almost 4,000 tons
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cement, as noted in the company, the development of the launch of its own train solved a number of logistics problems, including a shortage of hopper cars, a decrease in railway capacity and increased train transit time. trading on the currency and stock exchange ended with the dollar rising, the russian ruble and the chinese yuan fell in price. so, american currency costs 3 rubles, 23 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.47, russian caste. 3.51 belarusian. the geography of foreign users of the belarusian universal commodity exchange has expanded to 15 countries. the resident of the czech republic company for the first time concluded a deal on sites for industrial consumer goods, selling cotton fiber to the belarusian enterprise light industry. in total, this year , transactions on this exchange platform were completed by residents from seven countries. the top three are russia, uzbekistan and tajikistan. share of import-substituting products in the total volume.
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sales of industrial consumer goods through butb exceed 60% this year. demand for housing in the capital has hit a record high since the beginning of the year, as has the number of purchase and sale transactions. last year by 18%. such data was announced by almost a quarter in the regions, compared to analysts. it is noted that with the increase in consumer activity, prices per square meters have also increased, in particular in vitebsk and gomel at twice the rate than in minsk. in terms of growth in demand among the regions, with grodno leading, two-room apartments were in greatest demand. the maximum share of two-room apartments was sold in lida, grodnoy and baranovichi, almost every second apartment. and finally... the largest russian marketplace now has a “made in” section. belarus", it presents goods exclusively of domestic production. the site positions that buyers can purchase quality products at discounted prices without the participation of intermediaries. all manufacturers are certified by the chamber of commerce and industry and are marked
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with a special marking. the belarusian section is available on the website in the marketplace application. and that’s all for me, have a good day and have a nice weekend. see you in the morning on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24, program x continues. hello. white for 1,700 rubles. a passer-by decided to buy an inexpensive but good instrument from a stranger. the seller explained that he was flying out of the country and could not take all the equipment and put it down manually, so he was forced to sell it. the buyer agreed and transferred almost 2.0 rubles. however, instead of
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the tools themselves, the driver gave the man only the documents for them, after which he opened the door. what instrument? chainsaw, welding machine. porsche with russian license plates and audi collided. the seventy-one-year-old driver of the last car was driving along the outer ring and when changing lanes, he was not convinced of the safety of his maneuver. as a result of the accident, no one was injured as a result of the incident, but the cars now need repairs. in molodechno, rescuers
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called the driver out of the car. emergency situations ministry employees received a signal that their assistance was needed in removing a person from inside the car. the vehicle overturned on its side. incident on vilinska street. the rescue service did not specify the cause of the rollover; the renault driver was trapped in the car. paramedics later took the victim to the hospital. i found someone else's card and was not at a loss. to the police menchanka addressed. the woman reported that money had been debited from her bank card. the lady explained that she had lost the plastic at the market, and soon found out that her savings were missing from her account. the operatives found the thirty- nine-year-old defendant. it is known that he is unemployed. the man found someone else's card and didn't miss the chance. i went to the grocery store several times, the result was minus 100 rubles. from a minsk resident who lost her plastic. this is the arithmetic, however, now the actions of the person involved will already be assessed within the framework of the law, a criminal case has been opened for theft of property by modifying computer information.
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the attacker on the street began to strangle the clarification of the relationship between the former cohabitants, and was caught on the store's surveillance camera. the incident happened in soligorsk, as it turns out, the couple later met to discuss buying a gift from. to a local child, but during the conversation the man started insulting, then he completely attacked his interlocutor, began to strangle her, accompanying everything that was happening with threats, now the forty-six-year-old troublemaker will have to explain himself to law enforcement officers, by the way, he has a criminal record behind him. rescuers are investigating the cause of a fire in a private house in the miory district. chupe happened the day before about the incident, employees of the ministry of emergency situations received a signal from the police, a building was burning in the village of alexandrina. when the firefighters arrived. there was smoke in the house; it is known that when the disaster broke out, the owner of the home was in the room. even before the rescuers arrived , the man was pulled out of the burning building by his wife, and a neighbor helped her. later, doctors examined the victim with combustion product poisoning and the man was hospitalized. the flames left a mark on the building, the roof was destroyed
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walls are damaged. this was the project zone x. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram good.
