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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 11, 2024 3:40am-3:56am MSK

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the tvorov school was accepted into the orchestra, then vladislav lyudvigovich played the clarinet and saxophone in the orchestra of the orenburg higher military flight school. in 1964 , during military service in the orchestra of the belarusian military district, a fateful acquaintance with vladimir mulyavin took place. with him, in 1968, the lyavona ensemble was created, which later changed its name to pesnyary. on may 8, 1968, in moscow , the future artistic director and chief conductor of the state chamber theater was born into a family of staplers. orchestra of the republic of belarus, honored artist of russia, evgeny bushkov, having started learning to play the violin at the age of 5 years.
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performed with a symphony orchestra for the first time. in the early nineties, bushkov conducted intensive concert activity as a soloist. he took part in festivals in monte carlo, kalmar, and madrid. his concerts took place in many cities of russia, germany, france, austria, italy, scotland, usa, mexico. evgeny bushkov's conducting debut took place in 1999 with the international festival orchestra. in since 2009, evgeniy robertovich has been the chief conductor of the state chamber orchestra of the republic of belarus, the ensemble led by him went on concerts in june 2015 , the debut performance in austria was a great success, and in 2016 the first in the history of the belarusian chamber orchestra took place on tour in the usa.
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on may 10, 1883 , ivan mikhailovich fedorov was born into the family of a belarusian peasant, aka yanko mavr, one of the founders of belarusian children's literature, honored worker of culture of the bssr, appeared in 1928 his first adventure story in the land of the bird of paradise, followed by the son of water in these books, he with incredible accuracy... described adventures in new guinea, indonesia, the fiery land, although he himself had never been there, all thanks to the encyclopedic knowledge of the writer and his passion for the language of the graduate student. in 1930 , yanka mavro published a book that made him a famous and beloved children's writer throughout the soviet union. tale of polesie robinson. the books of our famous fellow countryman have been translated. his son is an academician of the academy of sciences
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bssr fedor fedorov donated the prize to the peace foundation. next, let's get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema in the about cinema section. every saturday, the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this special event marks the centenary of russian cinema. war drama i come from childhood, directed by viktor turov, based on the script by gennady shpalikov. the premiere of which took place on december 27, 1966. it is noteworthy that the director, scriptwriter and cameraman were the same age and were themselves children of war. 1945 childhood for two
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friends, zhenya and igor fell during the most difficult war time. they live in a front-line town, where their fathers, brothers and older friends went to war. the guys themselves are trying to live as before, but the war invariably makes adjustments to their life. they listen to the stories of soldiers, learn responsibility for their country and life, and dream of escaping to the front to forge a long-awaited victory together. what are you doing here? yes, there should be a train from poland. maybe natka will come, or maybe someone knows something about her? how many of these trains have there already been? main scenes of the film related to the railway, were filmed in grodno, and filming also took place in smolensk and minsk. the film marks the beginning of vladimir vysotsky’s film career. he came to minsk for auditions and met turov. on the very first evening, the artist and the director talked until the morning, and then vladimir handed over his train tickets and stayed in... vysotsky played the role of a miraculously
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surviving tanker, physically crippled, but not broken in soul; before each day of filming, the make-up artist simulated a burning sensation on the actor’s face, cheek with... a special liquid, which tightened the skin, in this makeup and military uniform he was often mistaken for a front-line soldier, people came up and asked where he fought, on what front, and i had just been out of the hospital for six months, at least my eyes were intact, i was lucky, as soon as the tank caught fire, i closed them, it was in grodno, during the filming of this film, on the initiative of turov , that the first professional recording of vysotsk songs was made. in a studio with special equipment and a sound engineer, and the musician’s songs were also used in film for the first time original performance. we were told that we need height, and don’t waste your ammunition, there’s
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a second star rolling down to your shoulder strap. according to the results of a survey conducted by belarusian critics, the film received the highest rating. viewers , the childhood of the children of my generation was different and surprisingly similar, because each of us had a war in childhood, we, as best we could, as we were able, as we happened to share the trials that befell our mothers, fathers, the lot of my people. watch the film i come from childhood on may 11 on our tv channel. in the guide section you will find the best projects of the tv channel. let's meet a man who knows everything about real pizza. let's create
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a non-trivial route around the city of zhodina and continue to talk about the most positive events that have happened in the world. how does art celebrate flora? 17 unusual sculptures were presented at kew gardens in london. stainless steel bronze works are located in different parts of the park. they were created by artist mark quinn. inspired by the work of botanists from the kyu gardens. a festival was held in pereslavl zalesky balloons. the impression of such a breathtaking spectacle will last a lifetime. opportunity to see ancient russian. the city from a bird's eye view annually attracts hundreds of guests to the festival, the aeronautics festival, spring in pereslavl is held for the fifth time. hundreds of baby sea turtles rescued from a devastating storm in south africa have been given a temporary home in cape town. our
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two-ocean complex is not just an aquarium for temporarily keeping turtles; it employs a whole staff of specialists rehabilitation of these animals. our task is to bring their health to... in the field from paying all taxes, let's work out in the gym with a fitness trainer: bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, yes, yes, as you exhale you pull towards yourself, exhale and slowly, yes, the most the main thing is breathing,
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what is the motto taught at the joden school of nobles? and the razmynsky gymnasium, we have such nine directions, yes, and we have an exemplary one working on the basis of the gymnasium. dancing, oxygen, girls also practice vocals, and there are disciplines such as etiquette, and rules for receiving guests, behavior in society, we will visit sports and cultural facilities of the city, famous for its mining dump trucks , the route is built in the program. who is the main inspiration for pizzaiol pavel maksimchik? when i was little, that is , i watched my mother cook, i liked it, that’s probably why... i remember even when i cook that my mother added it exactly in order, and i also make it now, the pizza recipe is rooted deep in history, they say that they started do in the 15th century, although now in in pompeii they found a fresco dating back thousands of years bc,
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and there was a picture of pizza on it, archaeologists and pizza yoli dispute whether it is pizza or just like pita bread, let’s reveal the main secret of bread... accordingly, and cook with love, you have to love your job, your cooking, your craft, if you like it and you give it to the guest, then the guest will also like it, so... i always force people, well, chefs, to try everything they cook. let's meet a man who proved that it is not necessary to go for border to taste real italian cuisine in the belarusians program. watch these and other projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i myself come from the logoisk region, in june 1941 i was drafted into the army, first a unit in kalinin was assigned to me, and... in february 1942 i volunteered for the front. at the end of april 1945, i worked in a hospital; not many wounded were brought in, there were no more crushing battles. on the night of may 9, all the nurses rested. suddenly , through a dream, we hear nightmed’s voice: victory, victory, you are sleeping. we jumped out of bed, looked at each other, suddenly it was a dream, suddenly a dream. and then cheers come from the street. “that means it’s really a victory, they asked to hug, some were crying, some were laughing, the girls
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went down to the beach when the first emotions subsided, they began to share plans, who would do what after the war, each had a dream, to get married, go to study, buy a beautiful dress and to visit moscow, and i thought that soon i would return home and finally see my parents, i missed them very much, that night no one went to bed anymore, we sat. on the porch we greeted the dawn of the first peaceful morning. we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters
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won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again. never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most interesting events. british.
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cranberries, lingonberries, who is not interested picking berries and mushrooms, just relaxing, enjoying nature, breathing fresh air, spending time, fishermen can go fishing.


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