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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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they shot like crazy, from pistols, rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, until the cartridges ran out, it was the happiest day of my long life. everything you wanted to know about connections, history, and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus, famous for its fame. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi niseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, she reasoned, instructed, reconciled them, she devoted attention to older people. she delved into their infirmities,
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helped their needs spiritually and financially, she especially raised the younger generation, love for god, devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the exaltation of the cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is.
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study its history, explore the sights, the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross, on where jesus christ was crucified, so it is with this very same one, this is a deep treasure, by chance during construction work an excavator was digging a small trench and with its ladle it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their own.
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sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers have not arrived from the bloody fields.
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they once fell into our land, but turned into white cranes, they are still flying, from those distant times... they give us voices, isn’t that why we are so often sad, we fall silent, looking at the heavens. the world is slowly beginning to move from unipolar world to a polycentric one, today there is turbulence, generally all over the world, but around our borders. by may and june of this year, the nato grouping of forces will reach its maximum concentration along our state borders, the exercises are taking place in
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violation of international rights, they are demonstrating force to us. macron is ready to send the french military to ukraine, as long as we can, as they say, go to... any agreements with the west, they understand perfectly well that they are deceiving us anyway. muscle flexing should take place when this macron will come there with his soldiers. recently, the russian ministry of internal affairs put vladimir zelensky on the wanted list. he received a black mark from the russian federation; on may 20, the carriage will turn into a pumpkin. well, we remember that they already threatened to shoot at the mozor oil refinery. today, because the republic of belarus is protected by air and missile defense systems. well, maybe, i say, there are no such states even in europe.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is the deputy head of the faculty of the general staff , armed. well, in fact, yes, these exercises are of a very global nature, and their globality is determined by the number of forces involved in this, today more than 1000 are involved in these exercises, more than 15 thousand different weapons systems, there are 70 ships,
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there are about 300 aircraft and so on and so forth, that is, these exercises are so global in essence that even during the cold war, we remember, such exercises were carried out. teachings that are marked precisely the united states and, above all , the united states began, this is a light scale global exercis of 2024, these are large-scale exercises that will take place all over the world, that is, they will affect essentially all regions, and throughout the year,
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well, they don’t really say where what and how, because the most interesting thing is that these exercises, including in our region, they take place in violation of international rights, international... this part of the exercise is carried out by the american armed forces, including the transfer of troops from the continental this is something that directly concerns the part of north america to the european part of our continent. in terms of scale, as i said,
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these exercises are really large and they are divided into a huge number, that is , if the samite laechskayzes are carried out all over the world today in this half a year , about more. the struggle for the shelves and, of course, issues related to the northern sea route, well, in addition to
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this, of course, the land component is also considered, that is, finland has an extensive border with the russian federation, in in connection with which russia is also taking appropriate measures, the leningrad military district will be formed there , the moscow military district will be recreated in the western direction, that is , understanding the full depth of the problem, the russian federation also began to react to everything that is happening, but it should be noted that the main axis.. this is the conduct of these exercises, that is, the main direction of these exercises, it is carried out on the axis of germany, poland, lithuania, that is, as you understand, this is precisely our fundamental one. direction, the purpose of these exercises, at first we were officially asked to consider that the purpose of the exercise is, as i already told you, the combat operational coordination of the relevant nato structures, this is the verification of combat readiness plans, well, the implementation of other activities, also as it is said in at the beginning, they were supposedly of a purely defensive nature, that is... covering, as they call it, the eastern flank, yes, yes, well, then, as they say,
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you can’t hide an awl in a bag, and no matter how they tried, but in the end, look, statements from the media, all military, political figures, everyone clearly says that russia poses an existential threat to us, yes, and that for us, all these exercises are aimed at one goal - to contain the russian federation, well, they are strapping us there too, as you understand, with a trailer, it’s everywhere, yes. because even if we look at the seriousness of the attitude towards everything, for example, great britain is such a state, it has recently adopted four very important documents, four documents related to both foreign policy, so connected with military policy, well, alkus and so on, so i’ll say, just in case, throughout history, throughout history connected with the cold war, that is, you understand, what a period there was, there were them too only four have been accepted, that is, as far as this is the situation today.