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good morning belarus, good morning belarus, good morning country, today's friday morning greets you. tatiana matusevich, olga venskaya. friends, we wish everyone a pleasant awakening. on the calendar on may 10, yesterday on may 9, our entire country celebrated the main, one of the main holidays in our country - this is victory day, so we once again congratulate all of us, all belarusians, all veterans on this greatest day and we really wish our veterans health, longevity, and it seems to me that there is no family in belarus that has not suffered from the war, so this holiday resonates especially in our hearts. friends, of course we are. let's wish in belarus that every morning is peaceful, joyful, and of course,
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that every morning the happy rush of children sounds, it seems to me that this is a symbol of peace in general, a symbol of the continuation of life, by the way in the studio, good equal belarus, very soon there will also be a peculiar kindergarten, 25 pupils in the grand art studio today the robin vaispomash will present the most beautiful song: peaceful sky, please wait, this will be live, but closer to the end of our broadcast, stay with us, well, right now we are offering. let's have a little refreshment on the menu of our food blogger anatoly moiseev today - pancakes, but not simple ones, with lemon. let's write down the recipe. good morning, today we are preparing a healthy breakfast, but healthy does not mean tasteless, and i will prove it to you. let's treat ourselves to our loved ones with fragrant, tender and ruddy ones. curd lemon pancakes. we will need cottage cheese, flour, egg, lemon, sugar, vanilla
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sugar and baking powder. take one large egg and separate the yolk from the white. using a whisk, beat the whites with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form. place a pack of cottage cheese in a bowl with the yolk, add sugar and vanilla sugar. grate everything until smooth, grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and add it to the cottage cheese, and squeeze the juice out of the lemon itself using a fork, add to the curd mass and mix well, add the beaten egg white into the dough, mix gently with a spatula so that the whites have not fallen off, all that remains is to add two tablespoons of sifted flour and a teaspoon. knead a homogeneous dough, it should have the consistency of thick
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sour cream, heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, spoon the dough into the pan with a tablespoon, fry the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until golden brown, place the finished pancakes on a paper napkin to remove excess oils, pancakes are obtained with a bright citrus flavor aroma, the smell permeates the whole house, the creation makes them richer, gives them a delicate the creamy taste goes well with lemon zest, and the fact that practically no flour is used for cooking... makes the lemon-cream pancakes even more attractive, sweets can also be healthy, bon appetit, have a good day! oh, girls, i saw such a man!
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my house stands and the tree grows, but still i ’m missing something, oh, if he comes one day, then my soul will melt for the rest of my life, reliable, strong, brave, fighting, anyone with him would be in the fire, yes . it’s just a pity that he’s too busy, and he doesn’t like rest, but work, oh alexander, alexander, alexander, our luck and hope is ostrada, in this world, he is so alone, so alone, but i don’t
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need anyone else, oh alexander, alexander, alexander, our luck! and support is a reward, in this world, he is the only one, ah, alexander is the best of men, there is joy and comfort in the house, you can’t find a man like him, it’s not for nothing that they call him the owner of the earth. native, real, earthly, reliable, strong, brave, fighting, anyone with him would be in the fire, but it’s just a pity that he’s too busy, and he loves not rest, but work, ah alexander, alexander, alexander,
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our luck and hope and joy in this world. he is so alone, so alone, and i don’t need another, alexander, alexander, alexander, our luck and support is our reward, in this world, he is so alone, and khariksandr is the best of men. alexander, alexander, alexander, our luck, the hope of theft, in this world, he is so alone, so alone, we don’t need anyone else,
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to alexander, alexander, alexander, our luck, support reward. they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite, is it true that in developed countries male is the population predominantly female? the population there predominates because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood, what do you think causes this? various factors, my dad threw me into a river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions? does anyone know why september is called september? not because it's the seventh month, no? nikita, great, this is the seventh month, september
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is simply called a serial number, relatively speaking. even adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why the number population, it seems to me, cannot be included in the top ten countries in the world. sonya answered correctly, she’s smart, she has very well developed logical thinking, and even if she doesn’t know something, she can get to the correct answer, a precedent then, and a precedent is some kind of case, incident. i am very glad that yulia answered correctly, this is exactly the word that we studied with her in preparation for the olympiad, and therefore it’s great that it coincided. watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel . belarus has enchanted me. at first glance, at first glance in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for
