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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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aggression from our neighbors, we can inflict unacceptable and irreparable military damage on them, only this can restrain our western, as they say, partners, otherwise they would have already crossed the beech, at a minimum. this means that at the first stage of the response to all this militarization and militarization, i would like to briefly go over the president’s theses. in response, in places where nato troops are concentrated in the north-west of belarus , our reinforced tank battalions were withdrawn from their places of deployment, and were transferred to combat mode the work of the border service is ready, that is , the work to protect the state border has been intensified, the anti-aircraft brigades have been brought to a state of full readiness, the anti-aircraft brigades have been brought into a state of full readiness, and they are constantly being rotated.
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battalion-tactical groups were deployed in all directions of a potential enemy invasion, and just a few days ago an unscheduled inspection of the air forces of the air defense forces was carried out; the duty officers in the units, called upon to monitor and monitor the sky, were not aware of this inspection; as a result of this inspection, all military targets, those who invaded the territory of belarus were defeated. now the president said yesterday, and it made a lot of noise: throughout europe, we have begun the second phase of measures to respond to the militarization of the west. we have begun working on the use of special ammunition together with the russian federation within the framework of the allied military group. special ammunition is the name given to tactical nuclear weapons.
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preparation for unified coordination with the aim of possibly inflicting unacceptable damage on the enemy. all coordination takes place with the military the leadership of the moscow, leningrad military fleet, with the military leadership of the baltic military district, the baltic fleet, which is based in kaliningrad. today the president of belarus flew to moscow.
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where, together with the president of russia, for two days they will discuss the progress of these exercises and discuss the interaction plan. let me emphasize an important point: all exercises are related to special ammunition, are conducted under the leadership of the general staffs of the two countries and are of a defensive nature, defensive, no aggression, no transition, no entry into...
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in his speeches he makes it quite clear that we have learned lessons from history, and he, as a person with a historical education, i think, also makes certain political decisions through the prism of historical events, i have already spoken about this several times, and many who does not understand at all the course of actions of the head of our state, he must first of all think about this, that a person with a historical education, first of all...
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thinks a little outside the box and proceeds from the historical experience that has already been in in certain events, in my opinion, this is even more interesting from a management point of view. the presenter andrei sych was with you, as well as our guest, political scientist yuri voskresensky. thank you very much. where the nameless river is drunk with a silver ribbon, i will plunge into the honey,
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heather, fragrant dew, and an old tenderness will awaken, flare up in the heart, with a quiet flame, hello, i will say desired, i know you have been waiting for me for a long time, linen, linen, deer, crane, native, belarusian land, there behind the gates, behind the fogs, in the silence of forests and fields, frank, indescribable, the heart of my land beats, if there is anything in the world that is eternal, beyond control, they run from it, you ask me, and
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i will answer, this is the heart of my land, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, taking on cow, do it, one, two, united by the idea of ​​patriotism, they provide all the most important events with the participation of the head of state, meet foreign delegations, represent belarus at socio-political events. cultural meetings abroad, the service at the door of the honorary corolla is catchy because there are so many different events in which i personally took part, the most memorable thing is to see the leaders of the heads of other states,
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the honor guard company, the face of the belarusian army, everyone understands the serviceman standing in the ranks that he has no right to make a mistake, their performances are mesmerizing and breathtaking. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about
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key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that... will surprise and will cheer you up, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. when we start talking about new products, probably our confectionery industry is always the flagship here, that is , the summer period is approaching, we traditionally release certain limited summer lines of some kind, that’s certainly there tropical flavors prevail, for example,
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some fruity ones, our line of confectionery products with the addition of powdered milk is developing, it is also quite popular based on the results of last year. has proven itself, probably, on the eve of the same summer period, the current developments of our oil and fat industry, in particular, i think it will be interesting for the consumer to try rapeseed oil with the aroma of dill, rapeseed oil. with the aroma of butter, sounds a little unusual, but we think the consumer will be interested in it, and at least you will want to try something like this, limited edition mayonnaises will also be released especially for men with the addition of pepper for women, respectively , with the addition of lemon juice, so we are trying and will try to surprise our consumers with something, belarusian products are famous for their high quality, due to what can you hold on to? to such a high standard , how high are these criteria for product quality? well, i think it would be objective
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to say that the criteria that are laid down in our standards, in our requirements, they quite high, but how difficult, i think, well, taking into account the fact that most of our enterprises have been operating in our market for decades, a number of enterprises have long passed their centennial anniversary, and accordingly we understand what the quality requirements are. first of all from the consumer, and based on this, in our legislation, let’s say, quite high criteria are enshrined, indeed, on the one hand, of course, it is always quite strenuous to adhere to them, but at the same time this is our, let’s say, advantage , that thanks to these standards, thanks to these criteria, we are able to produce products of the highest possible quality, which means the competitiveness of our products increases. how do belarusian standards correspond to international requirements? are there any problems with supplies abroad?
