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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 10, 2024 9:45pm-11:16pm MSK

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the european union recorded the death of 54 foreigners, 25 of whom died on the border with poland, nine with lithuania and 20 with latvia. and you know, the story with judge schmit, who was mentioned a little higher, is actually very profitable right now in warsaw. they need a serious informational reason to interrupt the internal agenda, and it is very tense. a wave of mass layoffs has hit, the largest concerns are leaving the country, due to high electricity prices , production has become costly, a furniture company is planning layoffs, automotive, clothing, banking, economic segments and even the service sector and it. on the results of european sanctions, author's commentary by maria petrashka. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. don’t change the kochi natuski,
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the result is the same. the problems in the polish economy are only growing. mani edition, the largest foreign companies are leaving poland and heading to india. global concerns that have been operating in poland for many years are closing production, mani writes. more and more companies are coming to the conclusion that this same work is quite indians can do it. experts know the reasons. this situation is typical not only for poland, but also for many european countries. mass layoffs literally overwhelmed poland. global concerns that have been operating in the country for 30 years are winding down and moving production. so 800 people will lose their jobs due to the departure of the levi strauss company alone. another 800 will be laid off by nokia. up to 200 people will lose their jobs in the krakow branch of pepsi and co., but if some relocate their production, for example, to india, then many others simply close down. stelantis liquidated the engine plant. signifi is closed.
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production of components for traditional lighting, and even the global it corporation infosys announced plans to close its poznan branch and lay off 192 people. the sanctions worked. poland will lose 250,000 jobs annually in the next 30 years. another negative factor is that poland is one of the countries with the highest energy prices in europe. i just want to ask the poles: what about the americans? expensive gas, isn't it better than cheap gas? russian? in general, the poles brought problems on their own heads and now they will have to live with it. meanwhile, problems in the global economy continue to grow, which means that things could still become much worse than these forecasts. and the result of the sanctions’ power is not only mass layoffs in the furniture, automobile, clothing, banking and it segments of the economy, these are only the first consequences of a powerful decline in industrial production. according to vnp poland, only
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nine out of thirty-four economic sectors poland feels more or less confident. in the remaining twenty, a drop in volumes was recorded at the end of april. what awaits the polish industry next is unknown, the publication notes. are sanctions reflected, an unsuccessful western multi-step with the transformation of ukraine into a local military cauldron? of course, the agricultural industry is mired in losses and protests from polish farmers. thanks again to the ukrainian. cheap grain, which actually belongs to the americans, if you look at all sectors of the polish economy as a whole, it turns out that there is cheap labor from ukrainian refugees, poland did not help, they miscalculated. now, if people from ukraine come for temporary work, say, in the agricultural industry, it is not a fact that they can return to their native village, and since they do not need such a shuttle movement for temporary earnings, isn’t it easier to immediately move further away there? where do they pay more? as a result, poland will turn into
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a transit point, where there are many ukrainians, but this will not benefit the country’s economy. and here the birth rate has also decreased. experts they say that the demographic catastrophe in poland has already begun, it seems that the new government dully pleases the american master more than the previous authorities, it seems that the poles are ready for war like crazy, they will do anything to cover up their mistakes in domestic politics. by the way, an interesting fact: the head of mid-poland signed a note demanding that germany pay more than a trillion dollars for damages in the second world war. a good attempt by the poles to improve the situation. but germany, like the entire european union, now has severe economic problems - a side effect after sanctions cramps. it happens when history teaches nothing, and at the helm are not professional politicians but proteges of overseas leaders. even more detailed analysis of geopolitical events in our telegram channels.
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a state commission has been created in belarus to monitor the preparation and conduct of all stages of the entrance campaign. twenty-fourth organizations. year includes a centralized exam as part of the final certification for the high school course. the decree was signed today by the president. deputy chairman of the commission was appointed prime minister igor petrishenko. it consists of representatives of the council of the republic and the house of representatives of the national assembly, government bodies, regulatory bodies and public . implementation of the decree will ensure the protection of the rights of legitimate interests of citizens upon admission. in institutions of higher secondary specialized education, to take , if necessary, prompt response measures to prevent violations of the law. until victory day , belarusian road workers fought their battle, fighting potholes
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and holes, in some places they patched, and in others they completely changed the canvas. the president’s instructions, for local authorities and for the government, are to restore all roads by may 9. it’s already the tenth day on the calendar, which means it’s time to check. from the very morning i went on a road teleraid to vladislav bondar. a car is driving ahead, these stones fly out and hit the windshield, i’ve already changed it two or three times. in the cracked glass the landscape is comparable, only somewhere through the sandy holes one can see the former grandeur of the asphalt. with eric sahakyan and before the arrival of the film crew there was a holiday. tour along local roads. spends on his birthday, of course, when we met, jokes about a real gift were heard, because the problem is as long as the boyars travel around the village, the wife is from here, the installer goes to work in minsk, the capital is 30 kilometers away, but most of all the locals worry about the children , a bus takes them to another village, in winter the bus doesn’t even
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come here, he’s afraid, he’s afraid, he’s taking a risk, so that god forbid he gets imprisoned for this, they sealed it up, and they filled it in, there’s a huge... hole in hole you can even jump here, like this of course, there’s not enough fun in the situation to entertain oneself, because from time to time the locals are forced to solve problems with their own hands.