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me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean, very i liked the people, they are very friendly, good-natured, then the natural component was important to me, that there is beautiful nature here. for 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, look at the project for a look at belarus on our tv channel, where the nameless river flows like a ribbon silver i stand, plunge into honey dew, fragrant birch, and
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old tenderness will awaken, flare up in the heart with a quiet flame, hello, i will say, desired, i know you have been waiting for me for a long time, linen! the best they run, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, you ask me, and
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i will answer, this is the heart of my land, good morning, belarus. good, good morning, country, good morning, belarus, tatyana matusevich, olga venskaya, today i wish everyone a pleasant, easy awakening reminds that today, may 10, the sun rose very early, even, well, almost like us, at 5:12, we were already at work at that time, yes, we got up about an hour, then an hour and a half earlier, the sun rose above the peaceful sky in our country, that’s what i would say , yesterday we celebrated a big holiday, victory day, and today we do not get tired, once again all belarusians, all veterans. congratulates us on this, without exaggeration, a big day for each of us, but let me remind you that june 1 will also be a big holiday in the world . children's day will traditionally be celebrated,
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it will be celebrated in a special way at the bolshoi theater belarus, they will present on the main stage the premiere, an adapted version of the tale of tsar saltan by alexander sergeevich pushkin based on the opera by nikolai rimsky korsykov. so, friends, don’t miss it. adult viewers, i think, will also be interested in this premiere. and here is the adapted version. another work, although it was presented for housing in the usa. let's look at this too. a popular rental service has presented a hotel in the style of the mansion of professor x from the popular animated series people x. the house has not only bedrooms with offices, but the team's training facilities. there are also more than a hundred objects from the universe of people x placed throughout the rooms. applications from those wishing to rent a house like this are accepted until mid-may. the excursion will be a bonus. guests will also be able to. to take a new team course, to get to the hotel, you will have to come to the state of new york, that’s where it is located, but i’m sure that for all fans of this animated series it
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will be a dream to go there and spend some time there, i think -i liked it first retro tape recorder, he was just now in close-up, and secondly, i wanted to ask, these frightening sounds are also included with renting a house at night, oh, so friends, you want to tickle your nerves, but on the other hand, you know , i am for cinema to be a pleasure , first of all, so traditionally on fridays, together with our colleague maryana murenkova, we suggest scrolling through the movie poster and choosing a film that you will definitely want to watch this coming weekend. this painting during the first weekend of distribution, it earned more than 60 million dollars, and with a budget of 150, but the producers still expected more, because in the frame is the ken of all times. you guessed
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that today we will talk about a sparkling action comedy from david leitch, stuntmen. and the cast of actors is not the only advantage of the film. the director of the triumphant faster than a bullet and the second deadpool, this time he also decided to surprise everyone by making a film with many references to many iconic films of world cinema, a little revealing the behind-the-scenes life of the film process and deliberately, decently mocked muscularity. the film is based on something popular in the usa, but practically unknown here. he is an unemployed stuntman who one day gets a chance, although this chance to star in a big hollywood project, where his ex is the director, will give the hapless stuntman a superhero the opportunity to also return his love, by the way , for this it will be necessary to almost save the world, but this is almost , or rather save the local film world. you might ask if ryan gosling, who plays a stuntman, had a stuntman, it turns out, no, he performed all the
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parkour stunts himself. sword racing, shootouts, car chases, boat chases, electric scooters on garbage containers, jumping from roof to roof, in general, a real encyclopedia of film stunts. the stuntmen have already entered the guinness book of records for the largest number of car rollovers. by the way, this is not the first time for ryan gosling to play a stuntman on the big screen, but for the third time. before that, the drive and space were sucking, so there was time and space for decent acceleration. how many stuntmen were involved in the film "stuntmen". you’ll find out for yourself, though in a movie theater chair, after reading the credits. well, we move on, we will continue our film announcement of phantasmogoria from the frenchman kuntin dupiot. dali, the intonation is exclamatory. and a little about the author of the new extravagant comedy. quentin du pieux is not only a film director, but also a writer, and also a dj, known under the pseudonym misio ouazo. he became famous for his music videos and commercials, and later branched out into absurdist comedies