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in germany there was an army group north, an army group south, that is, everything overlaps like this, the basis lies there, of course, these are the armed forces of germany, well, in addition to germany, everyone else is involved, but it is this german component that directs the teachings from there. the movement of the tenth tank division indicates that by may, june of this year, the grouping of nato forces will reach its maximum concentration along our state boundaries, what this is connected with. you understand, this is how similar it is, against the background of which these exercises are being carried out, a special military operation that is being carried out today
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russian federation on the territory of ukraine, and what do all military analysts say, what are they saying today in the western media, that the russian federation is preparing a large-scale offensive in may-june, in may-june at the same time the united states with its companions, they are forming appropriate groups, let’s say they have formed, they will decide to enter the territory of belarus, the territory of ukraine, well, there are already questions, but nevertheless we are more interested in our country, well, look, this concentration troops - it is not necessary that they should immediately begin to attack us, although this brings with it certain challenges, threats beyond any doubt, and provocations, everything is possible, these are challenges of threat, that is, we recently adopted a concept where everything is just very described , now it is a military doctrine, a concept, all of this is available in the open... you can read it already on the internet, where exactly these aspects, issues related to the development of the military-political situation, were
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foreseen when it was just beginning these documents are being written, so it’s very interesting to look at them, so what is this? first, they are showing us strength, they are trying, as they say, to carry out issues of strategic deterrence against us, well, as a union state, and so on, at this time the russian federation is forced to divert a huge number of troops from carrying out this operation, in order to cover its state border, and this is the air defense system, this is the reconnaissance force, this is the air force, this is ground forces, that is, what could ensure the security of the same... and the belgorod, kursk region, carry out the task of de-identification, demilitarization, liberation of newly annexed lands, today the russian federation is forced to keep all this in other directions, because look how serious the approach is today, in all their conceptual documents, including the newly adopted british ones that i’m talking about, it is said that by the year thirtieth, 2030, it is necessary
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complete issues related to neutralizing the russian federation in order to then move on. in this indo-pacific , help these united states complete issues related directly to china, and then the golden billion can continue to rest on their laurels, receive free resources, exploit other peoples, nationalities, that is, in essence, globalism will take its place in the world and will ensure that , what is necessary, what we call non-traditional values, what they are trying to present to us today, and we need to understand that in these conditions the ukrainian theater is, of course, a ukrainian direction, a strategic one, it is very important, you look how many directions still exist around open ones, which today in the baltic countries and the same scandinavian countries are today trying to disperse russophobia in relation to russia, that today border crossings are being closed, as is the case with russians, that is , the attitude there has become rabid in terms of what to make of
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the russian people, and the same outcasts as at one time they tried to make jews and... well , it’s difficult to say for sure how long this conflict will continue, but given exactly how it is being carried out today, i don’t want to say that it will always be carried out in such conditions at the tactical level, military operations are carried out exclusively at the tactical level, i’m not talking about the defeat of military economic targets, that’s... a slightly different story, that’s it, but nevertheless, i want to say that this conflict is for a very, very long time, and that russia today may be it is not actively carrying out these offensives, it is the presence of these nato troops along our borders that makes us think, because the main and most combat-ready group of the russian federation armed forces is located precisely on the territory of ukraine, and if the issue becomes more acute, and more
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islands in look at what the public wrote about, for example, recently, this weekend . she stated that they are already beginning to assert that there are issues related to the entry of nato troops into the territory of ukraine, and it says the first thing, if there is a third party that intervenes, and then this third party is registered as the republic of belarus, so it says that if russia carries out an attack, for example, on moldova, poland, the baltic states, romania and so on, well, it’s a question this is even about... but the breakthrough of the ukrainian front is something else, this is already stated by none other than the democratic congressmen, that in the event of a breakthrough of the ukrainian front, us congressmen declare this, and of course macron echoes, today without macron , as you understand, what events are taking place, he is everywhere, macron is everything in terms of invasion, but this must be taken very, very seriously, very seriously in what regard, you look that the russian federation is trying to carry out this
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special military operation, it’s not trying, but it’s carrying out and quite successfully carries out, if we are talking specifically about the strategy of starvation of this side and ... for the efficiency of conducting military operations, which in essence are not carried out there at all, then it must be said that the russian federation has had success, the most the main thing is, look how motivated the people are there, this soldier here, the whole war today in the north military district, lies on the shoulders of sergeants and captains, you know, that’s why i say again, i emphasize that operations are not carried out, precisely on the tactical level, these are feats, heroism, this is the tactical... savvy of a russian soldier, a russian officer, it is worth a lot, if a political decision is made, it is the political decision that is not enough today to conduct large-scale operations, then they will carried out in a very short time, because the russian federation has superiority in almost all means, then please explain why, let’s say we read there, they took one settlement,
