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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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nest, and the boy was miraculously born, they considered it a good omen, and allowed her to hatch her chicks.
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in general, i want to note that catholics are very hospitable and will gladly let you into their home on the eve of easter and show you how they prepare for it. oh, easter starts right from the entrance, look, there’s a huge tree with easter eggs hung on it as decorations. in general, this is a wonderful catholic tradition; eggs are usually not only hung on trees, but also hidden somewhere for children to look for. today i am also in search, but difference. what i'm looking for from kids is not eggs, but easter recipes. marina, thank you for your hospitality, for allowing me to become part of your family on the eve of easter, and since i’m part of the family, why not cook something delicious, and i came to you, i won’t hide the secret of the easter bun. the first stage is to knead the apara. to prepare apara, mix 100 ml of warm milk, yeast, and a spoonful of sugar. and a spoonful of flour,
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after which the dough is infused in a warm place for about an hour. the dough is ready, we move on to the test. we need to mix 200 ml of milk, three eggs, five tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, then beat it all well. pour the dough into the resulting mass. now add 600 g of flour. for a festive scent , add a couple of drops of citrus extract to the dough; you can also replace it with lemon zest. after which we pour in the melted butter and a little vegetable oil, now the dough can be kneaded, i’ll entrust this task to marina, the woman understands how she prepares for easter, what the man is doing at this time, the man is doing, the man must prepare horseradish pine, clean the horseradish, make a tarka, yak before meat, if there was such an additive before meat, one way or another, a place, a role in easter culinary...
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in traditions there is one for everyone, a man grates horseradish, a woman kneads the dough, and the children have fun and then eat it all. after we have kneaded the dough, it needs to be allowed to rest and rise, this will take about 3-4 hours. on this marin table we used everything except raisins, maybe we’ll add some, we’ll add some garnish. our dough is ready, now we can transfer it into the mold. we pre-lubricate it with butter so that the bun didn't burn. our easter cake is almost ready, and i would put it in the oven and eat it, but we need to wait until the dough rises. yes, it takes a lot of time to make an easter bread, but i'm sure it 's worth it. tomorrow, on the bright holiday of easter , after the all-night vigil , a huge number of dishes will appear on this table, but today , especially in order to demonstrate to you, here are the main easter dishes and
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not only dishes, but also some other traditional things. let's discuss them all. the first thing i see that distinguishes catholic -
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there are quite a lot of tables from the orthodox, the obligatory presence of willow, easter, which is lit by the head of the family after reading a prayer, but the easter cake itself, pay attention, it is also especially decorated, if in the orthodox easter cake the inscription x in christ is risen, then there is a mandatory cross, yes , but that’s not all, what’s missing here, what attribute from any slavic holiday is alcohol, yes, wine, for example, kohor, maybe in catholic easter there is no alcohol on the table, i have brewed a wonderful aromatic coffee. another important element of the easter table is eggs. this is familiar to every child from childhood, no matter whether you belong to religion
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or not. they need to fight. it suits them. well, why are we worse than children? hold it. let's try. let's try. oh, i think so. i lost, keep the egg, marin, do you know why i gave the egg away? the tradition of beating eggs is not religious, it is folk. in times of famine and the children took, on the eve of the holiday, they took colored eggs, went out into the street and fought with them, whose egg turned out to be stronger, he took his egg enemy. the children chose the eggs for these battles in advance, they tried to choose the most...
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that's it. of course, i wouldn’t do that ; after all, an honest victory is much more valuable, but i still admire a child’s invention. the turn has come to the main dish of our table today - easter bread. i'm watching marina, i got a piece of a cross. this means that i will be happy all next year. the appearance of the easter cake is truly incomparable. you see what happened to the dough, it rose so much that it was a lot. such air bubbles, because of this it will probably be very tender, it is, i note that the dough is really different from a cupcake, and from a loaf and from any bun, because it is airy, that’s how we tried aerated
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chocolate, remember how it differs from a regular bar, the same here, of course, i would be glad to eat such a bun every day, but precisely because it is prepared once a year, it is so ...