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yes, the president said that people also need to get involved in repairing roads in their yards, only together with the authorities, when they, for example, provide material or residents help collect it, but... on may 9, all roads should to be restored, this is the task of the government, a person is driving along the road, he sees a hole on a hole and there is nothing to see, a year of quality, so guys, very seriously take up the task of restoring order, the boyars’ residents didn’t collect enough for the road themselves, the crumbs were only enough for a while, so they are literally raking over the issue. with your own equipment, valery, with such a road, with your equipment, you are definitely a local celebrity in the village, tell us how roads generally have to be patched, as soon as they break into large potholes, residents come asking, help, let’s level it, as long as it’s enough, well
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depending, probably, on the weather, on the weather conditions, the water, well, how it gets out, autumn, spring, well, summer periodically several times, but what is real there? they dream of a new road; one of these has recently been flaunted in minsk along filimonova street. work is currently being carried out on the section of vaneeva street, kharkovskaya. at the same time , tiled sidewalks are also being repaired, small potholes are being eliminated,
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subsidence is being eliminated, that is , the whole city lives a life of repairs around the clock. they assure us that they have generally coped with the president’s instructions, as far as we decided to check along already familiar streets that were shown in other stories. last winter, let’s remember the episodes, there was a hole right next to the traffic light, into which you could go ankle-deep even with your feet, what can we say about the wheels, this hole at the traffic light on temeryazev was repaired, but if you walk further along... there are still holes in the central part they got bogged down, but it’s just like driving on the waves, you turn, especially when you go left from there, you turn, the car jumps like that, like that, and that’s how the road was on the minkovsky tract near the car market on malinovka, it’s easy even for a pedestrian to roll into a trap, and for those passing by cars need to go around everything play snake, like on the phone, but without swearing, i’ll just be silent and cry, well , it’s impossible to do otherwise, now you can’t recognize the road, and the comments from drivers sound different. excellent, i like everything, the quality of the roads has become much better, in general
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i think our roads in belarus are very worthy, there is something to compare with, of course, to see how holey roads are leveled out, especially after our stories, i don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but how i won’t deny that the journalist is pleased, on the other hand, every time the question arises, but how many more are there who are waiting for everything to become smooth on their street, for the russian state, the memory of generations is embodied, national self-awareness and the difficult historical path
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of the people are reflected. the large-scale project “symbols of belarus are symbols of peace” today inspired literally the whole of minsk. every year, on the eve of the day of the national flag, coat of arms and anthem , a marathon of patriotic initiatives, flash mobs, car rallies, and the singing of our anthem by a chorus of several thousand voices, this time the climax, starts in the city.
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belarus film only for the first weekend watched by more than 40,000 viewers. this is a story about partisans who managed to get behind enemy lines through an impassable swamp. the lezhnevka road they laid gave a tactical advantage to the red army troops during operation bagration. nina mazeika asked the director of the film, ivan pavlov, why war films still touch the hearts of viewers. ivan
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mikhailovich, we forced you into such a very important moment, it seems to me, for any director, when your film is shown, well, literally, if not throughout the country, in all cinemas across the country, are you now asking yourself, as a director, the question, to use slang, will it come in, will it not come in, these are the events that are happening in your director’s soul now, this is the period for directors, of course. very important, trembling, yes, this is the first week of this show, but it also coincided with the date that we have on may 9, and there was a film on this topic, so if veterans were watching this film now, i would be in awe, of course, i would be a little very... a little tense, because the veterans would be watching a little different look, but now i
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already have a responsibility to the children who should watch this to find out that there was such a milestone in the history of our country, so everything here is both a director’s and a little bit of an edifying feeling, today we see that not only in belarus , but in the countries of the post-soviet space. they make a lot of war films, why do you think? anyway, these films are about people who are against the backdrop of war, war is the extreme. such a degree of tension, let's say so, but only against its background, all relationships become strained, and it becomes clear who is lying, who is not lying, who is a friend, who is an enemy, that’s why yes, this is another wave of such interest, another question is
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how young people will perceive this now, i hope. not as a textbook for some kind of action, but for comprehension. i know that the history of the great patriotic war is a sacred topic for you, simply due to the fact that your grandfather also went through the war. let's be sure to remember this story now. i'm getting close to filming a story about how my grandfather served and how he fought. i don't know if it will work or not. because what he told me, i didn’t read in any books or textbooks, he was from forty-one to forty-fifth, i am named after him, ivan bykhanov, ivan petrovich bykhanov, for a year and a half he was the commander of the penal battalion, so he looked at the penal battalion , he says, well, it’s a good movie, but a penal battalion has never been commanded by a penal battalion, and really no one
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in the audience paid attention to this, in general, viktor timofeevich turov, my master, from whom i studied, once told us:
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the form and the form comes first or is it the content, or does it somehow work together? i always told everyone on the set, turn off the sound and see if it’s possible to tell a story with an image, a picture, with these emotions, in the cinema we can shoot a close-up, and this is very, very important, in the theater they can’t do a close-up, but in paintings, well, too, as it were...