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the second, well, these are small small small settlements, and then, well, there is no such thing as the jingoistic patriots are waiting for such a massive advance of russia across the territory, well, probably not only the jingoistic patriots are waiting, yes, in the end this could have ended, you and i saw how it began in february of '22, this is precisely with the operation, as a small group of 180,000 people, practically it reached kharkov, everything else has already reached kiev, then the istanbul agreements took place, everything went away and today all this is being carried out there in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, there in the kherson region and so on, so this... approximately, you know, i always want to draw analogies, there was such a gelp operation, this was an operation of nazi germany against france, and so there was a unique case, like... just this idea was proposed at one time by erich von manstein, here is a detour through neutral countries, a way out and just an approach in france, basically there, of course, schlifan’s plan lay down, this is the principle
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of a closing door, the more active the french are, the more of them are surrounded, so this maneuver was so effective, and the german forces did not exceed france, they reached paris, and the dunkerque miracle took place there, it was also an agreement, i say, capitalists will always agree, there was an agreement there. that’s why the bunker miracle happened, everyone was able to go there to cross, part of the french troops, the main part of the british troops returned to britain, so if it were approximately the same situation, that when the germans reached paris, they suddenly stopped, turned around, went back to return to the maginot line, because it remained there and there just like all these latarings, alsaces and starting to fight, breaking through the majenu line, about the same situation arose in the russian federation, when they suddenly withdrew from... in fact, from surrounded kiev, from near kharkov, from under the sum, everywhere , and they were transferred to fight where there are the largest number of fortified areas, i understand that this is a policy that
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always prevails over the military component, prevails over the military, i say, today the time has come, many important nodes of resistance have been broken through, namely in ukraine, these resistance nodes make it possible to move reserves there and truly enter the operational space. many believe that operational space is the distance from one line to the next tactical line, no, of course, this is already a matter of course, when the tactical defense zone is broken through and the troops go out into the void, they then begin to operate in a vacuum. a similar situation, by the way, arose when you remember, ukraine carried out this kharkov operation in the kupa direction, where there were no russian troops, they essentially acted in emptiness, why they weren’t there is also a big question, as they say, but quite controversial , i think that even this program is not enough to analyze it exactly... in some details, but i want to do it again to say, if a political decision is made, it is the issue of the land component that will be resolved, and the sea component, today there is a big question, here, unfortunately,
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this is a problem not only of the russian fleet, i think, of all modern fleets, and of course the black sea fleet today is certainly already carry out those landing operations that he could have carried out at the very beginning in odessa, and i believe this victory was stolen from the russian fleet, again i say, well, politics prevails. this probably means that from a political point of view it was correct, it means that there were some agreements, there was some kind of political necessity, but i say that in all situations, as long as we can, as they say, come to some kind of agreement with the west, i understand perfectly well that she is still being deceived , you see, here the question is precisely about the existence of the state; the question is precisely a special military operation, if we continue to raise denazification and demilitarization, no others. tasks are not worth it, then the west, the collective west, raises the question of the strategic defeat of russia, namely such, this is how this question is posed, in particular
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, both cameron and macron recently stated that this is exactly the target setting, the following is what they say: if ukraine loses, then the entire collective west loses, and this cannot be allowed, therefore you also need to understand to realize that even those peace negotiations that they are trying to talk about today, but it is impossible to defeat it, history shows that it can only be undermined from within, this fifth column, precisely during this counter-offensive, it did not work, that’s all
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there were these, when it all didn’t work, the general plan began to not work, the general plan, which was laid down precisely in inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, today the west does not know what to do, hence such statements, they rush from one statement to another, what to do with russia, it is no coincidence that now they are collecting at 15-16. the russian federation, perhaps, will be presented with an ultimatum, well, i think that russia will now try to work out cooperation through the shanghai organization, there will soon be major events there
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- this brix will also be held. in the summer in the fall, major events, these organizations , without a doubt, will show their attitude to everything that is happening today in ukraine, and most likely will also declare their position, but we say that there will be one position, this is the one proposed by the west, the second position, which will be russia will propose, well, and most likely the position that china will propose will be taken as a basis, yes, because well , thirdly, there must be something, and what will china offer, well, you and i also see whose side it occupies a lot today, and you are well aware of china. that when this part of this conflict in ukraine ends, everything will move there to the asia-tac region, but it won’t get any easier for russia, because russia is so big, it is also in this region, it is present, but there is a balance of power there is already completely different, and we see how much china has strengthened today, it has not just strengthened, it has become a truly global economic power, as for the military component, it remains to be proven, we we see how much the chinese people's democratic
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republic has strengthened and risen, despite the fact that... liberals there once told us how people there are dying of hunger, it turns out that they have the most serious space rocket and other technologies, capabilities exceeding many western countries together taken, therefore , of course , today we must treat this very very carefully, the very concept that the west laid down, today the united states is trying to move in the managerial prana this indo-pacific region, yes, where these issues are dealt with, where this one was formed... it is britain that forms it, it transfers this bloc, as it were , the main leading position to the united states in this region, in nato the leading position will be played by this of course, britain plays second fiddle to france, they recently concluded a cordial agreement, a cordial union, yes, they called it again the entente historically and today they
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do just that. this region to appropriately continue the policies they need and which must be completed by 2030. let us then talk about britain in the next part of our program, but for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you of our telegram channel. say , don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us to guests and ask questions, we are connected.