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illuminates this, for the orthodox it happens a little differently. childlike curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute he will be with us a hero who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show where famous people respond to a cover. questions from the younger generation: is it only your appearance that
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makes you different at work from yourself at home? i’m turning from some kind of grymza into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize; pity is arrogant. feeling, this feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to take a look at what the school looks like , which is no longer a school inside.
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maybe we’ll arrange this when we make it here in the future, we’ll make a reception room for guests, what we ’re doing here is somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of lawn service, that’s what we’re doing here there are leftovers, it’s valuable, we ’ll probably hang it here as an exhibition, now how fashionable it is to say the reception will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, thank you, watch the project, i’m from the village on the tv channel belarus 24.
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well, now i have to find out how orthodox easter is celebrated. easter is one of the top 3 favorite holidays of belarusians, even without regard to it. on to religion, but for believers it is a bright, and, probably, the most favorite holiday, which i kindly agreed to tell father andrey, hello, god's blessing to you, so, andrey, what is easter? easter is the most important holiday of christians, the day on which we remember that the lord jesus christ, crucified on the cross, rose from the dead, but easter is a holiday for each of us personally, because if christ rose... from the dead, then at the end of time, every person will be resurrected, therefore for us easter is the easter of the future, it is
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a holiday of future eternal life, the beginning of this eternal life was laid by christ. there are a large number of tents around the temple, in which easter cakes are sold until easter, from here father andrey moves on to the culinary traditions of this bright holiday. tell us about culinary symbolism? there are, one might say, two components here. the first is purely easter attributes, these are easter cakes and easter cottage cheese. interestingly, even the shape of the easter cake has a symbolic meaning. after the easter service, such large loaves are illuminated; they are called artas. arthas, translated from greek, means bread, and among the people there is a similarity to this arthas, these are easter cakes, easter bread, which we illuminate in memory about the savior risen from the dead. how interesting is that? okay, what is cottage cheese easter? the fact is that on
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easter it is customary to highlight the food that we abstained from during lent, and what we abstain from during lent is milk and animal origin, which is why easter is cottage cheese, that is, believers abstained from cottage cheese and dairy products , and here they illuminate, which means illuminate, asking for blessings again to use these products after the great. even a special form is used, which is called pasochnitsa. the most striking symbol of easter for me since childhood is a beautiful painted egg. where did this tradition come from, why the egg? first of all, let's start with color. the original color of the easter egg is, of course, red. red is a symbol of the blood
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of christ, through which we have gained eternal life. this is why red is the color of easter. but why an egg? the egg in the orthodox, in the orthodox tradition symbolizes this: when we look at the egg, we understand that life appears from it, while the egg itself is destroyed, and this a deep symbol of our existence: we will end our earthly life, we will die, leaving our body, but in the future we will be resurrected for eternal life, thus, this is our earthly life, like a kind of egg, which, of course, will end its existence, will be destroyed, but this will be the beginning of eternal life. so, it turns out that the egg has a very deep symbolism, however, it seems to me that this applies to all the attributes of easter. i was lucky enough to be in the cathedral on the eve of easter, on good friday. today metropolitan of minsk zaslavsky
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veniamin will perform vespers with removal shrouds. we will now find out what this means and how important this tradition is. good friday is considered the saddest day in the church calendar. according to the bible, on this day jesus christ was crucified on the cross. the shroud itself is a piece of fabric on which a full-length depiction of jesus christ lies in the tomb. in fact, this is a copy of the linen in which the savior’s body was wrapped. usually the removal of the carapace occurs at 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon. it is generally accepted that it was at this time that jesus died. the shroud is taken out from the altar in the center of the temple on a raised platform, decorated with flowers and scented with incense. the gospel is placed in the middle of the shroud. matins begins as a funeral service. afterwards, the temple is illuminated and the news of the myrrh-bearing women who came to the tomb is proclaimed. during the service, the shroud is carried around the temple and the holy god is sung. at the end, the shrine is brought to the royal brothers and returned to its place