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so he, of course, looked at some things with surprise, but he used a mobile phone, he sat behind the wheel until he was 85 years old, in general, we rode bicycles with him, he loved to live, one must be able to love to live, a city in the gomel region, whose population barely exceeds 10,000 people, petrikov, it is impossible to call it provincial. just look at the impressive reserves of the country’s main mineral wealth, rut salt , and the scale of its production. the development of rutted horizons is proceeding at a steady pace, the regional center is increasingly called the city of miners. it
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is transformed every year, it is only getting younger due to the large number of people who want to move here for... permanent residence, it is growing at an active pace new buildings are being built, new jobs are being filled, people from all over the country come for the sincerity, comfort and warm aura, and many are moving completely. the teacher of the children's music school, yana korabets, will talk about the power of attraction of their native land, surrounded by rivers and shrouded in blue mists. an island of tranquility or a city for the soul, that’s what
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we residents of petrikov call our beloved city, cozy, green, promising, celebrated its 500th anniversary last year. rut and rock salts, brown coal. peat, clay raw material, deposit of the future, this is a mine petrikovsky mining administration belarus potassium. reserves of the potassium horizon are estimated at 15 billion tons; proven deposits will be enough for at least 120 years of continuous production. after earning money here from soligorsk, specialists moved and stayed to live and raise children. the city is changing its appearance, new buildings are growing, a child development center for little belarusians. a lot is being invested in health
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; modern equipment has appeared in the district hospital. petrikovskaya land, original and before'. edge of the people, who hasn't heard about grandfather talash, a national hero, a famous partisan, and his exploits are reminiscent of a bronze bust, we keep the memory of a man who left a bright mark on history, the soul of the people, the beauty and authenticity of the belarusians, a local landmark of the city park, an alley of wooden sculptures, based on the works of yakub kolos, the result of the creativity of local craftsmen. and this is the church of st. nicholas
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the wonderworker, the only one that survived in polesie, built in the russian-byzantine style, solemn, majestic, as if inside, so from the outside, unique. painting makes the heart beat faster and leaves a deep imprint on the soul. nature has generously endowed this corner of the woodland. you can admire the charm of these places by boat, which runs from mozyr to brest and back. in just a few minutes you can get from petrikovsky to mozersky district by ferry. it connects the two banks of pripyat, a small but picturesque
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cozy town, with developed infrastructure and friendly people, famous for its centuries-old traditions and crafts, to feel the attraction of the poleska hinterland, to touch source of originality and folk wisdom, you need to come to us in petrikov. this is our place to live, that’s all for me, then i give the floor to our sports columnist and welcome kristina kamysh to the studio, thank you, sergey, dnepr and minsk are currently playing their match of the eighth round of the national football championship, live broadcast on the belarus tv channel 5 about the number one game at the start
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of release. the information picture on friday will be complemented by sports day. hello. program of the eighth round of the national football championship opened in vitebsk.
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belarus beach soccer championship, the competition will be held with the participation of seven clubs in a format similar to last year, the championship will consist of a regular stage of four rounds and a super final. in volleyball, we are now watching the final of the national championship in the golden series, the current trophy winner soligorsk shakhtar is opposed by sensational gomel energy, the blue ones lost the first game 16:25, but then took it.
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having made the right conclusions, azarenka in the second segment of the match increases the percentage of winnings points on the second serve up to 58, that is, 30 more than in the first set, and at the same time victoria made only two double faults, improving the quality of the game, vika won 6:4, making a break with the score 5:4. further, feeling more confident, the olympic champion from minsk managed to build on her success literally immediately and put the finishing touches on her opponent.