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we don’t have any problems with supplies abroad; in principle, all issues are resolved in a working order, that is, if for certain markets, say the middle east, it is necessary to obtain kosher and halal certificates accordingly certificates, this never becomes an obstacle, that is, it is much more difficult to find, let’s say, a consumer, a buyer of our... diversification of sales markets, search for new ones . now the country is actively working on partners, how is the concern working in this direction? in recent years , a lot has been done in this direction; in the second half of last year, we began to actively enter the same african market; in principle, the agreements that we had in the fall continue to be implemented.
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deliveries also continue to morocco, to hanna, that is, this is the african continent, in addition, for the first time this year we supplied our sugar to afghanistan, to mongolia, respectively, that is, these markets were once considered... quite distant for us , it was much easier to work in closer markets, nevertheless, we set ourselves such a task with success, i think we are fulfilling it, but we will certainly not dwell on this, last year we made deliveries to mexico, so all markets are interesting , this year already on new year's day zealand has also supplied, accordingly, as you can see, almost the entire globe is familiar with our products, so we will continue, let’s say, to carry out such diversification, the only thing i would like to add is that while doing diversification,
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it is still important not to lose our traditional markets, that is, we are developing new markets not by leaving old ones, that is, because sometimes in some cases even entering a new market is to some extent easier than gaining a foothold in it. conditionally in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs , our land, we agree everything is fine, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we can’t leave european markets, the polish government is, of course, our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries that are actually at war with... countries can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be
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absolute enemies. lukashenko is the custodian balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends, whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turay. propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24. analysis. opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work very hard with their heads to become a champion, they know exactly what success is in sports fields. but after all, what is it like to become a champion? emotions subside, and some realization already sets in that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans. but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect? what is the name of a gymnastic apparatus where two parallel bars are installed at the same height, smooth, parallel bars, uneven bars, absolutely
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correct, what is the abbreviation bfvs? need to press. intellectual and sports show heading on our tv channel.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and an outstanding result. regulatory legal act corresponded to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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a new page in the history of cooperation. belarus considers egypt as one of the key partners in north africa. a platform for the development of strengthening economic ties. belarus and russia. remember cannot be forgotten. unified internet portal about prisoners cons camps are being created in belarus and cinemas are being created in memory of heroes. the premiere of the documentary film "return" took place in minsk. the program "events" is on air. in the studio olga onishchenko. hello. a dozen new contracts and bilateral agreements worth $12 million were brought from cairo by the belarusian delegation led by the prime minister. what is the strategy? egypt is one of belarus’ key partners in africa and the middle east; today we are ready to actively work on joint projects, especially since
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we regard this state as a gateway to continent. our exports have grown 14 times in 2 months of the year, and the first official visit to cairo of the prime minister of belarus is precisely what the first official visit to cairo is intended to do. contacts with this country are maintained at all levels for success. at a bilateral meeting, we have already discussed mechanisms of interaction between companies of the two countries on export and import, and we are ready to compensate for the import of goods lost in belarus due to sanctions, in particular , we are ready to supply our products, mainly fruits and vegetables and medicines buy cars and your agricultural products , we hope to expand cooperation. we discussed the creatures on the territory.