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in the middle of the temple. there she remains until the late evening of holy saturday. before easter matins, the shroud is taken to the altar and placed on the throne, where it remains until the last day easter. on saturday before easter, a huge number of people flock to the temple in order to illuminate the products that will take center stage on the festive table. i didn’t take anything with me, and yet i’m very curious to see what’s in these baskets? it’s interesting that food items for lighting are placed in baskets for a reason. this is one of the folk traditions, while some are just heading to the temple, others are already returning. hello, good afternoon, my name is volodya, what is your name, my name is elena. elena, what’s your name? mark. i i see that you are already leaving the church, which means that the basket of groceries has been illuminated. is easter an important holiday for you? yes, definitely. and you keep
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your fast on kano, don’t give up, well, we’re trying very hard. at least, the last day you need to definitely get caught. which? traditions, easter traditions and passed down from generation to generation in your family, you definitely need to color the eggs, this can be done like onion skins, so that the egg turns out so red, and sticking stickers on such a little easter egg - this is the creativity of a child, but what easter cake for you? and easter cake is like bread at the head of everything, yeah, it’s clear, well, cottage cheese easter, just delicious, mm, probably, it’s not just tasty, it’s also symbolic, it’s symbolic, in general i have in my hands a basket full of traditions, and one of everyone knows them from childhood, you remember, you probably did it too elena, and we beat with eggs, yes, we played, can mark and i play, keep the egg, i have the egg, whoever has the egg intact
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wins and can eat will be happy, happy, let's try, come on, just strongly. wow, i got lucky today and you still have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or six more chances to practice with dad. by the way, i found out why you really need to beat eggs. according to ancient belief, the more eggs you break at easter, the easier and faster jesus will rise. and this is truly a great happiness. natalya, have you already covered some products? what is traditionally present on your holiday table for the bright holiday of pass? of course, an egg, a bulb, and boiled, stewed, of course, jellied meat, potatoes, jellied meat, what also, meat, sorcerers. sorcerers are a must, a must, an ideal set of representatives of belarusian cuisine. lighting takes place on specially installed tables in the churchyard
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. this ritual involves blessing food so that it becomes sacred and is received with gratitude and respect. before you start, you can buy candles and put them in easter bags, as i see, many did this. the most important moment for every believer, the priest covers not only food, but also... fake, it is honest, real and very joyful, i don’t know, this is the first time i found myself in such a happy atmosphere, an atmosphere of real happiness, well, it’s true, in some ways
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orthodox easter differs from catholic easter, in some ways they are similar, but first of all, the celebration of easter is the celebration of a miracle, and this should not be forgotten.
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as if you were already holding a book in your hands, shaking one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin, the greatest creativity, the most valuable and useful, comes from here. respect, these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. that's it, that's it i made a lot of chalavets, hogged old books, and became a charmer. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life.
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belarus 24.
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get up, huge country, get up, mortal combat. chyssky strong dark with the cursed horde, let the noble rage boil over like a wave , a people's war, a holy war, let me... a holy
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war, let us give from the horde of lives all the fiery ideas, to the rapists, gravers, tormentors of people, let the noble rage. ebbs and flows like a wave, a people's war, a holy war, black wings do not dare to fly over the homeland, its fields are spacious, the enemy does not dare to gain,
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let the noble kernel boil over like a wave , the people's war, the holy war, let the noble rage, the rage. stage, the honored ensemble of the republic of belarus, the academic ensemble of song and dance of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, chief, artistic director,
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lieutenant colonel dmitry naumovich. meet the winner of the francysk skaryna medal, honorary citizen of the city of bobruisk, ruslan alekhno. dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe, only the wind hums in the wires, the dim stars twinkle. on a dark night, my beloved, i know you’re not
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sleeping, secretly wiping away a tear by the baby’s crib, how i love the depth of your tender eyes. how i want to cuddle up to them now like little ghouls, the dark night divides our beloved and the alarming black steppe lies between us.
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“i believe in you, in my dear friend, this faith kept me from a bullet on a dark night, i am happy, i am calm.


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