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having converted a break point in the second game, and zarenko converts two in the fourth and sixth, respectively, with the score 5:1, he goes out to serve the set, but misses four match points here, making his team a little nervous fans of azarenka, but ultimately wins the set 6:3. the game lasted 2 hours 53 minutes. three olympic licenses out of eight possible, that’s the result. the belarusian national team was rowed in kayaks and canoes at the qualifying regatta in the hungarian seyged. we won tickets for the french summer games. oleg yurenev in a single kayak at a distance of 1 km, yulia trushkina in a super short sprint at 200 m in a single canoe. canoeists angelina bardanovskaya and olga klimova received another pass in the team crew for 500 m. now our flotilla is returning home to zaslavl,
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where. the country's cup is planned, and this start will become a qualifier for the brix games, which are still highlighted in the squad's calendar as the main competitions, since at the moment there is no confirmation from the organizing committee of the world friendship games that the sport will be included in the program of the september forum, nevertheless the season it’s already super busy for the rowers; the world games that are planned means there’s no kayaking there.
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the national cup will be held from may 21 to 26, at the games brix and the rowers will enter the fight on june 19. in kazan , 29 sets of medals will be competed in this sport. the world olympic wrestling qualification tournament continues in istanbul. the day before, the winner of the planet cup won the license in paris. silver medalist of the european championship kirill maskevich, a greco-roman style wrestler in the up to 87 kg category, defeated torpal aley bisultanov from denmark in the decisive match. tomorrow our girls will compete for quotas to france. veronica ivanova and anastasia zemenkova also on saturday in istanbul the carpet will be made by representatives of free style. we are cheering for nyurgun scriabin and arkady pogasyan, the tournament will end in turkey on sunday. and even more sports, in the
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beginning of the program, kristina kamysh worked in the studio. see you.
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that the soldiers from the bloody fields who did not come once did not die in our land, but turned into white cranes, they still, from those distant times of flying, give us voices, isn’t that why so often and sadly, we fall silent, looking at the heavens.
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hello, club of editors on belarus-1 and satellite tv channel belarus 24, how always on friday evenings, with a repeat on sunday morning, we discuss the most important topics of the past week and, as always, according to our tradition, allow me to introduce the guests who came to our studio 600 m on makov9, we start with dmitry alexandrovich zhuk, this is the head of the holding belarus today. parliament, general director of the national library, head of the knowledge society, oleg aidukevich, member of parliament, leader of
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the liberal democratic party of the republic of belarus, and again our guest is maria butina, deputy of the state duma of russia, political and public figure, television presenter, good evening, thank you very much for visiting us again on our program. uh, may 9th was celebrated yesterday by the entire civilized, democratic and intelligent world on our planet, i have here... i have some thoughts on this matter, but i can’t resist asking maria, who yesterday attended the wreath-laying ceremony on victory square, how do you like it? well, this is the first time i was at the laying ceremony in minsk, and in general the first time when i met on may 9 in minsk, very sincerely, but very organized, and i was touched to the depths of my soul, of course, by the words of alexander grigorievich, in the part where he quite obviously said, here he is... such
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moments when you, seemingly obvious things, but they reach you in some way moment, this is how i had this epiphany, yesterday i had this about monuments, he talked about the fact that you need to come to the monuments so that history doesn’t repeat itself, and it doesn’t matter with flowers, you come without flowers to remember, and you know, here i understood why my grandparents, i'm still a little girl was, i grew up in the village of kolunda, this is the altai region. they brought me, we had such a very beautiful monument, there were four bells dedicated to the great patriotic war, every evening we walked and walked near the monument, i have such a childhood memory, yesterday it was right in my head, just like in my memory the whole word, i think this is really true, it seems that sometimes you have to do it, only then can you understand, just yesterday, of course, i was very, very impressed by the performances of young groups there. and the girls were well cold, but nevertheless they danced so heroically and in general
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the numbers were well choreographed, for them this is also important, because it really, as in the famous words, is necessary for the living, because now our task is to pass the baton , after all, i still remember many veterans, now today’s youth, purely physically , will soon not know any of them at all, because time passes, now our task is to pass on this memory further and... in this sense, monuments play a huge role, but not in vain, of course, when they fight against and falsify history, they demolish monuments first of all in order to take this away, so i really liked it, and i hope it’s still going on, well, continuing this topic, the topic of may 9, in my opinion, that this holiday, is now experiencing some kind of rebirth, i don’t know whether you will agree with this or not, it seems to me that we all suddenly found ourselves in 1940 together, right?