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like wrong cops. starring with marilyn manson, real fake biographical film, this is precisely the definition given by specialists of the new french comedy. so, in the center of the plot is a journalist who arranges an interview with selvador dali, but still cannot take him, since unimaginable surreal circumstances happen in the life of the spanish genius, and the viewer, along with the characters, walks through these labyrinths of fantasies. by the way, the role of dali throughout the film is played by several different actors, namely eduard baer and jonathan. and also in spain itself, where specially for the film there was a house was built reminiscent of the famous portlegat artists' house. the pictures in the film were also brought to life by director ju pyo. for example, their principal photography took place in the spanish desert. the process lasted 6 weeks, and the world premiere of dali’s painting took place in the fall at the 80th venice film festival.
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with clearings and some places there will be no precipitation, but in brest the weather is expected to be dry until +19. 10-12 above zero, in vitebsk there will be rain and slush. in gomel it will most likely not be without rain, cloudy with clearing +16 +18. those the same precipitation will be in grodno, there up to 15 with a plus sign in mogilev +12 +14, cloudy with clearings and also rain in places. well
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, for example, this doesn’t upset me personally. because rains in the spring are good, it means everything will grow, bloom, but if it warms you, then today in any case it is several degrees warmer than yesterday, while frosts remain at night, yes, that’s why jackets, especially if you go to work early in the morning, don’t hide too far, by the way, on the weekend the temperature situation will change slightly, and the degrees will rapidly go up, but at the same time the precipitation will remain, which is also not bad, when you know, it’s too hot, this cooling rain, it’s wonderful, no, it’s too hot, we wanted it, it... won’t happen soon, it will just be comfortable, well, right now, let’s, together with our correspondent olesya boyarskikh, virtually visit the capital’s military-patriotic club krechet, it recently opened its doors to young citizens of our country, look, education of civic qualities and patriotism, a new military-patriotic club krechet has opened in the capital, why they teach the kids there and
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we’ll find out how the classes are going right now. eleven-year-old kirill petrichenko decided in kindergarten that he wanted to become a policeman. an example for the guy was his grandfather, who dedicated his life to military service. good. the beginning of preparation for his future profession for kirill was the military-patriotic club. i like being here, i like disassembling weapons and looking at equipment when amon and the police arrive. in the future, i want to enter the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, study there and become a real officer. military-patriotic the krechet club operates on the basis of secondary school no. 90 named after vladimir ivanovich stelmashonok. this year with the assistance of the administration of the oktyabrsky district, as well as the oktyabrsky district police department of the city of minsk. such an unusual name for the club was not chosen by chance. screams is a bird from the falcon squad, which is the fastest, it
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is characterized by courage, intelligence, fearlessness, we wanted to instill in our students the qualities that are characteristic of this bird. today the club has 18 determined and courageous children who attend classes every wednesday. guys, i motivate them to subsequently enter the academy of the ministry of internal affairs. what's so interesting in your hands? the asad traumatic pistol, created for self-defense, has
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an electric trigger, through these pips a charge is transferred to the capsule of the traumatic cartridge and it fires either flash-noise ammunition, which is designed to disorient the enemy. or a rubber bullet, what do you like most about the military-patriotic club? i like most of all how we learn to march in formation, ride on all sorts of excursions, we go to all sorts of entrances, but what about self-defense, are they training you here? yes, we are taught to assemble and disassemble weapons, and try on police uniforms. a mandatory attribute of any military-patriotic club is the gyrfalcon uniform, no exception. we were helped to develop a moderation uniform by a state enterprise located in the city of gomel, which completely developed the layout
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of the uniform, taking as a basis the uniform moderation, which is also worn by police officers. the coat of arms of our club was already developed by employees of the oktyabrsky rvd and was agreed upon with the education department and school administration. guides children toward making an informed choice in the police service; not only students from the capital’s school number 90, but also children from different districts of the capital can become its students. to enroll , you must apply to the director and also pass a selection process. once again we say good morning to the whole country. belarus continues to wake up, welcome friday may 10th, by the way, in less than a month, the fourteenth time will pass. a huge, very beloved festival, especially among grodno residents national cultures. it will take place, as you already understood, remember, it will happen in grodno on june 7-8. there will be 19 farmsteads in the city center. a total of 36 nationalities will be represented, including new participants in the festival.