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the deputy chief of the faculty of the general staff of the armed forces of the military academy of belarus, colonel andrei bogodel. andrey petrovich, well, we settled on britain and its potential, which is underestimated, let's continue this topic, tell our viewers what we should pay attention to, where the dangers are. well, look, everyone is saying, well, how much of that britain is there, in the end, yes, it already had power, it has long been a channel into oblivion and what it represents ... we see some couple of divisions there, maybe these ships, which one aircraft carrier disassembles so that the second one can sail, this one ultimately does not sail anywhere, that is, well , everything is actually a little different, this is how we evaluate their potential. britain, on in any case, this is a state, great britain, which has a large number of its subjects, that is, there is even a commonwealth of these states that are defined under the crown, the same is canada, the same australia, new zealand, these are all the states that are today under the crown of britain, yes, we can say that
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they are kind of... the british crown is such a rather nominal, ephemeral concept, it’s purely like some kind of symbol, no, no, in fact, everything is far from the case, and if you look at any conflict where it is located it is precisely britain that is present, i think, in all the main conflicts it is the englishwoman who is present, the englishwoman craps, and the englishwoman craps, there is such a thing, this is a very correct concept, they participate in these conflicts everywhere as one of the parties, they try to get involved in any conflict the maximum number of participants, and on their side, can give a gun there. a tank, a plane, a helicopter, you can send one soldier there on a crooked mare or something else, it’s not important for them, the main thing is to use it as much as possible, they they assess their potential not from the point of view of how many ships and divisions they have, but how much is the total potential that cannot be used in this conflict, because look, it’s very difficult to respond to great britain, because it is a ghostly empire, it’s as if it doesn’t exist, but at the same time
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, it is present everywhere, all the events... that happen are precisely britain, after which, when a big noise arises, britain skillfully moves aside, then germany, france, the united states, anyone, becomes to blame, because look when it exploded. well, it probably even exceeds even the potential that this britain has imagined for itself, but its capabilities, that is, to fight against the whole world with the ghostly management of all this, is quite difficult, because unfortunately, this particular country today, and i will even say, is a ghostly the empire has reached
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this level of being able to rule the whole world with the help of its financial investments from the pyramids with the help of some political structures created around the world, often jointly. states it is britain that occupies exactly this position, which is being transferred to control, which is connected precisely with the world order that is being offered to us today, and the fact that today they are not the ones playing the first fiddle everywhere, often europe, france and britain, as the first fiddle, this also says about many things, we need to expect serious changes in our region, since britain is very , very serious about...
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a truly united civilization, it is today there is only one called the western world, so this
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the western world, where this britain is located , among other things, which does everything so that other civilizations can never unite and ultimately change the balance of power, although in the british documents that we talked about at the beginning of the program and... by and large today, such conditions have developed, such conditions that yes, the west is at war with
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russia, they send their weapons systems there, believe me, in these weapons systems, in the same ones that launch missiles there, shadow or there scalp or shoot down with the help with...