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from such serious western politicians about the fact that they can no longer watch
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cnn, for example, or read the new york times, because well, this is propaganda in the best, or rather in the worst, traditions. yesterday the president said one of the key things: we must celebrate so that it doesn’t happen again, this, this, this, it seems to me, is the most important thing, especially as for the younger generation, and you and i, fortunately, there is a war, now oleg sergeevich, there is no war caught because...
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what will happen to our culture, especially these days, is obvious, fortunately it’s not on the air, but social networks throw it at us, we see what’s going on in sweden these days, i mean...
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the terrifying experience of the apalagetes of the defeated third reich has already found its followers there, it has received a new interpretation and a beautiful wrapper. the nazis of our day no longer wear boots and black shirts, but act much more subtly and sophisticatedly. without
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any hesitation , the ss nationalists are glorified and welcomed in europe. of all the masses, they are given a standing ovation by the heads of state, having forgotten the results of the nuremberg trial. here is nato, we know this sad, notorious organization, this is what the president was talking about, official account wrote that the unity of europe and north america played a key role in ending the war. it’s a little veiled, but if you put it in human language, it means that north america and europe won. cover, in april of sixty-one they remembered who fought for whom, who washington appointed adolf heusinger, the entire chairman of the nato military committee. who is
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he? this is one of hitler’s generals, who in march 1943 in the ukrainian city of karyukovka shot more than 6,700. historian knows all this, here he is small fragment of the program, look at how the collective west dealt with, in quotes , the murderers of belarusians, russians, poles, ukrainians, and how they gave them a bed after the end of the great patriotic war, who
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was on the list of those purged and what the nazis created for the usa, one of the most important under werner von braun is the scientist who essentially created the americans' rocket program. he led the development of all major us space rockets, right up to saturn 5, which sent the crew of apollo 11 to the moon. in fact, thanks to him, the americans succeeded in landing a man on the moon. von braun even held the post of deputy director of nasa and a number of other quite serious positions in the aerospace field. he made decent money and became a very influential american, officially receiving citizenship in 1955. von braun and his team built the first ballistic missiles for the americans. the nazi past was quickly and firmly forgotten. at the same time, the americans completely turned a blind eye to what von braun did during
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the war. he was an ss officer whose work in germany involved tens of thousands concentration camp prisoners, many of whom died. von braun himself. then he justified himself by saying that he didn’t know anything about torture and executions, but he was clearly dishonest. there is evidence from concentration camp prisoners and resistance members that von braun personally gave orders to torture them. another co-creator of the american lunar program was also a former subordinate of hitler, arthur rudolph, an important nazi rocket engineer who worked for nasa. it was he who would be the project director of the saturn 5 rocket program, the one that would reach the moon in 1969. in complicity rudolph's nazism would only be publicly suspected in the eighties. at that moment, an employee of nas and the us armed forces will leave america without any obstacles and...
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the us used war criminals to create more advanced means of destruction aimed against yesterday's allies. well, i don’t know what question to ask about this, i want to draw an analogy with current times, vadim franzi, this is not only help in the development of rocket technology,
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america, this is well known, in paraguay, chile, argentina, entire colonies were created, including evidence that they taught how to torture people, for example, how to... maintain psychological restraint and so on, the americans did all this, this is well known, and many post-war dictatorial regimes in latin america were based on this nazi fascist ideology, but you know what i would like to say, this is where sports always throw up the west, that’s why we celebrate victory day on may 9, so they say on the eighth, here we explain that according to moscow time there was, plus there was capitulation in reims, then they re-signed, but they do it on purpose and... it’s right that we celebrate may 9th. yes, we had another war. they did not have an order regarding political commissars, where
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communists and political commissars were shot as soon as they entered our territory. in france, in these countries there were no such ainz groups that followed the groups of the wehrmacht army and destroyed the civilian population, first of all jews, then communists. they didn’t have it, on such a scale, they didn’t have it. they did not have an azarichiy camp. where wehrmach drove 50, the wehrmacht is no longer the sss, they drove away 50,000 of our residents just to vacate their winter quarters, and then they found out that they could also use it as a biological weapon, they didn’t have any of that, they didn’t have orders from hitler, keitel, and others leaders of the third reich that the war in the east would be a completely different war, entering their land, they did not free their soldiers from the chimera of conscience, as it was with us, with ours...