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believe it or not, argentines will come to the festival of national cultures in grodno. let's get acquainted. yes, the theme of the festival this year will be family values. the organizers promise to introduce guests to different family traditions and rituals. in general, as they say, it will be very interesting, and most importantly, it will be delicious, because farmsteads are always treated to, well, by the way, literally in a few minutes in the studio good ranitsa belarus at the concert venue we are waiting for 25 young stars who will win your hearts, by the way, this is the grand studio of the arts malinovka bayspomazh, they will present an important thoughtful composition peaceful sky, this everything will happen very soon, so friends, stay in our awakening company, company.
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once a year, senior leader, you should hang on the honor board, so for now confirm, a new dance, we are inventing a new dance, what the sino team has been performing on stage for more than half a century, how is it locally? artists are preparing for the slavic bazaar, why the history of the city attracts tourists, who is responsible for greco-roman wrestling in the seninsky district, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on good ranitsa belarus, with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15, so, so who doesn’t want to play at the dance, hello, a new athlete is sneaking up to you, and where are the people, you say, where are the people, my wife forgave me everything in her youth, this is what she will hear.
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in short, the sixth and seventh days, they should be the child’s personal days, there is no need to force them into school, universities, or secondary specialized institutions, this is the doctor’s point of view, a five-day workload is more than enough, the sixth day should be organized in the form of electives for sports during school. i also think the institution is wrong, it is necessary
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to give freedom of choice, not a single educational institution can take into account the interests of all students, a school cannot provide for all types of workload sections that children want, so give them the opportunity on saturday and sunday, firstly, just run around and relax, and secondly, do what they love, this... from a physiological point of view, from a psychological point of view, it’s very correct, very correct, so from my point of view, 5 days per week we study, and 2 days we are left to our own devices, again, from my point of view, there is no need for 5 days only to study, but 2 days only to play sports, physical activity should be every day, and those who play sports, uh , they study several times a week, it’s not very good when you just sit for 5 days, and then 2 days you load up like in some section to
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the point of exhaustion on monday you fall, no, it’s good when the load is even, uniform, that’s why everyone chooses for themselves how they will work out, but preferably when the load is distributed evenly, then, that a child studies for 5 days, this does not mean that he will not do anything at all in terms of studies, saturday-sunday, accents, if 5 days a week there dastatkova aktyuna, eye for getaga abavyazkova
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zachepіtstsa. history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the village that became the sweaty meats of the fire was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon, and a cathedral, and the hell of the city and the monastery itself had developed. in the steps of these stairs there were maravans of the saints’ muscles, and it is factual,
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as if so, in the future, there is no need for a friend, since we, me and you, are above us, the peaceful neva, the pure. sky, zoshey, mana has disappeared from us, this is all our dzyatsinstva, we now choose our path, we carry light in our hands, our strength is
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the adzin light, we have no doubt, everything is hidden from us. belarus. we know the history of how to make money our friends, if we are muggles, are free.
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give your life, ask everything, and give it to your edge and to the full. we don’t doubt, all the same, atrymala, months for the serts, you are my brother, you are my brother, only good greedy, lost, we will know, betstsa sertsa, without saudat, you are my brother, you are my brother, we adzinae here, we belarusians, yes, yes, yes, yes!
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you and i are above us, peaceful mute, clear sky, dear sky, good morning, belarus.
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