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namely, regarding the troops and these groups that are located, but on the territory of ukraine,
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that is, it is imperative that it does not happen, it is interesting to drag the conflict onto the territory of ukraine, which is why today such a large-scale, i say again, operation is not being carried out, then there is a game of politicians here, the flexing of muscles should take place when this macron arrives there with his soldiers, when these coffins go to france, germany, britain everywhere, then the question will arise. about the political viability of these figures who they are slowly beginning to drag their own people into this conflict, for no apparent reason why, so here i think that it is precisely the cunning game of vladimir vladimirovich putin, it is very correct, and the fact that there is a wait-and-see attitude is also correct, we will see with you that russia has begun to act actively, when the operation to liberate kharkov begins, it will be because it’s like that there...
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should we be afraid of these arrivals, they might threaten us too? well, look, the atakms missile is an operational-tactical missile attacks, yes, this is a serious weapon system, they began to prepare them, that is, they were produced in the late eighties, their first use was in desert storm in the ninety-first year, they showed their sufficient effectiveness, this missile has it there, depending on modifications, there are only eight different modifications, some of them were later shown in series...
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and the united states announced that they are starting to replace these missiles with newer systems, that is, development is underway at lockhead martin, their company , this is prsm rocket, prsm - this is highly accurate.
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this is in novopolotsk in mozar, they are all reinforced with appropriate air defense forces and means, strengthening not only air defense forces and means, but accordingly , special operations forces are also operating on the ground, units of our other security forces are also operating in order to prevent , of course, the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, which are
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also from the southern border, that every day, someone will definitely appear there, well, you even saw the latest stories that were demonstrated about involving our children. such complexes as the s400 triumph, the same tor m2, they fight with a very high degree of efficiency against these missiles, what we see is already about a dozen missiles sent by ukraine to the crimea, almost all of them were shot down there by these missiles, that is, this suggests that the russian federation has learned
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to work effectively with this type of missile. the fact that we have a corresponding system, we can compare this somewhere. are already working in hypersound, that is, it’s practically impossible to shoot down, yes, you can write whatever you want on paper, yes, you can say that we are clicking daggers one or two times, of course, this is not true, and we see what is happening today in general in terms of defeat infrastructure facilities, the kiev regime, uh-huh, andrei petrovich, well , the fact that we are not sleeping with our hats on
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is evidenced by the fact that just a week ago the commander-in-chief, our president alexander lukashenko visited the central command post of the air force and air defense forces. and of course our military we completed the assigned tasks, you talk about this throughout our conversation, but the president still demands only the truth from the military, is it really possible that in our army at such a difficult and responsible time there could be some kind of window dressing, so they often say, that window dressing is different, well, for example, the head of state comes, some other political, military figures come and it is necessary to show some important elements, that is , on its own, if... the whole process involves showing, then he, for example, will take there is a day, maybe some kind of clock, and global and everything else, then one element is taken, and this element is shown within the framework, yes, of course, several runs are carried out there, but this is what it says, about that military personnel
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have these skills, this is the first thing, the second is this principle, it brings them to skills, that is, they receive skills, what is a skill, this is a skill brought to automatism, what ’s wrong with that? brought, showed, there is already an opportunity to evaluate, indeed, yes, we can do this, yes, we can do this, and such several elements can be shown, that is , this is what is often called window dressing, and the same is true with samples, weapons, with the use of some systems and some actions, that is, one of the elements, but we know how to do it, we we are showing this, and it is not made with computer graphics, it is made by real people or real weapons systems, as far as visiting the central command post of the air force is concerned.
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other elements of the military organization of the state there, the ministry of emergency situations and so on, which also performed these tasks, the fact that all objects were able to capture what they were able to conditionally hit, and some, even force them. for landing, this really speaks to the high level of training of our air defense forces on duty,
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they were the ones who checked here, and about a thousand people take over every day, that is, they change each other, and this is real combat duty, and most importantly, look how confidently the officers acted, yes, they may have been a little quiet when the head of state approached and asked some questions like, how are things going, but look how the same the officers, the chief of the main staff and the chief of the operational department, acted confidently. precisely working on goals, you know, it costs a lot, the confidence of these officers, this professionalism, it directly, you know, it came through the screen to us, you know, this is vienna, by the way, these are graduates of the faculty of the general staff, which is what i also want, by the way to say, they passed these officers passed the exam, they passed the exam for all of our armed forces, you see, this is the assessment of our commander-in-chief, the word is great, well, you know, it’s worth a lot, and a handshake is higher than any diploma, higher. all sorts of bonuses, valuable gifts, because an officer does not serve for money, an officer serves for honor, you know, this honor that was there, it was defended, i
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say, i watched with pleasure, i watched it several times, the results that the president summed up in all this, yes, there will still be analyzes, yes, we promised, we noticed some subtleties, everything, because well , there is no such thing without shortcomings, without roughness, but overall i want to say, it was really great , this word was used to evaluate the impression, it all produced, but what is clear...