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go with him to victory square, here i am each every time i come to victory square i remember how i was a little boy, and even already a schoolboy , a first-year student at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, i came
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to victory square, my grandfather was lucky enough to see belarus already in 1994, when lukashenko became president, he was very happy that the holiday was fully restored, that’s what i’m talking about, as they also tell us, not only okay, you celebrate may 9 as long as you want, but quietly, modestly, without parades, without... without pride, just mourn, just gather somewhere, just have a drink somewhere, that’s what the veterans wanted what are you lying about, you bastards? my grandfather was glad that it was a holiday, he came with a smile on his face, he was proud, he wanted people to come, and if ever, the president said, the day would come that they would not come to victory square on may 9, if we will forget, everything, there is no future for the country, and now about the beginning of the program, mikhailovich said, the entire civilized world, all democratic countries, normal, sane, celebrate may 9, this is not sarcasm, i opened the news today, how many
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people have been delayed from prosperity. before morning came the police, who must ensure order in the country, i couldn’t find anything better than going to the monuments. which are the last ones left, which were not demolished, and take the flowers from there, this is not fascism, when the president says that the relevance of may 9 is becoming more and more important, this is exactly about this, fascism has already raised its head, and one more argument, i read the comment again yesterday , how is it, children put on caps, they look at the war, on the mountain, military equipment, what do you
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teach them, we teach them peace, because you are there that they are ready to make a deal with anyone for in order to destroy belarus and russia, this is already happening, don’t we see the justification for terrorism, extremism, do n’t we see the justification for killing children, don’t we see that they say everything that happens in belarus.
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caps, and regarding the countries of europe, and you know, we are not begging their dignity in terms of the fact that they also made their contribution, the resistance movement, those who were in these countries contributed to this victory, the opening of the second front, the president said, unlike you, we remember, we remember, yes, and we we do not implore in any way their contribution to what they really contributed to this great victory, and you know, there is hope
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that everything will be fine there too, while you see that social networks are filled with ... photographs, like people, despite the fact that they are warned, despite the fact that all tv channels broadcast entire programs with police participants who say that you cannot come with soviet symbols, with st. george ribbons, that you you will be punished for this, people are coming when i saw the monument in tallinn, which is covered in flowers, well, this is an indicator that these are the living sprouts of a living mind and that nazism and fascism have not yet completely taken over everything there, this is there and this is necessary. no, with the people there everything is mostly normal, with the elites there, i want to give an example of slovakia, where prime minister robert fitza became normal, the normal president won, they simply removed restrictions, did not organize anything special, yes, as our president says, and people went en masse, publicly, look, look, that’s what it’s about the president said, and that we should
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broadcast everything, the celebration of may 9 -
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yes, we remember the anti-fascist movements, yes, we remember, the president called the normandy neman regiment, we remember all this, but european countries fought on the side of hitler’s germany, almost all of them.
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where they mainly collected women after childbirth depression and simply tortured them there, that is , all kinds of torture, they thus adjusted their psychological health to what would happen in the future, so i have
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absolutely no doubt that today we have again, a serious ideological divide is emerging in the world, by the way, it has not gone away, i remember when i studied in the states, well , the main rhetoric was that there are no more ideological contradictions, because economic. there is a gap, that is, this is primarily an ideological question now, that is , this liberal dictatorship, when a person should be a loner, ideally disappear altogether, replaced by artificial intelligence, by the way, it’s interesting guys, they don’t understand that they are completely destroying humanity as such, dehumanization is taking place, our world is again ideological and... traditional, which says that generally speaking, man, he plays a role, and man, he is significant, you know, nowhere is this felt more than perhaps here in minsk, because during
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my first visit i paid attention to this, now i pay attention, in this studio i see it, that is, you look at each other with attention, with a desire to look into the soul, and this we need to preserve our soulfulness, because this makes us human if we become just a machine from - assembled from deep fakes and a person will simply plug into the socket, but they are leading to this, that there will be some chosen ones, a certain group, everyone else is simply not needed, that’s where everything comes from experiments, as if they were simply amazing in general, of course, the collective west, which is simply trying to destroy humanity, not realizing that they will destroy themselves in the end, they don’t care, there is another example of why there is a fight for may 9 using the example our country and its latest history is no longer a secret, it’s just not... distant people don’t know that if in ninety-six the president’s captivity, in ninety-five, ninety-six, belarus would have taken a path much worse than ukraine, much more the worst, so everyone understands this, they wanted to turn us into a country
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100 times worse than ukraine with nationalism, civil war and everything else. it was may 9, by the way, that became one of those holidays that opposed radical nationalism. remember how nationalists of all stripes fought. for 30 years they haven’t had people who would treat may 9th as a holy holiday, or they say it in a veiled way: let’s celebrate differently, let’s be closer to
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europe, let’s still have may 8th or the ninth, but quietly, or ban , this is not an accident, that is, these people want to destroy the state, which means we need to sort out history, so for the ninth of may the fight is just beginning, this fight will be in 10 years, in 15, in 50, dmitry nikolaevich cool, ambassador of belarus to the russian federation, answered this question well, turning to macron, what the hell, excuse me, are you still, how many years have passed, 200 have passed, celebrating the day, take it and... more, refuse, why are you teaching us to celebrate may 9 or or not, and as for support, of course, i showed these footage in order to draw an analogy with the current time, we are surprised that zaport finances and supports outright terrorists, nazi extremists, including the nazi formation, who are fighting in ukraine, here social security administration report, which was prepared in the usa at the request of the chamber. representatives of 133 people who
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were accused of crimes committed during the second world war and lived in the united states received more than $20 million in various social payments from the american government in the period from sixty-two to fifteen. ivan mikhailovich, the cia documents have been declassified, they have a deadline there, well, they believe that these stories are very important, and we all see how they took the service of fugitives from that time, collaborators who are heroes for...