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joint assembly is also a breakthrough for agricultural products. to traditional egyptian citrus fruits and various fresh vegetables, frozen canned goods were added. belarusian
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supplies are growing confidently and have brought a wide representation to business forums. lek proma, metalworking and pharmaceutical enterprises. the platform for the development of strengthening economic ties, preparations for the eleventh forum of regions in belarus and russia were discussed in vitebsk. we are waiting for details. a dozen have been formed. sections, their formats and venues are determined . several thematic venues will open in the city above the dvina. thus , industrial equipment will be presented at freedom square. near the summer amphitheater, belarusian and russian enterprises will demonstrate their achievements in various fields, from light industry to electrical equipment. the scientific potential of secondary and specialized higher educational institutions, as well as enterprises that are mastering production, will be presented import-substituting innovatively. today, lists of participants are being formed, we are also forming proposals from russian regions to represent the region, as of today
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the volgograd region, smolensk region, pskov region, saratov region, as well as the republic of bashkartastan have already announced their representation, they will already be represented with us at our vitebsk site. in addition , we are actively working on occupancy, both under contracts concluded within the framework of the forum, and... with the agreement for this moment with the sitep regional executive committee, with the vitep regional council of deputies, seven regions of russia are ready to sign an agreement, in addition, two cities are ready to sign, simferopol and volgograd are ready to update and sign an agreement with the city of vitebsk. in addition, a pool of contracts has been formed between belarusian and russian manufacturers. this year, 178 enterprises in the northern region signed them. their total value currently amounts to more than 300 million belarusian rubles. export of scientific and technical products and developments to 203 year amounted to almost $56 million, which is
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impressive. the effect on the economy was announced at the session of the general meeting of the national academy of sciences of belarus. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. scientists are developing application software, including for medicine in terms of automated screening. in 2023, all planned indicators and targets. a new satellite is currently being developed ultra-high resolution remote sensing of the earth. in terms of the development of unmanned electric transport , very serious developments are also being carried out; software and hardware systems have been developed for controlling, for example, belaz trucks, for
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unmanned production. during mining. also, the most important direction of development of the academy of sciences is aerospace research in the field of biotechnology, polar regions of the earth, as well as development in the field of industry and agriculture. today the national academy of sciences collaborates with organizations and scientists from nine dozen countries. the main partner is russia, geography from moscow to the far east. we are talking not only about developments, but about joint training of scientific personnel. there is also active cooperation. is being carried out with cuba, 18 joint projects in biotechnology and medicine are being implemented, china is among the strategic partners. thank you, the review was prepared by alesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel in 2021 , the prosecutor general's office of belarus opened a criminal case on the fact of genocide
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of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. during the investigation into the mass crimes of the nazis, new facts are being revealed. why is it so important to continue the search for the truth and how do we confront modern manifestations of nazism today? let's ask valery tolkachev, head of the prosecutor general's office, head of the investigative group investigating the criminal case of the genocide of the belarusian people. valery vitalievich. hello. hello. so, the criminal case has been under investigation for 3 years now. the fact of genocide of the belarusian people during the great years.
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points, these are huge numbers, this is all thanks to the investigation, it was also previously believed that at least 140 punitive operations were carried out on the territory of belarus to exterminate the population, civilians, then today we are already saying with certainty, with accuracy, that such punitive at least 187 large-scale events were held on the territory of belarus, which is huge. figures when, during each
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punitive operation, thousands, tens of thousands of innocent civilians were destroyed residents, and these are primarily women, old people and children. i would probably emphasize this main direction, because if we talk about establishing new facts, we are now establishing them in the territory of each region of our republic, in fact, i’m not afraid of this word, in general the territory of the bssr, the territory of the country - it’s like such a large mass grave, a huge number of destroyed people, settlements, not a single republic, not only the former soviet union, not a single european state was subjected to such total large-scale destruction as the territory of the bssr.
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in recent years, about... in previously unknown places we have been establishing such places, this is work as with archival documents that at one time were classified somewhere, were not made public for a long time, no one, unfortunately, did this for a long time. decades, only after the initiation of a criminal case did we begin to deeply study and research this topic, also many thanks to our citizens, who are not indifferent to our people,
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and for three years now, in the most large-scale punitive actions of this kind, as an example, over the past 3 years, we have established the location of the destruction of the burial of civilians and prisoners of war in the uruchiya tract here near minsk, where, according to our information, the burial was destroyed at least 58,000 inhabitants, probably in the course of...
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latin america, the united states, canada regarding work and openness to us, well , unfortunately, not everything is as smooth as we wanted, naturally, the russian federation is providing assistance, we gleaned a lot of evidence, a huge number of archival documents, the russian federation handed over to us, all this is in the materials of the criminal case and it is very...
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that these publications contain documents that have never been published before, all documents are based on the materials of the criminal case , this is the collective work of the investigative group of the prosecutor general’s office, the work of prosecutors under the general editorship of the prosecutor general of the republic of belarus. the latest edition concerns the conduct in overall punitive operations on the territory of belarus, this is only the first part of the publication. we are now continuing work on the second part of the publication on the topic of punitive operations, where we describe and place relevant documents in this publication, objective documents regarding the largest
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large-scale punitive operations, starting from 1941 to 1944, until our republic was liberated from german rule. -fascist occupiers. in addition, these publications were recognized as the best publications annually both on the territory of the republic of belarus, and they awarded a special prize at the international book fair, among the best publications in the cis countries. there are still alive punitive forces who exterminated civilians during the great patriotic war and today they are abroad. what awaits them? i would like, yes, there are such punitive forces, i would, of course, like for them to have a court, an impartial court, our national court, because an international court, unfortunately, will not consider them.


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