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this is a missile from the extreme point of ukraine that will reach us, how is minsk covered today, well, maybe only moscow is better covered, and that’s the question , you see, everything could be better, the fact that our citizens don’t have to worry, professionals like you saw work there, because for them control goals are the same as combat ones, they are well aware. they are in charge of these processes, that’s all, and in my opinion, i say, there was no window dressing there, no one, of course, will deceive the head of state in such a situation, i say, and those people who were there, let’s take a break for a while, after a short pause, we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, find all our episodes on the belarus1 youtube channel.
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is candidate of military sciences, colonel andrei bogadel. andrey petrovich, recently the russian ministry of internal affairs put vladimir zelensky on the wanted list. poroshenko and pavlyuk were also announced, this is the commander ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, and koval, the former minister of defense of ukraine, is it correct to understand that zelensky is no longer a legitimate president for russia, well, in fact , i don’t consider him a potential negotiator anymore, my children have alice, that’s interesting, i looked it up on tiktok, yes and i think i’ll check, i come up and say: “who is zelensky? and you know, she doesn’t answer this question, she starts to leave, i say: who is vladimir zelensky? he doesn’t answer, you know?
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that is, he already says, this is a very difficult question, there most importantly, that is, even artificial intelligence cannot artificial intelligence ceases to perceive him as the head of this state, this is also an indicator of very, very many things, well, look, of course , not only zelensky was announced, there are a lot of avakovs and kolomoisky there, and honestly, this should have been done a long time ago . well, on the one hand, let’s see, this is what they put on the wanted list today, and for politicians, what is it? some people think, so what, the usual political
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noise, fuss, which they decide on their own and etc. and the like, in fact, i think that this is a slightly different kind of signal, well, firstly, we know that on may 20, the same zelensky, in essence, ceases to be the president in everyone, you can come up with anything you want, you can do whatever you want, but even in ukraine itself , many speakers, and not the last row of speakers, are saying that on may 20 the carriage will turn into a poke. and someone's blue blood will turn into red blood, because no matter how it is, in all likelihood there are agreements, i won’t go into conspiracy theories or anything else, agreements regarding the heads of state, yes, you don’t have to recognize them, but if the elections took place, everything else, nominally it was said that they recognized that zelensky has nothing to fear, since he is the president , well , nothing, you remember his trips to avdeevka,
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to kherson, now he won’t be able to do this.
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then this is a signal to the whole state, no matter how they do it now, no matter how they show off, just throw it in, now quickly in parliament questions related to how illegitimate he is will begin in others, among businessmen, yes, among oligarchs, well, as if he is no longer quite a president, political figures will already begin, to what extent his signature is really legitimate, and so on and so forth , believe me, this is in anticipation of various possible negotiations, where it is said that no one will sign these documents with him... you will remember what our president said, and then it turns out that his signature is invalid, and they will tell us about it themselves his western partners, well, in about six months they will say, well, what did you sign with him, because he was no one and nothing, he was lazy, so even today the question is that legitimacy will be confirmed not by zelensky’s signature, but signature, for example, of the head of the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine, here already, excuse me, when this is the head of the verkhovna rada. president, the confrontation between the authorities at the very top is already beginning, this is the policy, it will begin to twist this ukraine from the inside. the russian federation carried out its elections with the highest ratings, turnout and support for the president, showing the whole world that today there is no putin’s russia, today there is russia as one single whole, which will go to the end, so here ukraine made a huge mistake and... this mistake. andrey petrovich, thank you very much for coming to our studio, thank you for your honest, sincere, truthful answers. we see that the world is turbulent, all these events, as we like to say now, are happening live, and
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it is impossible to predict the outcome, you can only to predict, but what we heard for ourselves is that... our borders are locked, the sky is covered, so we can only wish you success and once again congratulate you on the fact that your graduates did so well and passed this exam, so be it further will be, let our show only be like this, tatyana shcherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, andrei bogadel is speaking now, this year we are celebrating.
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your autograph and a few nice words. and at the end of our conversation, i would like to ask you to leave space heights and nuclear energy world records.
11:58 am
implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe and withdrawal from it aimed at one goal, so that there is no...
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