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ignore the fact that they are covering for them, in canada they created a commission, a special one, the duchenne commission, to figure it out, this is a judge from quebec, there are ukrainian ones there, especially, they turned out that several thousand ukrainian ss men were welcomed, they began to look into it, the result, in fact the materials of this commission are used in present-day ukraine for the rehabilitation of bandara and ss men who collaborated, the commission that was prohibited from using soviet data, they were all after the war.
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remembered vadim franzovich's stories from morzulyuk somewhere i may have already seen this, we look , publish it today in a week, but if two words, since dmitry aleksanovich has already addressed me, i will then give the word to you, or more precisely, ivan mikhailovich will tell you, we won’t publish it in a week, there’s nothing i’ll be brief, they really have some kind of genetic birth trauma here, so the barovites ran away, quarreled with each other terribly, one of them is still in the same centers, one from prague writes to the other in kovna, kovna is kaunos. report
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on your activities, he replies, like , i won’t answer you anything, because there is no activity, in general you went with your beaten face, they held conferences, they tried to hold some elections, with passports it was the same story, they sold them for money, then they ran away, which means that after the war the cia warmed them up, so we had this ivan filistovich, the cia sent him here on a tip from the new bnr rada, our security officers quickly took him and he was shot for his crimes, 1952, that is. why was he sent? because the then leadership was happy with the bnr, abramchik and ragulya, they thought that the young one was too zealous, created a threat, and could take away from them from the older generation. whether he will return or not, but his bright image will warm our souls, nothing changes, this is under a white-and-red white rag, their history simply
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amazingly repeats itself like a charm, so look, it turns out that we see, but why- then we don’t talk about it, we need to talk and speak loudly, those who were then fled. collaborators who were taken out, who were used, who were sent here, those who appeared with us in the late eighties, in in the early nineties, who got this bcb and dragged it through the supreme council, and those who are today are the same people in a new reincarnation, many of their, excuse me, ancestors were those collaborators who were taken out by the germans in the forties, and the rest - this is their ideological...
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i remember, then, in one of the classes in history, i’m just listening to you now,
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at the american university in washington, what’s the manual, it means they sculpted, information security type is actually an attack, that means they were sorting out some kind of situation, related to... a hypothetical cyber attack there, so they take a real example and say: listen, we have a teacher there, he used to work in the state department, he says: i was involved in this situation, so, look, there were obviously russian hackers here, and it says there the word is something, something and the word nuggets is implemented, i raise my hand, i say, you know, his name is eric, i say, you know, professor navatni, this is not, this is fake, he says, what is this? this is fake, no, these are russian hackers, we know, it says russian everywhere hacker, i say, listen, firstly, we don’t say nuggets, this is a strange word for us, secondly, it’s spelled wrong, and at that moment he looks at me like that, says, okay, let’s have the next question.
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forsan, of course, so teach people to pay attention to such nuances that wait, if you saw some fact there, and this is really so, when they ask me, i teach classes at school, they ask me, they say, well, that’s it how can we explain to our youth, teach them to think and convert, to catch these interesting facts, as with my nuggets, there at the state level lies have been elevated to the absolute level, the proof comes week after week, here i am, you know,
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it’s just that they have a hybrid attack, putin and lukashenko are going crazy, fighting in hysterics,
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instructions have been given, it doesn’t happen not a single voiceover of the eyeliner, the journalists said that now we are all repelling a hybrid attack, the president, i remember this statement, but of course, all this is not true, well, this week’s news in the eu, members of a criminal group who earned almost 600 million were detained dollars per transportation of migrants through belarus. the main organizers were in germany, poland, the netherlands, lithuania, latvia, and estonia. sweden. yes. illegal migration in the european union is the work of the european mafia. the president spoke about this. confirmation of this has arrived. a lie elevated to official policy of the european union. if we talk about this topic, this is not the first criminal case, not the first investigation. moreover, a number of european experts have already said that business for migrants in europe is organized at such a level that its income can be compared with drug trafficking. the europeans do this too.
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they will punish, those who died from this vaccine will not file lawsuits, there will be no such lawsuits, today it is no longer possible to make money from this, because look what is happening, yes, no one is being vaccinated, here you are, playing at democracy, well, the west has one thing, which is systemic, immigrants are placed there, starting from the north of africa, and from the arab arc, who flew to europe, sailed to lampedusa. migrants who already went through poland are invested there, there they invest visas for polish money, that ’s all, this system is called very simply: you create unbearable conditions somewhere in the world and sell the hope and dream of getting rid of them, they did the same thing in iraq,
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they do the same with the kurds, then they sold the same thing with afghans there, absolutely correctly. that is, this is a purely british model, when you put people on the brink of survival and then sell them a chance to survive for big money, to save their children, this is the essence of all western politics, not about business, but about humanity, we talked about migrants, about money, about vaccines, which, well , really incredible money is spent and a lot of money is earned from this, but i want to talk about humanity, so we remembered the interview with the head of state, and do you remember this standing of migrants on ours?
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everyone is counting how many have left belarus, count how many have left latvia and lithuania, there is only one diaspora in britain, in my opinion 1,150, 150 latvians, recently, according to my information, 44 citizens of poland have asked for residence permit in the republic belarus, and the last case, i’m already silent about the baltic states, there are many more there and from western european countries, well, sooner or later we will publish this information, how do you like judge schmidt? and which is an information bomb, the president said a blow to the gut of poland, but it’s curious how the polish government, how the polish government reacts, it means that this is simply amazing, at first they became like this, but no, he stole money there, then it’s not her wife who is wrong , then he betrayed something to his colleagues, then it means they say, he’s an agent of whose kgb, no, a russian agent, apparently
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hysteria, then around thursday, they were probably told, shut up, let’s have informational silence all around.
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in principle, in the west they publish about this, that poland has split geographically into western and eastern, they vote differently, poland has split in terms of interests, well, let’s say frankly, who did not allow the regime of kaczynski, morawiecki and duda to completely destroy the border crossings last year at the end of august, as they wanted to do, small medium-sized businesses in the border regions, these are the podlazska and lublin voivodeships, which are hundreds small businesses that would simply go bankrupt by chance. closure of borders, by the way, today information appeared that the minister of internal affairs of poland was given one place, and by the way, i think that you were talking about humanity, we should not forget that polish society is quite
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religious when the topic is shoved into them with this unconventional agenda, not everyone likes it, not everyone, i hope, none of the catholics are happy with it, the country has always been split into two parts, one is so conservative, the other is a little pro-european, they are even, they are even on a geographical basis.
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his example, he is very, very terrible for the regime that exists in poland, so i think that the story with his, let’s say, protest, it will have a long-lasting resonance, there is one more reason, which means i agree with everyone, but there is another one, democracy, which is not, the europeans are used to freedom, the poles, what is not, well, you can tolerate it, they are sitting, silent, but you don’t want to fight, the president said this yesterday. here to accept the thought, but they are not fools either, they see, where are they being pushed, that guys, tomorrow you, as ukrainians, will find yourself in the trench, you will have to fight for the freedom of belarus, as they
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will tell them, we will liberate belarus, they understand perfectly well what awaits them here, death, which means no fighting i want, this is one of the reasons, by the way, he spoke about this at the press conference, that we are being pushed to fight, we are being pushed into confrontation, the president spoke about this twice, i remember, on the seventh he spoke about wasteful europeans who... .they don’t want to go into the trenches, and this is true if you travel around europe, talk to ordinary europeans, what kind of war, iphone, siesta, that means gay, gay pride, the police can’t figure it out with migrants, what kind of war, but they are actively pushing them there, they actively want them to die, die, so this is what the europeans can withstand they can’t flee, including for other reasons, well, it seems to me that more surprises await the poles inside the country, we have already seen the first stage, when tusk...
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we are surprised that they kill at the border, but this is their tradition, so say, i already said, a long-standing tradition, but i think that the world learns about how polish military border guards and lithuanian, latvian border guards killed people, our tamu border guards have already saved their people, sooner or later all of europe will realize this, sunday times is publishing a large-scale investigation this week, you saw yes, maybe based on testimony special forces officers who talk about the mass executions of civilian elites in afghanistan. a few quotes: once again i want to say that this is not our information from the western press, the special air service unit regularly killed afghan prisoners in their homes, threw weapons on their bodies. one serving british officer stated that in 1911 he observed british special forces units adopting a policy of shooting unarmed afghans and then changing the situation so that he...


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